Western Remnants

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Apr 4, 2024 2:00 am
For the record, I said "Lady of the Manor" because it's true enough to pass a spell detection, but doesn't directly attach us to either the Base/Expedition or the Tower.
Apr 4, 2024 2:17 am
Arkmenos says:
Blornvid Jr., halfdwarf, same, same. Smiling the whole time.
Blornvid suppresses a chuckle.



Apr 4, 2024 3:55 am

The goblin looks you over and waits for everyone to identify themselves before smiling.
Well gentlemen I an sorry but at this time we are not open for tourists or casual visitors. You are required to have an invitation. As you are not allied with any of the existing factions that have been extended an invitation and do not have a personal invitation I am sorry but I will have to refuse you entry.

The smug look on his face shows only all to clearly the joy the little tyrant has over wasting you time for his own amusement. The 12 other goblins all look on with keen interest and several have wicked sneers as they look over your party. You notice that these goblins have a different appearance than those you just talked with at the E-N gate. Slight variations in skin coloration, ear and nose size and shape, all lead you to believe that these are likely from another goblin tribe. The spokesman talks with one of his henchgoblins who quickly ducks through the partially open gate and into the Remnanat.

If you have no official business I will have to ask you to move on. I have blacklisted you and all other gates will be on the lookout for you. Do not expect any better a reception at the other gates he chuckles as the stares down his nose up at you.


goblin tyrannical thoughts - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Apr 4, 2024 4:22 am
Yeah, well, I wasn't expecting a good result with triple-1s. On the plus side, they are letting us just leave. So, honestly, I count that as a win.
"So be it." Skeeve learned long ago that sometimes you have to suck it up and move on. So he does so here. At that, we move on south to see who controls that last Remnant.

Once we are out of sight of the Remnant, Skeeve pulls out his magic tablet and writes a quick note saying that this Remnant is controlled by multiple goblin tribes. He hopes Fiznik and/or Valpip get the message and can use it.
Apr 4, 2024 5:55 am
Probable for the best, Arc thinks.
After seeing these two entre points, probable It wouldnt be peaceful inside. Lets move on.
Apr 4, 2024 5:54 pm
Blornvid scowls at the Goblin spokesman, but says nothing to him. To the others, he says, "Alright lads, let's be on our way. It's a nice enough day for a stroll."
Apr 4, 2024 6:46 pm
I wonder what is in there that they are guarding so intently? Ealdwig is looking around, maybe there is another way in.
Is there any place outside of the main gates to sneak in?
Apr 5, 2024 1:51 am
FYI : Vaun (AKA Stalker) is taking a break but may be back later
The goblins watch you as you move away but make no moves.

As you move to go further south Vaun speaks up I do not believe these remnants are the place for me to further my knowledge. I will return to the Baase and visit the shaman and perhaps the library to study for a time. I wish you well. Forgive my change of plans but must follow my own path, that of the healer. Your path seem to be pitting you against the others of the area. Farewell, safe travels. With that he makes his way quickly back towards the Remnant you left earlier, in the hopes of encountering the researchers and guards.

As you round the corner you notice that the southern gates are closed and have no guards outside. The walls are tall but not made of smooth stone so should not be too hard to scale. And though you can see the walls have a parapet atop them you see no guards atop them. Why?

You soon reach the path leading from the SE gate that heads further south. This path shows a higher level of foot traffic than the ones you have seen today. The path continues to the south though the grass and leads into a thick cluster of trees with glimpses of another Remnant to the SW of your current position.
I will continue SW on the path in the morning unless someone want to do something else first.
Apr 5, 2024 2:45 am
"Safe travels, Vaun."
Apr 5, 2024 3:09 am
Good day Vaun, nice to know you.

Ealdwig walks close to the wall, and gets as good a look as he can. He considers giving it a go, then thinks better of it an hustles to keep up with the group.
Apr 5, 2024 3:14 am
"Good luck on your travels, Vaun!"
Apr 5, 2024 3:28 am
Above the two manned gates, we saw the visual indications of the Border. Do we see that with the unattended gate?

Skeeve is willing to go see what we can see at least at the top of the wall.
Apr 5, 2024 3:47 am
There is a Border distortion over all of the Remnant.
Apr 5, 2024 4:00 am
Skeeve says, "Arc, can you fly up and, while staying scrupulously outside the walls, see if there is anyone around on the top of the wall or anything like that? Also, please check if the parapets are solid on top."
Scale the wall just using the rough surface? Phft. We have someone who can fly, someone who can shoot a rope, someone with a slithering rope, and someone with telekinesis. We can get to the top of the wall in style!
Apr 5, 2024 8:59 am
To Vaun Farewell friend, may he meet soon!

