The Infinite Tower

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Mar 16, 2024 3:05 am
"Records of the Matrix, how to use it, and locations of at least some of its Nodes? Sure, I'll test to find that out."

Skeeve then can't help himself with a follow-up question. "OK, so there is just the one Infinite Tower. We are in that Tower, but the section we are in right now is isolated from the rest. Before we came in, it looked like the tower goes up as high as there is air to breathe. Would it not be possible to go up very high and enter from a different point? Or is the tower we see merely a visual representation of the Tower and the entrance we used the only access point for what we think we are seeing?" (Skeeve is assuming flight to get a higher access point, not climbing. He assumes climbing wouldn't be very productive.)
Mar 16, 2024 4:38 am
Arc listens the lady carefully, albeit being excites to have arrived and eager to get in.

Having some kind of non-life-threatening test seened responsable for him. Not something he had expected, but reasonable.

He waits for his friend's questions to be answered, then he asks.. Lady, thank you for the brief description. Regarding the 5th Rule, which ways can this contribution take? I gather that we could learn much more knowledge than what we already know and could write about.
Mar 16, 2024 11:52 am
Vaun was very interested to hear all the information the lady Siveril gave them. The talk about doors leading to other realms and the variety of research and studying that was done in the tower were impressive. The mention of Alchemy got his interest up more, and as the talk about the evaluation trials came up, he listened intently. At one point, at the mention of being trapped in the infinite tower, Vaun questioned, "So, are you and your companion somehow locked to this tower? You can't come out, or something? If so, we would do our best to fix the portals and reopen the connections of the infinite tower, if that is possible."

After listening to the entire conversation, Vaun was quite intrigued. "I would love to take the evaluation test and hopefully gain access to all the information the tower holds inside in order to learn more about the world. If possible, we can go for the group evaluation test? What do you all think?"

OOC: Another evaluation trial will be fine, but what do you all think? Should we go for group trial?
Mar 16, 2024 12:16 pm
"Let's continue through your tests. What say everyone, group test?", Barley says to the others.

"Malachi, best stay hidden for now.", he thinks to his familiar. The cat disappears.

"Everyone, I should have mentioned earlier. If I have permission to do so I can link is psychically for communication. It has helped Vaun and I in the past.", thinks Barley to the group.
"I think I'd like to tackle the trials as a group. Barley has limited psychic powers so he can use telepathy to link people together if you all want too.
Last edited Mar 16, 2024 12:17 pm
Mar 16, 2024 6:02 pm
The inital tests are all individual. It's only after those that we might have the option for group tests.

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Mar 16, 2024 7:47 pm
Testing will occur in individual character threads for :
prepping for Blornvid, Skeeve, Vaun, Barley
Arc, Kaarik, Ealdwig you guys in?

Siveril Miarona (Tower)

Arc says:
Regarding the 5th Rule, which ways can this contribution take? I gather that we could learn much more knowledge than what we already know and could write about.
Contributions are in a variety of forms. Scribes might copy a book, a wizard can donate spells or research notes, a priest can bless the tower or its servants, a farmer can give food to feed tower personnel, an adventurer might go on a quest. As long as the knowledge you give to the tower was not learned from the tower it is still yours to give. Many tidbits of knowledge and lor or diverse and subtle skill techniques have been collected this way for a wide variety ot topics
Vaun says:
"So, are you and your companion somehow locked to this tower? You can't come out, or something? If so, we would do our best to fix the portals and reopen the connections of the infinite tower, if that is possible."
We are not trapped but if we leave without fulfilling our obligations we can not return. My companion, Dasyra, has left twice on sanctioned Tower business and returned. But this is difficult due to our current situation. Worry not about us for the Tower ensures out needs are met.
Vaun says:
"I would love to take the evaluation test and hopefully gain access to all the information the tower holds inside in order to learn more about the world. If possible, we can go for the group evaluation test? What do you all think?"
Group evaluations are currently in the form of completing tasks for the Tower. The helps us accumulate what we need to restore this Portal to the Infinite Tower while still allowing individuals to climb the tower in a variety of formats.

Turning to look at Barley she continues The tower will isolate you briefly for your initial individual assessments. And it is rude to use telepathy without including all present.
Mar 16, 2024 8:23 pm
Kaarik confirms to lady Siveril that he is more than willing to be tested.

