The Infinite Tower

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Mar 25, 2024 5:29 am
Arc is surprised to see the Tower changes, he has never seen something similar before! But It also makes him somehow eager to walk back inside with the rest of the Team.

Thanks a lot Ealdwig for sharing your tales! Now I'd love to meet both the druid and the people in the Manor!
Arc will be happy to walk around, explore the remnants or even visit the Manor. He is only againts doing things underground .. I mean, he will cross a tunnel and such, but he feels very unconfortable staying underground for more time really required.

About using canooes, he throws a joke or two to remind the rest that he doesn't really use a spot there, he can cross the river flying while scouting ahead for them at the same time.
Arc Is happy with what he learned about animals for now, so until the group decides what to do next, Arc looks for the guards in the Tower and asks them to teach him how to improve his bow fighting techniques.
Last edited Mar 25, 2024 12:36 pm



Mar 25, 2024 11:58 am
After a couple days of research at the tower or working around the base you gather together and decide to check out the Remnants to the west of the swamp. Finishing breakfast you check in with the clerk.

The office is a moderate sized room with two walls covered with shelves filled with scrolls, loose documents and a chalkboard on a third wall. A couple of doors lead further into the administrative and storage facility of the expedition and a couple of bored guards not to the veterans ans you enter.

Date&Time(Alpha): 19@8:30

The youth looks to be in his early to mid teens and is happy to see such a large group. Ah, Skeeve and company. Great. I am glad some of the veterans of the scouts is still taking exploration seriously. All the other veterans move on ore pick one of the patrol routes. Let see . . and the boy shuffles a couple of papers on his desk.

We have been able to secure uncontested access to the library and residential area just west of the swamp. We keep finding odd bits and hidden structures in the swamps themselves with the help of the grippli.

I see you have a few new faces I suggest checking in with Gulfis, just to introduce them to her, and possibly Dean. He is the intelligen golem in the NW corner of the swamp who helped us gain access to the library.
and he give directions to the residence that has nearly been swallowed by the swamp vegetation where Dean is confined.

Beyond the residential and library remnants there are two more we want to get a look at. We know the orcs and hobgoblin are mostly to the north but the kobolds have been joined by lizardmen now and are clashing with both of them in the south west. We know there are a couple Remnant that way but not much more than that. The researchers are happy with what we have but the expedition leaders still want to get to the bottom of what the other factions in the area are after. We know that they have been searching for what the Tower claims are pieces of their enchantments but to what end we are not sure. And with the obvious power these orbs have it concerns us. So what we really need at this time is information on enemy positions, controlled locations, and movements. If you can collect information, preferably by means not traceable to the expedition, I am sure you will be rewarded based on its value.

Now, do you have any questions for me?
Mar 25, 2024 1:16 pm
If we haven't received it already, Skeeve will get the group our reward for the Roper incident.
"Just to keep this straight, if we want to check out the Libtaty, we need to see Dean first so we can get access? Or does the Base already have the knowledge of how to get in?

"And where are the two other Remnants?"



Mar 25, 2024 2:29 pm

You don't have to check with Dean.
He did have a portal to the library but gets cranky when used to often just to avoid walking. We have secured the library entrance but the ghost librarian doesn't like fighting inside so have not had any trouble since then. We have managed to get basic access to most of records. We are pretty sure there are some rooms we still don't have full access to but will likely need to explore more of the city to revolve that as it requires proof of citizenship.

