The Infinite Tower

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Jul 27, 2024 4:12 pm
How is Serig looking in regard to his health?
Jul 27, 2024 5:14 pm
Serig is not looking well, with an old wound and several new ones he is beginning to be a bit shaky. I have him at 2/6 health = 6 - 2 + 1 - 2 - 1
Jul 27, 2024 5:46 pm
Dree will swing at the weakest looking cat trying to cleave them, then defend Serig against attacks that target him.
Not sure exactly how my cleave trait works but gonna try for it.


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic attack - (2d6)


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Dis defend - (1d6)


Jul 27, 2024 6:03 pm
Dree drops the wounded cat and continues the swing to its companion but is unable to connect.
cleave is totally applicable, good catch, do your want that roll at your Evade for the 2nd attack or cleave? Add another to at disadvantage for the other
Jul 27, 2024 10:14 pm
Serig cheers with a happy "Nice!" after seeing Dree successfully take out one of the cats. He closes in again and tries to end the remaining cat.


Serig: Test DC: 5 - First Attack - (2d6)


Serig: Test DC: 5 - Second Attack - (2d6)


Jul 27, 2024 10:44 pm


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jul 29, 2024 12:19 am
The final cat snarls and with a last swipe at Dree, likely to discourage pursuit, turns and begins to flee


attack vs dree - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jul 29, 2024 12:25 am
Serig is not doing well, having taken a more aggressive path, and paid for it in blood. Dree on the other hand traveled more and is 2/3 done. After spending a few minutes to bind Serig's new wounds you are ready to finish the trials.
You guys are definitely well beyond rookie. I added weapons mastery of your weapons to your sheets. Go ahead and select your veteran trait to your characters. It will go into effect as soon as you are out of the tower trials. Unless you have anything in particular to do here I will move to the end of the trials.

I will likely be introducing some of the newcomers into your story path once you are outside the tower.
Jul 29, 2024 5:55 am
Dree is clearly worried about Serig’s wounds but trying very hard not to hover, He’s an adult and a warrior, she reminds herself, he’ll be fine, its not like before.
Will pick my trait and I’m good to go to end the trial. :)
Jul 29, 2024 9:36 am
Serig notices Dree's brows furrowed with worry, but he gives her a big, reassuring laugh and says, "I've had worse, don't worry about it."
As for my trait, hmm... I think I'll get Tough for the +2 HP! And I'm also good to go :D
Jul 29, 2024 6:45 pm
The two of you part ways to finish this trial, having agreed that this was enough and it was time to leave this place. Upon completion the valley fades around you, revealing it to be the illusion it was. As it does all wounds also vanish though your fatigue remains. The two of you find ourselves in another simple roome of stone with no discernable light source, doors, or windows. Immediately after you find yourselves in the room the lighting fades to that of a dark and moonless night lit only by starlight. After several minutes the now somewhat familiar voice of the tower speaks to you.

Trial evaluation of transfer applicants has completed. Unregistered individuals detected. Remote administrative access revoked. Applicants retrieved from intermediate status pending local Warden. Local Warden unavailable. Acting Wardens have been notified.
. .
. . .
Thank you for your patience. You will be assisted momentarily.

As the end of this the light slowly returns to a dul pre-dawn level and you hear a slight grinding noise. Turning you see a line appear on one of the walls and watch as a door opens at an ants pace. The area beyond the door is fully lit and looks like the entrance chamber of the tower. Distant footfalls can be heard approaching but still far off. Peering through the door as it finally opens to a size wide enough to allow you head you confirm it leads to the receiving hall and the exit is only tens of feet to your right. To your left the sounds of feet are getting louder and you hear two voices panting a clipped conversation as they rush towards you though you still see no one else.
Jul 30, 2024 3:32 pm
Do we recognize either voice?


Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)


Jul 30, 2024 4:28 pm
Neither voice is familiar. As you pause to listen the speakers, a pair of elves by their looks, come into view. As they enter the entry hall the spot you and immediately show to a more dignified speed. The lady calls out to you.

Siveril Miarona (Tower)
Our apologies for our late arrival. We were not expecting you. The other tower warden must have been unable to contact us before sending you to our site.
She is armor, though it looks more ornamental than functional, and is marked with Symbol of divine service so is likely a protests or cleric.

Dasyra Valdi (Tower)
The male wears robes and scurries along with horror small steps to keep up with the woman's long strides. His robes bear arcane marks and a belt with several items and pouches dust him to be a wizard or artificer. The chamber echos some mumbled industry words from him as he flares at you in obvious frustration.
Jul 30, 2024 4:58 pm
Hello, Dree says a bit hesitantly, I'm Dree. She stays near Serig, unsure of what 'welcome' they will be receiving.

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Jul 30, 2024 10:47 pm
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

Stopping several get from you both give a quarter bow and the lady replies
I am Siveril Miarona and this is Dasyra Valdi. We're are the Tower Wardens for this Portal. Again I do apologize. The portal magic were damaged during the Shattering. We did not think the other Portals could still contact us until we finished repairs.
Still, you are here now. Did the other Tower Warden explain the Infinity Tower and it's trials to you? Do you have any questions or require anything we may help you with at this time?
Jul 31, 2024 12:21 am
Serig frowns, not knowing where to start. But he growls in irritation recalling the woman who forcefully transported him to these trials without warning. So he asks, "Where exactly are we and what the hell are these trials for?" He also remembered him and Dree leaving Alben behind, and adds, "And how do we get back?"
Jul 31, 2024 12:28 am
Your counterpart on the other side simply came in casting magic around and sent Serig here without warning or request. She shifts ever so slightly, A companion was left behind.
Jul 31, 2024 2:20 am
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

The trials originate long ago during the ascension of the Dawn Age. They were created to test the strengths, skills, aptitude, and wisdom of the tower applicants. The test showed what the applicant was ready to learn. Unfortunately with the advent of the Dawn Warn it shifted to focus more on militant prowess.

As for where we are, I am sorry to say that with the Shattering this has little meaning an dI am sorry to say that at this time there is noting we can do to send you back. Once we are able to repair more of the tower that may change.

Upon hearing Dree she looks uncomfortable and glances at her companion

Dasyra Valdi (Tower)

We are sorry but as she stated there is noting we can do at this time.
If you wish to help us restore the tower Portal then I will do my best to locate your tower of origin and try to correct this situation. You see that though much of the Tower remains intact the Shattering causes pieces of our tower to be ejected into the surrounding area. If you wish to return we will need to collect the pieces so I can restore this Portals connection to the Infinite Tower.
Jul 31, 2024 6:46 pm
Dree looks to Serig, When I asked that woman to send me after you when you disappeared I also made her promise to help Alben return to the temple with the orb in safety. She promised and did seem genuine.
Aug 1, 2024 3:19 am
The half-elf's words allayed Serig's concerns, at least a little. For now, the two of them have to worry about themselves. Digesting the tower wardens' words, he asks, "How dangerous is this collecting gonna be?" Although frankly, he's probably gonna do it either way—he doesn't wanna get stuck here. He turns to Dree and asks her as well. "What do you say? You up for some fetching?"
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