The Infinite Tower

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Jul 19, 2024 2:32 pm
Arrcher101 says:

As you abruptly change course and make your way to the trees the other hunters react and begin closing their net. Sharp barks announce two towards the river, one behind and another more towards the hill. The sounds are distinct and metered so though the sound carried it likely does not go too far. The four increase their speed and would doubtless be able to race you down but you reach the trees and scan for a defensible position. A couple a large enough to hold your weight but with ax in hand you dismiss getting treed by mere dogs. Using your weapon you clear a space near one of the larger trees, tossing the felled vegetation to one side to reduce the open areas the dogs can move quickly through.

Braced with weapon ready you wait, but not too long. Sound reveal a couple of the wild dogs are moving around the undergrowth to either side while two move into sight. Positioning themselves to your left and right they growl low, likely to try and anchor your attention, and continually pace. However this trick is old to you and you are ready when another leaps from the brush and your ax bites deep quickly dropping it. Instantly the two in the clear move in, one leaping for your throat and the other going for your legs. Though able to avoid being grabbed the vicious bite for your throat is only blocks by sacrificing your arm and you grimace in pain 1 damage.
Basic rules state that recovering HP requires magic or rest for an hour. I am not opposed to testing for basic first aid to speed it up a bit.
rimestock says:

After using some water to clean you wounds you bind them and set out to find a safe spot to rest. A stout tree, in the middle of a grassy clearing offers the best resting point and you break out some food as you consider your options and you minister to your wounds further. Rested, fed, and watered you feel better after about 3/4 an hour has passed. The bleeding has stopped and you hope the bandages will hold through the remainder of this trial.


Test vs Dree - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (456)

3d6 : (142)

Jul 19, 2024 3:53 pm
Dree will raise her axe with a war cry and swing it in a graceful arc at the closest dog, then concentrate on any attacks coming her way.
Attack then evade


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)


Jul 20, 2024 7:34 am
After slightly patching himself up, Serig continues on, running as swiftly as he can.
Hmm, looking at the map I think I'll follow the river south until I hit that brown patch (are those mountains?) then head west, still trying to stick as close to the river. Also rolling to sniff out possible dangers again, just in case!


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Sensitive Nose - (3d6)


Jul 22, 2024 12:32 pm
Arrcher101 says:

Though Drees ax misses the dog it passage intimidates the beast and it jumps back but the other and one from the side lunge in, teeth snapping.
Roll 1d6,1d6 to evade the 2 attacks that hit
rimestock says:

The rest does you good and your feel strength return to your body +1 health before you set out once again. Following the small river you make your way south a a steady jog, wincing slightly at the tugging on your wounds. Keeping your nose to the winds you catch traces of a variety of large beast that are likely grazers as the smell of their herds is reminiscent of cattle or deer. Soon the herds come into view as large dark shifting mass over the green grassy lands near the river. Ahead you see rocky hills near where the river you follow joins another larger one that is large enough for water craft.

Do you want to stay near the river and enter the stony hills or cut the corner through the herds?


Vs Dree - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (225)

3d6 : (415)

Jul 22, 2024 4:38 pm
Rolling to avoid 2 attacks


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)


Jul 22, 2024 8:32 pm
The dog that lunges is the one Dree aims her axe at as she swings then she will again defend.


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)


Jul 23, 2024 7:45 am
While keeping a safe distance from them, Serig follows the herd as much as he can.
Gonna follow the herd if they're going west and hopefully south.
Jul 23, 2024 12:24 pm
Arrcher101 says:

Dree dropps a second wild dog and is left facing 1 with another still in the brush but now still so harder to locate. The last dog seems much more reluctant an d paces back and forth growling. Its eyes and ears stay mostly focused on Dree but scan the area or twitch ocasionally but you can not discern its target.
rimestock says:

Moving west you begin to shadow the outskirts of the herd, which shifts away from you as you near. The herd is heading south and west a bit but at a snails pace as they graze. Looking around you are certain that such beast likely have predators, especially in such numbers. The question is what, where, and how many?


Roll vs Dree - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (34)

2d6 : (52)

Jul 23, 2024 12:40 pm
Serig sniffs the air, trying to locate predators he could possibly hunt. He tries to hone in on the lone ones, since he's not stupid enough to attract attention on him from predators who hunt in packs.


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Sensitive Nose - (3d6)


Jul 23, 2024 5:47 pm
Staying at the ready Dree will not attack the last dog, she will reach into her pocket and pull out a strip of dried meat and softly speak, We don’t have to fight, she’ll toss the meat toward the dog, I can be friendly. Come on now, let’s calm down, yeah. She will ready to defend herself if it attacks her but wont strike if it stays back.
The roll is if it attacks first.


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)


Jul 24, 2024 4:50 am
Arrcher101 says:

Perhaps because it is a "mere illusion" or because the beast is wild and you slew two of it's pack but the dog does not respond kindly to your gesture. However it does get confused and after a couple moments of considering the strange 2 legged beast with a lethal claw but proffering it food the dog turns and runs and is quickly joined by its fellow.
rimestock says:

A few sniffs and you scent large hunting cats, though the trace is faint. Knowing most cats prefer to stalk their prey or leap in ambush you look around at the tall grasses and guess it will be hard to spot them directly. However the herd itself serves as a lookout. Wherever the herd is, they cats will not be. You scan the beasts, well over 50 in number, and notice they are shying away from the rocky hills and reason the predators may house there but likely come out to the grass lands to hunt. The trouble is, the herds refuse to let you get close either so your presence is driving them as much as the cats might...
I think I will wrap this up and get you out of the trials by next week. Go ahead and post any additional plans or methods for the trial with rolls as you see fit.
Jul 24, 2024 5:18 pm
When the last dog she can see and presumably the one she couldn't disappear into the underbrush. Dree will wait a moment to see and listen for any other threats before she will again begin a ground eating pace towards the opposite end of the valley.