We're not sure what the other Remnants are. We know the hobgoblin have a couple to the north, west of the Tower. And the orcs have control of the keep north west on the back of the river. But the two south of that have not been explored. The primary scouting team has gone to the cemetery to the north, west of the hobgoblins, to deal with the necromancers again.
Mar 25, 2024 3:28 pm
Cathamber says:

Thanks a lot Ealdwig for sharing your tales! Now I'd love to meet both the druid and the people in the Manor!
Gulfis is interesting and definitely worth the visit. She provided me with this. Ealdwig holds up the pendant. It helps to ward off the bugs. Seems to work well.
Mar 25, 2024 4:51 pm
Would stopping by Gulfis be along the way to one of the two unexplored remnants?
"Then let's go check out the two Remnants to the south."
Mar 25, 2024 5:01 pm
nope. Have you not been to Gulfis? Shock! I thought all the veterans knew her 😧
Mar 25, 2024 5:46 pm
"I think a trip to Gulfis would be wise. I am interested in meeting her. That is of course if it is on the way to the unexplored remnants. If it is not, perhaps that can wait for another day", says Barley rubbing his neck.
Mar 25, 2024 5:52 pm
Psybermagi says:
nope. Have you not been to Gulfis? Shock! I thought all the veterans knew her 😧
Nope. Don't know her.
Mar 25, 2024 6:12 pm
Honestly, I think the only current Veteran that has met Gulfis is Ealdwig.

Probably not a good idea to have a large group blow into the poor shaman's little hut, anyway.
Off to the south!
Mar 25, 2024 7:09 pm
daryen says:
Honestly, I think the only current Veteran that has met Gulfis is Ealdwig.

Probably not a good idea to have a large group blow into the poor shaman's little hut, anyway.
Don't want to completely overwhelm the Shaman?
Mar 25, 2024 7:13 pm
he he he. Yeah right. Don't let her hear your say that
She's been dealing with outsiders for years and the expedition since Danoll and his team found this place
If you want to explore, that's fine. Just to blame it on the poor feeble-minded and defenceless npc
Mar 25, 2024 7:51 pm
Oh, I'd love to meet the druid! But I don't think I'd split from the group for that. Let's go exploring together, I'm sure, I'll find a moment to visit her afterwards.
Since becoming a druid is currently one of the favorite options for Arc, he defenitely will visit the druid soon. But it is probably better to visit her once Arc has enough XP to have the Arch-Druid trait, so he can role play his 'becoming Druid' scene with this other druid.
Mar 25, 2024 7:58 pm
If Arc want to chat with the druid a bit he was at the base so you could have done that while waiting for the tower research session to finish. If you want to roll play that just let me know I'm you personal thread

I'll get you into the swamp on my train ride home
Mar 26, 2024 2:00 am
OK : Since I am getting mixed votes I will give players the option of stopping by to see Gulfis for a chat in the swamp without holding up the entire group.
We will let the majority rule.
Go to the Westward Expansion to cut straight to the adventure.

Stalker05,Cathamber, most have already moved onto Westward Expanse so we will just save Gulfis for later

Go to the Swamp to see Gulfis
Jul 5, 2024 7:01 pm
@rimestock,@Arrcher101 Your story will continue here. The basic of the Trials is explained below and when you indicate you are done and/or ready to move on I will put you through a couple test scenarios solo then together
The trials of Serig and Dree

You appear in a simple stone room with the bright light coming from a dome on the ceiling. In the room is a simple bench and 3 large blocks of stone.

Please be seated a soft but neutral sounding voice calls out.

Once you have seated yourselves the voice continues.

Initial evaluation is beginning and will require you to follow all directions as best you are able.

The voice explains several things and responds to some basic questions and you learn that these tests allow you to show off your characters expertise and background. The Infinite Tower is a repository of all knowledge of the Mortal People and it was decided that access to knowledge without the proper skill and wisdom could be hazardous so to access it facilities you would need to complete trials and tests. Though you may get hurt these are designed to be non lethal. However the tower evaluates all things, bravery, recklessness, you ability to analyze situations and react accordingly. Once the test are complete you are free to leave the Tower.

For the tests please put all posts in Note to me by clicking the icon that resembles a page of paper with lines on it then selecting my name from the drop down then selecting "Add Note"

During the evaluation indicate the tests your character takes. Include your action, intentions, indicate applicable trade, proficiencies, and traits, as well as rolls (roll 3x # of dice) as requested, you feel it is needed or appropriate.

You can skip things and assume an average result, add a short description of how your character may get above average results, or give a detailed explanation of how you excel at it with dice rolls to back you up.

