Lightning in a Bottle (OOC)

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Mar 25, 2024 2:35 pm
To be honest, I completely forgot that this woman would be karabooo's character. I feel a bit stupid now :/
Yet I do think Albert's actions make the most sense from his point of view.

@karabooo, what would you like to happen? I can adjust to your idea :)
Mar 25, 2024 2:39 pm
Doh! I should have mentioned that.

You are welcome to go back and change how you responded, but it does still make sense as your first reaction to seeing someone you don't know is another PC. Maybe just see how she responds or what happens to get her involved in the action?
Mar 25, 2024 5:14 pm
Oops! I obviously need to subscribe to this thread as well!

It's cool. I agree that Albert's action toward Ezmaray sounds realistic. I just responded as she would in that scenario. I guess we'll see where things go from here, but it does appear we might be leaning toward a possible misunderstanding. haha!
Mar 25, 2024 5:22 pm
karabooo says:
Oops! I obviously need to subscribe to this thread as well!
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Mar 26, 2024 1:37 am
To get to the bottom... Nice one!
Mar 26, 2024 3:27 am
I love Roald's confusion. haha!
Mar 28, 2024 1:24 am
vagueGM says:
It could be a bad start to the relationship, but we, the players, know it will improve as the characters get to know each other.

GameMaster: If it was your intention for Gronk to come across a bit rude at the start then Roald can react in character and get angry. If it was not your intention and you did not perceive Gronk's action as being rude or overly bossy, then we can adjust reactions to how it was meant to come across.

Gronk has fairly good charisma, but that does not necessarily mean he is actually good with people one on one. Maybe he is mainly a stage performer and only interacts with 'fans' or underlings who he can bully? We can teach him some respect if we need to. :)
The thought was that Gronk is so preoccupied with his studies that he is not even thinking about the other people. He took a sample because he needed it, and he took rest because he needed it, and it did not even occur to him that other people might not like his actions. I think the high charisma is for when he is actively trying to perform for an audience, not necessarily when he is focused on something else.
Mar 28, 2024 2:01 am
Does anyone have any idea what this ritual should look like? I got the table set for a generic ritual, but I am not sure what all should be involved.
Mar 28, 2024 10:20 am
Ok, good to know!
Mar 28, 2024 10:30 am
GameMaster says:
... The thought was that Gronk is so preoccupied with his studies that he is not even thinking about the other people. ...
That was the impression I got. That makes Roald's reaction to it about what we would expect, and Gronk will need to learn —though it might be a hard lesson :)— that he can not treat his travelling companions as though they are his roadies. We can tackle that when things are less (or differently) tense.
Mar 28, 2024 10:34 am
GameMaster says:
Does anyone have any idea what this ritual should look like? I got the table set for a generic ritual, but I am not sure what all should be involved.
We can help, but rituals are your baby. They are mostly up to you, within (or even stretching) the bounds of what is described in the rules on magic. You seem to be off to a good start, and it involves other players, which is great.
What it 'looks like' is also, very much, up to you, and can vary based on the situation. For instance, if you sneak off in the middle of the night it will be different and more Stealthy than when you are doing it 'on stage' before an audience.

In this case you are doing it in the open. It does still look a bit like a show, but you are also publicly declaring that you are doing 'magic that will do observable things in the world'. In PbtA parlance that is definitely what we call 'Handing the GM a Golden Opportunity' for someone to see you doing magic and for that to come back to bite you in the proverbials (maybe giving you the reason to leave town with those who understand better that you did it for good?). I don't know if I will make that GM Move, we will see what happens next.
We had discussed that your HP starts low because you have already performed a ritual before we get here. We can make that the start of this one, in which case you only need a minute of so to finish. But, given that you probably have a little time —as the mist is not fully formed yet— we can take the time to finish this one and have the other already done and standing by. That way you can issue two commands, which it sounds like is what you are doing.

Maybe you previously enchanted a bottle (possibly with the help of the sample you got from Roald?) to capture the mist, and the current ritual is to disperse the mist, allowing the others to act with more safety?

We will make a roll (what that is will depend on exactly what is being done at the time) to see how effective the dispersal is, but the mist is not the problem, the mist is a tool used by the problem, so dispersing it will allow you all to get directly to the source of the problem.
Mar 28, 2024 7:41 pm
Thank you for the guidance! I like the idea of enchanting the bottle, I'll definitely run with that! I'll try to finish up the ritual so we can get to the actual problem then.
Mar 28, 2024 8:00 pm
I posted the first ritual (the capturing of the mist), and I can do the second one once people have a chance to react and you have a chance to see if what I wrote was appropriate.
Mar 28, 2024 8:22 pm
OK. That one is done, you have your sample. [ref]

• Did you wait for there to be significant mist before doing the capture or is it still wispy and forming?

The next ritual, the one to try dispel the mist will involve some risk. The longer you leave for the mist to build the more effective it will be, but you will be in the mist for a while. The sooner you get it done the less risk, but also the
less mist to affect.

It sounds like you want the others to be involved in the ritual? (Is passing around the sample part of that?)

We can let them react to your bottle, then you can take us through the start of the next one.
Mar 28, 2024 10:56 pm
Not that this wasn't fun before, but it's quite nice to have new players in the game! 😁 It's a good way to blow some new life into the story.
Hope you 2 will enjoy it.
Mar 29, 2024 1:21 pm
• Do we have any NPCs with us? Anyone should answer.

I doubt Humphrey would have bothered to come out, but Theo would want to help, and Daryl wants to show he is not afraid of the mist after last night.

It might be a bad idea to bring Daryl, but it is up to you.
Mar 29, 2024 1:57 pm
I have no preference.
Mar 29, 2024 1:57 pm
I was under the impression they both came with us.
Mar 29, 2024 2:03 pm
Airshark says:
I was under the impression they both came with us.
We can make that be true.

We just need to know now so we can have them join in on the introductions.
Mar 29, 2024 10:24 pm
Albert has heard of Ezme's dad, huh? Hmmmm. I wonder what Daddy-o has been up to behind Ezme's back? Interesting possibilities there.... There may be large swaths of Brahm's life that Ezmaray doesn't know about, from when he was supposedly "out in the wilderness."

Feel free to make up whatever you like about him. The only things that are canon is that he is from Dalhurst -- which has some very clearly outlined gender roles -- has a family, and is a skilled trapper. Oh, and he's still alive - as of a few weeks ago, anyway.
Last edited March 29, 2024 10:26 pm
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