The Infinite Tower

Mar 15, 2024 6:13 pm
Proceeding cautiously you make your way towards the tower. The hills, always somewhat erratic here on the northern shore do not reach to the tower leaving a wide open area around it that stretches for several hundred feet. As you get your first full sight of the tower and look up you realize you can not see the top as it stretches up to the clouds and beyond.

Moving closer you circle it until you spot a doorway on the southern side but nowhere do you see any windows. The massive structure that defies logic as it stands for all to see plainly now. At various points on the tower surface you see strange glows or glimmers of reflected light. The towers base is about 100 feet in diameter and the massive door is at least 30 feet across and 50 tall. Arc wonders if it is truly as tall is it now appears why he had trouble spotting it as he approached the base through the swamp.

As you get near you feel increasing levels of magic. The towers looks be be a simple rough stone structure from a distance but as you near it you realize it is covered in carved and engraved murals depicting lands, creatures, and peoples. You soon realize not all the scenes depicted are of the mortal realm. There are scenes of vast oceans with impossibly vast creatures swallowing ships and dragons. Others show expanses of stars with beings riding vessels through the space between.

Now standing in front of the door you see it has two circles about 3 feet up on either side of a line down the middle. They give the impression of knocker plates. The door is made of an unknown material that vaguely resembles petrified wood. The door is set into a stone doorway that has been carves with a multitude of images of creatures, scenery, plant, and glyphs of all kinds. Above the door is a large paque with glowing runes that twist oddly yet all instantly gain an understanding of their meaning.

The Infinite Tower
Portal XIV.A7

By time you are close enough to touch the door the air and ground seem to humm with magical power. As you approach you note. However even without touching them the two doors begin gliding silently to the sides creating a gap between them. The gap is wider at the ground level and narrow at the top, as if the doors are swiveling to the side and up. The doors stop after creating a gap 8' wide at the base. The interior is pitch black after only a few feet. What you can see is simple stone floors. The light spilling through the open door does not touch any walls.

When the doors finish moving a gentle voice is head
Unknown individuals, welcome to the Infinite Tower. Please enter for evaluation.
A soft light suffuses the interior yet somehow reveals no additional details other than a pathway leading inwards.
Mar 15, 2024 6:17 pm
Blornvid sighs, then says to Skeeve and Ealdwig, "Hopefully, we'll have a better 'evaluation' than the one by the blue ball at the training facility back at the Manor."

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Mar 15, 2024 6:22 pm
Siveril Miarona (Tower)
A figure appears walking toward you along the lit path inside the tower. The tall and graceful lady wears flowing robes with ceremonial looking armor over them. She pauses about 50 from you and it is at this point that you are certain the towers interior is much larger than the outside might imply. She smiles at you gently and waves a hand, beckoning for you to enter.
Mar 15, 2024 6:48 pm
Vaun watched the tower silently, trying to make notes and drawings of all the murals on its walls. He no doubt found the tower very interesting, and the fact that he could sense magical undercurrents in the form of latent energy was enough to suggest that this was a place of arcane wonder. Due to his recent exploration of subjects too obscure and alien to comprehend, thus bordering on the magical and arcane, he had started to develop an unsatiated hunger for knowing and understanding the path of magic. Along with the sketch of all the murals, he drew another sketch of the tower and added the party members silhouette in order to approximate a scale.

When the door started to open, he looked up inquisitively. As it parted to reveal the dark interior, he started to proceed close to the doorway. He was surprised to hear the voice about their evaluation and was curious to see the armour clad woman inside the tower. Moving close to the door edge he bowed, "Greetings, my name is Vaun Kaiser and these are my friends. May I know your name, my lady?"

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Mar 15, 2024 6:51 pm
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

You may call me Siveril Miarona. I am one of the two tower wardens serving this portal. Welcome.
If you wish to speak I ask that you come in. Do not fear, we have not need to harm or trap you and the Tower is dedicated to the service of the People.
Mar 15, 2024 7:28 pm
Skeeve chuckles at Blornvid's joke, but seems distracted. He is trying to deal with the overwhelming presence of magic. In his normal endeavors, he has accidentally trained himself to always "listen" for magic in a world with so little of it. Now, with magic blaring around him in all directions, he must relearn how to tune it out. As a result, he is quiet and distracted until he does, which takes a few minutes. This does prevent him from taking much of a look at the pictures and murals on the outside walls.

Despite that, he enters into the tower with the others to meet their host. Since Vaun took the initiative, Skeeve is content to wait for his opportunity to speak.
Mar 15, 2024 7:47 pm
Vaun bowed at Siveril Miarona. "Ahh, thank you for letting us enter such a powerful place. Pardon our intrusion, but we are all intrigued by the tower. I can sense magical energies emanating from this place. Did you say a portal? So is it linked with the matrix node that we keep finding in these region? So, if I may be so bold, what is it that you do in the Tower? Studying and researching the arcane arts?"

He entered the tower and waited for Siveril Miarona's action.

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Mar 15, 2024 8:08 pm
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

Smiling she shakes her head. No, the Tower is not connected to the matrix. The techniques used to create the matrix nodes were refined in the tower and we have similar functions. Or at least The Infinite Tower does. Currently our Portal is disconnected from the rest of the Tower.

I am glad you asked about the Tower. I would like to go into greater detail but the entry way limits what I can do. However if you all partake of the Tower evaluation you would have access to the higher levels where you could be more comfortable. But for now a short answer
and she launches into an obviously well rehearsed lecture about the Tower

The Infinite Tower

The Tower originated as disparate scholars, mages, sages, and priests. Then when the People first began developing civilization under the guidance of the Mortal Deity the gathered and created the first Tower. The Tower served both as a tool for the People and the Deity as well acting as a center of learning, research, and teaching. With each successive member, and generation, learning from the Tower then again teaching those that came after or working to make the Tower greater. Over time the Tower became more than just a structure as Enhancement, Runes, Glyphs, Alchemy, and many more sciences were discovered and integrated into the Tower itself. This included creating multiple doorways, later called the Tower Portals, to the main tower so that all lands and all of the People could have access. They even created bridges to other realms throughout the planes beyond the Mortal Realm.

With the beginning of the Great War (what the Dawn War was called before the Shattering) the Tower became a bulwark and spear for the People.

Though the Immortals destroyed all existing passages to the other realms from the Mortal Realm they could not stop the tower from making more. This allowed the Mortals easy access to almost any location in any of the realms forcing the Immortals to a defensive role as the Mortal Realm inherently rejected passages from other realms. Thus creating and maintaining a passage from the other realms to the Mortal Realm required greater amounts of energy making the portal easier to locate and destroy.

The Infinite Tower continues in it original intent, to ensure the knowledge of the People is shared and continues to grow, thereby ensuring each generation of mortal kind can grow in knowledge, wisdom, and power until the day that they too can live without fear of death as the Immortals do.
Mar 15, 2024 8:20 pm
Kaarik remained silent during the lady's short presentation of the tower. However, the more she talked about the role of the Tower in keeping wisdom and knowledge of the People, the more he seems impatient to be evaluated.

This place, if it really turns out to be what the lady said, is close to be Kaarik's definition of heaven.
Mar 15, 2024 8:42 pm
Silveril's speech sounded good to Blornvid, but he wondered where this was all leading. Would they be dragged back into a great war like their ancestors had faced? Or would they merely be asked to rout out some local malcontents? Time would tell.
Tower artwork looks impressive, btw.
Last edited March 15, 2024 8:43 pm
Mar 15, 2024 8:48 pm
I can't imagine Vaun and Barley are any more excited for more tests than are Blornvid, Ealdwig, and Skeeve. (Even though the sets of tests were different.)
His distraction subsiding as he gets used to the magical "noise", he pays attention to Siveril's practiced speech. He's ready to get on with the "evaluation", one way or another.
Mar 15, 2024 9:31 pm
ForeverDED says:
Blornvid sighs, then says to Skeeve and Ealdwig, "Hopefully, we'll have a better 'evaluation' than the one by the blue ball at the training facility back at the Manor."
It can't be much worse. Can it? Can it!?
Last edited March 15, 2024 9:39 pm
Mar 15, 2024 9:39 pm
Ealdwig is only partially paying attention to the woman in silver (or is it gray). He looks around in awe. The sheer size of this place and all the carvings is just unbelievable to him. I wonder how much I can climb?

Realizing that his mind was wondering he focuses back on the woman, but only briefly, as the tower takes his attention again.
Mar 15, 2024 9:46 pm
Barley examines the ancient ruins as he passes under the massive arch of the door. He listens silently to the Tower's guardian.

"A portal to the immortal realm, can you imagine!", he thinks as the speech continues.

When she finishes he bows his head and says with a smile, "That's a very fine speech, very fine. This tower is amazing. What sort of thing do you have in mind for this evaluation? Hopefully nothing too strenuous?"

Malachi fades into view mid stride and slinks silently a little further into the tower. The spirit turns it's cat like body and peers at the group of adventurers with it's quizzical yellow eyes.

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Mar 15, 2024 9:54 pm
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

I do apologize but before any access to records requires a minimal evaluation. This has many reasons and much history to support them. The most basic being that information to individuals and people who do not have the wisdom to use it properly can be detrimental.

Historically the evaluation was allowed to be done by a higher ranking Climber, one who climbs the tower for growth of self or the People, or Warden. Initial tests were thinks like proving the ability to read and handle the records properly.

Unfortunately this was changed during the great war and we currently are unable to disable it, even though it is draining our resources. Fortunately we do have some level of control over the types and level of test you will need to complete. But I am sorry to say that the safeguards are there for a reason and our inability to connect to the rest of the tower prevents us from updating the Tower policies.

If you do not wish to access tower resources you may still simply consult with me without restriction. Otherwise you will have to be evaluated.

She explains a bit more about the Infinite Tower rules that she is bound to obey and enforce including the "Evaluation".
The Laws of the Infinite Tower says:

1. Be honest in all dealing with and for the Tower
2. Wisdom must be gained before knowledge and power
3. Mortality shall be respected and protected
4. Gather, preserved and shared Knowledge amongst the People
5. Contribute more than I take from the People and Tower
The evaluation is a series of tests with increasing difficulty and variety. Each correct and incorrect answer leads to the next step. You may quit at any time and will never be in any danger for the initial evaluation.
Mar 15, 2024 10:14 pm
Psybermagi says:
You may quit at any time and will never be in any danger for the initial evaluation.
I see what you did there ...
"Is this a group evaluation or a set of individual evaluations?"

After getting that answer, he asks a few more questions ...

"While we're still in the Q&A phase, you said a couple things I want to dig into. The Matrix Node magic is based on the Tower magic, but completely disconnected from it, correct? So, there will be no Matric Node anywhere in the tower? As a separate point, would learning about the Tower provide more understanding of the Matrix Node?

"Also, you seemed to make a distinction between the Infinite Tower and the Tower. So, if I get this correct, there is an Infinite Tower that this individual Tower was once a part of, but is now disconnected from. Am I following correctly? If this specific Tower is disconnected from the Infinite Tower, what must be done to reconnect it? Or is that even possible?"

Skeeve wants to go on, but he'll stop for these answers first.

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Mar 16, 2024 12:10 am
daryen says:
I see what you did there ...
ummm ok? (innocent whistling and a bemused expression)
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

Barley says:
"That's a very fine speech, very fine. This tower is amazing. What sort of thing do you have in mind for this evaluation? Hopefully nothing too strenuous?"
I am sorry to admit but my involvement in the test selection is limited at the initial levels. But be assures the initial assessments simply tests you as a thinking reasoning person. For example should an illiterate savage come to the tower it would likely fail all reading tests so all tests dealing with the written word would be skipped. However the Tower might test the persons memorization, comprehension, problem solving, pattern recognition, tactical awareness, threat assessment, and so on. As I said you may stop at any point but that also limits what I can help you access from this portion of the Tower.
Skeeve says:
"Is this a group evaluation or a set of individual evaluations?"
Group evaluations are an option that was added later on for Tower agents and expanded on when the military protocols were put into effect. Initial assessments however are all personal.
Skeeve says:
"While we're still in the Q&A phase, you said a couple things I want to dig into. The Matrix Node magic is based on the Tower magic, but completely disconnected from it, correct? So, there will be no Matric Node anywhere in the tower? As a separate point, would learning about the Tower provide more understanding of the Matrix Node?
The Tower itself uses a similar magic to connect all of the Tower Portals, but as I said our is off of that network at this time. The Tower also, as part of the enchantments to protect its repository of knowledge is cut off from all other external transportation and communication magics. Historically, many cities that housed a Tower Portal also had Matrix Nodes for general use. Though we do not have access to the Matrix we do of course have records of it and can help you to rediscover its uses and locations.
Skeeve says:
"Also, you seemed to make a distinction between the Infinite Tower and the Tower. So, if I get this correct, there is an Infinite Tower that this individual Tower was once a part of, but is now disconnected from. Am I following correctly? If this specific Tower is disconnected from the Infinite Tower, what must be done to reconnect it? Or is that even possible?"
The Tower is simple a shorter name for the full and proper name of the Infinite Tower. I do apologize but when one lives and works in any portion of the Infinite Tower we begin losing certain distinctions. Technically I and my companion are trapped in the segment of the Infinite Tower accessible by the Tower Portal, the physical representation that you entered by. Think of it as a wing of a building that has had its connecting hallway collapse. Though we are aware the rest of the structure is there we can no longer travel freely to it or access its vast resources. These smaller Tower sections were established to allow for the replication and distribution of common unrestricted materials. Other topics may only have a single copy on the Tower Library shelves, with the original stored of course in the Tower vaults.
Basically the assessment is an aptitude and skills test, with a military twist added during the war.

