Lightning in a Bottle (RP)

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May 2, 2024 9:07 pm
Was that a tug?
A second harder pull on the rope confirms it. Roald gives 2 short pulls back.
He drives his sword deep into the forest soil, then quickly fastens the end of the rope on the handle, securing it as good as he can without wasting too much time.
While waiting for his friends to return he had time to come up with a plan for what to do in case of a call for help.
He sprints back to the middle of the ring of mist, picks up the dagger and makes his way back.
so far so good, now the Tricky part
In stead of loosening the knot he tries to cut it with the dagger, gambling on it to be sharp enough to get the job done.
leaving room for a dice roll if needed
May 2, 2024 10:27 pm
- Roald -

You free your sword from the rope easily enough and plunge into the mist calls for help coming from all around you. The rope should lead you right, and the other end is less than 20ft away, so your friends shouldn't be further than that, right?

As soon as the mist settls on your face, the minor itchiness you had been feeling overwhelms you and you feel an almost unbearable need to scratch it.

Roll the In the Mist move.
May 3, 2024 7:25 am
Roald walks in the mist as fast as he can. It feels a little clumsy following the rope hand by hand while also holding his sword. The dagger is behind his belt again.
aargh so itchy, this feeling is coming faster than the last time maybe it's the vicinity of the source that makes it harder.


mistroll - (2d6+1)

(54) + 1 = 10

May 3, 2024 7:28 am
His face itches like hell, but since he's holding the rope with two hands, and his sword, Roald can resist the urge to scratch his face.
every now and then he tries to brush his cheek against his shoulder to get some releave.

May 3, 2024 5:58 pm
The ground seems deliberately more lumpy than it needs to be. Little hassocks of grass and reed appear out the mist to trip the unwary, and you have to pay close attention to your feet.

The oppressive silence is suddenly broken by a call of: "...MING!" And Roald almost collides with the others as they appear out of the mist-wall all of a sudden.

The things in the mist take this opportunity of double distraction —tripping grass and surprise swords— to stage their attack. There is a call for help off to one side and, simultaneously, from the other, a mistling springs at each of Gronk and Albert, claws out.

It seems for a moment that another charges at Ezme, this one with its mouth open, but it vanishes before it fully breaks the mist-wall, and there is a snarling, rending sound from that direction.

Roald, you are not attacked. You feels the mounting need to scratch, but are distracted by (possibly literally) running into your friends.

Albert and Gronk: How do you try to avoid the mistling pounce? Quick reflexes? Quick wits? Cleaver deductions and planning? Roll whatever is appropriate, on a 6- you are scratched, but feel no immediate effect other than the cold; on a 7-9 describe how you narrowly avoid the claws; on a 10+ you do it with ease and gain an advantage (feel free to suggest what it is).

What do you do?
May 4, 2024 10:12 am
Something bumps into Albert. "Aah!" He shouts, startled and swings his staff as he turns around to see... "Roald?" Just in time he's able to redirect the swing above Roald's head. That's when the mistling springs at his from the fog. Albert notices the movement from the corner of his eye and decides to continue swinging in the direction of the movement. He's pretty sure Ezme and Gronk were not in that direction. So unless they moved lightning fast, it's something else. "Watch out!"

Putting his weight behind his movement, he tries to knock down whatever is moving towards them.


Knock the mistling down (+str) - (2d6+1)

(64) + 1 = 11

May 4, 2024 10:25 am
With a satisfying 'thump' sound, the metal tip of his staff connects with the mistling's upper arm as it is mid-pounce. Right when it hits, the holy symbol of Raynor on Albert's staff lights up with a bright orange glow, as if activating the fire within the weapon. The unexpected hit makes it slam into the muddy ground below with a yelp.

Seeing the glow, Albert is reminded of the way he dispatched of the mistling back at the inn. How Raynor's power had hit one of them, conducted through his belt. Back then, there had been no indication that the divine power had any kind of special effect. But perhaps Raynor's power was adapting to this new foe? Another force to conquer, ... overpower. Seeing Raynor's influence always had a great effect on Albert's morale. He now knew that he had back-up.
The advantage I'm going for is a morale boost. Something to show that even in this seemingly impenetrable fortress of mist, Raynor (and perhaps also other forces) can shine through.
May 4, 2024 12:54 pm
If Ezme notices, she may be surprised to see Albert's staff make such physical contact with the mistling, unexpected given how her dagger and then her trap seemed to pass right through earlier merely making it grumpy (the others might not know about this effect, depends on if she told them).

