Also stepping forward, Sherry feels the exciting tingle of possible violence up in the air. Bandits robbing some poor shmuck on the road. But with people like Leif around not for long, that's for sure. Maybe there is something to be done about a little blood less spilled?
The mapbach girl tosses her billowing cloak in an impressive gesture over her shoulder, revealing her well-equipped swordbelt.
"Hey Malandros!" she greets them in Thieves' Cant.
"Let me tell you: This is not a good day for some gnbenen." Letting a telling gaze fall left an right of her Sherry continues in a overly amiable, extremely sweet way that may have certain folks pick up their ears:
"My fraynd are nit bakant far zeyer breythartsikeyt. You vest beser geyn."
Sugar-sweet she continues to smile, before giving a mock salute:
"Travel savely!"
Please move Sherry up to G4
I imagine her tone a little bit like
-- Translation --
Hey fellow people of a certain profession! Let me tell you: This not a good day for some harmless stealing. My friends aren't known for their forbearance. You'd better get going.
Edit: *nirg* It was a persuasion roll - the modifier is correct. Sorry for the mix-up.
Last edited March 23, 2024 7:21 pm