Please let me know in character or OOC if you plan/want to take the assessment at this point so I can start prepping. With this many I will keep it short and multiple portions will be common among you but yes you still have to do at least a bit before any hand waving or skipping of minutia.
Mar 16, 2024 12:50 am
Blornvid says, "This seems more like a test for scholarly types that dabble in the magical arts and sciences. Not really sure that a mundane chap such as myself would do well, unless there's a section for blacksmiths."

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Mar 16, 2024 12:59 am
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

As I mentioned earlier the Tower is a repository of knowledge and skill. I was emphasising the fact that one need not be a warrior to do well in the tests. But remember not all skill can be written in a book. If there are things you wish to learn that are not scholarly in nature then there is still a good chance the Tower has something to share with you should you wish to learn. Great masters of many people have contributes to the tower in a variety of skills and professions including the arts, crafting, natural lore, animal husbandry, martial arts, tactics, strategy, weapons handling and more.
And yes many master smiths have shared their hidden techniques with the tower. I believe we have a couple Soultomes of master smiths. Soultomes are artifacts that possess an echo of a willing individual, including their knowledge and skill. However as it is an active reflection of a master they often have their own tests and requirements about who they share their knowledge with.
Mar 16, 2024 2:04 am
"Huh. Well, when you put it that way... sign me up for testing."
Mar 16, 2024 3:05 am
"Records of the Matrix, how to use it, and locations of at least some of its Nodes? Sure, I'll test to find that out."

Skeeve then can't help himself with a follow-up question. "OK, so there is just the one Infinite Tower. We are in that Tower, but the section we are in right now is isolated from the rest. Before we came in, it looked like the tower goes up as high as there is air to breathe. Would it not be possible to go up very high and enter from a different point? Or is the tower we see merely a visual representation of the Tower and the entrance we used the only access point for what we think we are seeing?" (Skeeve is assuming flight to get a higher access point, not climbing. He assumes climbing wouldn't be very productive.)
Mar 16, 2024 4:38 am
Arc listens the lady carefully, albeit being excites to have arrived and eager to get in.

Having some kind of non-life-threatening test seened responsable for him. Not something he had expected, but reasonable.

He waits for his friend's questions to be answered, then he asks.. Lady, thank you for the brief description. Regarding the 5th Rule, which ways can this contribution take? I gather that we could learn much more knowledge than what we already know and could write about.
Mar 16, 2024 11:52 am
Vaun was very interested to hear all the information the lady Siveril gave them. The talk about doors leading to other realms and the variety of research and studying that was done in the tower were impressive. The mention of Alchemy got his interest up more, and as the talk about the evaluation trials came up, he listened intently. At one point, at the mention of being trapped in the infinite tower, Vaun questioned, "So, are you and your companion somehow locked to this tower? You can't come out, or something? If so, we would do our best to fix the portals and reopen the connections of the infinite tower, if that is possible."

After listening to the entire conversation, Vaun was quite intrigued. "I would love to take the evaluation test and hopefully gain access to all the information the tower holds inside in order to learn more about the world. If possible, we can go for the group evaluation test? What do you all think?"

OOC: Another evaluation trial will be fine, but what do you all think? Should we go for group trial?
Mar 16, 2024 12:16 pm
"Let's continue through your tests. What say everyone, group test?", Barley says to the others.

"Malachi, best stay hidden for now.", he thinks to his familiar. The cat disappears.

"Everyone, I should have mentioned earlier. If I have permission to do so I can link is psychically for communication. It has helped Vaun and I in the past.", thinks Barley to the group.
"I think I'd like to tackle the trials as a group. Barley has limited psychic powers so he can use telepathy to link people together if you all want too.
Last edited March 16, 2024 12:17 pm
Mar 16, 2024 6:02 pm
The inital tests are all individual. It's only after those that we might have the option for group tests.

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Mar 16, 2024 7:47 pm
Testing will occur in individual character threads for :
prepping for Blornvid, Skeeve, Vaun, Barley
Arc, Kaarik, Ealdwig you guys in?

Siveril Miarona (Tower)

Arc says:
Regarding the 5th Rule, which ways can this contribution take? I gather that we could learn much more knowledge than what we already know and could write about.
Contributions are in a variety of forms. Scribes might copy a book, a wizard can donate spells or research notes, a priest can bless the tower or its servants, a farmer can give food to feed tower personnel, an adventurer might go on a quest. As long as the knowledge you give to the tower was not learned from the tower it is still yours to give. Many tidbits of knowledge and lor or diverse and subtle skill techniques have been collected this way for a wide variety ot topics
Vaun says:
"So, are you and your companion somehow locked to this tower? You can't come out, or something? If so, we would do our best to fix the portals and reopen the connections of the infinite tower, if that is possible."
We are not trapped but if we leave without fulfilling our obligations we can not return. My companion, Dasyra, has left twice on sanctioned Tower business and returned. But this is difficult due to our current situation. Worry not about us for the Tower ensures out needs are met.
Vaun says:
"I would love to take the evaluation test and hopefully gain access to all the information the tower holds inside in order to learn more about the world. If possible, we can go for the group evaluation test? What do you all think?"
Group evaluations are currently in the form of completing tasks for the Tower. The helps us accumulate what we need to restore this Portal to the Infinite Tower while still allowing individuals to climb the tower in a variety of formats.

Turning to look at Barley she continues The tower will isolate you briefly for your initial individual assessments. And it is rude to use telepathy without including all present.
Mar 16, 2024 8:23 pm
Kaarik confirms to lady Siveril that he is more than willing to be tested.

He says to the other,I actually cannot wait. I was not expecting to find such wonderful place on my adventure.
Mar 16, 2024 8:58 pm
Is someone in my head? It's kind of weird. Can you hear me back?

Um, yeah sure. Let's do this. What's the worst that can happen. Ealdwig says as he continues to look around. Right?
Mar 16, 2024 9:10 pm
Skeeve says, "You'll be fine."
Mar 16, 2024 11:36 pm
Arc has been dreaming about access to all the Knowledge in this Tower for so many moons now, that there was no way to turn back. But now, feeling all the enthusiasm of his friends, he is even more sure that this is the path to take.
Of course I am in!
Mar 16, 2024 11:42 pm
I will set up a couple of challenges for Monday and possibly through Wednesday then get everyone back together

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Mar 17, 2024 10:17 pm
Tower evaluation setup
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

Very well if you are all ready simply walk into one of the open doors. While you were talking the room slowly became dimly lit. Now several doors open, spilling more light into the room.
You must each enter your own room and follow the instructions. If at any time you wish to leave simple call for me or repeat 3 times that you are leaving immediately.
Mar 17, 2024 10:57 pm
Skeeve looks at Blornvid, then to Ealdwig, saying, "I am sure it will all be fine." Skeeve then immediately walks through the nearest unoccupied door and once fully inside, stops and waits without turning around.
Mar 17, 2024 11:14 pm
For the tests please put all posts in Note to me by clicking the icon that resembles a page of paper with lines on it then selecting my name from the drop down then selecting "Add Note"
I will make them public as each finishes the evaluation.
During the evaluation indicate the tests your character takes. Include your action, intentions, indicate applicable trade, proficiencies, and traits, as well as rolls (roll 3x # of dice) as requested, you feel it is needed or appropriate.
[ +- ] The rooms
Mar 18, 2024 2:28 am
daryen says:
Skeeve looks at Blornvid, then to Ealdwig, saying, "I am sure it will all be fine." Skeeve then immediately walks through the nearest unoccupied door and once fully inside, stops and waits without turning around.
Blornvid mutters, "It had better be." He then steps into one of the rooms.
Last edited March 18, 2024 2:28 am
Mar 18, 2024 3:45 am
These are do 2 things
1. allow you to show off your characters expertise and background
2. allow me, and other, to better understand how you view your character

You can skip things and assume an average result, add a short description of how your character may get above average results, or give a detailed explanation of how you excel at it will dice rolls to back you up.

If you have an idea for a test that works better for your character feel free to add that as an option for your character to take. Rolls are just to indicate possible setbacks or difficulty in your character completing the tasks. If you want to go slow and Focus for better roll success then just indicate so.

For the newcomers
[ +- ] Rolls & Tests
Remember to roll 3 times, or just 3x # of dice, for each test you want to elaborate on.
[ +- ] Basic Evaluation

[ +- ] Basic Simulation

[ +- ] Personalized Tests
Mar 18, 2024 6:28 am
Vaun looked at all the doors that appeared for separate evaluation. He moved in front of one of the doors and then looked at it for some time, trying to discern what sort of test it might give him. After a momentary contemplation, he moved inside and waited to see what happened.

Last edited March 19, 2024 3:16 pm


Evaluation test 1 (focus) - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Evaluation test 2 (focus) - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Evaluation test 3 (focus) - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Simulation test (tracking cattle) (focus) - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Crafting test (focus) - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Teaching test - (3d6)

(334) = 10

Redo teaching test - (3d6)

(615) = 12

Mar 18, 2024 11:15 am
Barley nods and reaches out his hand.
[ +- ] Evaluatio
Last edited March 18, 2024 11:59 am


Test 1 (scholar) - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Test 2 (psychic/spiritual) - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Test 3 (scholar/spiritual) - (2D6)

(45) = 9

Test 1 redo with focus - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Test 1 redo #2 with focus - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Evaluation 2 - find plant with adv (map and compass) - (3d6)

(135) = 9

Mar 18, 2024 1:56 pm
Ealdwig shrugs and follows Skeeve and Blornvid's lead into a room. What's the worst that can happen? Sounds like we can leave whenever we want.

Ealdwig walks past the elegant lady in silver, stops as he is passing and asks, I'm sorry, what was your name again? Ealdwig gives a small apologetic shrug and a smile, you know, in case I need it.
Mar 18, 2024 3:09 pm
[ +- ] evaluation
Mar 18, 2024 3:28 pm
Each specific type of test gets harder until you fail it a minimum standard is reached.
When you start a new test it starts ready and gets harder
Ex: puzzle easy to hard, memory easy to hard, etc

As I said you can just list the tests you take and assume basic competence without more effort. If you want your character to score better then explain how they can do so. Roll if you want to get a random result with chances for better or worse results.

I could just hand wave and day your all are done but am giving you options on how you want to treat the tower tests.

It gives you an idea of some of the tiers functions before moving into more detail on what to do with/for the tower
Mar 18, 2024 5:31 pm
[ +- ] evaluation


Reflex - Hit a target at distance - focused - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Reflex - Hit a moving target in melee - (3d6)

(546) = 15

Reflex - Avoid getting hit - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Mar 18, 2024 9:03 pm
[ +- ] evaluation


Test 1 - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Test 2 - (2d6)

(41) = 5

Test 1 Redo with focus - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Test 2 Redo with focus - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Test 2 redo 2 with focus - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Mar 18, 2024 10:11 pm
[ +- ] evaluatoin


Basic (1) - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Basic (2) - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Basic (3) - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Basic (4) - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Basic (2) trying again - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Basic (4) trying again - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Mar 19, 2024 3:14 am
[ +- ] evaluation


Test 1 - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Test 2 - (3d6)

(435) = 12

Test 3 - (3d6)

(562) = 13

Simulation 1 (focus) - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Simulation 2 (focus) - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Mar 19, 2024 3:25 am
[ +- ] evaluation
Last edited March 19, 2024 3:29 am


Skeeve: Test 1 DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Skeeve: Test 2 DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(41) = 5

Skeeve: Test 3 DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Mar 19, 2024 3:42 am
[ +- ] evaluatoin
Last edited March 19, 2024 3:45 am


Skeeve: Test 1 DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Skeeve: Test 2 DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)

(233) = 8

Mar 19, 2024 5:34 am
You all passe the tower evaluations but I apparently need to work on explanations.
Sigh :(
[ +- ] Vaun
[ +- ] Barley
[ +- ] Blornvid
[ +- ] Kaarik
[ +- ] Arc
[ +- ] Ealdwig
[ +- ] Skeeve
Mar 19, 2024 1:09 pm
At the completion of all your evaluations the room around you fades and a pulse of low light washes over you and you find yourself in a room about 30 foot across. The middle of the room has a large round table with some fruits, bread, and drink, surrounded by low couch seats, with or without backs. You do not all appear at the same time. As various members of the group appear you compare your experiences as you wait for the others. Once everyone is there the tower voice announces an administrator will be with you in 10 minutes.
Previous test notes hand been made public. Feel free to review each others test approaches.
Individuals can finish and submit personalized test in spoilers but we can move on with the rest of the Tower now
Dasyra Valdi (Tower)

After ten minutes pass a gentle tone and pulse of light draws your attention to a side of the room where an archway rises from the ground. Another elf walks through and the arch sinks back into the floor.
Welcome to your parlor. As you all registered with the tower at the same time you can all have access to this place in between tower sponsored activities or when granted access by one of the administrators or guides. I am sure you have many questions and now that the tower recognizes your identities and qualifications to certain privileges I can tell and show you more about the tower. I am sorry I was not able to greet your earlier but I was busy working to restore tower functionality so am not sure what Siveril has already explained. Please feel free to ask any questions and I will answer them as well as help you get access to tower services you have qualified for.
Mar 19, 2024 2:11 pm
Skeeve's simulation performance unsettled him more than he realized, causing him to remain unusually quiet during this questioning time. He lets others take the lead in the questions.
Mar 19, 2024 2:26 pm
Barley comes out of the tests exhilarated. "Those were most enjoyable. Ah Hello, Dasyra. You're companion said that you have resources that can point us towards other matrix nodes. How would we access them?"
[ +- ] Last couple of tests
Last edited March 19, 2024 4:39 pm


