Character Creation
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Apr 2, 2024 2:44 am
@Harrigan Is there a simple way to change the inventory section from the way it was initially to the way it looks on your sheets now or is there simply a different sheet for it to begin with?
Apr 2, 2024 5:22 pm
Thanks, cowleyc; both are good to go!
I suggest going into "Edit" mode, deleting the code that creates the chart, and typing in whatever you want there. Harrigan can probably tell you more about how he did it.
Looks like everyone is about done. @WhiteDwarf, once you update your inventory to the new system, you'll be set as well. I have spoken with Sardis over PM; just waiting to hear back.
ChrSch says:
Is there a simple way to change the inventory section from the way it was initially to the way it looks on your sheets now or is there simply a different sheet for it to begin with?Looks like everyone is about done. @WhiteDwarf, once you update your inventory to the new system, you'll be set as well. I have spoken with Sardis over PM; just waiting to hear back.
Apr 2, 2024 6:59 pm
ChrSch says:
@Harrigan Is there a simple way to change the inventory section from the way it was initially to the way it looks on your sheets now or is there simply a different sheet for it to begin with?[ +- ] Sir Norris's Sheet -- rob and pilfer as you will!
Character Summary
AC: 4
Mel: +1 STR mod. to melee att./damageAttack Value Matrix
Sir Norris is carrying 642 coins of weight, making his movement rate 60 (20).
Wealth: 2gp
XP: 0
Next Level: 2500
% Prime Requisite XP Mod: +5%

Race/Class: Human / Knight
Title: Sir! But not really. (Technically "Rider.")
Title: Sir! But not really. (Technically "Rider.")
Alignment: Neutral
Level: 1
Level: 1
Ability Scores
STR: 13 Melee att./damage, Open doors
INT: 12 Languages, Literacy
WIS: 11 Saves vs magic
DEX: 10 Missile attacks, AC
CON: 15 Hit points
CHA: 9 Reactions, # Retainers, Loyalty
Ability check: Roll under or equal on 1d20
STR: 13 Melee att./damage, Open doors
INT: 12 Languages, Literacy
WIS: 11 Saves vs magic
DEX: 10 Missile attacks, AC
CON: 15 Hit points
CHA: 9 Reactions, # Retainers, Loyalty
Ability check: Roll under or equal on 1d20
Saving Throws
D: 12 Death, poison
M: 13 Magic wands
P: 14 Paralysis, petrification
B: 15 Breath attacks
S: 16 Spells, magic rods, magic staves
+/-: 0 WIS modifier to saves vs magic
Saving throw: Roll over or equal on 1d20
D: 12 Death, poison
M: 13 Magic wands
P: 14 Paralysis, petrification
B: 15 Breath attacks
S: 16 Spells, magic rods, magic staves
+/-: 0 WIS modifier to saves vs magic
Saving throw: Roll over or equal on 1d20
HP: | 9 | / | 9 |
AC: 4
Mel: +1 STR mod. to melee att./damage
CON HP Mod +/-: +1
Unarmored AC: 9
DEX AC Mod +/-: 0
DEX Missile Mod: 0
Unarmored AC: 9
DEX AC Mod +/-: 0
DEX Missile Mod: 0
9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
+/-: 0 CHA modifier to reaction rolls
+/-: 0 CHA modifier to reaction rolls
LD: 1 -in-6 Listen at door (1-in-6 or by class)
OD: 3 -in-6 Open stuck door (based on STR)
SD: 1 -in-6 Find secret door (1-in-6 or by class)
FT: 1 -in-6 Find room trap (1-in-6 or by class)
LD: 1 -in-6 Listen at door (1-in-6 or by class)
OD: 3 -in-6 Open stuck door (based on STR)
SD: 1 -in-6 Find secret door (1-in-6 or by class)
FT: 1 -in-6 Find room trap (1-in-6 or by class)
Base movement rate = 120 ft. unless encumbered
Ov: 18 Overland: 1/5 base rate (miles/day)
Ex: 90 Exploration: base rate (ft./turn)
En: 30 Encounter: 1/3 base rate (ft./round)
Base movement rate = 120 ft. unless encumbered
Ov: 18 Overland: 1/5 base rate (miles/day)
Ex: 90 Exploration: base rate (ft./turn)
En: 30 Encounter: 1/3 base rate (ft./round)
Abilities, Skills, Weapons
Chivalric Code: Knights are bound by a stringent code of honour, which they strive to uphold in all their deeds. A knight does not earn any experience points for deeds performed at odds with this code. The fundamentals of this code are: preference of death over dishonour; service of the knight’s liege as the greatest honour; glory in single combat; defence to the death of any in the knight’s charge; honouring of superiors; respect of equals; demanding obedience from inferiors; scorning the ignoble.
