The Infinite Tower

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Mar 18, 2024 3:28 pm
Each specific type of test gets harder until you fail it a minimum standard is reached.
When you start a new test it starts ready and gets harder
Ex: puzzle easy to hard, memory easy to hard, etc

As I said you can just list the tests you take and assume basic competence without more effort. If you want your character to score better then explain how they can do so. Roll if you want to get a random result with chances for better or worse results.

I could just hand wave and day your all are done but am giving you options on how you want to treat the tower tests.

It gives you an idea of some of the tiers functions before moving into more detail on what to do with/for the tower
Mar 18, 2024 5:31 pm
[ +- ] evaluation


Reflex - Hit a target at distance - focused - (2d6)


Reflex - Hit a moving target in melee - (3d6)


Reflex - Avoid getting hit - (2d6)


Mar 18, 2024 9:03 pm
[ +- ] evaluation


Test 1 - (2d6)


Test 2 - (2d6)


Test 1 Redo with focus - (2d6)


Test 2 Redo with focus - (2d6)


Test 2 redo 2 with focus - (2d6)


Mar 18, 2024 10:11 pm
[ +- ] evaluatoin


Basic (1) - (2d6)


Basic (2) - (2d6)


Basic (3) - (2d6)


Basic (4) - (2d6)


Basic (2) trying again - (2d6)


Basic (4) trying again - (2d6)


Mar 19, 2024 3:14 am
[ +- ] evaluation


Test 1 - (2d6)


Test 2 - (3d6)


Test 3 - (3d6)


Simulation 1 (focus) - (2d6)


Simulation 2 (focus) - (2d6)


Mar 19, 2024 3:25 am
[ +- ] evaluation
Last edited Mar 19, 2024 3:29 am


Skeeve: Test 1 DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)


Skeeve: Test 2 DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)


Skeeve: Test 3 DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)


Mar 19, 2024 3:42 am
[ +- ] evaluatoin
Last edited Mar 19, 2024 3:45 am


Skeeve: Test 1 DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)


Skeeve: Test 2 DC: 4 - Adv - (3d6)


Mar 19, 2024 5:34 am
You all passe the tower evaluations but I apparently need to work on explanations.
Sigh :(
[ +- ] Vaun
[ +- ] Barley
[ +- ] Blornvid
[ +- ] Kaarik
[ +- ] Arc
[ +- ] Ealdwig
[ +- ] Skeeve
Mar 19, 2024 1:09 pm
At the completion of all your evaluations the room around you fades and a pulse of low light washes over you and you find yourself in a room about 30 foot across. The middle of the room has a large round table with some fruits, bread, and drink, surrounded by low couch seats, with or without backs. You do not all appear at the same time. As various members of the group appear you compare your experiences as you wait for the others. Once everyone is there the tower voice announces an administrator will be with you in 10 minutes.
Previous test notes hand been made public. Feel free to review each others test approaches.
Individuals can finish and submit personalized test in spoilers but we can move on with the rest of the Tower now
Dasyra Valdi (Tower)

After ten minutes pass a gentle tone and pulse of light draws your attention to a side of the room where an archway rises from the ground. Another elf walks through and the arch sinks back into the floor.
Welcome to your parlor. As you all registered with the tower at the same time you can all have access to this place in between tower sponsored activities or when granted access by one of the administrators or guides. I am sure you have many questions and now that the tower recognizes your identities and qualifications to certain privileges I can tell and show you more about the tower. I am sorry I was not able to greet your earlier but I was busy working to restore tower functionality so am not sure what Siveril has already explained. Please feel free to ask any questions and I will answer them as well as help you get access to tower services you have qualified for.
Mar 19, 2024 2:11 pm
Skeeve's simulation performance unsettled him more than he realized, causing him to remain unusually quiet during this questioning time. He lets others take the lead in the questions.
Mar 19, 2024 2:26 pm
Barley comes out of the tests exhilarated. "Those were most enjoyable. Ah Hello, Dasyra. You're companion said that you have resources that can point us towards other matrix nodes. How would we access them?"
[ +- ] Last couple of tests
Last edited Mar 19, 2024 4:39 pm


Initiative - evens Barley, odds Combatants - (1d6)


Attack 2 Orc, Attack 2 Harpy, Atk 2 Lizard - ((2d6, 2D6, 2D6, 2D6, 2D6, 2D6))

(2d6 : (55)

2D6 : (14)

2D6 : (46)

2D6 : (63)

2D6 : (13)

2D6) : (61)

Evade - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Evade again - (1d6)


