Lightning in a Bottle (OOC)

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Apr 23, 2024 2:43 pm
karabooo says:
Fire and conquest?? Oh. Oh dear..... 😆 <-- (Yata!)
So technically (as I have made this up :P ) Raynor is the god of conquest. Fire is more like a secondary thing associated with this conquest. Both in a literal 'burning' sense as an 'inner fire' metaphor. But I guess that still makes him god of both? Or at least that's how people see it.

There has been one other defined god:
Albert says:
"I know there's the goddess Larinia, I believe she's the god of the moon. Her symbol is a wolf."
That's the only thing we know about Larinia.

If you want to add more gods or details, please feel free :) I don't have a monopoly on the divine realm. If you know of 'the bad side of Raynor' and don't trust him, I'll work with that.

Albert used to be an initiate at the temple of Raynor, so he knows a little bit about the gods from books. But not more than some basic things.
Apr 23, 2024 2:45 pm
The wolf!? That def sounds more Ezme's style...
Apr 23, 2024 2:55 pm
karabooo says:
The wolf!? That def sounds more Ezme's style...
Hehe, yes it sure does!

Nothing has been said about the gods being in competition or conflict with each other. Do you want that to be a thing?
Personally, I don't think Albert would be offended if he got blessed by another god. I like the idea that every god has their spot in the divine realm and some overlap.

What's your view on this?
Apr 23, 2024 4:25 pm
Albert, the philosopher....
Apr 23, 2024 5:01 pm
Oh, sorry, just saw your last message, @The Generator. I don't require that the gods be duking it out, necessarily. Ezme, however, has some "meh" experience with people who think it's their duty to "conquest," and it seems quite likely that these folks from her past purported to be Raynor's chosen.
Apr 24, 2024 1:03 am
Hey guys, is there a good way for Gronk to gracefully exit the party in the next week? I'm not sure to do this.
Apr 24, 2024 5:20 am
GameMaster says:
Hey guys, is there a good way for Gronk to gracefully exit the party in the next week? I'm not sure to do this.
How would you like to exit? I tried offering you another opportunity to get in the thick of things, but you elected to stay safe in the middle of the group, so nothing happened to Gronk.

We can go back and show how that was not the case and you got scratched, which could lead to a messy end, or you could go out into the mist with Ezme and somehow find an exit. I know this may sound blunt, but the concern I have with the second option involves whether you can keep up with the conversation she intends to have won't slow things down —especially since the others may be sorta waiting while that happens.

I also don't want to make promises about wrapping this scenario up in that timeframe, I don't want to rush the others. If you are set on exiting next week we may not have resolved the current mist story, so 'going home, satisfied' may (probably) not be an option.

It you want a 'heroic death that helps the others' then there might be need for a distraction while Ezme talks.

Thank you for your patience in a game that was not working for you. How do you want this to end?
Apr 24, 2024 6:47 am
karabooo says:
Oh, sorry, just saw your last message, @The Generator. I don't require that the gods be duking it out, necessarily. Ezme, however, has some "meh" experience with people who think it's their duty to "conquest," and it seems quite likely that these folks from her past purported to be Raynor's chosen.
Got it :)
Apr 24, 2024 10:15 am
I'm okay with not having a satisfied end, although I think I would prefer to have Gronk stay alive if possible. I like the idea of a distraction, and I could always release the mist I've trapped if that would confuse the mistlings. Then I could try to lead a few away from the group and split it up.
Apr 24, 2024 1:23 pm
(I can hold my action until I have confirmation about whether or not anyone besides Albert wants to join Ezme...)
Apr 24, 2024 1:53 pm
GameMaster says:
... I'm okay with not having a satisfied end ...
We will try get you there if we can without compromising the story.
GameMaster says:
... I would prefer to have Gronk stay alive if possible. ...
OK, we will aim for that, same as we aim for most characters to stay alive. The dice may have other opinions, though.
GameMaster says:
... I like the idea of a distraction, and I could always release the mist I've trapped ...
Let's see what happens with Ezme's talk with Wankle, such a distraction may be more use against the source? It could also be a bargaining chip, or leverage to manipulate.

Let us know if you go with Ezme.
Apr 24, 2024 1:54 pm
karabooo says:
(I can hold my action until I have confirmation about whether or not anyone besides Albert wants to join Ezme...)
We can also move to that scene and let people who joined you place themselves into it when they are available.

Presumably you leave the solid-knife with Albert or someone who stays behind? Or are you hoping to get a conversation outside the mist?
Apr 24, 2024 2:08 pm
She already handed the ritual knife to Roald. She is going into the mist to have the conversation.
Apr 24, 2024 2:09 pm
Right, right. If Roald goes with you we can assume he leaves it with someone who stays behind.
Apr 24, 2024 2:30 pm
Oops. I checked Gronk's character sheet and saw he had a dagger. That's why I wrote what I did in that last post.

Then I realized after posting that the dagger on his sheet may be the same dagger as the ritual dagger. Oh well. Hopefully everyone is okay with me assuming Ezme could get her hunting knife back.
Apr 24, 2024 2:50 pm
Sounds good to me. I also assumed it was the same weapon, it is the only one on the sheet. If Gronk is staying then he has his dagger, if he is coming with then he can make a plan, including saying that he had an extra dagger/knife for ritual purposes (we would deal with the extra-gear-debt if the character was sticking around long enough to make that interesting, but can ignore it this time).
Apr 24, 2024 4:39 pm
-3? UH OH.

.... Did I do that right??
Apr 24, 2024 4:54 pm
karabooo says:
-3? UH OH.

.... Did I do that right??
Mechanically yes! :)
Optimally... no? Or yes, it could be have been worse and at last we get to see more of the Move. :)

At least Wankle's apparently real concern prevent most of the harm.
Apr 24, 2024 5:27 pm

Wankle? (I tried to make it look misty, but I failed.)
Apr 24, 2024 5:33 pm
Seems like all the spikes are gone too. Which one wants in a pet. :)

Maybe desaturating it will make it more misty?
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