If you have an idea for a test that works better for your character feel free to add that as an option for your character to take. Rolls are just to indicate possible setbacks or difficulty in your character completing the tasks. If you want to go slow and Focus for better roll success then just indicate so. Roll 3 times, or just 3x # of dice, for each test you want to elaborate on.
[ +- ] Rolls & Tests
[ +- ] Basic Evaluation

[ +- ] Basic Simulation

[ +- ] Personalized Tests
Jul 8, 2024 3:58 am
Okay I absolutely have no idea if the note thing is working or not. EDIT: I'm a dumbass and didn't actually add the note lol, it's here now
Serig curses at his abrupt teleportation and immediately readies into a fighting stance. The soft, disembodied voice infuriates him, but he calms down a little as it doesn't look like he's in any immediate danger. He can't help but worry for Dree and Alben though, and there doesn't seem to be any way out of this room, except to finish the tests.

He goes over the stone blocks at once. The first two of the basic evaluation's tests, Puzzles and Memory, are neither hard nor easy for him. The next, however, takes quite a bit longer—he almost smashes the stone blocks in frustration at the reading and writing parts of this test. He barely manages to pass it—thankfully next two, Sensitivity and Mathematics, are a bit better, though his results are pretty average overall.

Serig falls silent when a full set of bone carving tools and a pile of bones from a variety of animals then materialize right in front of him. He gently brushes over them with a paw, reminiscing of the times when he learned how to shape bone from his uncle. After a short moment, he then picks it up and starts carving.

His first go with a simple wolf head turns out well enough, getting him into the groove. His second try with a more detailed moose doesn't go great when he accidentally whittles the antler base too thin resulting in the whole thing snapping off the head. Mortified, Serig decides for his final try to engrave intricate patterns and drawings, picking a particularly hefty and pristine white tusk as his canvas. Pride swells in him as he gazes fondly at his finished work, its design a remembrance and celebration to his long-lost pack. For a fleeting moment, he thinks, I wish Dree and Alben could see this.

Afterwards, the next two tests focus on his athleticism and reflexes, which Serig took on with confidence. He blows through them with ease, as expected of someone who has trained and honed their body from their childhood to the present.
Reshuffled the test sequence a bit. For all the rolls I'll focus. For the arts & crafting test I'll do advantage because of my bone carving hobby, while for the athletics and reflexes test, the advantage is from being a hunter by trade. Will edit once I see the rolls. Done with this section!

Finishing the Basic Evaluation, Serig starts the Basic Simulation test. Quickly skimming at his options, he carelessly chooses the 'Lost Livestock' option first, ignoring the items. When the illusion starts, he instinctively tries to sniff out the sheeps' location, but is dazed when he finds out he can't smell anything. Stumped, he ends up manually searching for them one by one, leading each back towards their pen or carrying in his back the few that ended up with various injuries. The task, while not that difficult, was tedious, and relief floods Serig once he finishes it.

He carefully looks over his remaining options and ponder over his next task this time. Finally, he chooses the 'Broken Water Well' option and figures he can create a makeshift pulley replacement with a few blocks of wood and some lengths of rope with some carving tools.

Unfortunately for Serig, his experience with bone carving doesn't exactly help as much as he thought with his current predicament, leaving him with unusable scraps of wood in the process. He only manages to finish the test by crudely tying the rope to a bucket and manually pulling it with his great strength.
Rolling with focus again on this. Will edit again once I see the rolls. Done!

Serig can finally see the end, and eagerly picked Survival and Combat for his personalized test.
Okay, for the short scenario I think I'll do Combat. for Survival, I was thinking about something like surviving in the woods. He would be pretty good at that since he's been doing it ever since he was a kid, especially when going on hunts.
Last edited Jul 8, 2024 4:44 am


Serig: Test DC: 4 - Arts & Crafts (Bone Carving) Test - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (414)

3d6 : (211)

3d6 : (652)

Serig: Test DC: 4 - Athletics Test - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (625)

3d6 : (646)

3d6 : (224)

Serig: Test DC: 4 - Reflexes Test - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (366)

3d6 : (636)

3d6 : (616)

Serig: Test DC: 4 - Broken Water Well Test - (2d6)


Jul 8, 2024 4:45 pm
Trials, (rolling then adding description later)


Dree would identify patterns and relationships between tiles or shapes quicker than expected with how Perceptive she is.


