Western Remnants

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Apr 9, 2024 3:08 pm
Alright let's get this over with. Just before entering he turns and asks, aren't you coming? Turning back around Ealdwig steels himself and walks through the barrier, expecting the sickness to take over.


save test - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Apr 9, 2024 3:38 pm
You are closest to the NE gates and other than noting that there are many tracks in and our of the Remnant see no signs of the other factions. Moving to the gate and string through you quickly recovery after only a brief moment.

There are no enemies nearby but you hear sounds of battle to the south. The buildings around you are in various states of ruin. Unlike the residential remnant this has rubble and trash stem everywhere. Signs of recent occupation, fire pits, discarded food, and other refuse mix ancient with recent.
no saving throw needed this time
Apr 9, 2024 3:39 pm
Kaarik follows Ealdwig without saying anything, only focusing on the discomfort of the border crossing.

Too fast in throwing :D
Last edited April 9, 2024 3:40 pm


Save test - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Apr 9, 2024 3:40 pm
Skeeve asks Arc to see what is going on to the south.
Apr 9, 2024 5:45 pm
Sorry for the delay, RL has it's challenges lately, but I'm stil here!
Arc jumps high again and files around. And he enjoys It!

It is becoming somehow usual for recon flights to start with a fast overlock at the sky for aerial threats, then do a small cicle at low altitudes looking for enemies hiden around the team (specially if there is rubble or tall grass), then a second cicle a few meters higher for further threats.
Always bow at hand, and ready to engage in battle if attacked.

Only afterwards he flies south following the sounds of Battle. Arc won't participate in that battle unless it is clear that one side is from the base or other ravenfolk (in which case he will help them).
Is there a Ranger Trait he gets for all this practice? :)
Last edited April 9, 2024 5:50 pm
Apr 9, 2024 6:29 pm
The Barrier is easier to notice from the inside and you notice no flyers as you glance up and out. As soon as you rise over the crumbled second stories to scan the area to the south Arc spots guards on walls that partition a large section firing on a squad in surrounding buildings.

At this distance Arc can not fully identify the two sides. One of the guards atop the compound turns to fire a wild shot at Arc letting him know approaching would have an increased risk. Dropping back down after a scan of the area he relays to the others what he saw. The compound is well guarded and the surrounding forces are mostly harassing them with probing attacks.
still traveling, map coming tonight
Apr 11, 2024 10:16 am
Arc shares all information with his Friends, then flies again to the south to approach closer, he wants to identify the sides fighting.

To avoid much risk, and without hunters above, he wil fly much higher thank usual so that the ones fighting couldn't shoot at him (and if they do, they would at a huge penalty on strengh required to get so high and with the wind affecting their aim). He won't get in shooting range since he doesn't want to fight, his bow at his back (not at ready), he just wants to identify the sides.
Apr 11, 2024 12:59 pm
Crazy time after vacation and busy day back.
[ +- ] map
Arc launches into the air and gets as close to the Barrier as possible but is still only able to get a bit over 50 feet over the ground from where you launch though it seems to go higher towards the middle. The Border follows the walls and then forms a low dome over the interior of the Remnant such that Arc is unable to soar to great heights to avoid all attacks. Fortunately it is high enough to avoid most missiles.

Arc flaps towards the compound and sees several groups on the way. He spots a group of kobolds and lizardmen and another of orcs. Both are harassing groups of armored figures. This is where the sounds of battle are coming from. The compound to the south is guarded by more of the armored figures and some in robes. However he can not determine who is within the armor and is shot at a couple of times, both by heavy bows and magics as well.

Arc is hit by a lucky arrow, 1 damage, and his high arial maneuvers obviously got the attention of everyone below and he is certain that his flight is tracked ans he flies back out of range of the archers.


