Skeeve then can't help himself with a follow-up question. "OK, so there is just the one Infinite Tower. We are in that Tower, but the section we are in right now is isolated from the rest. Before we came in, it looked like the tower goes up as high as there is air to breathe. Would it not be possible to go up very high and enter from a different point? Or is the tower we see merely a visual representation of the Tower and the entrance we used the only access point for what we think we are seeing?" (Skeeve is assuming flight to get a higher access point, not climbing. He assumes climbing wouldn't be very productive.)
The Infinite Tower
Skeeve then can't help himself with a follow-up question. "OK, so there is just the one Infinite Tower. We are in that Tower, but the section we are in right now is isolated from the rest. Before we came in, it looked like the tower goes up as high as there is air to breathe. Would it not be possible to go up very high and enter from a different point? Or is the tower we see merely a visual representation of the Tower and the entrance we used the only access point for what we think we are seeing?" (Skeeve is assuming flight to get a higher access point, not climbing. He assumes climbing wouldn't be very productive.)
Having some kind of non-life-threatening test seened responsable for him. Not something he had expected, but reasonable.
He waits for his friend's questions to be answered, then he asks.. Lady, thank you for the brief description. Regarding the 5th Rule, which ways can this contribution take? I gather that we could learn much more knowledge than what we already know and could write about.
After listening to the entire conversation, Vaun was quite intrigued. "I would love to take the evaluation test and hopefully gain access to all the information the tower holds inside in order to learn more about the world. If possible, we can go for the group evaluation test? What do you all think?"
OOC: Another evaluation trial will be fine, but what do you all think? Should we go for group trial?
"Malachi, best stay hidden for now.", he thinks to his familiar. The cat disappears.
"Everyone, I should have mentioned earlier. If I have permission to do so I can link is psychically for communication. It has helped Vaun and I in the past.", thinks Barley to the group.
Siveril Miarona (Tower)
prepping for Blornvid, Skeeve, Vaun, Barley
Arc, Kaarik, Ealdwig you guys in?

Turning to look at Barley she continues The tower will isolate you briefly for your initial individual assessments. And it is rude to use telepathy without including all present.
He says to the other,I actually cannot wait. I was not expecting to find such wonderful place on my adventure.
Um, yeah sure. Let's do this. What's the worst that can happen. Ealdwig says as he continues to look around. Right?
Of course I am in!
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

Very well if you are all ready simply walk into one of the open doors. While you were talking the room slowly became dimly lit. Now several doors open, spilling more light into the room.
You must each enter your own room and follow the instructions. If at any time you wish to leave simple call for me or repeat 3 times that you are leaving immediately.