At first Dree finds that she struggles a bit to get the hang of how shes ment to do this test but once she understands its better. Dree excels at the last in memorizing visual details and patterns within the last test.


Dree is unable to read or write much at all. So she struggles with this test. And takes almost the whole time given to pass through to the other side.

Art & Craft:

Dree's keen eye for detail, focus, and dextrose fingers has always been a good carver of tiny figures and that practice helps her now.


Obstacle course: Dree would excel at challenges requiring strength and agility. Climbing walls, jumping gaps, and powering through obstacles would be her forte. Her tracking skills would translate well to navigating obstacle courses, as she would be good at identifying the most efficient path and potential hazards.


Dree's perception makes her more reactive to movement, both her own and her opponent's. This enhances her ability to dodge attacks and hit moving targets. Her strength and agility also are assets in this test.


Dree's exceptional senses make her more aware of subtle temperature changes or faint magical auras but her constitution let's her push through the tests.


Dree struggles with complex math. She might handles the first basic counting and simple addition/subtraction well but after that her struggles leave her frustrated and ready to hit things. To finish she ends up just randomly pushing things until the test goes away.

Lost livestock:

When seeing that lost livestock was an option Dree was filled with excitement and relief, Finally, something I know how to do well.

When when she picked this test, she took with her a shepherd's crook to length in her armspand and help with herding the animals that she may be looking for. Also a bag that seemed to have some sort of treats that might be a lure for the cows and sheep.


Dree's exceptional tracking is a perfect fit for this task. At first she struggled a little for the simulations acted a bit different than she thought they would but she adapted. She is adept at finding tracks, droppings, and other signs left behind by the animals.
Her keen senses allow her to pick up on faint trails, even in difficult terrain or with minimal spoor.


Dree would is observant, scanning the environment for signs of the lost animals. She would spot any hoofprints, disturbed earth, or even chewed foliage that others might miss. Her awareness of sounds are helpful too. (She might hear the faint bleating of sheep or the distant moo of a cow.)

Collapsed Mine Tunnel:

Dree is less enthusiastic about the rest of her choices. But choosing the minor tunnel collapse she takes with her a pick axe, a shovel, and a wheelbarrow for moving debris.

Crack Detection:

Dree uses her keen eyesight to identify hairline cracks or subtle shifts in the debris pile. These might indicate weak points or voids where survivors could be trapped or where digging could be most efficient.

Sound Analysis:

Dree's acute hearing can is crucial. She can listens for muffled sounds like tapping or breathing that might come from trapped miners. She also listens for the telltale sounds of loose rocks or shifting debris to avoid creating further cave-ins.

Strength for Clearing Blockages:

Dree's raw strength allows her to remove large rocks and boulders that block the tunnel. She breaks up smaller debris and toss it aside to create a passage.
Everything is going well but it's a long and difficult process alone and she losses steam at the end.

During the rest, between this test and the final one that she chose, she is very sore and very tired and can't help but wonder how Serig is doing, and hoping that he is safe. Hoping that they will be able to emerge together and find their way back to the real world...

Crop infestation:

This test in a way is easier than most of the others though tedium and loneliness slow her down a bit she gets the job done. All Dree needs is to take a few traps and a sword with her and dispose of the interlopers.

Strength and Stamina:

Dree sets traps, clears debris that might harbor rats (like piles of wood or leaves), and potentially even block some larger entry points (like damaged fences). She also covers a lot of ground searching for signs of the infestation.

Initial Blitz:

Dree starts with a physical assault, setting traps, clearing debris, and maybe even trying to smoke out some rats from burrows. Mostly it's just squash and cleave, repeat.