Initiative - evens Barley, odds Combatants - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Attack 2 Orc, Attack 2 Harpy, Atk 2 Lizard - ((2d6, 2D6, 2D6, 2D6, 2D6, 2D6))

(2d6 : (55) = 10

2D6 : (14) = 5

2D6 : (46) = 10

2D6 : (63) = 9

2D6 : (13) = 4

2D6) : (61) = 7

Evade - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Evade again - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Pyrokinetic storm 2X - ((2d6, 2D6))

(2d6 : (66) = 12

2D6) : (44) = 8

Mar 19, 2024 3:19 pm
Vaun came out of the test weary and tired. He looked at new elf and bowed. "Master Dasyra Valdi, I have to admit that the tower is quite inquisitive in testing out the full potential of the newcomers. Either way, it is fascinating!"
Mar 19, 2024 3:36 pm
[ +- ] evaluation


1st attack - (3d6)

(451) = 10

2nd attac - (3d6)

(223) = 7

Evade using agility trait - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Vault (acrobat) - (3d6)

(146) = 11

1st attack - (3d6)

(325) = 10

2nd attack - (3d6)

(543) = 12

evade (agility) - (1d6)

(6) = 6

1st attack - (3d6)

(165) = 12

2nd attack - (3d6)

(233) = 8

Lucky trait if needed - (3d6)

(666) = 18

Mar 19, 2024 3:40 pm
[ +- ] evaluation


1st attack - (3d6)

(356) = 14

2nd attack - (3d6)

(455) = 14

Mar 19, 2024 4:19 pm
Hearing Barley, Skeeve is pulled up a bit from his stupor and adds, "I am also interested in the Matrix Nodes more than the Tower itself. Specifically, I am looking for help in being able to invoke and use the Nodes directly. Obviously, new locations are a bonus, but that doesn't do me much use unless I can control the Node well enough to use it."
Mar 19, 2024 4:30 pm
[ +- ] evaluation


Rebuild bridge - (3d6)

(341) = 8

Mar 19, 2024 5:13 pm
Kaarik will patiently wait until Dasyra answers to Barley and Skeeve and then ask: "May I kindly ask you what is the oldest source of information you have in the tower? I have been strugling with the idea that, we as elves, should be considered the superior race and I believe that there must be proves in ancient documents that the hierachy between beings was once different."
Mar 19, 2024 6:09 pm
Ealdwig partakes in the food and drink provided. Stopping long enough to address Dasrya, Ealdwig says, nice to know you. You've got an interesting place here. Thanks for allowing us to become members.

The tests were difficult and demanding but not unreasonable.

I hope you got the Tower functioning properly again. Keep up the good work.
Ealdwig grabs another fruit and heads over to Skeeve and Blornvid while taking a bite.

Dasyra Valdi (Tower)


Mar 19, 2024 9:34 pm
Dasyra Valdi (Tower)

The man is very friendly and chats with you for several minutes as you all relax.
Barley says:
Dasyra. You're companion said that you have resources that can point us towards other matrix nodes. How would we access them?"
Well there are two kinds of matrix nodes, public and private. The city of Paphos had a decent public network and access to other cities. The maps should be on file and can be found with a bit of efort and some time. As for the private nodes we are not allowed to pass out the locations or addresses of those without the consent of the registered owner.
However once you have access to either a public or private node exploring the matching matrix is possible. What exactly are you trying to do? I may be able to directo you to some references to aid you in your efforts.

Skeeve says:
Specifically, I am looking for help in being able to invoke and use the Nodes directly. Obviously, new locations are a bonus, but that doesn't do me much use unless I can control the Node well enough to use it."
That is something I can help you with. The basics of the matrix nodes lies in using patterns of the tiles to amplify or filter your own and ambient magic. The tower has multiple books on this topic as well as the learning tools used to master the required techniques. The advantage of these tools is that they function the same as the node and can be used independently.
Kaarik says:
May I kindly ask you what is the oldest source of information you have in the tower? I have been struggling with the idea that, we as elves, should be considered the superior race and I believe that there must be proves in ancient documents that the hierarchy between beings was once different."
I am not sure about the oldest records stored in this segment of the tower. However the absolute oldest records en the entirety of the Infinite tower include the first set of scriptures used by the Divine Deity to teach the first people to write, read, cound, and do math. But this is not stored here.
As for documentation of the races I sm sorry young man but what you seek does not exist. Before the shattering there was only one race, the People.
Admittedly the branches of this race were vaast and many took the opinion that their branch was superior however I do not agree with these ideals. If a single race was inherently superior to all other then surely the People would have all become teh basis of that race before the shattering and there would only be one sapient mortal race at this time. However there are aspects of each race that give them certain advantages. The elven branch of the people originated from those that choose to dwell with the fey and other spirits of nature. There are many records about how this affected them. If you like I can direct yo uto these documents.
Additional evaluation content will be gone over later tonight
Mar 19, 2024 9:46 pm
Kaarik seems very happy with Dasyra's answer.

"Your words are the confirmation that I was right to engage in this adventure. I am convinced that if all of us were the People in the past, we should be able to all be in peace and equals in this world. I would be glad master, if you could show me these records"
Mar 19, 2024 9:46 pm
Skeeve will patiently wait for his turn to ask his further questions. He is not going to intentionally talk over anyone else.
"I have four patterns we can check to see if are already known. If they are not known, I have them for offer. Three are public, but one I would prefer to be treated as private.

I would very much appreciate getting the chance to use those books and learning tools."
He has five if he had a chance to get Beruga's from Valpip.

Also, I don't know how close he was to being able to activate the Nodes prior to the trip to the Tower. Hopefully, with the help of his practice dice and some books here, he can lock that part down. He does not mention his practice dice to anyone, however.
Last edited March 19, 2024 9:47 pm
Mar 20, 2024 12:18 am
Arc listens to his friends while enjoying some of the fruits offered to recover from the effords of the tests.

Greeting Dasyra, I apreciate you welcoming us to the Tower and the opportunity to learn. I'm curious about the works of nature and life, about animals and plants, and how to boost sensitivity to understand It. I am also interesed in communication and linguistics.
Last edited March 20, 2024 9:43 pm

Dasyra Valdi (Tower)


Mar 21, 2024 4:02 am
Dasyra Valdi (Tower)

Hearing Kaarick and Arcs requests Dasyra confirms that you all will be able to access the public records. However they have been is storage since the Shattering to preserve the writing and reduce the magical energies needed to protect them. He will start the process of opening sections that you have expressed interest in. In the meantime he can have some of the tower servants fetch s few select works for your reading pleasure.

Setting information about reading/writing says:
Most mortal humanoid all have a common origin, the People of the Dawn Age, and understand common and its simplified ideogram writing. All other writing is uncommon and spell casters are usually the only ones who read.
Just a note for Arc and others : Schools are rare and expensive. Full reading and writing are not taught to most and only common among nobles, clerks, priests, and wizards. If you do not have a background or trait with an academic emphasis you have trouble reading actual books. It is common for individuals to learn stories and lessons by rote memorization. Basically most folks would pay a tutor or clerk to read to them if needed etc.

The basic script that most people understand is not good at conveying more than simple thoughts. Think a combination of ideograms like used on public signs and very limited hieroglyphs. This simplified writing conveys basic ideas like "building" "Fire" "beast" "money" "health" "eat" etc as well a numbers 1-20, a gross(144, but can mean anything from 100-200), Great gross (around 1,000-2,000) Myriad (10,000+)
[ +- ] real world symbol/hieroglyph language sampler
However as the Tower has existed for a long time it does have some books on a variety of subjects in the simpler basic script. Some skill or trade books use this and images to convey practices. If you plan to "read" advanced topics you will need to put in some "effort" to gain a trait related to reading/writing or other scholarly pursuits.

Skeeve says:
"I have four patterns we can check to see if are already known. If they are not known, I have them for offer. Three are public, but one I would prefer to be treated as private.

I would very much appreciate getting the chance to use those books and learning tools."
Is these patterns are all used on the same Matrix then it is likely that they are all technically part of the private network. He explains that the "Public" matrix is more accurately describes as the civil matrix and what maintained by the government for public use. The "Private" Matrix was actually more open as any could join it and it was not controlled so most nodes had local protections built into them. If you have any records he can compare them to the registers on record and confirm if any are on record. Reading the books is not an issue and you may practice here in the Tower with some of the learning tools. If you want to acquire some tools for your personal use them you would need to trade for them.
Mar 21, 2024 4:50 pm
"I am trying to glèem more information about the node system itself. I wonder if there might be a way to create a portable node that could we could use to quickly travel back to a node within short range.", Barley says
Wondering if we could figure out how to create a short range portal that could get us back to the start of the dungeon or something for quick escapes. Sorry for the delay in posting. Yesterday got hectic.
Mar 21, 2024 6:40 pm
That's a cool idea!
Skeeve thinks for a bit. "I wonder if there are any techniques to detect a nearby Node. Also, is the technique to scramble the pattern after activating the Node recorded anywhere?"

I am assuming that learning the latter technique can be tested with his dice. On the other hand, if the first idea is only a device, rather than a technique, then that could be a bit of a problem.
Mar 21, 2024 10:05 pm
Those are great ideas Barley and Skeeve!! Arc doesn't understand a bit about nodes or patterns, but sure acknowleges their importance in the world they live.
Arc politely asks for a tome on Animals, sure there must be a tome on natural history or part of an enciclopedia that lists and describes the known animals. He also asks for a dictionary, in case he finds words he doesn't understands.

He will study animals' common environments, food, habits, lifespan, natural combate abilities, likes and dislikes... well, everything he can! He will start with birds, then mammals, then reptiles, then fishes, leaving insects and amphibians last.
Last edited March 21, 2024 10:09 pm

Dasyra Valdi (Tower)


Mar 22, 2024 3:21 am
Thanks for participating with the tower evaluations.
Let me know if you have any questions

Dasyra Valdi (Tower)

Barley says:
I wonder if there might be a way to create a portable node that could we could use to quickly travel back to a node within short range.
Not quite. The Matrix relies on a combination of ley lines and other ambient magics to allow it to extend its range. Aslo Both Matrix are insulates so that you must connect to them on the same principles they are built on. The civil or public Matrix uses different magic than the private or personal Matrix.
There are other magic items function similar to what you describe. Teleportation circles are the most common. They can be traveled to from any point of origin.

Skeeve says:
I wonder if there are any techniques to detect a nearby Node.
Both Matrix are designed not to interfere but rather work with ambient magic. However you might be able to detect an active or malfunctioning node.
Skeeve says:
Also, is the technique to scramble the pattern after activating the Node recorded anywhere?
There is an advanced technique to scramble the tiles after use. It is not too hard but does require certain levels of proficiency.

Earlier Dasyra had sent a command and after several minutes a small section of the wall opens with several books.
Books on Geomancy, the study of patterns and arrays to create and manipulate magical effects. (Skeeve) This is accompanied by a small sack with 8 cubes, 4 black and 4 white.
Books on various aspects of the People. What you know to be the origin of the modern races.
Books on plant and animal life as well as various environments and the theory of natural history (Arc)
Other low level books of interest to those that requested them.
We can FF through some down time activities or research etc if most of you want. Let me know your plans so I can start work on the next session. See the info sheet next story options.
Mar 22, 2024 3:35 am
Since the ability to detect the pads is a bit of out of reach, Skeeve will spend time practicing the activation and the scrambling of the pattern post activation.

Also, on the subject of patterns and such, he will also see if the provided books have anything on any kind of recurring patterns. I.e. are some location patterns related to other location patterns. Likewise, he knows the shield pattern. Are there other functional patterns, too.

He enjoys using the 8-block set, which I assume is a step up from his 4-block set, while he has access to it.

This research is what he'll basically spend his time working on. He will also see if they do have the patterns he has. If so, he provides them, even if he doesn't necessarily get anything in return. Might as well make sure none get lost.

I also forgot Beruga's pattern (if he was able to acquire it), and the Manor pattern (which he should know by now).
"I really wish you had a Matrix Node near here. That would make it so much easier to get back and study more later!"
Mar 22, 2024 6:24 am
Kaarik will want to spend the research time focusing on his knowledge of the People before the shattering. He will want to gather as much knowledge as possible in order to recreate an idea of what was the social organisation.
Mar 22, 2024 1:55 pm
Barley assists Kaarik in his research but focuses more on the folk traditions of the people before the shattering to get a sense of the soul of these people.
Thanks! I figure a teleporter could come in useful even if it's a little video gamey.

As for open jobs, The underdark sounds cool to me, but I'll go where the majority of people decide to go.
Last edited March 22, 2024 1:58 pm
Mar 22, 2024 6:30 pm
Blornvid listens to all the chatter as his companions eagerly exchange ideas. He smiles, looks at the door, and then back at them. "If no one minds, I'm going to step outside for some air."
Mar 22, 2024 7:32 pm
ForeverDED says:
Blornvid listens to all the chatter as his companions eagerly exchange ideas. He smiles, looks at the door, and then back at them. "If no one minds, I'm going to step outside for some air."
Want company?
Mar 22, 2024 9:05 pm
Blornvid smiles. "Sure." The pair then head outside.
...assuming that the GM doesn't stop them. :)
Last edited March 22, 2024 9:06 pm
Mar 22, 2024 9:42 pm
Dasyra shows you how to exit but informs you that most of the towers features are limited so that to get into the tower beyond the entryway you will need to wait for assistance form him or Siveril
Mar 22, 2024 11:36 pm
Blornvid replies, "Fair enough." He turns to Ealdwig. "Still coming, lad? I wouldn't want you to get locked outside."