Randome missile attacks - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (3) = 3

1d6 : (5) = 5

1d6 : (4) = 4

Apr 11, 2024 2:48 pm
Upon Arc's return, Ealdwig notices the arrow. Arc, you ok? Ealdwig tries to help with the arrow and resulting wound.
Apr 11, 2024 2:48 pm
Please take a circular path back to us!
Apr 11, 2024 5:18 pm
After Arc is checked out, Blornvid asks, "About how large are these forces? I don't think the four five of us want to get in the middle of a siege, particularly since someone thought it was worth their time and arrows to shoot at you."
Last edited April 11, 2024 6:19 pm
Apr 11, 2024 5:52 pm
Five of us :-)
Skeeve will heal Arc when he gets back.
Apr 11, 2024 6:06 pm
There are many armored figures, in squads of 8 to 20. The other forces looked to be in squads of 6 to 12.
Arc is quickly healed.
Apr 11, 2024 6:25 pm
"Well, we need to start moving in order to stay away from large groups. If we meet smaller squads, we'll have to handle them very quickly. I think we should start checking out buildings, too.

"Arc, you'll have to help guide us here."
Apr 11, 2024 7:48 pm
I think we ought to at least understand which forces are currently fighting, we owe that to the lady of the manor.

I might have become mad, but what do you think about not avoiding a smaller group of goblins and making sure that we keep them alive?
Apr 11, 2024 8:45 pm
Blornvid's head turns sharply towards Kaarik. "I've met one good goblin and fought many nasty ones. While I won't attack them outright, because of that one good lad, I'm not inclined to automatically help them either. And Arc didn't say anything about goblins being here. Kobolds, orcs, lizardmen, and some unidentified armored folk.

"Honestly, why are we bothering to get involved in this battle? We don't have a stake in it, and we're not honor-bound to defend any of the lot. I thought that this was just a recon mission. Shouldn't we move on?"
Apr 11, 2024 9:00 pm
As son as Arc gets this information, he starts gliding in zig zag to move away from the remnants, but he is hit!
With arrows flying closer than he wanted in his way back, he knows he is getting way too much attention!! And the arrow in his leg hurts.

He starts flying irregularly, both getting out of reach and acting as if he was badly hurt. Hopefully those fighting in the remnant will not consider him a threat and focus on their own battle. Arc truly expects them to forget him soon...

Anyhow, he does NOT fly straight back to his friends. He would appear to fly irregularly to the east, but once out of sight, and low enough (say a couple of meters at most), he flies back to his Friends.

Sorry mates, I have no clue what drove me, but It is done. So... I got two important findings to share: the Battle there is awful, and my leg hurts badly.

Then he shares all the details he gathered, while resting sitting in the ground.

Thanks Eardwig, you are great. ... for his help with the wound. Then draws a map in the ground of what he saw from the sky for all to picture a way out and he marks where the enemies are. Skeeve, please do use this map to guide, I am not in my best shape to do that now. Let's just go slowly and out of reach of those fighters.
Last edited April 11, 2024 9:03 pm
Apr 11, 2024 11:53 pm
Skeeve says, "Blornvid raises a good point. We came to carry out recon. We've done that. We can leave now having accomplished our primary goal.

"If we stay, this will be extremely dangerous. There are a lot of creatures here, and there are only five of us. That means even the smallest groups outnumber us. I have one area of effect talisman I can use on one group. After that it's normal hack-n-slash, which can easily spiral out of control. Also, we're by the door here. If we go further, our ability to escape becomes more difficult.

"Also, we have no guarantees that anyone will be friendly to us. I assume the kobolds, lizard men, and orcs will just attack us. The armored group is a complete unknown, and they are apparently holding their own. That means they are extremely tough. On the other hand, that means they believe what they are trying to hold is very valuable. The attackers also seem to believe that, as they are not letting up.

"So, do we investigate or go?"
Apr 12, 2024 12:02 am
I don't know. Seems awfully risky. Although I am not opposed to sneaking around. There could be something of value around here.

Did we really get a good recon in? We know there are many different factions and they are fighting each other. That's all we really know. Is that enough?
Apr 12, 2024 12:05 am
"It's more than we knew coming into this place. Do any of the Base leaders know even this much?"
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