Dree's keen senses can help her identify rat tracks, droppings, and even burrows. She might also hear squeaks or scratching noises that others might miss.

When the voice asks her, Would you like to be evaluated at a higher level? If so Please indicate the one or two fields of knowledge or skill you would like to be tested on. Dree wants to say no, just let me out but she needs to know Serig is out too. "I want to find and get out of here with Serig, my ally that was sent here just before me. He is a wolf beastfolk, red and cream in coloring. We were separated by the misunderstanding of a priestess of this tower."
Thought maybe a test on Drees tracking to find Serig, then get out of tower togeather as last test? If rimestock is good with that. So Tracking and Loyalty tests?
Last edited Jul 8, 2024 6:07 pm


Puzzles with Perceptive trait - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (633)

3d6 : (115)

3d6 : (334)

Memory with Perceptive trait - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (134)

3d6 : (342)

3d6 : (161)

Arts and crafts carving little wooden figures - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (453)

3d6 : (122)

3d6 : (514)

Athletic - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (265)

3d6 : (355)

3d6 : (544)

Reflex - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (525)

3d6 : (351)

3d6 : (563)

Sensitivity - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (364)

3d6 : (326)

3d6 : (245)

Mathematics - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (363)

3d6 : (342)

3d6 : (433)

Lost livestock - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (221)

3d6 : (543)

3d6 : (415)

Collapsed mine tunnel - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (641)

3d6 : (562)

3d6 : (431)

Crop pest infestation - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (416)

3d6 : (331)

3d6 : (253)

Jul 9, 2024 4:01 am
Huza! Advanced posting credit earned! +3 starts :)
To Serig says:
Though some of the "basic" tests prove frustrating Serig quickly shows his other talents and excels at the tests he is able to select. Note that the illusions are lifelike and include scent though Seric is able to discern that the smells are pale imitations Taking his time with the carving he is pleased with a couple of the results and even more pleased when he is allowed to keep one of the items he crafted. The athletics test prove simpler for the hunter but his final test proves more frustrating.

For his personal challenge the tower informs him he will play a round of hunt the hunter.
To Dree says:
The basic tests prove not be much of a challenge Note that perceptive does not help with memory, that's another trait though one or two give her a bit of a challenge. The test she chooses are also overcome with only a bit of trouble with the crops and livestock as she realized that just finding them is only half the problem or corraling them.

When she finishes and asks about rejoining Serig she if informed she will join him for the last test of hunt the hunter.
We will have a bit of fun with a game of hide and seek/capture the flag with a head on head challenge. :)
You both appear in a blank room on either side of a large table but are unable to hear each other or move from where you appear. The top of the table shows a valley with a stream running through it. The voice informs you that you will compete against each other with random animal predators forming a challenge for both of you to overcome. You can see faint trails on the map as well as multiple types of terrain.

The Rules are as follows
1. You will start separate, one to the north and the other to the south
2. each type of terrain will hose a different predator that you must defeat or evade. Evade = 1 point, defeat = 2 points. Should any predator defeat you then you have lost the challenge.
3. You must reach the far side of the valley to finish the test. If you reach the far side in 1 hour = 8 points, 2 hours = 4 points, 3 hours = 2 points, 4 hours = 1 point. For each hour more than four you lose a point.
4. Each predator encounter that is won will be announced upon completion by a thunderclap and image in the sky over where the encounter took place.

After the rules are explained you are both teleported. Seric arrives in the North next to the river at the base of a waterfall. Dree arrives at the south next to the river as it poor's out of a narrow canyon and flows down into the valley. As You look out over it you determine the valley is about 8-10 miles across.
Let me know if you have any questions. I suggest continuing posting in notes and I will open them up when you finish. Give me an idea of your strategy and add roll for any skills or other action. I will use what you tell me and roll to FF through a couple situations but you will both have at least 1 full encounter before we wrap this up.
Jul 9, 2024 3:13 pm
So since we start out in N and S is our goal to pass each other and end up S and N? Or is our gold E, W?
load next

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