ForeverDED sent a note to Psybermagi
Mar 23, 2024 12:31 am
On the other hand, Skeeve will be absorbed with getting as much of the Matrix Node information into his head (and any written notes he feels he needs to make to help him remember) in the time he has available.

When time is up, he will profusely thank both Dasyra and Siveril for their help and promises to return with any interesting knowledge he finds in his travels.
Mar 23, 2024 4:16 am
ForeverDED says:
Blornvid replies, "Fair enough." He turns to Ealdwig. "Still coming, lad? I wouldn't want you to get locked outside."
Sure, let's get some air. What's the worst that can happen? Smiling he says, hope it doesn't rain.
Mar 23, 2024 5:33 pm
Blornvid respectfully bows his head to Dasyra and exits the tower with Ealdwig.
Mar 23, 2024 6:43 pm
Blornvid and Ealdwig head out through an archway into a narrow stairwell the descends several floors before depositing them into the buildings entryway. The entire chamber is lit with low level lighting save a brighter light illuminating the exit. Heading over the doors again easily open at a touch showing you have spent several hours taking the evaluations and talking with the tower wardens.

The area outside is as you left it, grass and low hills with occasional trees or scrubs.
Anyone who wants to go outside speak up. IF the characters want to spend long researching in the tower we can FF through that and join back up in a couple of days or a week or so. Those not reading up can do odd jobs or train at the base or tower.

Let me know plans/intent
Mar 23, 2024 7:25 pm
Speaking to Blornvid, want to scout around the tower, check out the area? Seems like a nice day. Although I don't think we should venture too far, might not be safe on our own.
Mar 23, 2024 7:32 pm
Blornvid replies, "Sure. Might be something out there worth looking at."
I have no problem with everyone inside the tower taking as much time as they want/need. Speaking for myself, I don't mind having Blornvid be idle while the others get to enjoy their roleplay. :)
Mar 23, 2024 7:39 pm
Arc feel time stood still while reading about nature, animals and elementals. Absolutely enchanted with the quality of the reading and the possibility of learning much more.

Only now, seeing Blornvid and Ealdwig leaving, he puts the tome away, thanks Dasyra and hurries to get some air with them.
Mar 23, 2024 7:56 pm
Skeeve will study what he can so that he has the knowledge to do what we said in my character thread. He would like to be able to Scry, too. Just seems to be prudent to look through the "door" before stepping through, so to speak. He doesn't plan on a long study, as he doesn't want to leave Blornvid or Ealdwig hanging for too long. Plus, he is taking notes so he can practice more even after he leaves.

So, hopefully a day at most. After that he'll join up with at least those two so we can go Node hopping. Anyone who wants to join us is welcome.

Also, he'll grab any interesting patterns they're willing to let him copy. Also, if there are any Nodes they (the tower guardians) want us to investigate, we'll gladly consider it.
Mar 23, 2024 8:16 pm
Jogging a moment is enough for Arc to catch up with them...

Hey Ealdwig, Blornvid, are you about to enjoy fresh air, or Will you look for small jobs while waiting for the rest?
Mar 23, 2024 8:18 pm
Before the door closes behind Ealdwig and him, Blornvid hears Arc call out. He answers, "Just a stroll for now. Kind of taking a wait and see approach before committing to anything else at the moment."
Mar 23, 2024 9:55 pm
Skeeves plan to research and collect notes can be done poorly in 1/2 day for adequately in another day and a half.
Doing it well, so as to memorize things and not need notes will take at least 1 week.
Barley and Kaarik can search a bit in 1/2 day, start to get familiar in 1 1/2 day, realize how much there is to learn in 1 week, or study a life time and possibly get answers as well as be able to teach the topics.
It is just before noon at this time and you take a stroll around the tower marveling at its size and the carvings. After a complete circuit of it you are startled as all the carvings seem new. Repeating the process you verify that at some point of traveling 1/2 the distance around the tower the carvings on the far side change, but they never change when you are looking at them. The three of you split up and experiment only to discover that all it takes is a single blink for the carvings to changes but they do not seem to do so unless someone who has left a spot returns to that location after leaving sight of it.

The day is bright and peaceful. The wind blowing in the grass, the sounds of the birds nearby, and nothing else at hand almost tempts you to take a nap. But remembering that the hobgoblin patrols do extend to the tower occasionally makes this seem slightly less that as idyllic as it would appear at the moment.
Unless there is anything else specific that someone want to do then I will assume those in the tower will spend the rest of this day and the next before breaking from their research.

Blornvid can spend the next day working in the base Smithy while Ealdwig introduces Arc to the base, the swamp, the gripli, Gulfis the gripli shaman, the other scouts, etc.

As a heads up, I often assume that all characters need to rest and so follow the standard 10 day week practice of resting on day 5 and 10. So 4 days work/adventure then 1 day of rest. Most adventurers will vary this schedule and only rest when they are in a location they know/feel is secure. IE the base or manor.
Mar 23, 2024 10:23 pm
If you want to study in the tower more than 1 1/2 day speak up.

FYI: The Underdark is currently being worked by another group, though they have not gone to the deep caverns much

Where to next after the tower Multi Public

Underdark : deep caverns
Matrix : Highland valley
Matrix : Underdark Mushroom cavern & Spider city
Matrix : Eldergrove reclamation effort
Paphos : Explore Remnants on the South-Western river bank
[ +- ] area map
Mar 23, 2024 10:26 pm
I was going to say just the two days, but, maybe not.

If he is the only one who is thinking of taking that time, he won't. He'll do the two days and notes. However, if others are going to stay the whole week, too, he'll do so. That way he can get things down as well as possible, since the cost of mistakes can be pretty bad.

Regardless of two days or one week, he'll still take notes, but he will memorize as much as he can using the tools they are lending him. He will also take notes on how to transfer as much of the practice as possible to his set of dice.

Skeeve still wants to go back to the Highland Valley at some point because he said he would. He wants to help the village out with their night terrors problem.

On the other hand, he is curious about the lost city they are in the middle of, so checking it out is cool, too.

Regardless, he wants to continue to adventure with Blornvid and Ealdwig. So he's more than willing to compromise to get the group together.
Last edited March 23, 2024 10:29 pm
Mar 23, 2024 10:42 pm
Kaarik will want to spend some time reading but he will not want to be the only one staying a week in the tower. Two days should do.
Mar 24, 2024 12:58 am
Psybermagi says:
Blornvid can spend the next day working in the base Smithy
Blornvid will work at the base Smithy for as long as Skeeve needs at the Tower.
daryen says:
If he is the only one who is thinking of taking that time, he won't.
If you want more time, @daryen, Blornvid can always hitch a ride back to the Manor and work on the Gatehouse. I have no problem with giving Blornvid a break.
Mar 24, 2024 1:40 am
Honestly, I'm more worried about getting back if I spend a whole week being the only one left. If they had a Node, sure! But hoofing it back alone isn't something he's looking for. And dragging you all out here in a week probably isn't the easiest. So, yeah, he can get by on two days and notes. We can always come back later if we need to.
Mar 24, 2024 8:10 am
Vaun had been listening to everyone's question and how Dasyra had been responding to it. He was sketching the interior of the tower in his diary while hearing the conversation. Once all the answers were given, he approached Dasyra and asked about any collection of spell tomes present in the tower. He had recently been studying the language of different forms of magic and was fascinated by the concept that magic could be crafted by uttering and manipulating the fabric of reality. He wanted to see a collection of spells available here.

OOC: I have taken the spell reader trait so I was thinking about learning/coping some spells available in the tower.
Mar 24, 2024 12:26 pm
When everybody gets ready to leave, Barley will leave.

I think 2 days sounds like the right amount of time to learn what he can from his own research and hopefully he can compare notes with Kaarik later.
Mar 24, 2024 3:26 pm
Ealdwig is complete fixated on the way the tower changes every time he looks at it.

Should we just head back to the base till everyone is done with their studies? I could use an ale and some people, this place is a little quiet.
Mar 24, 2024 3:45 pm
Stalker05 says:
OOC: I have taken the spell reader trait so I was thinking about learning/coping some spells available in the tower.
Since he will leave with everyone else at the end of the two days, Skeeve is mono-manically focused on his immediate studies. However, once they do leave, he will approach Vaun and say, "Back in the Tower, I thought I heard you mention you are a Scroll Reader. You are? Great! So am I! If you want to swap some Words, assuming we don't overlap, I am completely interested in doing that! I figure if we swap what we know, then we each double our options!"
Please forgive his excitement.
Mar 24, 2024 3:47 pm
Also, we do have two canoes. If Ark is done, then he, Blornvid, and Ealdwig can head out now, and the four remaining can struggle-bus their way back in the remaining canoe.
Mar 24, 2024 4:23 pm
When they all were ready to leave, Vaun accompanied the party and was pleasantly surprised to know that Skeeve was another spell reader. "Greetings, Master Skeeve, I am glad to meet you then. I am quite new to this arcane linguistic study and I unfortunately haven't mastered any Words yet. I was looking into the great vaults of the Tower where I am sure there will be a sizable collection of arcane tomes."
Mar 24, 2024 5:17 pm
Arkmenos says:
Should we just head back to the base till everyone is done with their studies? I could use an ale and some people, this place is a little quiet.
"We don't want to have them all crowd in the one canoe. They'll capsize. I don't think they'd appreciate it that much." Blornvid winks. "However, if we one or two more who want to head back, then that should work."
Mar 24, 2024 5:21 pm
Everyone is safe and sound after spending a couple days relaxing in their own preferred way.
Looks like you guys are heading west of the swamp to check out the other Remnants. I do believe the only others were the ones to find the Library. I will get you a data later today dump from the other game in the same setting so you are up to date on what they found. moving out tomorrow
Mar 24, 2024 11:06 pm
Let's give it a shot! I'm up for meeting the weird things in the Library!
Mar 25, 2024 5:29 am
Arc is surprised to see the Tower changes, he has never seen something similar before! But It also makes him somehow eager to walk back inside with the rest of the Team.

Thanks a lot Ealdwig for sharing your tales! Now I'd love to meet both the druid and the people in the Manor!
Arc will be happy to walk around, explore the remnants or even visit the Manor. He is only againts doing things underground .. I mean, he will cross a tunnel and such, but he feels very unconfortable staying underground for more time really required.

About using canooes, he throws a joke or two to remind the rest that he doesn't really use a spot there, he can cross the river flying while scouting ahead for them at the same time.
Arc Is happy with what he learned about animals for now, so until the group decides what to do next, Arc looks for the guards in the Tower and asks them to teach him how to improve his bow fighting techniques.
Last edited March 25, 2024 12:36 pm



Mar 25, 2024 11:58 am
After a couple days of research at the tower or working around the base you gather together and decide to check out the Remnants to the west of the swamp. Finishing breakfast you check in with the clerk.

The office is a moderate sized room with two walls covered with shelves filled with scrolls, loose documents and a chalkboard on a third wall. A couple of doors lead further into the administrative and storage facility of the expedition and a couple of bored guards not to the veterans ans you enter.

Date&Time(Alpha): 19@8:30

The youth looks to be in his early to mid teens and is happy to see such a large group. Ah, Skeeve and company. Great. I am glad some of the veterans of the scouts is still taking exploration seriously. All the other veterans move on ore pick one of the patrol routes. Let see . . and the boy shuffles a couple of papers on his desk.

We have been able to secure uncontested access to the library and residential area just west of the swamp. We keep finding odd bits and hidden structures in the swamps themselves with the help of the grippli.

I see you have a few new faces I suggest checking in with Gulfis, just to introduce them to her, and possibly Dean. He is the intelligen golem in the NW corner of the swamp who helped us gain access to the library.
and he give directions to the residence that has nearly been swallowed by the swamp vegetation where Dean is confined.

Beyond the residential and library remnants there are two more we want to get a look at. We know the orcs and hobgoblin are mostly to the north but the kobolds have been joined by lizardmen now and are clashing with both of them in the south west. We know there are a couple Remnant that way but not much more than that. The researchers are happy with what we have but the expedition leaders still want to get to the bottom of what the other factions in the area are after. We know that they have been searching for what the Tower claims are pieces of their enchantments but to what end we are not sure. And with the obvious power these orbs have it concerns us. So what we really need at this time is information on enemy positions, controlled locations, and movements. If you can collect information, preferably by means not traceable to the expedition, I am sure you will be rewarded based on its value.

Now, do you have any questions for me?
Mar 25, 2024 1:16 pm
If we haven't received it already, Skeeve will get the group our reward for the Roper incident.
"Just to keep this straight, if we want to check out the Libtaty, we need to see Dean first so we can get access? Or does the Base already have the knowledge of how to get in?

"And where are the two other Remnants?"



Mar 25, 2024 2:29 pm

You don't have to check with Dean.
He did have a portal to the library but gets cranky when used to often just to avoid walking. We have secured the library entrance but the ghost librarian doesn't like fighting inside so have not had any trouble since then. We have managed to get basic access to most of records. We are pretty sure there are some rooms we still don't have full access to but will likely need to explore more of the city to revolve that as it requires proof of citizenship.

