Trials, (rolling then adding description later)
Dree would identify patterns and relationships between tiles or shapes quicker than expected with how Perceptive she is.
At first Dree finds that she struggles a bit to get the hang of how shes ment to do this test but once she understands its better. Dree excels at the last in memorizing visual details and patterns within the last test.
Dree is unable to read or write much at all. So she struggles with this test. And takes almost the whole time given to pass through to the other side.
Art & Craft:
Dree's keen eye for detail, focus, and dextrose fingers has always been a good carver of tiny figures and that practice helps her now.
Obstacle course: Dree would excel at challenges requiring strength and agility. Climbing walls, jumping gaps, and powering through obstacles would be her forte. Her tracking skills would translate well to navigating obstacle courses, as she would be good at identifying the most efficient path and potential hazards.
Dree's perception makes her more reactive to movement, both her own and her opponent's. This enhances her ability to dodge attacks and hit moving targets. Her strength and agility also are assets in this test.
Dree's exceptional senses make her more aware of subtle temperature changes or faint magical auras but her constitution let's her push through the tests.
Dree struggles with complex math. She might handles the first basic counting and simple addition/subtraction well but after that her struggles leave her frustrated and ready to hit things. To finish she ends up just randomly pushing things until the test goes away.
Lost livestock:
When seeing that lost livestock was an option Dree was filled with excitement and relief,
Finally, something I know how to do well.
When when she picked this test, she took with her a shepherd's crook to length in her armspand and help with herding the animals that she may be looking for. Also a bag that seemed to have some sort of treats that might be a lure for the cows and sheep.
Dree's exceptional tracking is a perfect fit for this task. At first she struggled a little for the simulations acted a bit different than she thought they would but she adapted. She is adept at finding tracks, droppings, and other signs left behind by the animals.
Her keen senses allow her to pick up on faint trails, even in difficult terrain or with minimal spoor.
Dree would is observant, scanning the environment for signs of the lost animals. She would spot any hoofprints, disturbed earth, or even chewed foliage that others might miss. Her awareness of sounds are helpful too. (She might hear the faint bleating of sheep or the distant moo of a cow.)
Collapsed Mine Tunnel:
Dree is less enthusiastic about the rest of her choices. But choosing the minor tunnel collapse she takes with her a pick axe, a shovel, and a wheelbarrow for moving debris.
Crack Detection:
Dree uses her keen eyesight to identify hairline cracks or subtle shifts in the debris pile. These might indicate weak points or voids where survivors could be trapped or where digging could be most efficient.
Sound Analysis:
Dree's acute hearing can is crucial. She can listens for muffled sounds like tapping or breathing that might come from trapped miners. She also listens for the telltale sounds of loose rocks or shifting debris to avoid creating further cave-ins.
Strength for Clearing Blockages:
Dree's raw strength allows her to remove large rocks and boulders that block the tunnel. She breaks up smaller debris and toss it aside to create a passage.
Everything is going well but it's a long and difficult process alone and she losses steam at the end.
During the rest, between this test and the final one that she chose, she is very sore and very tired and can't help but wonder how Serig is doing, and hoping that he is safe. Hoping that they will be able to emerge together and find their way back to the real world...
Crop infestation:
This test in a way is easier than most of the others though tedium and loneliness slow her down a bit she gets the job done. All Dree needs is to take a few traps and a sword with her and dispose of the interlopers.
Strength and Stamina:
Dree sets traps, clears debris that might harbor rats (like piles of wood or leaves), and potentially even block some larger entry points (like damaged fences). She also covers a lot of ground searching for signs of the infestation.
Initial Blitz:
Dree starts with a physical assault, setting traps, clearing debris, and maybe even trying to smoke out some rats from burrows. Mostly it's just squash and cleave, repeat.
Dree's keen senses can help her identify rat tracks, droppings, and even burrows. She might also hear squeaks or scratching noises that others might miss.
When the voice asks her,
Would you like to be evaluated at a higher level? If so Please indicate the one or two fields of knowledge or skill you would like to be tested on. Dree wants to say no, just let me out but she needs to know Serig is out too. "I want to find and get out of here with Serig, my ally that was sent here just before me. He is a wolf beastfolk, red and cream in coloring. We were separated by the misunderstanding of a priestess of this tower."
Thought maybe a test on Drees tracking to find Serig, then get out of tower togeather as last test? If rimestock is good with that. So Tracking and Loyalty tests?
Last edited Jul 8, 2024 6:07 pm