I will make them public as each finishes the evaluation.
During the evaluation indicate the tests your character takes. Include your action, intentions, indicate applicable trade, proficiencies, and traits, as well as rolls (roll 3x # of dice) as requested, you feel it is needed or appropriate.
As you step up to the door and look in you see a simple stone room with the bright light coming from a dome on the ceiling. In the room is a simple bench and 3 large blocks of stone. As soon as you step in the door behind you closes slowly and the light dimes to a more comfortable level.
Please be seated a soft but neutral sounding voice calls out.
Once you have seated yourselves the voice continues.
Initial evaluation is beginning and will require you to follow all directions as best you are able.
1. allow you to show off your characters expertise and background
2. allow me, and other, to better understand how you view your character
You can skip things and assume an average result, add a short description of how your character may get above average results, or give a detailed explanation of how you excel at it will dice rolls to back you up.
If you have an idea for a test that works better for your character feel free to add that as an option for your character to take. Rolls are just to indicate possible setbacks or difficulty in your character completing the tasks. If you want to go slow and Focus for better roll success then just indicate so.
For the newcomers
Advantage If a Trait, tool, or situation would grant you a bonus, you get advantage. This allows you to roll with 3d6, instead of 2d6!
Disadvantage If you would be hindered or set-back, you have disadvantage. This forces you to roll with 1d6!
Focus By spending an extra action you can increase you chance of passing your next test. Tests succeeded on a 4, 5, or 6
What follows is a series of short quizzes announced by the voice within the room. As each test is announced the top half of each of the 3 stone blocks fades to reveal tools and material to use with each test. Each category provides 3 or more tests of which you must complete 1. Each completed test is replaced by another similar but more difficult test. The tests have no time limit but the speed, precision, and results of your tests are all added together to determine you
Puzzles : 16 tile slide, create a shape/pattern with multiple smaller simple shapes, jigsaw puzzles
Memory : longest chain, speed tests, repeat a story, track 2 separate patterns, perform actions as instructed with additional instructions on how to do it with each success (touch the wall, do it fast, always start with your right foot, touch only with left hand, etc...)
Linguistics : word definitions, writing, reading comprehension, aural comprehension & retention
Art & Craft : draw a picture, sing a song, create a poem, weave, sculpt, paint
Athletic : obstacle course, climbing, lift weights, running, swimming, jumping
Reflex: Hit a target at distance, hit a moving target in melee, avoid getting hit
Sensitivity : hot/cold - magical/psychic/spirituality, precognition, clairsentience
Mathematics : counting, counting groups, dividing groups, fractions, rounding
Between each test you are given a short rest that increases in length depending on how long it takes you to finish the test.
After finishing the basic tests the voice announces.
Initiating basic testing simulations. These test are interactive but can not harm you. You are to attempt to resolve at least two of the following without using any of your own items.
It then explains multiple challenges, with the stone blocks turning into large tables with a variety of basic tools and materials applicable to each scenario. Once you select a test you can select up to 3 simple items to aid you in solving the problem and must then act out the solution with illusions that interact with you and the 3 items picked but will not react to any of your traits or personal gear.
Problem: You are in a foreign land and need to find a specific plant for a sick friend. The natives are unable to understand you language.
Bridge Repair:
Problem: A wooden bridge along the main trade route has collapsed, blocking passage. The river is shallow enough to cross on foot, but wagons and carriages cannot traverse it.
Broken Water Well:
Problem: The only water well in a village has become contaminated or its mechanism has broken down, leaving the villagers without a clean water source.
Lost Livestock:
Problem: A farmer's livestock has escaped from their pens and scattered across the countryside, endangering crops and wandering into dangerous territory.
Collapsed Mine Tunnel:
Problem: A section of a mine tunnel has collapsed, trapping miners inside and cutting off access to valuable resources.
Crop Pest Infestation:
Problem: A farmer's crops are being destroyed by a rampant infestation of pests, threatening the village's food supply.
Would you like to be evaluated at a higher level? If so Please indicate the one or two fields of knowledge or skill you would like to be tested on.
At which point the tree stone blocks again shift to reveal small figures performing a variety of functions with simple labels and explanations with each. Some of the figures include
Craft / Combat / Survival / Leadership / Communication / Organization / Teaching
Evaluation test 1 (focus) - (2d6)
Evaluation test 2 (focus) - (2d6)
Evaluation test 3 (focus) - (2d6)
Simulation test (tracking cattle) (focus) - (2d6)
Crafting test (focus) - (2d6)
Teaching test - (3d6)
Redo teaching test - (3d6)
"Let the games begin", he thinks as the first test starts.
As soon as the memory cube lights up it they begin and simple game of Simon says. The cube seems to run him through basic dance moves that Barely does with absolute accuracy. However he keeps forgetting that you should only move after Simon says to do the thing.
Frustrated, with test he moves onto the sensitivity training. He reaches out with his mind and runs through a series of focus challenges ending with him reciting a poem while lifting stacking several small stones with his mind. At the end of it, he places a candle on the stone construction and clicks his fingers. The candle lights on fire.
He then turns to Linguistics, reading and translating proses from drawvish and then translating them to gnomish using his projected spirit. Once that test is done, he turns back to the dreaded Simon says test.
Barley pauses focusing himself and jumps into it head first. Quickly, he looses his concentration and then the edge of the game.
He steps back thinking, "What's wrong with me?", then he jumps into again, this time making shortwork of the game and then afterwards he recites an Edda told to him by a toothless squirrel in the greater wilds.
He smiles with satisfaction.
As, soon as he does he finds himself in a rainswept valley overlooking a tiny village. In his arms is Lauri, an enforcer he used to work with years ago, she has been poisoned by an vicious animal bite.
Barley walks into the village and asks to see there priest or doctor. He is met with suspicion and one of the villagers calls out to him in a foreign tongue. Barely puts Lauri down and closes his eyes projecting his spirit outwards. He speaks in to the man explaining the situation. The man points him to there priest.
The gruff older woman listens to Barley and examines his friend. Barley holds out his map of the area and she marks where he can find the plants needed to save Lauri.
Barley asks the woman to watch over his friend and gives the priest the bag if grain as payment. The priest takes the bag and agrees.
Barley uses the map and the compass to find the lichen miles North of the village. He hustles back to the village. There, he hands the plant to the priest so she could make a tincture.
The old woman lofts Lauri's head and administers the cure. Lauri opens her eyes weakly and smiles.
Barley spends the next week helping out around the village as Lauri recovers.
As the find themselves walking out of the village the scene fades. Barley blinks and finds himself in the evaluation room holding Malachi.
Test 1 (scholar) - (2d6)
Test 2 (psychic/spiritual) - (2d6)
Test 3 (scholar/spiritual) - (2D6)
Test 1 redo with focus - (2d6)
Test 1 redo #2 with focus - (2d6)
Evaluation 2 - find plant with adv (map and compass) - (3d6)
Ealdwig walks past the elegant lady in silver, stops as he is passing and asks, I'm sorry, what was your name again? Ealdwig gives a small apologetic shrug and a smile, you know, in case I need it.
In the basic evaluation test section we pick 3 tests and explain how best our character would complete said test. After each test the tests get slightly harder, so 1 is easier than 2 and 2 is easier than 3. Basically choosing your best attribute to go last, in my case athletics or acrobatics.
I assume I pick the 3 tests.
Do I pick them and then wait for instructions on the tests? Or do I pick them, then explain what I see and do and complete it with a roll?