To Skeeve You don't even have to ask!
Arc has already jumped high while talking. He is careful not to cross the border nor to get too far away from the wall (not to bring attention from anyone inside nor animals around).
When up to the paraphet altitudes, he checks for people, devices or border. He also checks for dinosaurs around the grassy area around the team (just to be sure there are no risks while climbing).
- If no enemy is around, he ties his rope in the paraphet for the rest to climb. And stand over the paraphet guarding his friend climb.
- If there are enemies around, he will back down and tell his friends who and where.
Last edited April 5, 2024 8:59 am
Apr 5, 2024 12:19 pm
See you soon Vaun! I am sure that we will meet soon in the library.
Apr 5, 2024 1:54 pm
Ealdwig says to Skeeve, you thinking of going up there? I was looking to see if I could climb it. Figured it wasn't worth the risk for myself. Then he remembers the fancy rope device that was given to him a little while back and smacks his head. He pulls it out. We could use this to climb it. It would definitely help Blronvid. Smiling as always.
Apr 5, 2024 2:38 pm
As Arc gains altitude he sees no one atop the wall. The wall does have a walkway down it's middle and slightly raised and covered structures at the corners, but no one is anywhere on the wall. Scanning the immediate area around the team shows no hidden threats as the dinosaurs look to Give the buildings and the southern path a wide space.

Getting a bit higher and closer, careful of the border which is noticeable but not clearly so when looked at from above, Arc scans the interior. The first thing he notices is that the interior of the Remnant looks to shift and change as if shadows from clouds drift across it. As the "shadows" cross over the interior the building shift from looking grand and new to nearly complexly ruined. Equally surprising is the fact he can not see any creatures inside despite seeing the guards from above. Your flight seems to have caught the attention of some of the goblin guards who taunt and encourage you to "Just fly in" with shouts and gestures.

Borders: Created by or during the Shattering divide the lands like crack on a sheet of thick ice. These are theorized to be cracks in the Mortal realm where extraplanar influences leak into the mortal world. At the beginning they were much easier to detect but also much more dangerous. Many who entered never came back. Over the last 50 years since the Shattering they have been examined and appear to be sealing themselves and are not as easily noticed. Some are nearly indetectable and not noticed until crossed while other are clearly marked by sudden transitions in terrain or weather.

Crossing Borders subjects you to the forces of the other Realms but allows passage to other lands, but not always the same destination. You can leave form A , arrive at B, then recrossed and arrive at C. Many of these changes in destination seemed fixed and predictable and often formed a cycle. Scholars equate this to the lands now acting like pieces of wood floating in the sea of the planes. The Mortal Realm did not fully shatter so that the pieces still bump into each other but and they float the pieces touching shift positions.

This fact was exploited by travelers and merchants who had access to magical aid to cross safely and reliably. Fortunately the Borders have calmed greatly so magic is not needed to cross them safely. However it is still used to ensure arrival and departure points are fixed. Crossing a "Wild Border" is considered foolish and risky. The effects of the recent Border Storms are examples of what might happen if you cross a Border at an unregulated point.
Apr 5, 2024 5:05 pm
Arc backs down to speak with the rest, and tells his findings.
He remembered the first time he crossed a Border, allowing him to travel a huge distance in no time. But It could have also allowed him to travel in time without him realizing.

I Think I have an idea for the rope we saw the goblins used. Maybe there is a space-time blur, some kind of shifting thing, so people may enter without knowing where or when they may get to... the same dificulty to return. So having a rope would allow them to return to their entry space-time.
Then a stranged look appeared in his face, as he realized that this idea spoken made even less sense than in his head before he spoke.
Last edited April 5, 2024 5:08 pm
Apr 5, 2024 5:48 pm
Skeeve hears his explanation and says, "That's brilliant! As long as nothing in the middle would break the rope somehow, that is a very, very clever means of making sure you can get back.

"That implies to me that this part of the Remnant is highly variable and their rope trick doesn't work. If you were to have flown over to those goblins waving at you, you wouldn't have made it to them. They were trying to get you lost or killed.

"Question: Is the wall inside the Border or outside the Border? If the wall is outside the Border, we can still climb it and at least take a look around. If the wall is inside the Border, going onto the wall has a lot of risk, rope trick or not."
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