As she moves she will be keeping an eye out for Serig in case he is in need of help, but other than that she is focused on getting out of this place.
Last edited Jul 24, 2024 5:20 pm


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv perception - (3d6)


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic Stamina - (2d6)


Jul 25, 2024 7:49 am
Serig backs away from the herd and tries to sneak up on the whatever's in the rocky hills and tries to attack it as well.


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Sneak - (2d6)


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Attack - (2d6)


Jul 25, 2024 12:58 pm
Arrcher101 says:

Dree sets out and makes good time despite her injuries. After a while you cross a small tributary and move into an open plain and see a herd grazing in the midst of it. Continuing on your way, keeping the river in sight for guidance you see another tributary merging in the distance near somem rocky hills and see an upright figure, Serig?, moving into them... He appears to be hiding from observation from the hills so may be stalking the local predator?
rimestock says:

Checking the wind you begin moving cautiously towards the rocky hills. Once close enough you find cover but the rough terrain makes your finding of the beast take a while despite the plentitude of tracks. However after a few minutes you are able to follow the tracks to a pair of large cats. By the look of them these are a pair of adolescents Each is bigger than Dree but smaller than you and from the looks of them lounging in the sun they are unaware of you.
Jul 25, 2024 3:30 pm
Drees chest tightens when she sees the figure that may be Serig, Let that be him, please, she will cautiously move forward, making sure it's Serig.

Seeing him before had been nice but not enough, she needs to talk to him, as reserved as he is she still wants to here him say he's alright.

A small voice in the back of her head whispers that she's only met him a few days ago, Don’t get attached, he dosn't want to be your friend. Not really. Dree pushes the voice away.


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic stealth - (2d6)


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv perception - (3d6)


Jul 26, 2024 2:05 pm
Serig initiates combat against the two cats! He concentrates, then picks one as his target and strikes with his fist.
1st action is to try to activate Shamanic Warrior, 2nd action I'll attack regardless.


Serig: Test DC: 5 - Shamanic Warrior - (2d6, 1d6)

2d6 : (64)

1d6 : (1)

Serig: Test DC: 5 - Attack - (2d6)


Jul 26, 2024 7:55 pm
Arrcher101 says:

Dree moves quickly, but with caution, as the figure disappears into the jumble of rocks that cover the hills at near the river junction. You soon find tracs and are elated at their familiarity. How may bipedal lupine can there be around here? As Serig looked to be on the hunt and this place is all to suited for an ambush you keep alert . . . a sudden should followed by a couple of yowls and movement ahead alerts you that thing's may have escalated! Moving quickly you find Serig wrestling with two cats bigger than you.
rimestock says:

Fast feet: You gain a free movement action each turn and can jump great distances.
As the spirits fill your legs with strength and energy you burst from hiding and close to fight the great cats. A momentary thought that a spear might be nice to keep you from getting tangles with the claw is quickly rejected as a cowardly thing as you slam you fist into the side of one of the beasts as both slide to their feet and turn to face you.

The cats jump back in surprise but quickly move to either side, obviously used to working together, and come at you. A nasty raking of one set of claws and the other sinks its teeth into your shoulder after leaping atop you. 2 damage The three of you tumble to the ground in a whirling mass of claws and teeth.
You guys can post in the clear now!


Vs Seric - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (54)

2d6 : (61)

Jul 26, 2024 9:27 pm
Dree will pull her sword, Serig! and swing at the nearest cat. Then prepare to dodge the counter attack. Her relief and joy at seeing him is plain on her face.
Last edited Jul 26, 2024 9:28 pm


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic attack - (2d6)


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Dis dodge - (1d6)


Jul 27, 2024 9:26 am
Serig's ears perk up when he hears the half-elf's voice. "Hey Dree," he says, his voice nonchalant from the cats attacks but with obvious mirth from finally coming across a familiar face. After greeting her, he pummels the cat that bit him in the shoulders, and jumped back to gain distance.
Gonna go with two attacks, and because I have free move, I'll move away! I'll position myself so the cats are flanked between me and Dree.


Serig: Test DC: 5 - First Attack - (2d6)


Serig: Test DC: 5 - Second Attack - (2d6)


Jul 27, 2024 2:46 pm
Dree comes into the fight with a shout and the two of you attempt to finish of the injured cat before moving to the next but they are able to avoid any serious injury and whirl with one each laying into each of you with Dree getting nearly hit then . . . while Serig suffers another strike 1 damage.
While the rules to the game are simple and only cover damage in specifics they also encourage broader player actions. Tests can cover everything from wrestling or escaping to parkour and other fun stuff. Moving around in a fight, minor positional changes, is free but a move action moves you 1 zone. So Serig can easily flee away from the fight as the fastest combatant or chase down a fleeing cat.

Dree can roll a dodge for the 2nd attack and evades the 1st


cat attack vs - (Dree:2d6, Dree:2d6, Serig:2d6, Serig:2d6)

Dree:2d6 : (62)

Dree:2d6 : (54)

Serig:2d6 : (31)

Serig:2d6 : (35)

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