We're not sure what the other Remnants are. We know the hobgoblin have a couple to the north, west of the Tower. And the orcs have control of the keep north west on the back of the river. But the two south of that have not been explored. The primary scouting team has gone to the cemetery to the north, west of the hobgoblins, to deal with the necromancers again.
Mar 25, 2024 3:28 pm
Cathamber says:

Thanks a lot Ealdwig for sharing your tales! Now I'd love to meet both the druid and the people in the Manor!
Gulfis is interesting and definitely worth the visit. She provided me with this. Ealdwig holds up the pendant. It helps to ward off the bugs. Seems to work well.
Mar 25, 2024 4:51 pm
Would stopping by Gulfis be along the way to one of the two unexplored remnants?
"Then let's go check out the two Remnants to the south."
Mar 25, 2024 5:01 pm
nope. Have you not been to Gulfis? Shock! I thought all the veterans knew her 😧
Mar 25, 2024 5:46 pm
"I think a trip to Gulfis would be wise. I am interested in meeting her. That is of course if it is on the way to the unexplored remnants. If it is not, perhaps that can wait for another day", says Barley rubbing his neck.
Mar 25, 2024 5:52 pm
Psybermagi says:
nope. Have you not been to Gulfis? Shock! I thought all the veterans knew her 😧
Nope. Don't know her.
Mar 25, 2024 6:12 pm
Honestly, I think the only current Veteran that has met Gulfis is Ealdwig.

Probably not a good idea to have a large group blow into the poor shaman's little hut, anyway.
Off to the south!
Mar 25, 2024 7:09 pm
daryen says:
Honestly, I think the only current Veteran that has met Gulfis is Ealdwig.

Probably not a good idea to have a large group blow into the poor shaman's little hut, anyway.
Don't want to completely overwhelm the Shaman?
Mar 25, 2024 7:13 pm
he he he. Yeah right. Don't let her hear your say that
She's been dealing with outsiders for years and the expedition since Danoll and his team found this place
If you want to explore, that's fine. Just to blame it on the poor feeble-minded and defenceless npc
Mar 25, 2024 7:51 pm
Oh, I'd love to meet the druid! But I don't think I'd split from the group for that. Let's go exploring together, I'm sure, I'll find a moment to visit her afterwards.
Since becoming a druid is currently one of the favorite options for Arc, he defenitely will visit the druid soon. But it is probably better to visit her once Arc has enough XP to have the Arch-Druid trait, so he can role play his 'becoming Druid' scene with this other druid.
Mar 25, 2024 7:58 pm
If Arc want to chat with the druid a bit he was at the base so you could have done that while waiting for the tower research session to finish. If you want to roll play that just let me know I'm you personal thread

I'll get you into the swamp on my train ride home
Mar 26, 2024 2:00 am
OK : Since I am getting mixed votes I will give players the option of stopping by to see Gulfis for a chat in the swamp without holding up the entire group.
We will let the majority rule.
Go to the Westward Expansion to cut straight to the adventure.

Stalker05,Cathamber, most have already moved onto Westward Expanse so we will just save Gulfis for later

Go to the Swamp to see Gulfis
Jul 5, 2024 7:01 pm
@rimestock,@Arrcher101 Your story will continue here. The basic of the Trials is explained below and when you indicate you are done and/or ready to move on I will put you through a couple test scenarios solo then together
The trials of Serig and Dree

You appear in a simple stone room with the bright light coming from a dome on the ceiling. In the room is a simple bench and 3 large blocks of stone.

Please be seated a soft but neutral sounding voice calls out.

Once you have seated yourselves the voice continues.

Initial evaluation is beginning and will require you to follow all directions as best you are able.

The voice explains several things and responds to some basic questions and you learn that these tests allow you to show off your characters expertise and background. The Infinite Tower is a repository of all knowledge of the Mortal People and it was decided that access to knowledge without the proper skill and wisdom could be hazardous so to access it facilities you would need to complete trials and tests. Though you may get hurt these are designed to be non lethal. However the tower evaluates all things, bravery, recklessness, you ability to analyze situations and react accordingly. Once the test are complete you are free to leave the Tower.

For the tests please put all posts in Note to me by clicking the icon that resembles a page of paper with lines on it then selecting my name from the drop down then selecting "Add Note"

During the evaluation indicate the tests your character takes. Include your action, intentions, indicate applicable trade, proficiencies, and traits, as well as rolls (roll 3x # of dice) as requested, you feel it is needed or appropriate.

You can skip things and assume an average result, add a short description of how your character may get above average results, or give a detailed explanation of how you excel at it with dice rolls to back you up.

If you have an idea for a test that works better for your character feel free to add that as an option for your character to take. Rolls are just to indicate possible setbacks or difficulty in your character completing the tasks. If you want to go slow and Focus for better roll success then just indicate so. Roll 3 times, or just 3x # of dice, for each test you want to elaborate on.
[ +- ] Rolls & Tests
[ +- ] Basic Evaluation

[ +- ] Basic Simulation

[ +- ] Personalized Tests
Jul 8, 2024 3:58 am
Okay I absolutely have no idea if the note thing is working or not. EDIT: I'm a dumbass and didn't actually add the note lol, it's here now
Serig curses at his abrupt teleportation and immediately readies into a fighting stance. The soft, disembodied voice infuriates him, but he calms down a little as it doesn't look like he's in any immediate danger. He can't help but worry for Dree and Alben though, and there doesn't seem to be any way out of this room, except to finish the tests.

He goes over the stone blocks at once. The first two of the basic evaluation's tests, Puzzles and Memory, are neither hard nor easy for him. The next, however, takes quite a bit longer—he almost smashes the stone blocks in frustration at the reading and writing parts of this test. He barely manages to pass it—thankfully next two, Sensitivity and Mathematics, are a bit better, though his results are pretty average overall.

Serig falls silent when a full set of bone carving tools and a pile of bones from a variety of animals then materialize right in front of him. He gently brushes over them with a paw, reminiscing of the times when he learned how to shape bone from his uncle. After a short moment, he then picks it up and starts carving.

His first go with a simple wolf head turns out well enough, getting him into the groove. His second try with a more detailed moose doesn't go great when he accidentally whittles the antler base too thin resulting in the whole thing snapping off the head. Mortified, Serig decides for his final try to engrave intricate patterns and drawings, picking a particularly hefty and pristine white tusk as his canvas. Pride swells in him as he gazes fondly at his finished work, its design a remembrance and celebration to his long-lost pack. For a fleeting moment, he thinks, I wish Dree and Alben could see this.

Afterwards, the next two tests focus on his athleticism and reflexes, which Serig took on with confidence. He blows through them with ease, as expected of someone who has trained and honed their body from their childhood to the present.
Reshuffled the test sequence a bit. For all the rolls I'll focus. For the arts & crafting test I'll do advantage because of my bone carving hobby, while for the athletics and reflexes test, the advantage is from being a hunter by trade. Will edit once I see the rolls. Done with this section!

Finishing the Basic Evaluation, Serig starts the Basic Simulation test. Quickly skimming at his options, he carelessly chooses the 'Lost Livestock' option first, ignoring the items. When the illusion starts, he instinctively tries to sniff out the sheeps' location, but is dazed when he finds out he can't smell anything. Stumped, he ends up manually searching for them one by one, leading each back towards their pen or carrying in his back the few that ended up with various injuries. The task, while not that difficult, was tedious, and relief floods Serig once he finishes it.

He carefully looks over his remaining options and ponder over his next task this time. Finally, he chooses the 'Broken Water Well' option and figures he can create a makeshift pulley replacement with a few blocks of wood and some lengths of rope with some carving tools.

Unfortunately for Serig, his experience with bone carving doesn't exactly help as much as he thought with his current predicament, leaving him with unusable scraps of wood in the process. He only manages to finish the test by crudely tying the rope to a bucket and manually pulling it with his great strength.
Rolling with focus again on this. Will edit again once I see the rolls. Done!

Serig can finally see the end, and eagerly picked Survival and Combat for his personalized test.
Okay, for the short scenario I think I'll do Combat. for Survival, I was thinking about something like surviving in the woods. He would be pretty good at that since he's been doing it ever since he was a kid, especially when going on hunts.
Last edited July 8, 2024 4:44 am


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Arts & Crafts (Bone Carving) Test - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (414) = 9

3d6 : (211) = 4

3d6 : (652) = 13

Serig: Test DC: 4 - Athletics Test - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (625) = 13

3d6 : (646) = 16

3d6 : (224) = 8

Serig: Test DC: 4 - Reflexes Test - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (366) = 15

3d6 : (636) = 15

3d6 : (616) = 13

Serig: Test DC: 4 - Broken Water Well Test - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Jul 8, 2024 4:45 pm
Trials, (rolling then adding description later)


Dree would identify patterns and relationships between tiles or shapes quicker than expected with how Perceptive she is.


At first Dree finds that she struggles a bit to get the hang of how shes ment to do this test but once she understands its better. Dree excels at the last in memorizing visual details and patterns within the last test.


Dree is unable to read or write much at all. So she struggles with this test. And takes almost the whole time given to pass through to the other side.

Art & Craft:

Dree's keen eye for detail, focus, and dextrose fingers has always been a good carver of tiny figures and that practice helps her now.


Obstacle course: Dree would excel at challenges requiring strength and agility. Climbing walls, jumping gaps, and powering through obstacles would be her forte. Her tracking skills would translate well to navigating obstacle courses, as she would be good at identifying the most efficient path and potential hazards.


Dree's perception makes her more reactive to movement, both her own and her opponent's. This enhances her ability to dodge attacks and hit moving targets. Her strength and agility also are assets in this test.


Dree's exceptional senses make her more aware of subtle temperature changes or faint magical auras but her constitution let's her push through the tests.


Dree struggles with complex math. She might handles the first basic counting and simple addition/subtraction well but after that her struggles leave her frustrated and ready to hit things. To finish she ends up just randomly pushing things until the test goes away.

Lost livestock:

When seeing that lost livestock was an option Dree was filled with excitement and relief, Finally, something I know how to do well.

When when she picked this test, she took with her a shepherd's crook to length in her armspand and help with herding the animals that she may be looking for. Also a bag that seemed to have some sort of treats that might be a lure for the cows and sheep.


Dree's exceptional tracking is a perfect fit for this task. At first she struggled a little for the simulations acted a bit different than she thought they would but she adapted. She is adept at finding tracks, droppings, and other signs left behind by the animals.
Her keen senses allow her to pick up on faint trails, even in difficult terrain or with minimal spoor.


Dree would is observant, scanning the environment for signs of the lost animals. She would spot any hoofprints, disturbed earth, or even chewed foliage that others might miss. Her awareness of sounds are helpful too. (She might hear the faint bleating of sheep or the distant moo of a cow.)

Collapsed Mine Tunnel:

Dree is less enthusiastic about the rest of her choices. But choosing the minor tunnel collapse she takes with her a pick axe, a shovel, and a wheelbarrow for moving debris.

Crack Detection:

Dree uses her keen eyesight to identify hairline cracks or subtle shifts in the debris pile. These might indicate weak points or voids where survivors could be trapped or where digging could be most efficient.

Sound Analysis:

Dree's acute hearing can is crucial. She can listens for muffled sounds like tapping or breathing that might come from trapped miners. She also listens for the telltale sounds of loose rocks or shifting debris to avoid creating further cave-ins.

Strength for Clearing Blockages:

Dree's raw strength allows her to remove large rocks and boulders that block the tunnel. She breaks up smaller debris and toss it aside to create a passage.
Everything is going well but it's a long and difficult process alone and she losses steam at the end.

During the rest, between this test and the final one that she chose, she is very sore and very tired and can't help but wonder how Serig is doing, and hoping that he is safe. Hoping that they will be able to emerge together and find their way back to the real world...

Crop infestation:

This test in a way is easier than most of the others though tedium and loneliness slow her down a bit she gets the job done. All Dree needs is to take a few traps and a sword with her and dispose of the interlopers.

Strength and Stamina:

Dree sets traps, clears debris that might harbor rats (like piles of wood or leaves), and potentially even block some larger entry points (like damaged fences). She also covers a lot of ground searching for signs of the infestation.

Initial Blitz:

Dree starts with a physical assault, setting traps, clearing debris, and maybe even trying to smoke out some rats from burrows. Mostly it's just squash and cleave, repeat.


Dree's keen senses can help her identify rat tracks, droppings, and even burrows. She might also hear squeaks or scratching noises that others might miss.

When the voice asks her, Would you like to be evaluated at a higher level? If so Please indicate the one or two fields of knowledge or skill you would like to be tested on. Dree wants to say no, just let me out but she needs to know Serig is out too. "I want to find and get out of here with Serig, my ally that was sent here just before me. He is a wolf beastfolk, red and cream in coloring. We were separated by the misunderstanding of a priestess of this tower."
Thought maybe a test on Drees tracking to find Serig, then get out of tower togeather as last test? If rimestock is good with that. So Tracking and Loyalty tests?
Last edited July 8, 2024 6:07 pm


Puzzles with Perceptive trait - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (633) = 12

3d6 : (115) = 7

3d6 : (334) = 10

Memory with Perceptive trait - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (134) = 8

3d6 : (342) = 9

3d6 : (161) = 8

Arts and crafts carving little wooden figures - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (453) = 12

3d6 : (122) = 5

3d6 : (514) = 10

Athletic - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (265) = 13

3d6 : (355) = 13

3d6 : (544) = 13

Reflex - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (525) = 12

3d6 : (351) = 9

3d6 : (563) = 14

Sensitivity - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (364) = 13

3d6 : (326) = 11

3d6 : (245) = 11

Mathematics - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (363) = 12

3d6 : (342) = 9

3d6 : (433) = 10

Lost livestock - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (221) = 5

3d6 : (543) = 12

3d6 : (415) = 10

Collapsed mine tunnel - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (641) = 11

3d6 : (562) = 13

3d6 : (431) = 8

Crop pest infestation - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (416) = 11

3d6 : (331) = 7

3d6 : (253) = 10

Jul 9, 2024 4:01 am
Huza! Advanced posting credit earned! +3 starts :)
To Serig says:
Though some of the "basic" tests prove frustrating Serig quickly shows his other talents and excels at the tests he is able to select. Note that the illusions are lifelike and include scent though Seric is able to discern that the smells are pale imitations Taking his time with the carving he is pleased with a couple of the results and even more pleased when he is allowed to keep one of the items he crafted. The athletics test prove simpler for the hunter but his final test proves more frustrating.

