Chapter 5.2A: To sit under a tree

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Mar 29, 2024 11:33 pm
1) Does the police report have anything on Dr. Qing to allow us to contact him?
Nope. Just that he lives in the outpost.
2) How hard will it be to fly to Lóngyùn Cūn to investigate further?
Administer DC6 for the permission and flight plan, 1d4 hours to get there with the Solaris, PC's and players' time after that, as part of the adventure.

I will handle Mercer's post after Hank's and Peter's. Both your Talk and Connect rolls were indeed useful and will help Emily if you leave her here.
Mar 30, 2024 1:53 am
Hank says, "Well let's see if we can go visit Lóngyùn Cūn ..."

Unless something else needs done, they head over to where the Solaris is and head out.
BTW, who has the best pilot skill for the trip?
Last edited March 30, 2024 1:55 am


Permission to fly to resort DC6 - (3d6h2+2)

(135) + 2 = 10

Mar 30, 2024 2:43 pm
Another question on Dr. Qing. While we don't have direct contact info on him, how about the outpost. Can we call it, and then just ask to speak to Dr. Qing? If so, he will have Mercer or Peter call (so it's a bit of a misdirection) and give it a shot.
Mar 30, 2024 4:57 pm
daryen says:
Another question on Dr. Qing. While we don't have direct contact info on him, how about the outpost. Can we call it, and then just ask to speak to Dr. Qing? If so, he will have Mercer or Peter call (so it's a bit of a misdirection) and give it a shot.
Yup. They may go ahead, if they want to.
BTW, who has the best pilot skill for the trip?
Jil, with 2d6+2
Unless something else needs done, they head over to where the Solaris is and head out.
Let's see if @arthur12320 wanna do something else in Meixian, otherwise we go ahead. I will say that Mercer talked with people while in the Solaris, during the flight, to build that network for Emily, so you're going as well, ok @PhoenixScientist?


Flight time to the village (in hours) - (1d4)

(4) = 4

Mar 30, 2024 5:11 pm
I will focus on setting up a network, whatever makes that most likely Mercer will do.
Mar 30, 2024 5:34 pm
Sorry for the delay
After seeing all of Emily efforts on trying to get info from the officer turn out not as good, Morgan will try to call the officer aside and have a quick talk.

"Hello officer, I know you can’t go letting out that kind of classified info to anyone out of the blue, but isn’t there anything you can do to help someone on the force?"

Morgan will quickly show a navy insignia and really hope the officer has served at some point.

"It would really help us to at least know who would know more about our missing friend"

Giving an emphasis on those words Morgan will try to use his telepathy powers to see if it evoked any emotions on the officer or even a word that might lead to a clue.
[ +- ] Telepathic Contact (lvl 1)


Peter Morgan: Unskilled talk - (2d6-3)

(33) - 3 = 3

Mar 30, 2024 5:42 pm
I didn't realize Jil was with them. Cool!

As a future note, assuming we have to leave her, Hank will bring her back to Meixian if that's where she wants to be left.

On the flight over Hank asks Mercer to call the outpost and try to talk with Dr. Qing. Maybe he can get something that way.
Mar 30, 2024 8:04 pm
I didn't realize Jil was with them. Cool!
She stayed in the shuttle, but is working as your pilot. =)
arthur12320 says:
"Hello officer, I know you can’t go letting out that kind of classified info to anyone out of the blue, but isn’t there anything you can do to help someone on the force?"

Morgan will quickly show a navy insignia and really hope the officer has served at some point.

"It would really help us to at least know who would know more about our missing friend"

Giving an emphasis on those words Morgan will try to use his telepathy powers to see if it evoked any emotions on the officer or even a word that might lead to a clue.

"I see you served but you're not in the Navy anymore. In any case, sir, we do not investigate matters from other regions. It is outside our jurisdiction and recent laws make it a very serious violation to ignore it."
- replied the policeman.

Peter senses that the officer is bothered by the word jurisdiction but is conformed with how things are now and feels its above his pay grade to try to fix it.
I will post something for Mercer and Hank later today
Mar 30, 2024 8:47 pm
I don't know how close we are to end of day, but nearing that Mercer will check in about the CV moving in to the next stop. I don't know if we're close to that.
Mar 30, 2024 10:34 pm
As the shuttle traversed the sky, Mercer pondered their next moves. Emily's concerns resonated deeply with him, and he was determined to help her uncover the truth behind the mysterious events surrounding the dissapearance of her brother. With a sense of urgency, he decided to reach out to Diana Fu, a seasoned journalist with an online reputation for fearlessly pursuing the truth. However, Mercer knew he couldn't contact her directly without a credible reason, as he didn't have a prior relationship with her.

Then, a memory sparked in Mercer's mind. Slaine Rowan, a mutual acquaintance who had mentioned Diana in passing during a conversation months ago. Though Slaine wasn't in the system, Mercer knew he had to take a chance. With a flicker of hope, he decided to use Slaine's name as a connection.