Dishonor: A knight who brings dishonour upon themselves or their liege (this may include changing alignment) may have their knighthood revoked. In this case, the character becomes a fighter of equivalent level. It may be possible to re gain the status of knighthood by performing a special quest.
Combat: Knights can use all melee weapons but cannot use missile weapons (they regard these as dishonourable). They can wear
any metal armour but scorn non-metal armour as only suitable for peasants and villains.
Prowess of Arms: Knights regard armour as a symbol of prowess and status, always favouring the most impressive and impervious-looking armour available.
Single Combat: In a battle, a knight must attack the most powerful or worthy foe in single combat.
Flying Mounts: A knight of 5th level or higher can train fantastic, flying monsters as mounts. This takes one month. In general, a knight may train flying monsters of Hit Dice at most equal to the knight’s level. The use and training of flying monsters as mounts is at the referee’s discretion.
Horsemanship - Assessing Steeds: Knights are expert riders and can assess the worth of any steed. This allows a knight to determine
whether an animal has low, average, or high hit points for its type.
Horsemanship - Urging Great Speed: From 5th level, a knight can urge their steed to great speed, increasing its movement rate by 30’ (10’) for up to 6 turns, once per day.
Hospitality: A knight of 3rd level or higher can expect hospitality and aid from nobles and other knights of the same alignment or social affiliation (e.g. order, religion, noble house, etc.). A knight is expected to extend such hospitality in kind.
Mounted Combat: Knights gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls when mounted.
Strength of Will - Fear: Knights are immune to all supernatural fear effects. From 3rd level, companions within 10’ of the knight gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against fear effects, and retainers and mercenaries under the knight’s command within 10’ gain a +2 bonus to loyalty or morale.
Strength of Will - Beguilement: Knights gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against hold spells, charms, mind control, hypnotism, suggestion, etc. They gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against illusion, and gain a saving throw (one is not normally allowed) against sleep spells.
Stronghold: Any time a knight of 3rd level or higher wishes (and has sufficient money), they can build a castle or stronghold and control the surrounding lands. The permission of the knight’s liege is always required.
After Reaching 9th Level: A knight may be granted a title such as Baron or Baroness. The land under the knight’s control is then known as a Barony.
Dishonor: A knight who brings dishonour upon themselves or their liege (this may include changing alignment) may have their knighthood revoked. In this case, the character becomes a fighter of equivalent level. It may be possible to re gain the status of knighthood by performing a special quest.
Combat: Knights can use all melee weapons but cannot use missile weapons (they regard these as dishonourable). They can wear
any metal armour but scorn non-metal armour as only suitable for peasants and villains.
Prowess of Arms: Knights regard armour as a symbol of prowess and status, always favouring the most impressive and impervious-looking armour available.
Single Combat: In a battle, a knight must attack the most powerful or worthy foe in single combat.
Flying Mounts: A knight of 5th level or higher can train fantastic, flying monsters as mounts. This takes one month. In general, a knight may train flying monsters of Hit Dice at most equal to the knight’s level. The use and training of flying monsters as mounts is at the referee’s discretion.
Horsemanship - Assessing Steeds: Knights are expert riders and can assess the worth of any steed. This allows a knight to determine
whether an animal has low, average, or high hit points for its type.
Horsemanship - Urging Great Speed: From 5th level, a knight can urge their steed to great speed, increasing its movement rate by 30’ (10’) for up to 6 turns, once per day.
Hospitality: A knight of 3rd level or higher can expect hospitality and aid from nobles and other knights of the same alignment or social affiliation (e.g. order, religion, noble house, etc.). A knight is expected to extend such hospitality in kind.
Mounted Combat: Knights gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls when mounted.
