Pedrop says:
valdattaMadun says:
We are good. We could if you want work on smjoining some backstory elements like I am the viking barbarian warrior to your viking skald/godi from the same tribe\group.
Tempest cleric with giant barbarian escort feels appropriate
In general I like those ideas, especially as I wanted to keep Zean "pirate" background as I found it interesting as "not the first thing that comes to mind when I see word: cleric" :) So connecting it with piracy is interesting.
So let's go with it, but I would prefer that we have met on the sea - not coming from the same tribe/villige. As I like to think that Zean wasn't 100% sure about "this piracy thing" - but hay! Someone have to tend to warriors wounds too! ;) And supporting them with some thunder powers are also very in place. So still thinking why Zean become the pirate, but lets go with that we meat on one of the ships, ok? Maybe there was some duel between our PCs for some reason - and even though your PC is the strong one, my proved to be an equal opponent when he drew on the divine powers with which he was endowed? So opponents first, and form that day friends ?
Ok here is my thought. I am a Giant Foundling, human who was taken in by Giants and raised as their own. Maybe you and your pirate group would be the first Humans that Throgin ever meets. Maybe (almost Pocahantas-y) Throgin and Zean met, battled then became friends before the Giants and the pirates meet.
Zean wielding the power of the storms and Throgin, who harnesses some primal energy of giants that allows him to do something similar. Maybe Zean finds the source of Throgin's power to be interesting and a blessing from his god. While Throgin is more on a journey to learn about his prior origins and see the world after being sheltered by more solitary giants.
At this point they have been traveling with each other for a long time and see each other as "sworn brothers". Each relying on each other for various things, Zean being a more calm collected Cleric is the Eye of the Storm and Throgin the more head strong Barbarian is the Storm itself. (More of a Hurricane analogy than a Thunderstorm but totally works). Zean keeps Throgin focused, while Throgin keeps Zean more grounded.