Syveril and Dasyra agree to this and escort you to a side chamber that has several tables, charis, a couple couches, as well as thick carpets and pillows. Water and some fruit are on a couple of tables and the two elves excuse themselves, indicating they will return after an hour has passe. Dree takes the time to experiment with a become familiar with her new charm. She finds the creature interesting in that though it looks real it completely ignores here weapons and though she can touch it she is unable to hold it fast. Adding in its ability to communicate directly with you it looks to be an excellent scout.

Siveril Miarona (Tower)
A bit over an hour later a knock sounds at the door and Syveril enters at your response.
We have a coupe of options for your but we do have a preference, if you are up to it. She goes on to explain 3 missions the tower would like you to undertake. All three deal with looking into finding Portal Foci, large magical stone spheres about 5' in diameter covered in runes and often glowing. Unfortunately the Foci are unstable outside of the Tower and so tend to alter the environment. The Tower will provide you with a magical rod that when held in your hand will vibrate stronger the closer you get to a Foci and tug your hand in the general direction of the Foci. If you find one then simply touching the rod to the Foci will create a connection to the Tower allowing Dasyra to teleport to the Foci and begin the process of returning it to the Portal where it belongs.
[ +- ] 1. The River (prefered)
We believe one of the Portals Foci has fallen into the river. If we equip you with amulets that will allow you to move, breath, and see underwater will you search it for the Foci? The Foci is active but only in pulses so while it is not creating a border region it is likely altering the area and possibly also affecting any creatures near it when it pulses. It may also open unstable rifts to the realm it is connected to, allowing passage to and from that realm, so be wary of approaching it if it begins to glow brighter.
[ +- ] 2. The mountains to the north
A faint trace has been detected far to the north. We believe someone uncovered and activated a Foci in the mountains, likely within a cavern as our scrying has not found any signs on the surface. The are has many cave mouths but the rod will hopefully guide you to the one with the Foci.
[ +- ] 3. The swamp to the south
Far to the south there is an island with a large structure. We detected a Foci being activated in the region but lost it's trace and believe someone is trying to hide it from us in the pyramid on the isle.