The Infinite Tower

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Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Aug 1, 2024 4:47 am
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

The two elves look at each other with nervous expressions before Siveril replies

We do know where several of the tower elements have fallen to but they are under the control of several factions that are fighting over the resources of the area. We have tried negotiating their return with little success. It is increasingly apparent that retrieving those will require a greater effort and danger than we would wish. There are traces of other elements and rare resources that we can use but they are further away so we are less certain as to their exact location and situation.

If you are truly willing to help us and give us some time we can review your tests and try to find a mission that you could undertake on our behalf. We can compensate you for your efforts should they be successful.
and she looks at you with a mixture of pleading and hope.
Aug 1, 2024 10:42 pm
Dree shrugs at Serig, I suppose it's something to do at least. She touches the fox head charm at her neck, How long will it take to review our tests? I fell like its been years since I slept.

Dasyra Valdi (Tower)


Aug 1, 2024 11:41 pm
Dasyra Valdi (Tower)

The review of the test itself will take mere minutes but a thorough analysis of your aptitude and finding resources for collection in areas suited to your skills may take a bit longer. We can easily have a short list ready in about an hour. You may stay in the tower to rest if you wish or wait outside if your prefer.

The tower has a strict policy of neutrality and only uses its powers in self defense and enforcing its rules. Know that if you attack any sentient within 100 paces of the tower you will be denied access to any tower services.
Aug 2, 2024 2:58 am
Drees brows furrow, But we can defend ourselves if attacked?
Would an hour be long enough to investigate Drees foxfire charm, you know perhaps meet the little friend inside it ;)
Last edited August 2, 2024 3:01 am

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Aug 2, 2024 12:39 pm
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

Oh, certainly you main defend yourselves. The true meaning of the law forbids killing any intelligent life as we are all of the People. However the tower is old and as we said has always remained neutral so the rule was limited to the Infinite Tower itself and its holdings. Typically this is easily noted as cities are built around most Portals but the general rule of 100 paces is a universally held rule.
That will be fine to familiarize yourself with its magic with either some background or a good roll. Since it was given to you then you already know enough to learn the rest.
Aug 4, 2024 4:44 pm
I suppose we could just stay here, near the exit, and relax while you decide what needs we can meet. If Serig agrees Dree will find a torch and test out the Foxfire Charm.
Aug 5, 2024 1:14 pm
Serig assesses his own condition—as antsy as he is, he could definitely use some rest, if only so he and Dree are in better shape to tackle whatever task they have to do to get back. "Let's take a breather then," he says, and unceremoniously plops himself on the floor.
Something unexpected came up during the weekend so I wasn't able to post, sorry about that! 😅

Sidenote since I forgot to ask this before, but when the test ended, did we recover HP? If we don't I'd love to at least rest long enough to recover to full (since I'm at 2/8 HP right now).

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Aug 5, 2024 1:30 pm
Syveril and Dasyra agree to this and escort you to a side chamber that has several tables, charis, a couple couches, as well as thick carpets and pillows. Water and some fruit are on a couple of tables and the two elves excuse themselves, indicating they will return after an hour has passe. Dree takes the time to experiment with a become familiar with her new charm. She finds the creature interesting in that though it looks real it completely ignores here weapons and though she can touch it she is unable to hold it fast. Adding in its ability to communicate directly with you it looks to be an excellent scout.

Siveril Miarona (Tower)
A bit over an hour later a knock sounds at the door and Syveril enters at your response. We have a coupe of options for your but we do have a preference, if you are up to it. She goes on to explain 3 missions the tower would like you to undertake. All three deal with looking into finding Portal Foci, large magical stone spheres about 5' in diameter covered in runes and often glowing. Unfortunately the Foci are unstable outside of the Tower and so tend to alter the environment. The Tower will provide you with a magical rod that when held in your hand will vibrate stronger the closer you get to a Foci and tug your hand in the general direction of the Foci. If you find one then simply touching the rod to the Foci will create a connection to the Tower allowing Dasyra to teleport to the Foci and begin the process of returning it to the Portal where it belongs.
[ +- ] 1. The River (prefered)
[ +- ] 2. The mountains to the north
[ +- ] 3. The swamp to the south
Aug 5, 2024 3:39 pm
Dree bites her lower lip in apprehension, Will the water amulets let us move underwater uh, even if we can't swim? She blushes in embarrassment. Even children can swim.

