Lightning in a Bottle (OOC)

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Mar 29, 2024 10:29 pm
And apparently Dalhurst is close enough that we, over here, could have heard of individual people from there.
Mar 30, 2024 12:08 pm
That, or the old man really made a name for himself somehow!
Mar 30, 2024 12:14 pm
Hey! I didn't say how close that 'close enough' was. Could also be that only Albert has heard of him. Albert met a lot of strange people during his tenure as a bartender just outside the city, he may have met travellers who told stories.

It is completely up to you guys how much he knows, how much of that is true, and how much of that involves Ezme herself.
Mar 30, 2024 12:36 pm
• Did you wait for there to be significant mist before doing the capture or is it still wispy and forming?

I think it was still wispy and forming because I was using magic to capture enough of it, so I just started when it seemed like a good time.

The next ritual, the one to try dispel the mist will involve some risk. The longer you leave for the mist to build the more effective it will be, but you will be in the mist for a while. The sooner you get it done the less risk, but also the less mist to affect.

This makes sense, so I can wait a bit to get a bigger effect if needed. I'll probably start the ritual so it's set up and can finish it once the mist is fully formed.

It sounds like you want the others to be involved in the ritual? (Is passing around the sample part of that?)

The passing around of the vial was more of a show and tell part of the performance.
Mar 30, 2024 12:44 pm
GameMaster says:
... so I can wait a bit to get a bigger effect if needed. ...
The more you risk the greater your potential reward... (though not always).

Time spent in the mist is risky, though there is something more going on with the timing, there was mist most of yesterday and that did not affect the party.
GameMaster says:
... I'll probably start the ritual so it's set up and can finish it once the mist is fully formed. ...
Sounds like 'a plan'. A factor in the roll may be how well you time that finishing. Let's see the ritual and decide on the needed roll(s) and then see how it goes.
Mar 30, 2024 1:23 pm
Cool, I'm drafting up the ritual right now, and I'll have it stop at the end so we can wait for the right time to set it off.
Mar 30, 2024 2:05 pm

It seems like you used Quicksilver rather than taking time to do the ritual [ref]. You only need one of the components from the list. So either strike out the Quicksilver (Occult Items) from your character sheet (it is 10s each, so you may have more?); or we can treat that use as more symbolic, not using a full does and keep what you have for later. If you don't use up the Quicksilver then we can say you spent the whole time, till the mist is ready, performing (though that is not exactly what you described). The blood-letting was also symbolic since losing any HP will kill you (or the equivalent:).

We could also say that you can spend more than one requirement from the list to improve your odds or gain some benefit. We will have to deal with that sort of thing on a case-by-case basis.
This seemed performative and based on your 'force of personality', so give us a roll +CHA `2d6+2` to determine the outcome (unless you think you should roll something else, of course).

On a 6- it goes bad, you can say how, but maybe the spirit turns on you, or the ritual turns inward and corrupts you somehow (we will find out later how), or it does not work as you intended or not at all and the situation gets more complicated, we can chat about details if needed.

On a hit the mist clears.
On a 7-9 choose 1, on a 10+ choose 2, on a 12+ all three:
· the effect lasts for a while, else the mist will be back before you can complete your task.
· the effect is far-reaching, else it is local to the party.
· it does not attract unwanted attention, else it does.
Mar 30, 2024 3:46 pm
Sounds good! I am okay with the quicksilver and the blood sacrifice to be performative. My original thought was that using the quicksilver would let Gronk trigger the mist clearing at the perfect moment when it had formed enough but not too much. I think at this point, Gronk does not have a ton of knowledge about how these rituals work and he uses everything he knows about to give it the highest chance of success. Also, since we took a break for five hours, do I recover any HP? If so, I am happy to waste all the HP I recover during the bloodletting to get myself back to the 1 HP I currently have. I'll make a new post for the roll.
Mar 30, 2024 4:02 pm
I got an 8, so I am choosing that the mist remains gone for the time it takes to complete our task. I am okay with it being a local effect that follows us, since we are presumably going to go deal with the source of the mist. And I expected my performance to draw attention, since a show cannot exist without an audience, so I will let you determine the unwanted attention.
Mar 30, 2024 4:02 pm
GameMaster says:
... My original thought was that using the quicksilver would let Gronk trigger the mist clearing at the perfect moment ...
Yes, it either takes time, which you don't have full control over, or you use one of the other mechanisms that cost you something material, and have it happen 'exactly' when you want. If you choose to spend the Quicksilver you can have it happen at the right moment, removing some risk of the mist overwhelming you and increasing the potency of the effect, at the cost of 10 silver.
GameMaster says:
... at this point, Gronk does not have a ton of knowledge about how these rituals work ...
Absolutely. We can all work out the details together and play it by ear. :)
GameMaster says:
... Also, since we took a break for five hours, do I recover any HP? ...
We did not see what you did over that time. But if you rested and ate, then do ahead and re-roll you HP.
GameMaster says:
... I am happy to waste all the HP I recover during the bloodletting ...
If you want to. Being at 1 HP is very risky, though. I would not advise that as a common course of action. Maybe save sacrificing your HP for when you are desperate or are confident you will have time to recover afterwards?
GameMaster says:
... I'll make a new post for the roll.
You rolled an 8, so make your pick from the list above.
Mar 30, 2024 4:08 pm
I'll use the quicksilver because taking an hour would ruin the show. I have occult items in my inventory, but no sense of how much money I have.