Pyrokinetic storm 2X - ((2d6, 2D6))

(2d6 : (66)

2D6) : (44)

Mar 19, 2024 3:19 pm
Vaun came out of the test weary and tired. He looked at new elf and bowed. "Master Dasyra Valdi, I have to admit that the tower is quite inquisitive in testing out the full potential of the newcomers. Either way, it is fascinating!"
Mar 19, 2024 3:36 pm
[ +- ] evaluation


1st attack - (3d6)


2nd attac - (3d6)


Evade using agility trait - (1d6)


Vault (acrobat) - (3d6)


1st attack - (3d6)


2nd attack - (3d6)


evade (agility) - (1d6)


1st attack - (3d6)


2nd attack - (3d6)


Lucky trait if needed - (3d6)


Mar 19, 2024 3:40 pm
[ +- ] evaluation


1st attack - (3d6)


2nd attack - (3d6)


Mar 19, 2024 4:19 pm
Hearing Barley, Skeeve is pulled up a bit from his stupor and adds, "I am also interested in the Matrix Nodes more than the Tower itself. Specifically, I am looking for help in being able to invoke and use the Nodes directly. Obviously, new locations are a bonus, but that doesn't do me much use unless I can control the Node well enough to use it."
Mar 19, 2024 4:30 pm
[ +- ] evaluation


Rebuild bridge - (3d6)


Mar 19, 2024 5:13 pm
Kaarik will patiently wait until Dasyra answers to Barley and Skeeve and then ask: "May I kindly ask you what is the oldest source of information you have in the tower? I have been strugling with the idea that, we as elves, should be considered the superior race and I believe that there must be proves in ancient documents that the hierachy between beings was once different."
Mar 19, 2024 6:09 pm
Ealdwig partakes in the food and drink provided. Stopping long enough to address Dasrya, Ealdwig says, nice to know you. You've got an interesting place here. Thanks for allowing us to become members.

The tests were difficult and demanding but not unreasonable.

I hope you got the Tower functioning properly again. Keep up the good work.
Ealdwig grabs another fruit and heads over to Skeeve and Blornvid while taking a bite.

Dasyra Valdi (Tower)


Mar 19, 2024 9:34 pm
Dasyra Valdi (Tower)

The man is very friendly and chats with you for several minutes as you all relax.
Barley says:
Dasyra. You're companion said that you have resources that can point us towards other matrix nodes. How would we access them?"
Well there are two kinds of matrix nodes, public and private. The city of Paphos had a decent public network and access to other cities. The maps should be on file and can be found with a bit of efort and some time. As for the private nodes we are not allowed to pass out the locations or addresses of those without the consent of the registered owner.
However once you have access to either a public or private node exploring the matching matrix is possible. What exactly are you trying to do? I may be able to directo you to some references to aid you in your efforts.

Skeeve says:
Specifically, I am looking for help in being able to invoke and use the Nodes directly. Obviously, new locations are a bonus, but that doesn't do me much use unless I can control the Node well enough to use it."
That is something I can help you with. The basics of the matrix nodes lies in using patterns of the tiles to amplify or filter your own and ambient magic. The tower has multiple books on this topic as well as the learning tools used to master the required techniques. The advantage of these tools is that they function the same as the node and can be used independently.
Kaarik says:
May I kindly ask you what is the oldest source of information you have in the tower? I have been struggling with the idea that, we as elves, should be considered the superior race and I believe that there must be proves in ancient documents that the hierarchy between beings was once different."
I am not sure about the oldest records stored in this segment of the tower. However the absolute oldest records en the entirety of the Infinite tower include the first set of scriptures used by the Divine Deity to teach the first people to write, read, cound, and do math. But this is not stored here.
As for documentation of the races I sm sorry young man but what you seek does not exist. Before the shattering there was only one race, the People.
Admittedly the branches of this race were vaast and many took the opinion that their branch was superior however I do not agree with these ideals. If a single race was inherently superior to all other then surely the People would have all become teh basis of that race before the shattering and there would only be one sapient mortal race at this time. However there are aspects of each race that give them certain advantages. The elven branch of the people originated from those that choose to dwell with the fey and other spirits of nature. There are many records about how this affected them. If you like I can direct yo uto these documents.
Additional evaluation content will be gone over later tonight
Mar 19, 2024 9:46 pm
Kaarik seems very happy with Dasyra's answer.

"Your words are the confirmation that I was right to engage in this adventure. I am convinced that if all of us were the People in the past, we should be able to all be in peace and equals in this world. I would be glad master, if you could show me these records"
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