Dialing Diana's number, Mercer took a deep breath as the call connected. "Ms. Fu, my name is Mercer Furio," he began, his voice tinged with urgency. "I hope I'm not catching you at a bad time, but I need your help with something crucial. I'm Slaine Rowan's friend."

There was a moment of silence on the other end, then Diana's voice came through, cautious but intrigued. "Go on," she prompted.

Mercer wasted no time in explaining the situation, detailing the events related to Robert and the suspicions surrounding the Ventura Medical Research Facility. He emphasized Slaine's connection to both Diana and himself, hoping it would lend credibility to his plea for assistance.

"Diana, Slaine trusted you, and I trust they," Mercer continued, his tone earnest. "I believe you're the key to uncovering the truth about what's really happening."

There was a pause, during which Mercer held his breath, waiting for Diana's response. Finally, she spoke, her voice soft yet determined. "I'll help you, Mercer. For Slaine's sake."

Relief flooded through Mercer as he thanked Diana profusely. With her onboard, they had a chance at unraveling the mysteries surrounding the research facility and ensuring Emily's safety.

Next, Diana suggested contacting Dr. Jintao, the local doctor from Lóngyùn Cūn. With a renewed sense of purpose, Mercer reached out to the doctor, hoping to enlist his aid in their quest for the truth. Unfortunately, he didn't answer his comms. In fact, Diana told him a couple of minutes later, no one she knew in the village was answering.
The shuttle glided gracefully through the lush embrace of Verdura's verdant landscapes, its engines humming softly as it approached the village. Jil, the pilot, guided the craft with precision, her gaze fixed on the unfolding scene below. Through the windows, Hank, her co-pilot, and Peter, Mercer and Emily, seated behind them, observed in awe as a network of warden AIs and advanced automated systems stood vigilant, ever watchful over the planet.

But as soon as they left Meixian-controlled airspace and had visual contact with the village, they were contacted by one of the warden AIs. A voice, clearly synthesized yet eerily human, crackled over the speakers. "We are implementing quarantine protocols in response to a suspected outbreak. All residents are being relocated to centralized facilities for observation and treatment under the guidance of the Verdura's warden systems. Please leave immediately. "

In Lóngyùn Cūn, uniformed officers moved with purpose, their actions orchestrated by the silent directives of the AI guardians. Clad in pristine white protective coveralls that gleamed under the late afternoon sun, they ushered the villagers into waiting automated shuttles with remarkable efficiency. Mercer and Peter exchanged worried glances as they watched the scene unfold.

"Leave immediately." - transmitted the AI, one more time.

Afraid they were going to be shot, Jil banked away from the village. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her. Below them, Verdura's robots worked tirelessly, their automated systems constructing makeshift medical facilities with astonishing speed. The crew watched in silent awe as the sprawling network of tents and prefabricated structures took shape, a testament to the technological marvels hidden within the verdant landscapes of Verdura.

"Look at that," Emily murmured, pointing out the window. "It's as if the very planet is rising to meet the challenge. I need to go there."
What do you do?
Mar 30, 2024 11:00 pm
So, let me make sure I have processed this ...

The shuttle is coming in towards the village and, once it comes into view, the whole village is being turned into a quarantine zone. We are obviously being ordered to leave immediately. Is that all correct?
Hank responds to the communication, "We have a trained medical professional who wishes to help. Will you allow her to help?" Before the answer is given, Hank says to Mercer, "You need to tell you reporter contact what is going on immediately. She's gonna want to know about this irrespective of anything else. They have an outbreak. This is could be extremely bad."
Mar 30, 2024 11:02 pm
So, let me make sure I have processed this ...

The shuttle is coming in towards the village and, once it comes into view, the whole village is being turned into a quarantine zone. We are obviously being ordered to leave immediately. Is that all correct?
Yup. By an AI, not by the authorities.
Mar 30, 2024 11:06 pm
Hank responds to the communication, "We have a trained medical professional who wishes to help. Will you allow her to help?"
"Yes. Land, let her come on foot and get on one of the automated shuttles". - answered the AI.

Emily shivers but nods with her head.
Peter, Mercer, what do you do?
Mar 30, 2024 11:17 pm
Mercer makes a call to Diana Fu, We just reached Lóngyùn Cūn. There's a quarantine being enforced by an AI. We haven't seen anyone yet but it seems... Surprising. Does anyone there know there is a quarantine, a supposed outbreak? We should have been warned before departing. Mercer paused before continuing, trying to make sure Diana Fu is fully following what he is saying.
It could be some sort of coverup, I've seen it before, but... There is a Verdura Medical Research Institute Virology Lab here at at the VMRI Outpost Omega-7.
Mar 31, 2024 1:18 am
Hank calls back to the AI, "Who are the humans in charge of this operation? I wish to speak with the humans in charge."

Hanks turns to Emily, "Something smells wrong here. Where are the humans in charge? Something isn't adding up. I want to talk to a human before letting you off."
Mar 31, 2024 10:12 am
Diana listened intently as Mercer relayed the unusual situation unfolding in Lóngyùn Cūn, her mind racing with possibilities. This was unexpected, to say the least.