If they will still work then i'm sure we could go to the river.
Last edited August 5, 2024 3:42 pm

Siveril Miarona (Tower)


Aug 5, 2024 3:47 pm
Siveril Miarona (Tower)

You are reassured that the amulets will help but she suggests perhaps spending a while in the river shallows practicing before moving deeper as she is unsure what you might encounter.
Normally we give out magics to make the wearer more maneuverable while swimming in the water but if you prefer I believe we have some that would simple let you breath and walk as if on land, if only slightly slower. Would you prefer to swim or walk on the river bottom?
Aug 5, 2024 4:01 pm
Well I, blushing deeper, I'm sure the regular thing will be fine. Swimming is fine. It can't be that hard.
Aug 5, 2024 4:34 pm
When you are ready to go she hands you each an amulet and with a wave of her hand shows a minor illusion of the area.
Moving on tomorrow if nothing else from you
[ +- ] Area Map
Aug 5, 2024 8:41 pm
Serig notices Dree's apprehension, and gives her a quick clap on the shoulder for reassurance. "You don't have to worry, swimming is easy. Besides, I'll be there," he says to her.
Aug 5, 2024 9:57 pm
Dree gives Serig a hesitant smile, Yes, I just hope I don’t sink like a stone. That would be embarrassing. Looking down at her new fox friend, Can you swim little one or should I let you return to the charm for this adventure?

foxfire spirit


Aug 5, 2024 11:31 pm
foxfire spirit
Dree gets the impression of amusement and safety and the spirit affirms it will be fine in water. While it is not affiliated with the element it is only the true elemental or magical nature that would bother it. You have noted in your practice that while the spirit never seems to fly it does not seem to quite follow the laws of nature as you know them. Leaping far, dropping slowly, and even leaping off of empty air to change directions.
Adding this NPC to your sheet for your use. You can change the image if you like.
Aug 7, 2024 4:26 am
If you are ready to go you can set out or I can get you headed in the general direction
The map has been added to the ~Tiny Info~ sheet under MAPS / Adventure & Tile Maps / Tower & River Map
Aug 7, 2024 6:01 am
Turning to Serig, I suppose we should head for the river. See if I sink or swim.
Aug 7, 2024 12:31 pm
Making your way from the tower, now with a small redish brown companion that quickly slips into the underbrush, you make your way toward the river to the south. The area around the tower is clear but grassy hills dotted with the ocasional clump of brush or small thickets surrounds you. The area is not too disimilar to where you entered the Tower but the lack of a city confirms you moves to a new location and warmer air suggests you are further from from than a mere few hours travel.

As you leave the tower you note the area around it has signs of a variety of people moving to the door andl walking around it as well. A quick survey reveals heavy traffic of several weeks past going to and from the west. Smaller but more recent traffic heads towars the south east, in the general direction you need to heas to reach the area of the river to begin your search. Serig identifies the older tracks as belonging to a people unknown to him but smelling heavily of leather and oil while the smaller traffic seems more varried but mostly human but also having a few duende.

foxfire spirit
As you move away from the tower Dree is contacted by her companion spirits I smell people have passed this way often but always by differnt paths that circle the tower.

Looking around you soon spot traces yourseelves of iregular paths made by small groups circling the tower. The grass hides the traces within a day or two but from your estimation these patrols(?) are regular enough that despite using differing paths they passage can not be completly hidden.

Slightly curious and with increased caution, you move as if on a hunt and use the terrain and vegitation to skay close or hidden by cover, as you make you way towards the river. Calls from up in the air directs your eyes to see flocks of wheeling creatures that glide on long leathery wings and the breeze brings the scent of water. An ocasional glider will dive and dissapear towars the scent of water so you surmise these are fishing and as you near the riveer you see you are correct.
Moving story to The River Deep thread

If you have questions for the Tower guardians beforeleaving post them here.

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