Moving closer you circle it until you spot a doorway on the southern side but nowhere do you see any windows. The massive structure that defies logic as it stands for all to see plainly now. At various points on the tower surface you see strange glows or glimmers of reflected light. The towers base is about 100 feet in diameter and the massive door is at least 30 feet across and 50 tall. Arc wonders if it is truly as tall is it now appears why he had trouble spotting it as he approached the base through the swamp.
As you get near you feel increasing levels of magic. The towers looks be be a simple rough stone structure from a distance but as you near it you realize it is covered in carved and engraved murals depicting lands, creatures, and peoples. You soon realize not all the scenes depicted are of the mortal realm. There are scenes of vast oceans with impossibly vast creatures swallowing ships and dragons. Others show expanses of stars with beings riding vessels through the space between.

Now standing in front of the door you see it has two circles about 3 feet up on either side of a line down the middle. They give the impression of knocker plates. The door is made of an unknown material that vaguely resembles petrified wood. The door is set into a stone doorway that has been carves with a multitude of images of creatures, scenery, plant, and glyphs of all kinds. Above the door is a large paque with glowing runes that twist oddly yet all instantly gain an understanding of their meaning.
The Infinite Tower
Portal XIV.A7
By time you are close enough to touch the door the air and ground seem to humm with magical power. As you approach you note. However even without touching them the two doors begin gliding silently to the sides creating a gap between them. The gap is wider at the ground level and narrow at the top, as if the doors are swiveling to the side and up. The doors stop after creating a gap 8' wide at the base. The interior is pitch black after only a few feet. What you can see is simple stone floors. The light spilling through the open door does not touch any walls.
When the doors finish moving a gentle voice is head
Unknown individuals, welcome to the Infinite Tower. Please enter for evaluation.
A soft light suffuses the interior yet somehow reveals no additional details other than a pathway leading inwards.