Strength of Will - Fear: Knights are immune to all supernatural fear effects. From 3rd level, companions within 10’ of the knight gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against fear effects, and retainers and mercenaries under the knight’s command within 10’ gain a +2 bonus to loyalty or morale.
Strength of Will - Beguilement: Knights gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against hold spells, charms, mind control, hypnotism, suggestion, etc. They gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against illusion, and gain a saving throw (one is not normally allowed) against sleep spells.
Stronghold: Any time a knight of 3rd level or higher wishes (and has sufficient money), they can build a castle or stronghold and control the surrounding lands. The permission of the knight’s liege is always required.
After Reaching 9th Level: A knight may be granted a title such as Baron or Baroness. The land under the knight’s control is then known as a Barony.
Hands & Body | Pack (400cn) | Sml Sack (200cn) | Lrg Sack (600cn) |
Chainmail (AC 5) (400cn) | Wineskin, 2 pints wine | 2gp (2cn) | |
Sword (1d8) (60cn) | Tinder Box | | |
Shield (-1 AC) (100cn) | Torches (6) | | |
Rope (50’) | | ||
Rations, Standard, 7 Days | | ||
Adventuring Equipment (80) | | ||
Sir Norris is carrying 642 coins of weight, making his movement rate 60 (20).
Other Notes
Description & Background
A handsome, well-built, high-born man with rich brown hair and a well-groomed beard. Norris is the fifth son of a lowly lord, and was cast out to make his own fame and fortune after dallying with one too many milkmaids, serving girls, lord's wives, bishop's daughters and formerly celibate priestesses. Now, here on the frontier, he's out of money, time, and luck. Nothing remains but to try his hand at making his fortune in the Borderlands...
Wealth: 2gp
XP: 0
Next Level: 2500
% Prime Requisite XP Mod: +5%

Apr 3, 2024 3:15 am
Submitted Character 1, let me know what I'm missing and if I made any mistakes?
Going on to number 2 now, will submit him today as well.
Going on to number 2 now, will submit him today as well.
Apr 3, 2024 7:47 pm
Sir Chuck of house Norris? Is that the famous knight-errant of whom I've heard so many marvellous and extraordinary exploits?
Apr 5, 2024 3:45 am
@WhiteDwarf, your characters are approved but they should have a 60' (20') movement rate because they're carrying over 600 coins of weight.
@ChrSch, I approved Ezra, but you might want to write down your movement rate, ability score modifiers, and thief skills for easier reference. You may also reroll your hp since you got a natural 1. Don't forget to pick an alignment before we start, which can be Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic.
Since everyone has at least one PC ready to go (and Sardis will be joining us later), less some small edits, I believe it's time to get started! I'm going to start work on the intro post, which will be uploaded some time tomorrow (4/5 EST). From now on, I'm going to try to stick to the "three posts per week" pace, which means moving the game forward every three days at the minimum. Between updates, I'll still try to be as responsive as possible.
@ChrSch, I approved Ezra, but you might want to write down your movement rate, ability score modifiers, and thief skills for easier reference. You may also reroll your hp since you got a natural 1. Don't forget to pick an alignment before we start, which can be Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic.
Since everyone has at least one PC ready to go (and Sardis will be joining us later), less some small edits, I believe it's time to get started! I'm going to start work on the intro post, which will be uploaded some time tomorrow (4/5 EST). From now on, I'm going to try to stick to the "three posts per week" pace, which means moving the game forward every three days at the minimum. Between updates, I'll still try to be as responsive as possible.
Apr 8, 2024 4:06 am
I guess I should roll for their skills as well...
Ezra Skill - (1d100)
(60) = 60
Sokka Skill - (1d100)
(5) = 5
Sep 24, 2024 8:57 am
Here we go, first rolls for a new character!
Ability scores - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6)
3d6 : (545) = 14
3d6 : (263) = 11
3d6 : (355) = 13
3d6 : (361) = 10
3d6 : (523) = 10
3d6 : (333) = 9
Sep 24, 2024 9:42 am
So that's STR:10, INT:11, WIS:13, DEX:14, CON:10,CHA:9
I will go for a thief this time, so swapping STR and DEX.
I will go for a thief this time, so swapping STR and DEX.
Hit points - (1d4)
(2) = 2
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