He says to the other,I actually cannot wait. I was not expecting to find such wonderful place on my adventure.
Mar 16, 2024 8:58 pm
Is someone in my head? It's kind of weird. Can you hear me back?

Um, yeah sure. Let's do this. What's the worst that can happen. Ealdwig says as he continues to look around. Right?
Mar 16, 2024 9:10 pm
Skeeve says, "You'll be fine."
Mar 16, 2024 11:36 pm
Arc has been dreaming about access to all the Knowledge in this Tower for so many moons now, that there was no way to turn back. But now, feeling all the enthusiasm of his friends, he is even more sure that this is the path to take.
Of course I am in!
Mar 16, 2024 11:42 pm
I will set up a couple of challenges for Monday and possibly through Wednesday then get everyone back together

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Mar 17, 2024 10:17 pm
Tower evaluation setup
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

Very well if you are all ready simply walk into one of the open doors. While you were talking the room slowly became dimly lit. Now several doors open, spilling more light into the room.
You must each enter your own room and follow the instructions. If at any time you wish to leave simple call for me or repeat 3 times that you are leaving immediately.
Mar 17, 2024 10:57 pm
Skeeve looks at Blornvid, then to Ealdwig, saying, "I am sure it will all be fine." Skeeve then immediately walks through the nearest unoccupied door and once fully inside, stops and waits without turning around.
Mar 17, 2024 11:14 pm
For the tests please put all posts in Note to me by clicking the icon that resembles a page of paper with lines on it then selecting my name from the drop down then selecting "Add Note"
I will make them public as each finishes the evaluation.
During the evaluation indicate the tests your character takes. Include your action, intentions, indicate applicable trade, proficiencies, and traits, as well as rolls (roll 3x # of dice) as requested, you feel it is needed or appropriate.
[ +- ] The rooms
Mar 18, 2024 2:28 am
daryen says:
Skeeve looks at Blornvid, then to Ealdwig, saying, "I am sure it will all be fine." Skeeve then immediately walks through the nearest unoccupied door and once fully inside, stops and waits without turning around.
Blornvid mutters, "It had better be." He then steps into one of the rooms.
Last edited Mar 18, 2024 2:28 am
Mar 18, 2024 3:45 am
These are do 2 things
1. allow you to show off your characters expertise and background
2. allow me, and other, to better understand how you view your character

You can skip things and assume an average result, add a short description of how your character may get above average results, or give a detailed explanation of how you excel at it will dice rolls to back you up.

If you have an idea for a test that works better for your character feel free to add that as an option for your character to take. Rolls are just to indicate possible setbacks or difficulty in your character completing the tasks. If you want to go slow and Focus for better roll success then just indicate so.

For the newcomers
[ +- ] Rolls & Tests
Remember to roll 3 times, or just 3x # of dice, for each test you want to elaborate on.
[ +- ] Basic Evaluation

[ +- ] Basic Simulation

[ +- ] Personalized Tests
Mar 18, 2024 6:28 am
Vaun looked at all the doors that appeared for separate evaluation. He moved in front of one of the doors and then looked at it for some time, trying to discern what sort of test it might give him. After a momentary contemplation, he moved inside and waited to see what happened.

Last edited Mar 19, 2024 3:16 pm


Evaluation test 1 (focus) - (2d6)


Evaluation test 2 (focus) - (2d6)


Evaluation test 3 (focus) - (2d6)


Simulation test (tracking cattle) (focus) - (2d6)


Crafting test (focus) - (2d6)


Teaching test - (3d6)


Redo teaching test - (3d6)


Mar 18, 2024 11:15 am
Barley nods and reaches out his hand.
[ +- ] Evaluatio
Last edited Mar 18, 2024 11:59 am


Test 1 (scholar) - (2d6)


Test 2 (psychic/spiritual) - (2d6)


Test 3 (scholar/spiritual) - (2D6)


Test 1 redo with focus - (2d6)


Test 1 redo #2 with focus - (2d6)


Evaluation 2 - find plant with adv (map and compass) - (3d6)


Mar 18, 2024 1:56 pm
Ealdwig shrugs and follows Skeeve and Blornvid's lead into a room. What's the worst that can happen? Sounds like we can leave whenever we want.

Ealdwig walks past the elegant lady in silver, stops as he is passing and asks, I'm sorry, what was your name again? Ealdwig gives a small apologetic shrug and a smile, you know, in case I need it.
Mar 18, 2024 3:09 pm
[ +- ] evaluation
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