Also I'll reroll my 1 hit die on this post so I'm ready for what comes next.


hit die - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Mar 30, 2024 4:08 pm
Looks like the bloodletting was not performative! These rituals are very costly!
Mar 30, 2024 4:25 pm
GameMaster says:
... taking an hour would ruin the show. ...
That is an important consideration. :)
GameMaster says:
... I have occult items in my inventory, but no sense of how much money I have. ...
You start with 60 silver. You can calculate how much you have (I assumed you spent it all since you say on your sheet that you are broke, but I did not check your homework, I tend to just trust my players. :)

All the items you have have a cost in the Equipment list.

Occult Items are 10 silver each, though you can make your own 'ritual blood' it seems.

Occult Items (10s each): quicksilver (per dose), pouch of bone dust, vial of holy water (one use), vial of blood, ritual incense and oils.
GameMaster says:
... Also I'll reroll my 1 hit die ... Looks like the bloodletting was not performative! These rituals are very costly! ...

Really, though, since the HP re-roll already happened while you rested, this ritual did not cost you HP, just a little blood. But we don't need to fret the details if they detract from the story.

Rolling another 1 just means that you did not recover anything, maybe you did not get enough rest (5 hours is not a lot when you are already exhausted as you described), or did not take the time to eat/drink (we did not see it, so we can pretend the requirements were, in fact, not met even though you were allowed to roll).
Mar 30, 2024 5:56 pm
I remember the money now- I definitely spent it all. I assume I only have one dose of quicksilver then, and I just used it until I get some more?

I thought occult items was like a pack of occult stuff, so I just wrote "occult items" on my character sheet. I'll change it to quicksilver then.
Mar 30, 2024 7:25 pm
... It appears Ezme will likely be the one in need of rescuing. :-P
Mar 30, 2024 7:28 pm
Who shall rescue the rescuer? :)
Mar 30, 2024 8:07 pm
To be clear: The tracks Ezme is following lead forward, but the scream comes from off to the side. [ref]
Mar 31, 2024 12:50 am
Should I be making my posts only visible to the GM, since I've stupidly parted ways with the others?

@vagueGM, when the top of your post says - Ezme - , is that your way of indicating that your post is for my eyes only?
Mar 31, 2024 1:05 am
karabooo says:
... Should I be making my posts only visible to the GM ...
No. We can trust the other players to read along and respond only where appropriate and only with what their characters would know. This way they can also insert their characters into the story when time allows.
karabooo says:
... since I've stupidly parted ways ...
This is not DnD, splitting the party is not taboo because the system is robust enough to cope. :)
karabooo says:
... when the top of your post says - Ezme - , is that your way of indicating that your post is for my eyes only? ...
No, not 'for your eyes only', but it is addressed to you, or to your character —as per the Principles.

Addressing the character and not the player also allows for easier writing with 'Then you hear a scream from off to the left ...' instead of 'Then Ezme hears a scream from off to her left ...' and such. Though the changes to second person can be jarring for some players, I view it the same as when you are addressing a group and need to directly call out individual people by name, but then you turn away from the group and talk, one-on-one, to someone and would then say 'can you please go and ...'.

Good questions, though. Every GM has their own ways of doing things.
Mar 31, 2024 7:36 pm
Regarding ezme's dad and Albert, Albert probably heard stories from people visiting his bar. I don't think he'd know the man directly.
Thanks for giving me the option of making up stories there, Karabooo. I like that way of PC interaction 😁
But whatever Albert heard are stories and rumours. They might be true or completely fake. So feel free to correct or acknowledge them as you please. 🙂
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