For his personal challenge the tower informs him he will play a round of hunt the hunter.
To Dree says:
The basic tests prove not be much of a challenge Note that perceptive does not help with memory, that's another trait though one or two give her a bit of a challenge. The test she chooses are also overcome with only a bit of trouble with the crops and livestock as she realized that just finding them is only half the problem or corraling them.

When she finishes and asks about rejoining Serig she if informed she will join him for the last test of hunt the hunter.
We will have a bit of fun with a game of hide and seek/capture the flag with a head on head challenge. :)
You both appear in a blank room on either side of a large table but are unable to hear each other or move from where you appear. The top of the table shows a valley with a stream running through it. The voice informs you that you will compete against each other with random animal predators forming a challenge for both of you to overcome. You can see faint trails on the map as well as multiple types of terrain.

The Rules are as follows
1. You will start separate, one to the north and the other to the south
2. each type of terrain will hose a different predator that you must defeat or evade. Evade = 1 point, defeat = 2 points. Should any predator defeat you then you have lost the challenge.
3. You must reach the far side of the valley to finish the test. If you reach the far side in 1 hour = 8 points, 2 hours = 4 points, 3 hours = 2 points, 4 hours = 1 point. For each hour more than four you lose a point.
4. Each predator encounter that is won will be announced upon completion by a thunderclap and image in the sky over where the encounter took place.

After the rules are explained you are both teleported. Seric arrives in the North next to the river at the base of a waterfall. Dree arrives at the south next to the river as it poor's out of a narrow canyon and flows down into the valley. As You look out over it you determine the valley is about 8-10 miles across.
Let me know if you have any questions. I suggest continuing posting in notes and I will open them up when you finish. Give me an idea of your strategy and add roll for any skills or other action. I will use what you tell me and roll to FF through a couple situations but you will both have at least 1 full encounter before we wrap this up.
Jul 9, 2024 3:13 pm
So since we start out in N and S is our goal to pass each other and end up S and N? Or is our gold E, W?
Jul 9, 2024 4:35 pm

Grid scale is 1/4 mile
Basically you guys swap start stop points. Dree heads NNE and Serig goes SSW
Jul 9, 2024 7:00 pm
Sorry for the outsider comment, but that scale *has* to be wrong. If each square is only 5 ft, then they can literally see each other tower above the lilliputian terrain! I am honestly not sure what the scale should be, though.
Jul 9, 2024 7:52 pm
ignore the scale. I'm not sure how to remove that. Start to end points is about 10 miles
Jul 9, 2024 10:46 pm
Dree will follow the river up the valley looking for tracks or other signs of the beasts they're to hunt. Moving swift but quiet.
Roll for tracking.


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(516) = 12

Jul 10, 2024 6:12 am
After getting transported, Serig immediately examines his surroundings, sniffing the air to check if there's any lurking dangers around. Since he's near a river, his general game plan is to follow it downstream.
So looking at the map, Serig will first travel southwest, passing through 7Z, 8Y, 9X, and 10W most likely. For the initial check, if Serig dpesn't detect anything he'll try to go as fast as possible, but if he does detect any dangers he'll be slightly slower and a bit cautious throughout.

Also question, but do we have in our person the magic item we got from the tower right now? If yes I'll probably change out my knuckledusters out and equip the Godsteel Gauntlets instead.
Last edited July 10, 2024 6:13 am


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Focus + Sensitive Nose - (3d6)

(422) = 8

Jul 12, 2024 6:44 pm
Crazy work schedule this week

I put a copy of the map in the Tiny Info sheet under the "Adventure & Tile Maps" spoiler in the "Tower Trial Valley" snippet. If you expand to it then click it another window/tab with a langer map will be opened
Archer/Dree is moving from A->B and Rimestock/Seric is going from B->A
Arrcher101 says:
Dree starts moving north east along the river and spots multiple tracks, deer, squirrels, birds, otter, and others, all coming to the river to drink. Glad that you found Serig you are a bit annoyed at the hoops the tower has you jumping through still you wonder how you will fare against your companion. As she moves she spots several tree stumps that have been gnawed and signs they were felled and drug off. As you near the lake you spot a mound near the middle of it which confirms her suspicions, beavers. As you look out over the lake you notice a V shaped ripple in the water heading towards you. As it gets closer you realize it is a bit large, no wait, the head is as big as your body!
rimestock says:
Serig stalks through the wood anxious to finish the trials and move on but also feeling a thrill of challenge a this chance to compete. Sniffing the air as you move through the thick forest you catch multiple scents of small beasts, reptiles, and birds. Larger beast are more scarce but you still the occasional old traces of elk, deer, badger, and there, a faint but fresh scent of bear. Alert you look around. Though you neither see nor hear a trace of it the scent can not lie. The bear must be nearby. But what type, Some are smaller and would likely leave you alone if frightened but others are large and quite dangerous. They can be fiercely territorial to other large predators and should you encounter it or it picks up your trace it may well pursue you well beyond it's normal range.
Jul 12, 2024 11:31 pm
Not sure what is coming but knowing it moves well in the water and she doesn’t, she will use what time she has to move back away from the water. She will also take a chance to hide, but have her sword ready just in case.
Rolling to see if hiding is possible.


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Jul 13, 2024 6:17 am
Serig quickly decides to try to track the bear and deal with it, so he doesn't have to worry about it following him.
Ok so first roll is to try to pinpoint where the bear is more specifically through smell. The second roll is to try to be careful and sneaky so the bear doesn't notice Serig. (I'm gonna assume my Hunter trade helps here.)


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Focus + Sensitive Nose - (3d6)

(434) = 11

Serig: Test DC: 4 - Focus + Hunter - (3d6)

(612) = 9

Jul 13, 2024 2:10 pm
Arrcher101 says:

Moving back from the waters edge you find a thick bush and move to get behind it while keeping an eye on the water and the creature approaching. As it reaches the waters edge it begins to clamber out and you realize is is just a beaver, over 20' long. Pausing a moment it raises its head and turns from side to side sniffing and twitching its ears. Raising on it's hind legs it opens it mouth and unleashes a mighty Roar before dropping back to all four and lumbering aquardly towards you.
rimestock says:

Serig moves to take advantage of the wind and gets a better location of the bear and grins to himself. Suddenly a roar echoes across the valley coming from the south west and you suspect Dree has encountered her first foe and you wonder what it might be. The tower said the hunters would all be beasts but from the sound of that one it must be quite large. With a shrug you move on focus on your quarry and after a couple minutes you spit the massive grizzly and are glad you tracked it as this great beast would likely seek to drive you off. Now, do you wish to wish to slay the beast, assert your dominance to drive it off, or evade it. Such a large one will likely need to take severe damage before being driven off. Bears can be quite fast to move when angered so you will want to have a good lead and perhaps a obstacle or two to keep it from melee range where it would likely overwhelm you.
Trade does give advantage but mostly for knowledge. There are a few things I allow it on in practical application but only where it is directly applicable and does not overlap a trait. Ex a hunter trade would give advantage on understanding about animals, the woods, and such but not for actually being "sneaky". That is a trait. However I think your understanding of hunting would allow you to move in such a way to impose disadvantage for it to pick up your scent as you track it.
Jul 13, 2024 3:18 pm
Holding her sword with one hand Dree reaches into her pocket and pulls out one of the little wood carvings she's done. Hiding didn't work maybe bribery and sweet talk will. In a calm gentle voice, Hello there big fluffy want a snack? She tosses it the little hunk of wood. Only friends here, yes.
Something like animal handling? Don't know that it would work or if is it even something you would alow.
Last edited July 13, 2024 3:19 pm


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Jul 15, 2024 7:29 am
Serig decides to fight off the bear, but initiates combat by barking in a particularly threatening manner to get its attention. He'll wait for the bear to come to him instead, concentrating on recalling his pack's teachings.

Since I initiated combat I get to act first, yeah? If so, for my first action I'd like to activate Shamanic Warrior. If it's successful, for the 2nd action I'd do an Evade action, but if not I'd try to activate Shamanic Warrior again.


Serig: Test DC: 4 - 1st Action - (2d6, 1d6)

2d6 : (15) = 6

1d6 : (3) = 3

Serig: Test DC: 4 - 2nd Action - (2d6, 1d6)

2d6 : (64) = 10

1d6 : (2) = 2

Jul 15, 2024 1:45 pm
Arrcher101 says:

The beaver ignores the proffered wooden pies and lumbers on as Dree scrambles back. Thinking back she remembers two key things

1. The tower rules stated that "each type of terrain will hose a different predator" and as you have had a good look at its mouth you doubt this thing is a predator and likely match normal beavers and is an herbivore
2. While larger herbivores are dangerous they are usually content to be left alone unless bothered, threatened, or protecting young.
With a background of "tribal warrior" I am loosely translating that to equate a grab bag of lore on nature, survival , and tribal tactics/strategy. So you would know a bit about animal behavior (advantage to know about them) so I am giving you a pass on your test though it was low but missing a dice. I interpret animal handling as a knowledge and practice skill and you would know that working with wild creatures to not flee/fight takes more time than you have for this trial so
So far this massive beast is acting as a normal wild animal and Dree backs off with the lumbering amphibious and enraged creature in pursuit.
rimestock says:
Vicious Strike: You deal additional critical damage.
This deals +1 damage on attacks that roll 2 6's which will be more common once you master your weapon so have advantage on rolls.
Standing with a howl and barking challenge at the beast it turns to face and charges with a bellow. The bear does a charge and tries to bowl right through you but is easily side stepped.


Roll vs Serig - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Jul 15, 2024 4:27 pm
Dree chuckles to herself slightly as she starts going north again, I migh be a little on edge. Keeping eyes out she keeps walking.
Jul 16, 2024 6:09 am
Serig grins as adrenaline courses through him. After evading the bear's charge, he quickly tries to punch it in quick succession.

Gonna attack with my two actions!


Serig: Test DC: 5 - First Action Attack - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Serig: Test DC: 5 - Second Action Attack - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Jul 17, 2024 2:16 pm
rimestock says:
As the bear charges by Serig delivers a great blow to the bear but is unable to capitalize further. Still the bear is slightly stunned but rage and pain fills its attacks. both attacks by its massive paws land with enough force to cause Serig to grit his teeth but you can tell you first strike has severely injured the beast 2 damage
Arrcher101 says:
Continuing to the north at a light jog Dree makes her way past the lake as the great beaver settles down in her wake. You soon find an animal track along the rive and spot a couple smaller, regular sized beavers and their dams further down river from the large and great beavers. There are some hills to the west but the area around is mostly open grassy fields with scattered trees.
Let me know if you are going for speed or stealth and add rolls.


Roll VS Serig - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (354) = 12

3d6 : (256) = 13

Jul 17, 2024 5:55 pm
Serig tries to strike the bear with all his might to try to end the battle as fast as possible. And although he's usually reckless and doesn't pay attention to his injuries much, Dree and Alben's face flashed before his mind's eye, and he subconsciously tries to create distance, using the trees around him as cover, trying to protect himself from the bear's flurry of attacks.

For my first action I'll do an attack, and then move away for my second action since I only have 3 HP left and I can't have that bear hitting me twice XD


Serig: Test DC: 5 - Attack - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Jul 17, 2024 8:57 pm
Dree is going for a steady pace that she can keep her eyes out for trouble but also make ok time.
So I guess she’s looking to keep moving steeds but not be surprises herself. So i guess I’ll roll a perception and a stamina.


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(312) = 6

Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(55) = 10

Jul 18, 2024 10:02 pm
rimestock says:

Serig lands another blow and moves back. The grizzly is now critically wounded but as you back off it lumbers slowly to give chase with loud roars. As soon as you stop moving away it grows angry resumes the hunt but as long as you move away it feels victorious and belows it's dominance.