The creature bounces off the ground and evaporates into mist. Clearly they can be beaten, so all hope is not lost.
May 4, 2024 3:03 pm
Ezme is a bit too preoccupied with the blood loss, the itch, and the welfare of Wankle to make that observation. She manages to pull out her hunting knife despite her slippery hands, observing distantly how normal it was to bloody this blade, yet odd that was that it was her own staining its hilt.

Pulling her eyes away from the snarling mist and back to the crew, she experiences a glimmer of shock upon seeing the glow of Albert's staff -- if she survives this encounter, she will need to ponder that carefully.

But for now, there's only one thing she can afford to focus on. Her eyes lock on Roald. "The dagger--!?"
May 4, 2024 10:46 pm
Following the rope into the thick mist Roald hears a voice to his left, automatically he turns his head and bumps into something that is clearly not a tree.
'' Alb...!'' he tries to say in surprise. But before he can finish Albert 's stick comes swinging towards him. Roald has just enough time to duck or the bloody thing would've hit him in the head.
His eye follows the trajectory of the staff and sees it colliding with a mistling, glowing orange upon contact. A warm feeling fills his heart.

Raynor is with us

Roald pulls the dagger from his belt with his left hand, his sword is still in his right. With renewed courage he shouts.
May 5, 2024 5:35 pm
Gronk is going to work on evading the mistlings. He is low on health, so he doesn't want to get hit.


defy danger- Dex - (2d6+0)

(25) = 7

May 5, 2024 5:36 pm
On a partial success, this is how I go out? Maybe I could get a last few words and help the party escape?
May 6, 2024 9:36 am
- Gronk -

You dodge out the way and narrowly avoid getting raked by the claws. The mistling crouches in front of you, looking hesitant to be facing a group —previously they have only acted when when someone was alone and separated, so something has driven them to act more aggressively.

Albert's success in elimination its companion has probably made it nervous, and it looks like it would rather run than fight.

What do you do?
A Partial Success is still a Success.
May 6, 2024 6:48 pm
"Should we try to scare it off? Maybe a loud noise, or a bright light?"
May 6, 2024 9:36 pm
"I don't know." Albert answers. "These things don't seem to react the way we think they will." He's busy scanning the edges of the mist for more moving shapes.

"Are you alright, Roald? Do you have the dagger?" If the dagger is here, then the open space should follow. Hopefully that can ward off the creatures.
May 6, 2024 10:52 pm
'' got it right here!, the clearing should catch up with us anytime now''
Roald looks at Ezme while speaking. She looks pretty hurt and he is worried she will need healing as soon as possible.
May 7, 2024 10:03 am
Roald turns to the mistling, it's not within reach, so he shows it his weapons in a threatening way and takes a couple of steps, giving the creature a chance to take off.
If he has to fight it, he will. But he'd rather take his chance on the clearing catching up with them than getting clawed at again.
May 7, 2024 10:12 am
- Roald -

The mistling does not look very interested in you, but does hop to the side so as to keep Gronk and Albert closer to it claws. Faced with a choice, it seems unsure what to do next.

It does not appear to have noticed your weapons, maybe it does not even know what they are?

What do you do?
May 7, 2024 1:28 pm
Roald tries to position himself between Gronk and the mistling. Still slowly and carefully stepping in that direction he suddenly accelerates. Keeping in mind the speed of the creatures, he doesn't take a swing at it, but quickly pushes the tip of his sword forward.


Stick it with the pointy end. - (2D6+1)

(56) + 1 = 12

May 7, 2024 1:56 pm
- Roald -

Your sword passes through the mistling with no resistance and leaves no mark, but the creature yowls in pain at the touch of the metal and bounds backwards to be swallowed up by the mist.

You have the ritual knife, and you think the mist around you is thinning, at least you can see all your companions now, while before you nearly stepped on them before they appeared out of the whiteness. If you can hold off the mistling for a little while longer you may find some surcease to the threat.

What do you do?
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