"Absolutely not. This is huge! Breaking news! I need a drone to record this... No, I will get a satellite! Yes, a satellite! James must let me use that image satellite he has!" - she was very excited now - "I'll start making some calls to see what I can find out, Mercer. I'll get to the bottom of this! Stay safe, and keep me updated on any developments. Bye!"

Ending the call, Diana wasted no time in springing into action.
Hank calls back to the AI, "Who are the humans in charge of this operation? I wish to speak with the humans in charge."
"They died many decades ago, no other worthy leader has emerged since. As warden AIs, we have been following our mission since them, silently protecting the planet from orbital bombardments, unauthorized landings, illegal departures, and Class 5 epidemics. The current situation demands our intervention. If left unchecked, our calculations predict this could end human life. Let the medical professional willing to help come now and you should inform your warden AI about what happened. 10 days of quarantine are recommended for anyone who remains in the region. Leave immediately. "
What do you do?
Mar 31, 2024 2:53 pm
Should Hank know what a Warden AI is?
We make one big circuit around the area so we can fully record what is going on. Hank wants to make sure there is visual evidence of what is going on so that they can't easily be accused of being liars. We also make sure the communications have been fully recorded. Then we leave.

To Emily: "I am very sorry, but I will not let you off here. You would be evacuated into one of the shuttles and effectively become one of those quarantined. If this is a real outbreak, you would become one of those affected. If this is a coverup, you'd disappear. It's a lost game either way. I know you are even more worried about your brother, but you getting killed here will not help him."

Hank contacts flight control. "We were not permitted to land at Lóngyùn Cūn. There is a quarantine being implemented just as we arrived. There are no humans in control of this operation. It is all being run by AI. We request a replacement flight plan that takes us back to our ship at the station."

On the way back, Hank will look up decontamination protocols for the shuttle. If we have to decontaminate at the station before going back to the ship, he absolutely will.
Hank figures that leaving Emily at the quarantine is a death sentence either way. (Plus it exposes us to non-zero risk, too.) He will let her stay on the space station if she wants. It will keep her from the immediate effects on planet (if there are any), and she can always go down on a shuttle at any time. It is the safest way he can think of to handle it. He was really hoping the could resolve what happened with her brother, but this just means that is now impossible in any sort of relevant timeframe. It is now an unsolved mystery we have to just let go of and move on from. That also means leaving Emily behind.
Mar 31, 2024 4:12 pm
Should Hank know what a Warden AI is?
Not exactly, but let me see the dice, to see if he can infer based on that conversation and his knowledge about the Zyronis system. Rolling...
Hank remembers that Zyronis, the system capital, was once a monument to prosperity and ambition. Its labyrinthine structures stretched downward through multiple levels, a testament to the ingenuity of its first inhabitants. But now, only a mere million souls wander its desolate streets, haunted by the ghostly silence left behind by a catastrophic event.

Neptunia, a world covered entirely by liquid water, was home to the genetically modified Thalassans. Their ability to breathe underwater allowed for the construction of vast cities atop floating platforms. Yet, some unknown calamity befell this once-thriving colony, leaving behind only whispers of its existence beneath the waves.

Amidst this tapestry of loss, for centuries, Verdura was a beacon of hope and resilience. It blooms with verdant fields and bustling agricultural communities. Yet, amidst its bounty, a silent guardian always watched over its lands: the warden AIs. Hundreds of networked turrets, robots and automated vehicles play a crucial role in the daily operations, assisting in cultivation, harvesting, logistics and defense of the planet. Considered benign by the population, those Artificial Intelligences are recently called Virtual Intelligences (VIs) by the scholars, to differentiate this advanced and sentient-seeming AIs from the lesser expert systems and bots.

While the fate of Zyronis and Neptunia remains shrouded in mystery, after his recent conversation, Hank believes that Verdura's preservation can likely be attributed to the unwavering dedication of these VI systems.
See rulebook, page 196, for more details about VIs and this post for more about the Zyronis system


Hank Heron: Know - (2d6+2)

(22) + 2 = 6

Dr. Emily Hart


Mar 31, 2024 4:50 pm
To Emily: "I am very sorry, but I will not let you off here. You would be evacuated into one of the shuttles and effectively become one of those quarantined. If this is a real outbreak, you would become one of those affected. If this is a coverup, you'd disappear. It's a lost game either way. I know you are even more worried about your brother, but you getting killed here will not help him."
"No! I will stay here. I don't care! Let me talk to the Warden! It needs me!" - said Emily, putting her hand at her laser pistol. The one that everybody had for their self defense in Verdura.

She did so before Hank could talk with the flight control and before the Solaris left the area.
If anyone wanna prevent her from doing so, disarm or knock her down, roll initiative
Dr. Emily Hart
Mar 31, 2024 5:48 pm
Mercer will try


Initiative - (1D8+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

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