The Infinite Tower
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
Also question, but do we have in our person the magic item we got from the tower right now? If yes I'll probably change out my knuckledusters out and equip the Godsteel Gauntlets instead.
Serig: Test DC: 4 - Focus + Sensitive Nose - (3d6)
I put a copy of the map in the Tiny Info sheet under the "Adventure & Tile Maps" spoiler in the "Tower Trial Valley" snippet. If you expand to it then click it another window/tab with a langer map will be opened
Archer/Dree is moving from A->B and Rimestock/Seric is going from B->A
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
Serig: Test DC: 4 - Focus + Sensitive Nose - (3d6)
Serig: Test DC: 4 - Focus + Hunter - (3d6)
Moving back from the waters edge you find a thick bush and move to get behind it while keeping an eye on the water and the creature approaching. As it reaches the waters edge it begins to clamber out and you realize is is just a beaver, over 20' long. Pausing a moment it raises its head and turns from side to side sniffing and twitching its ears. Raising on it's hind legs it opens it mouth and unleashes a mighty Roar before dropping back to all four and lumbering aquardly towards you.
Serig moves to take advantage of the wind and gets a better location of the bear and grins to himself. Suddenly a roar echoes across the valley coming from the south west and you suspect Dree has encountered her first foe and you wonder what it might be. The tower said the hunters would all be beasts but from the sound of that one it must be quite large. With a shrug you move on focus on your quarry and after a couple minutes you spit the massive grizzly and are glad you tracked it as this great beast would likely seek to drive you off. Now, do you wish to wish to slay the beast, assert your dominance to drive it off, or evade it. Such a large one will likely need to take severe damage before being driven off. Bears can be quite fast to move when angered so you will want to have a good lead and perhaps a obstacle or two to keep it from melee range where it would likely overwhelm you.
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
Since I initiated combat I get to act first, yeah? If so, for my first action I'd like to activate Shamanic Warrior. If it's successful, for the 2nd action I'd do an Evade action, but if not I'd try to activate Shamanic Warrior again.
Serig: Test DC: 4 - 1st Action - (2d6, 1d6)
2d6 : (15)
1d6 : (3)
Serig: Test DC: 4 - 2nd Action - (2d6, 1d6)
2d6 : (64)
1d6 : (2)
The beaver ignores the proffered wooden pies and lumbers on as Dree scrambles back. Thinking back she remembers two key things
1. The tower rules stated that "each type of terrain will hose a different predator" and as you have had a good look at its mouth you doubt this thing is a predator and likely match normal beavers and is an herbivore
2. While larger herbivores are dangerous they are usually content to be left alone unless bothered, threatened, or protecting young.
Roll vs Serig - (2d6)
(44) = 8
Gonna attack with my two actions!
Serig: Test DC: 5 - First Action Attack - (2d6)
Serig: Test DC: 5 - Second Action Attack - (2d6)
Let me know if you are going for speed or stealth and add rolls.
Roll VS Serig - (3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (354)
3d6 : (256)
For my first action I'll do an attack, and then move away for my second action since I only have 3 HP left and I can't have that bear hitting me twice XD
Serig: Test DC: 5 - Attack - (2d6)
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
Serig lands another blow and moves back. The grizzly is now critically wounded but as you back off it lumbers slowly to give chase with loud roars. As soon as you stop moving away it grows angry resumes the hunt but as long as you move away it feels victorious and belows it's dominance.
Knowing the bear is not longer a threat you move on. The forrest starts to thin, with younger and shorter trees. You emerge from the dense woods to move out into a grassy region continuing on your way to the SW.
How will you be moving through this area? Stick close to the river, run, hide, search, . . . . ? emember to add rolls to support ideas and actions
Dree makes good time, falling into the mile eating stride of the persistence hunter that epitomizes humanities advantage. Your run keeps you between the river and hills that draw closer as the river bends heading north. Your first hint of missing signs of being tracked is a flicker of grey to your right. Looking closer you see several forms moving parallel to you and cutting off your path to the river. Slowing a bit you take a better look around and though you do not spot your pursuers the lack of other wildlife lets you know that you have fallen into a hunt. Based on the two you spotted you suspect it to be a pack hunter. The question is how many and when will they close in for the kill. You are in grassy flatlands with occasional scattered trees and brush can try and break for the river to your right, the hills to the left, or look for someplace where you can secure your flank. How do you wish to try and handle this threat? Feel free to add plausible terrain features. Remember to add rolls to support ideas and actions
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Adv - (3d6)
Dree: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
Serig: Test DC: 4 - Sensitive Nose - (3d6)
Serig: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)