The Necessity of Travel

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Apr 10, 2024 12:32 pm
Are there any stories or legends about the glaciers that might seem pertinent?
Apr 10, 2024 3:20 pm
"I'll get dinner ready on one of the stoves." Tatianna gets the provisions out and manages them in order to provide dinner for everyone. It is, perhaps, not an excellent meal but, it does the job of filling stomachs.
Took the Manage Provisions action. I think we still need someone to take watch and I'm not sure how many provisions total we have?
Last edited April 10, 2024 3:22 pm


Manage Provisions (Wits +1) - (2d6+1)

(51) + 1 = 7

Apr 10, 2024 3:36 pm
After the meal Jorgen settles down on some bedding they have gathered together from the surrounding homes. He is confused when Tatianna mentions needing to keep watch.

"Watch? What does that mean? Does one of us do it?" Again, he is reminded of how unprepared he is for a journey
Apr 10, 2024 3:56 pm
"She wants one of us to stay up and keep an eye out." Oxana says with a grin, "Something foul has happened here and we should be prepared for the worst."

Oxana drags the kitchen table over to the door and blocks it from the inside before checking the latches on the windows.
Is there a mayor or village big man's house? It might be more defendable than a hovel.
Apr 10, 2024 11:06 pm
Brother Irwin says a few words of grace over the meal, doing his best to ignore the exchange of looks between Tatianna and Oxana. It is simple fare, but any food at all is to be grateful for these days.

"Let me. I am used to late hours," the scribe offers when the others discuss a watch. "If anything happens, I can wake you up." He doesn't quite see the need for such a measure, but well, it is a way for him to be useful.
Apr 11, 2024 2:49 am
Oxana offers Brother Irwin the choice of her hammer or her knife both of which look sufficient to do a fair amount of damage to any manner of wild creature determined to get into their makeshift fortress.

"Your choice Brother Irwin," Oxana says flipping the weapons over one at a time so as to offer him their handle, "I've more faith in the iron and bronze I've forged than I have in the words of any gods. Yours or mine."

The hammer is simply a hammer with a small amount decoration near the handle, the knife is clearly the work of someone more accomplished.
Last edited April 11, 2024 3:26 am
Apr 11, 2024 4:17 am
Brother Irwin shakes his head at first, but a look at Oxana's expression tells him the apprentice smith will not budge on this front. He accepts the offered knife, handling the hilt somewhat gingerly. "Thank you. I will pray for a quiet night for all our sakes," he tells her. "See you in the morning."
Apr 11, 2024 6:22 pm
Oxana nods, "When you get tired wake one of us and we'll keep an eye out for a while."

Something felt weird about spending a night in a strange house with a bunch of other people her own age. Boys especially, her far had always warned her about the dangers of sleeping with boys and nothing about getting pregnant while trying to sleep sounded fun at all.

She pulled her mat closer to Tatianna's to be safe. No telling how close to a boy was to close.
Apr 11, 2024 7:17 pm
Johnsan will offer to keep a more distanced watch in addition. He wants to poke around more of the homes, look at the surrounding areas, maybe see if any of the familiar game he is used to is around. His hope is to find something useful, either something for breakfast so they can preserve their supplies, or some items that were left behind that might help him. He will not go too far from the camp, so he can be around if something happens. He is used to sleeping less, so he will only grab a few hours of sleep later in the night.
This seems to be another discern realities roll? I will roll that and you can correct me if I am wrong.


Looking for wild game and other items - (2d6+1)

(13) + 1 = 5

Apr 11, 2024 11:51 pm
She agrees with Oxana, "Yes, we can help. Don’t stay up so late that you’re tired tomorrow."

She pulls her bedding close to a wall away from any windows. Oxana puts her bed close and Tatianna blushes in the darkness so no one sees.
Apr 12, 2024 3:17 am
Oxana covers her mouth and yawns before pulling her cloak over top herself like a blanket and closing her eyes.

"Night Tatianna, night boys." She mutters snuggling herself up as best as possible.
Last edited April 12, 2024 3:18 am
Apr 12, 2024 3:38 am
Brother Irwin stays up while the others drift off one by one to sleep. All but Johnsan, who sets out from the rest of the group without a word. Exploring, no doubt. Probably the young hunter was safer taking care of himself out there than they were here inside, not that Brother Irwin could foresee any danger. The scribe sits cross-legged on the floor, looking out the window at the stars.


Keep Watch - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Apr 12, 2024 5:38 pm
As the sun dips low over the western horizon, you hunker down in the best house you can find. The dwelling had stood many years and been enlarged more than once. There's not a lot of personal belongings left now, but whoever owned this house had been - up until recently at least - very well off. Tatianna takes a few minutes to make dinner as Johnsan leaves to go look for more food.

After dinner, you realize Johnsan is still not back. Where could he be? It's probably not a good idea to go looking for him at night, but what will happen to him if you wait until morning?
We didn't discuss rations when I meant to so let's take a moment here. I'm going to start each of you with a week's worth of rations. That's 35 to begin with. We'll just handle it as a group, so it won't matter who's carrying what - unless you run out. Then you'll have to decide who eats. You've used 5 tonight, so you'll have 30 left.

@GameMaster - Your move is probably Forage since you're specifically looking for food.

Also, as an aside, the more I read Stay Sharp, the less I like it. It works backwards (you roll when I do something rather than when you do something) and it makes any RP related to watching camp sort of irrelevant. So we'll just skip it if it comes up.
Falconloft sent a note to GameMaster
@testlum - We'll handle the watch if everyone stays put.


Secret Roll - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Secret Roll - (1d12, 1d12, 1d12)

1d12 : (8) = 8

1d12 : (12) = 12

1d12 : (12) = 12

Apr 12, 2024 9:41 pm
Before going to bed Oxana sticks her head outside of the house. "Johnsan?" She calls staying close to her place of shelter as she's more than a little freaked out by this place. "Johnsan."
Why couldn't it have been follow the butterflies?
Apr 12, 2024 10:13 pm
"It hasn't been so long," Brother Irwin says. "Johnsan's likely on the way back now from, um, whatever he's doing. Don't worry. He spend days out hunting, doesn't he?" The scribe is rambling a little, and he can't quite tell whether he is speaking for the others' benefit or to reassure himself.
Apr 13, 2024 2:13 am
Since it seems I'm lost, I think the best thing to do would be to make camp where I am. I'll strike up a small fire and try to spend the night here, hoping to head back in the morning when the sun is up. I should be able to make it back to town at first light without too much difficulty. I should be able to see the smoke from my party's campfire, and hopefully I can be back before they wake up and realize I am missing.
Apr 13, 2024 3:07 am
"He does," Oxana admits, "but he's a friend and we've never spent the night in a creepy abandoned town before."

She makes a face closing and locking the door again, "I hope he's alright." Oxana says sitting down on her matress, "He's a friend and having him disappear on our first night away from town is not a good start."
Apr 13, 2024 3:44 am
She takes a look out the door and then backs away. This town makes her feel frightened, she remembers tales of spirits and dark things of the earth. She wants to help Johnsan and yet maybe it makes more sense to wait? Or is that just cowardice masquerading as logic?

She decides not to say anything and see what the others decide. She walks back to her blanket and wraps up.
Apr 15, 2024 2:48 am
Do we need to do something overnight? Can time just pass until morning?
Apr 15, 2024 2:50 am
Johnsan makes his camp and settles in for the night. He is sure someone noticed he is not back yet, but there is little he can do until first light. He will just have to wait it out, getting rest while he can.
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