Knowing the bear is not longer a threat you move on. The forrest starts to thin, with younger and shorter trees. You emerge from the dense woods to move out into a grassy region continuing on your way to the SW.
How will you be moving through this area? Stick close to the river, run, hide, search, . . . . ? emember to add rolls to support ideas and actions
Arrcher101 says:

Dree makes good time, falling into the mile eating stride of the persistence hunter that epitomizes humanities advantage. Your run keeps you between the river and hills that draw closer as the river bends heading north. Your first hint of missing signs of being tracked is a flicker of grey to your right. Looking closer you see several forms moving parallel to you and cutting off your path to the river. Slowing a bit you take a better look around and though you do not spot your pursuers the lack of other wildlife lets you know that you have fallen into a hunt. Based on the two you spotted you suspect it to be a pack hunter. The question is how many and when will they close in for the kill. You are in grassy flatlands with occasional scattered trees and brush can try and break for the river to your right, the hills to the left, or look for someplace where you can secure your flank. How do you wish to try and handle this threat? Feel free to add plausible terrain features. Remember to add rolls to support ideas and actions
Jul 18, 2024 11:04 pm
Dree's heart pounds in her chest, a rhythm matching the thundering of her feet against the soft earth. The adrenaline coursing through her veins is a familiar friend, a companion in countless hunts. (Speed roll) But today, the prey is her. Dree veers sharply to the left, aiming for a small cluster of trees that appears to offer some cover hoping to find something more solid to have at her back than tall grass. (Perception roll looking for more for cover) She knows it's a gamble, but it's her best bet. As she bursts through the undergrowth, she reaches for her axe, her grip tight. She readies to attack the first threat that comes. (Take ready action if she has time)
Last edited July 18, 2024 11:05 pm


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(451) = 10

Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Jul 19, 2024 7:19 am
Serig stays close to the river, and after finding what seems like a relatively open area of the forest near the river, he pauses for a while to tend to his injuries. Even with taking a break he still remains vigilant of any possible dangers around him.
Ok so I'm gonna roll with Focus + Sensitive Nose. I'm also gonna try to roll if I can treat my wounds to regain some HP or something, but if that's not allowed I'll rest for an hour instead so I can at least recover 1 HP.


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Sensitive Nose - (3d6)

(344) = 11

Serig: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Jul 19, 2024 2:32 pm
Arrcher101 says:

As you abruptly change course and make your way to the trees the other hunters react and begin closing their net. Sharp barks announce two towards the river, one behind and another more towards the hill. The sounds are distinct and metered so though the sound carried it likely does not go too far. The four increase their speed and would doubtless be able to race you down but you reach the trees and scan for a defensible position. A couple a large enough to hold your weight but with ax in hand you dismiss getting treed by mere dogs. Using your weapon you clear a space near one of the larger trees, tossing the felled vegetation to one side to reduce the open areas the dogs can move quickly through.

Braced with weapon ready you wait, but not too long. Sound reveal a couple of the wild dogs are moving around the undergrowth to either side while two move into sight. Positioning themselves to your left and right they growl low, likely to try and anchor your attention, and continually pace. However this trick is old to you and you are ready when another leaps from the brush and your ax bites deep quickly dropping it. Instantly the two in the clear move in, one leaping for your throat and the other going for your legs. Though able to avoid being grabbed the vicious bite for your throat is only blocks by sacrificing your arm and you grimace in pain 1 damage.
Basic rules state that recovering HP requires magic or rest for an hour. I am not opposed to testing for basic first aid to speed it up a bit.
rimestock says:

After using some water to clean you wounds you bind them and set out to find a safe spot to rest. A stout tree, in the middle of a grassy clearing offers the best resting point and you break out some food as you consider your options and you minister to your wounds further. Rested, fed, and watered you feel better after about 3/4 an hour has passed. The bleeding has stopped and you hope the bandages will hold through the remainder of this trial.


Test vs Dree - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (456) = 15

3d6 : (142) = 7

Jul 19, 2024 3:53 pm
Dree will raise her axe with a war cry and swing it in a graceful arc at the closest dog, then concentrate on any attacks coming her way.
Attack then evade


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Jul 20, 2024 7:34 am
After slightly patching himself up, Serig continues on, running as swiftly as he can.
Hmm, looking at the map I think I'll follow the river south until I hit that brown patch (are those mountains?) then head west, still trying to stick as close to the river. Also rolling to sniff out possible dangers again, just in case!


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Sensitive Nose - (3d6)

(632) = 11

Jul 22, 2024 12:32 pm
Arrcher101 says:

Though Drees ax misses the dog it passage intimidates the beast and it jumps back but the other and one from the side lunge in, teeth snapping.
Roll 1d6,1d6 to evade the 2 attacks that hit
rimestock says:

The rest does you good and your feel strength return to your body +1 health before you set out once again. Following the small river you make your way south a a steady jog, wincing slightly at the tugging on your wounds. Keeping your nose to the winds you catch traces of a variety of large beast that are likely grazers as the smell of their herds is reminiscent of cattle or deer. Soon the herds come into view as large dark shifting mass over the green grassy lands near the river. Ahead you see rocky hills near where the river you follow joins another larger one that is large enough for water craft.

Do you want to stay near the river and enter the stony hills or cut the corner through the herds?


Vs Dree - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (225) = 9

3d6 : (415) = 10

Jul 22, 2024 4:38 pm
Rolling to avoid 2 attacks


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Dree: Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Jul 22, 2024 8:32 pm
The dog that lunges is the one Dree aims her axe at as she swings then she will again defend.


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Jul 23, 2024 7:45 am
While keeping a safe distance from them, Serig follows the herd as much as he can.
Gonna follow the herd if they're going west and hopefully south.
Jul 23, 2024 12:24 pm
Arrcher101 says:

Dree dropps a second wild dog and is left facing 1 with another still in the brush but now still so harder to locate. The last dog seems much more reluctant an d paces back and forth growling. Its eyes and ears stay mostly focused on Dree but scan the area or twitch ocasionally but you can not discern its target.
rimestock says:

Moving west you begin to shadow the outskirts of the herd, which shifts away from you as you near. The herd is heading south and west a bit but at a snails pace as they graze. Looking around you are certain that such beast likely have predators, especially in such numbers. The question is what, where, and how many?


Roll vs Dree - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (34) = 7

2d6 : (52) = 7

Jul 23, 2024 12:40 pm
Serig sniffs the air, trying to locate predators he could possibly hunt. He tries to hone in on the lone ones, since he's not stupid enough to attract attention on him from predators who hunt in packs.


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Sensitive Nose - (3d6)

(612) = 9

Jul 23, 2024 5:47 pm
Staying at the ready Dree will not attack the last dog, she will reach into her pocket and pull out a strip of dried meat and softly speak, We don’t have to fight, she’ll toss the meat toward the dog, I can be friendly. Come on now, let’s calm down, yeah. She will ready to defend herself if it attacks her but wont strike if it stays back.
The roll is if it attacks first.


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Jul 24, 2024 4:50 am
Arrcher101 says:

Perhaps because it is a "mere illusion" or because the beast is wild and you slew two of it's pack but the dog does not respond kindly to your gesture. However it does get confused and after a couple moments of considering the strange 2 legged beast with a lethal claw but proffering it food the dog turns and runs and is quickly joined by its fellow.
rimestock says:

A few sniffs and you scent large hunting cats, though the trace is faint. Knowing most cats prefer to stalk their prey or leap in ambush you look around at the tall grasses and guess it will be hard to spot them directly. However the herd itself serves as a lookout. Wherever the herd is, they cats will not be. You scan the beasts, well over 50 in number, and notice they are shying away from the rocky hills and reason the predators may house there but likely come out to the grass lands to hunt. The trouble is, the herds refuse to let you get close either so your presence is driving them as much as the cats might...
I think I will wrap this up and get you out of the trials by next week. Go ahead and post any additional plans or methods for the trial with rolls as you see fit.
Jul 24, 2024 5:18 pm
When the last dog she can see and presumably the one she couldn't disappear into the underbrush. Dree will wait a moment to see and listen for any other threats before she will again begin a ground eating pace towards the opposite end of the valley.

As she moves she will be keeping an eye out for Serig in case he is in need of help, but other than that she is focused on getting out of this place.
Last edited July 24, 2024 5:20 pm


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv perception - (3d6)

(443) = 11

Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Stamina - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Jul 25, 2024 7:49 am
Serig backs away from the herd and tries to sneak up on the whatever's in the rocky hills and tries to attack it as well.


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Sneak - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Serig: Test DC: 4 - Attack - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Jul 25, 2024 12:58 pm
Arrcher101 says:

Dree sets out and makes good time despite her injuries. After a while you cross a small tributary and move into an open plain and see a herd grazing in the midst of it. Continuing on your way, keeping the river in sight for guidance you see another tributary merging in the distance near somem rocky hills and see an upright figure, Serig?, moving into them... He appears to be hiding from observation from the hills so may be stalking the local predator?
rimestock says:

Checking the wind you begin moving cautiously towards the rocky hills. Once close enough you find cover but the rough terrain makes your finding of the beast take a while despite the plentitude of tracks. However after a few minutes you are able to follow the tracks to a pair of large cats. By the look of them these are a pair of adolescents Each is bigger than Dree but smaller than you and from the looks of them lounging in the sun they are unaware of you.
Jul 25, 2024 3:30 pm
Drees chest tightens when she sees the figure that may be Serig, Let that be him, please, she will cautiously move forward, making sure it's Serig.

Seeing him before had been nice but not enough, she needs to talk to him, as reserved as he is she still wants to here him say he's alright.

A small voice in the back of her head whispers that she's only met him a few days ago, Don’t get attached, he dosn't want to be your friend. Not really. Dree pushes the voice away.


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic stealth - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv perception - (3d6)

(665) = 17

Jul 26, 2024 2:05 pm
Serig initiates combat against the two cats! He concentrates, then picks one as his target and strikes with his fist.
1st action is to try to activate Shamanic Warrior, 2nd action I'll attack regardless.


Serig: Test DC: 5 - Shamanic Warrior - (2d6, 1d6)

2d6 : (64) = 10

1d6 : (1) = 1

Serig: Test DC: 5 - Attack - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Jul 26, 2024 7:55 pm
Arrcher101 says:

Dree moves quickly, but with caution, as the figure disappears into the jumble of rocks that cover the hills at near the river junction. You soon find tracs and are elated at their familiarity. How may bipedal lupine can there be around here? As Serig looked to be on the hunt and this place is all to suited for an ambush you keep alert . . . a sudden should followed by a couple of yowls and movement ahead alerts you that thing's may have escalated! Moving quickly you find Serig wrestling with two cats bigger than you.
rimestock says:

Fast feet: You gain a free movement action each turn and can jump great distances.
As the spirits fill your legs with strength and energy you burst from hiding and close to fight the great cats. A momentary thought that a spear might be nice to keep you from getting tangles with the claw is quickly rejected as a cowardly thing as you slam you fist into the side of one of the beasts as both slide to their feet and turn to face you.

The cats jump back in surprise but quickly move to either side, obviously used to working together, and come at you. A nasty raking of one set of claws and the other sinks its teeth into your shoulder after leaping atop you. 2 damage The three of you tumble to the ground in a whirling mass of claws and teeth.
You guys can post in the clear now!


Vs Seric - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (54) = 9

2d6 : (61) = 7

Jul 26, 2024 9:27 pm
Dree will pull her sword, Serig! and swing at the nearest cat. Then prepare to dodge the counter attack. Her relief and joy at seeing him is plain on her face.
Last edited July 26, 2024 9:28 pm


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic attack - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Dree: Test DC: 5 - Dis dodge - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Jul 27, 2024 9:26 am
Serig's ears perk up when he hears the half-elf's voice. "Hey Dree," he says, his voice nonchalant from the cats attacks but with obvious mirth from finally coming across a familiar face. After greeting her, he pummels the cat that bit him in the shoulders, and jumped back to gain distance.
Gonna go with two attacks, and because I have free move, I'll move away! I'll position myself so the cats are flanked between me and Dree.


Serig: Test DC: 5 - First Attack - (2d6)

(41) = 5

Serig: Test DC: 5 - Second Attack - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Jul 27, 2024 2:46 pm
Dree comes into the fight with a shout and the two of you attempt to finish of the injured cat before moving to the next but they are able to avoid any serious injury and whirl with one each laying into each of you with Dree getting nearly hit then . . . while Serig suffers another strike 1 damage.
While the rules to the game are simple and only cover damage in specifics they also encourage broader player actions. Tests can cover everything from wrestling or escaping to parkour and other fun stuff. Moving around in a fight, minor positional changes, is free but a move action moves you 1 zone. So Serig can easily flee away from the fight as the fastest combatant or chase down a fleeing cat.

Dree can roll a dodge for the 2nd attack and evades the 1st


cat attack vs - (Dree:2d6, Dree:2d6, Serig:2d6, Serig:2d6)

Dree:2d6 : (62) = 8

Dree:2d6 : (54) = 9

Serig:2d6 : (31) = 4

Serig:2d6 : (35) = 8

Jul 27, 2024 4:12 pm
How is Serig looking in regard to his health?
Jul 27, 2024 5:14 pm
Serig is not looking well, with an old wound and several new ones he is beginning to be a bit shaky. I have him at 2/6 health = 6 - 2 + 1 - 2 - 1
Jul 27, 2024 5:46 pm
Dree will swing at the weakest looking cat trying to cleave them, then defend Serig against attacks that target him.
Not sure exactly how my cleave trait works but gonna try for it.


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic attack - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Dree: Test DC: 5 - Dis defend - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Jul 27, 2024 6:03 pm
Dree drops the wounded cat and continues the swing to its companion but is unable to connect.
cleave is totally applicable, good catch, do your want that roll at your Evade for the 2nd attack or cleave? Add another to at disadvantage for the other
Jul 27, 2024 10:14 pm
Serig cheers with a happy "Nice!" after seeing Dree successfully take out one of the cats. He closes in again and tries to end the remaining cat.


Serig: Test DC: 5 - First Attack - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Serig: Test DC: 5 - Second Attack - (2d6)

(41) = 5

Jul 27, 2024 10:44 pm


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jul 29, 2024 12:19 am
The final cat snarls and with a last swipe at Dree, likely to discourage pursuit, turns and begins to flee


attack vs dree - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jul 29, 2024 12:25 am
Serig is not doing well, having taken a more aggressive path, and paid for it in blood. Dree on the other hand traveled more and is 2/3 done. After spending a few minutes to bind Serig's new wounds you are ready to finish the trials.
You guys are definitely well beyond rookie. I added weapons mastery of your weapons to your sheets. Go ahead and select your veteran trait to your characters. It will go into effect as soon as you are out of the tower trials. Unless you have anything in particular to do here I will move to the end of the trials.

I will likely be introducing some of the newcomers into your story path once you are outside the tower.
Jul 29, 2024 5:55 am
Dree is clearly worried about Serig’s wounds but trying very hard not to hover, He’s an adult and a warrior, she reminds herself, he’ll be fine, its not like before.
Will pick my trait and I’m good to go to end the trial. :)
Jul 29, 2024 9:36 am
Serig notices Dree's brows furrowed with worry, but he gives her a big, reassuring laugh and says, "I've had worse, don't worry about it."
As for my trait, hmm... I think I'll get Tough for the +2 HP! And I'm also good to go :D
Jul 29, 2024 6:45 pm
The two of you part ways to finish this trial, having agreed that this was enough and it was time to leave this place. Upon completion the valley fades around you, revealing it to be the illusion it was. As it does all wounds also vanish though your fatigue remains. The two of you find ourselves in another simple roome of stone with no discernable light source, doors, or windows. Immediately after you find yourselves in the room the lighting fades to that of a dark and moonless night lit only by starlight. After several minutes the now somewhat familiar voice of the tower speaks to you.

Trial evaluation of transfer applicants has completed. Unregistered individuals detected. Remote administrative access revoked. Applicants retrieved from intermediate status pending local Warden. Local Warden unavailable. Acting Wardens have been notified.
. .
. . .
Thank you for your patience. You will be assisted momentarily.

As the end of this the light slowly returns to a dul pre-dawn level and you hear a slight grinding noise. Turning you see a line appear on one of the walls and watch as a door opens at an ants pace. The area beyond the door is fully lit and looks like the entrance chamber of the tower. Distant footfalls can be heard approaching but still far off. Peering through the door as it finally opens to a size wide enough to allow you head you confirm it leads to the receiving hall and the exit is only tens of feet to your right. To your left the sounds of feet are getting louder and you hear two voices panting a clipped conversation as they rush towards you though you still see no one else.
Jul 30, 2024 3:32 pm
Do we recognize either voice?


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)

(526) = 13

Jul 30, 2024 4:28 pm
Neither voice is familiar. As you pause to listen the speakers, a pair of elves by their looks, come into view. As they enter the entry hall the spot you and immediately show to a more dignified speed. The lady calls out to you.

Siveril Miarona (Tower)
Our apologies for our late arrival. We were not expecting you. The other tower warden must have been unable to contact us before sending you to our site.
She is armor, though it looks more ornamental than functional, and is marked with Symbol of divine service so is likely a protests or cleric.

Dasyra Valdi (Tower)
The male wears robes and scurries along with horror small steps to keep up with the woman's long strides. His robes bear arcane marks and a belt with several items and pouches dust him to be a wizard or artificer. The chamber echos some mumbled industry words from him as he flares at you in obvious frustration.
Jul 30, 2024 4:58 pm
Hello, Dree says a bit hesitantly, I'm Dree. She stays near Serig, unsure of what 'welcome' they will be receiving.

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Jul 30, 2024 10:47 pm
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

Stopping several get from you both give a quarter bow and the lady replies
I am Siveril Miarona and this is Dasyra Valdi. We're are the Tower Wardens for this Portal. Again I do apologize. The portal magic were damaged during the Shattering. We did not think the other Portals could still contact us until we finished repairs.
Still, you are here now. Did the other Tower Warden explain the Infinity Tower and it's trials to you? Do you have any questions or require anything we may help you with at this time?
Jul 31, 2024 12:21 am
Serig frowns, not knowing where to start. But he growls in irritation recalling the woman who forcefully transported him to these trials without warning. So he asks, "Where exactly are we and what the hell are these trials for?" He also remembered him and Dree leaving Alben behind, and adds, "And how do we get back?"
Jul 31, 2024 12:28 am
Your counterpart on the other side simply came in casting magic around and sent Serig here without warning or request. She shifts ever so slightly, A companion was left behind.
Jul 31, 2024 2:20 am
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

The trials originate long ago during the ascension of the Dawn Age. They were created to test the strengths, skills, aptitude, and wisdom of the tower applicants. The test showed what the applicant was ready to learn. Unfortunately with the advent of the Dawn Warn it shifted to focus more on militant prowess.

As for where we are, I am sorry to say that with the Shattering this has little meaning an dI am sorry to say that at this time there is noting we can do to send you back. Once we are able to repair more of the tower that may change.

Upon hearing Dree she looks uncomfortable and glances at her companion

Dasyra Valdi (Tower)

We are sorry but as she stated there is noting we can do at this time.
If you wish to help us restore the tower Portal then I will do my best to locate your tower of origin and try to correct this situation. You see that though much of the Tower remains intact the Shattering causes pieces of our tower to be ejected into the surrounding area. If you wish to return we will need to collect the pieces so I can restore this Portals connection to the Infinite Tower.
Jul 31, 2024 6:46 pm
Dree looks to Serig, When I asked that woman to send me after you when you disappeared I also made her promise to help Alben return to the temple with the orb in safety. She promised and did seem genuine.
Aug 1, 2024 3:19 am
The half-elf's words allayed Serig's concerns, at least a little. For now, the two of them have to worry about themselves. Digesting the tower wardens' words, he asks, "How dangerous is this collecting gonna be?" Although frankly, he's probably gonna do it either way—he doesn't wanna get stuck here. He turns to Dree and asks her as well. "What do you say? You up for some fetching?"

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Aug 1, 2024 4:47 am
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

The two elves look at each other with nervous expressions before Siveril replies

We do know where several of the tower elements have fallen to but they are under the control of several factions that are fighting over the resources of the area. We have tried negotiating their return with little success. It is increasingly apparent that retrieving those will require a greater effort and danger than we would wish. There are traces of other elements and rare resources that we can use but they are further away so we are less certain as to their exact location and situation.

If you are truly willing to help us and give us some time we can review your tests and try to find a mission that you could undertake on our behalf. We can compensate you for your efforts should they be successful.
and she looks at you with a mixture of pleading and hope.
Aug 1, 2024 10:42 pm
Dree shrugs at Serig, I suppose it's something to do at least. She touches the fox head charm at her neck, How long will it take to review our tests? I fell like its been years since I slept.

Dasyra Valdi (Tower)


Aug 1, 2024 11:41 pm
Dasyra Valdi (Tower)

The review of the test itself will take mere minutes but a thorough analysis of your aptitude and finding resources for collection in areas suited to your skills may take a bit longer. We can easily have a short list ready in about an hour. You may stay in the tower to rest if you wish or wait outside if your prefer.

The tower has a strict policy of neutrality and only uses its powers in self defense and enforcing its rules. Know that if you attack any sentient within 100 paces of the tower you will be denied access to any tower services.
Aug 2, 2024 2:58 am
Drees brows furrow, But we can defend ourselves if attacked?
Would an hour be long enough to investigate Drees foxfire charm, you know perhaps meet the little friend inside it ;)
Last edited August 2, 2024 3:01 am

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Aug 2, 2024 12:39 pm
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

Oh, certainly you main defend yourselves. The true meaning of the law forbids killing any intelligent life as we are all of the People. However the tower is old and as we said has always remained neutral so the rule was limited to the Infinite Tower itself and its holdings. Typically this is easily noted as cities are built around most Portals but the general rule of 100 paces is a universally held rule.
That will be fine to familiarize yourself with its magic with either some background or a good roll. Since it was given to you then you already know enough to learn the rest.
Aug 4, 2024 4:44 pm
I suppose we could just stay here, near the exit, and relax while you decide what needs we can meet. If Serig agrees Dree will find a torch and test out the Foxfire Charm.
Aug 5, 2024 1:14 pm
Serig assesses his own condition—as antsy as he is, he could definitely use some rest, if only so he and Dree are in better shape to tackle whatever task they have to do to get back. "Let's take a breather then," he says, and unceremoniously plops himself on the floor.
Something unexpected came up during the weekend so I wasn't able to post, sorry about that! 😅

Sidenote since I forgot to ask this before, but when the test ended, did we recover HP? If we don't I'd love to at least rest long enough to recover to full (since I'm at 2/8 HP right now).

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Aug 5, 2024 1:30 pm
Syveril and Dasyra agree to this and escort you to a side chamber that has several tables, charis, a couple couches, as well as thick carpets and pillows. Water and some fruit are on a couple of tables and the two elves excuse themselves, indicating they will return after an hour has passe. Dree takes the time to experiment with a become familiar with her new charm. She finds the creature interesting in that though it looks real it completely ignores here weapons and though she can touch it she is unable to hold it fast. Adding in its ability to communicate directly with you it looks to be an excellent scout.

Siveril Miarona (Tower)
A bit over an hour later a knock sounds at the door and Syveril enters at your response. We have a coupe of options for your but we do have a preference, if you are up to it. She goes on to explain 3 missions the tower would like you to undertake. All three deal with looking into finding Portal Foci, large magical stone spheres about 5' in diameter covered in runes and often glowing. Unfortunately the Foci are unstable outside of the Tower and so tend to alter the environment. The Tower will provide you with a magical rod that when held in your hand will vibrate stronger the closer you get to a Foci and tug your hand in the general direction of the Foci. If you find one then simply touching the rod to the Foci will create a connection to the Tower allowing Dasyra to teleport to the Foci and begin the process of returning it to the Portal where it belongs.
[ +- ] 1. The River (prefered)
[ +- ] 2. The mountains to the north
[ +- ] 3. The swamp to the south
Aug 5, 2024 3:39 pm
Dree bites her lower lip in apprehension, Will the water amulets let us move underwater uh, even if we can't swim? She blushes in embarrassment. Even children can swim.

If they will still work then i'm sure we could go to the river.
Last edited August 5, 2024 3:42 pm

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Aug 5, 2024 3:47 pm
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

You are reassured that the amulets will help but she suggests perhaps spending a while in the river shallows practicing before moving deeper as she is unsure what you might encounter.
Normally we give out magics to make the wearer more maneuverable while swimming in the water but if you prefer I believe we have some that would simple let you breath and walk as if on land, if only slightly slower. Would you prefer to swim or walk on the river bottom?
Aug 5, 2024 4:01 pm
Well I, blushing deeper, I'm sure the regular thing will be fine. Swimming is fine. It can't be that hard.
Aug 5, 2024 4:34 pm
When you are ready to go she hands you each an amulet and with a wave of her hand shows a minor illusion of the area.
Moving on tomorrow if nothing else from you
[ +- ] Area Map
Aug 5, 2024 8:41 pm
Serig notices Dree's apprehension, and gives her a quick clap on the shoulder for reassurance. "You don't have to worry, swimming is easy. Besides, I'll be there," he says to her.
Aug 5, 2024 9:57 pm
Dree gives Serig a hesitant smile, Yes, I just hope I don’t sink like a stone. That would be embarrassing. Looking down at her new fox friend, Can you swim little one or should I let you return to the charm for this adventure?

foxfire spirit


Aug 5, 2024 11:31 pm
foxfire spirit
Dree gets the impression of amusement and safety and the spirit affirms it will be fine in water. While it is not affiliated with the element it is only the true elemental or magical nature that would bother it. You have noted in your practice that while the spirit never seems to fly it does not seem to quite follow the laws of nature as you know them. Leaping far, dropping slowly, and even leaping off of empty air to change directions.
Adding this NPC to your sheet for your use. You can change the image if you like.
Aug 7, 2024 4:26 am
If you are ready to go you can set out or I can get you headed in the general direction
The map has been added to the ~Tiny Info~ sheet under MAPS / Adventure & Tile Maps / Tower & River Map
Aug 7, 2024 6:01 am
Turning to Serig, I suppose we should head for the river. See if I sink or swim.
Aug 7, 2024 12:31 pm
Making your way from the tower, now with a small redish brown companion that quickly slips into the underbrush, you make your way toward the river to the south. The area around the tower is clear but grassy hills dotted with the ocasional clump of brush or small thickets surrounds you. The area is not too disimilar to where you entered the Tower but the lack of a city confirms you moves to a new location and warmer air suggests you are further from from than a mere few hours travel.

As you leave the tower you note the area around it has signs of a variety of people moving to the door andl walking around it as well. A quick survey reveals heavy traffic of several weeks past going to and from the west. Smaller but more recent traffic heads towars the south east, in the general direction you need to heas to reach the area of the river to begin your search. Serig identifies the older tracks as belonging to a people unknown to him but smelling heavily of leather and oil while the smaller traffic seems more varried but mostly human but also having a few duende.

foxfire spirit
As you move away from the tower Dree is contacted by her companion spirits I smell people have passed this way often but always by differnt paths that circle the tower.

Looking around you soon spot traces yourseelves of iregular paths made by small groups circling the tower. The grass hides the traces within a day or two but from your estimation these patrols(?) are regular enough that despite using differing paths they passage can not be completly hidden.

Slightly curious and with increased caution, you move as if on a hunt and use the terrain and vegitation to skay close or hidden by cover, as you make you way towards the river. Calls from up in the air directs your eyes to see flocks of wheeling creatures that glide on long leathery wings and the breeze brings the scent of water. An ocasional glider will dive and dissapear towars the scent of water so you surmise these are fishing and as you near the riveer you see you are correct.
Moving story to The River Deep thread

If you have questions for the Tower guardians beforeleaving post them here.

Thread locked