The Necessity of Travel

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Apr 30, 2024 2:08 pm
Emberskyes says:
but it's clear that the village can't support you for long.
Is this us specifically or the village as a whole. IE will our leaving make that much of a difference.
You're not the only ones that have left, but before you did, there wasn't enough food to go around. They'll feed you as best they can, but there was a reason that the elders were encouraging those who could travel or explore to do so.
Apr 30, 2024 2:25 pm
There's various small signs that the village is trying to stay positive in the face of hardship. The old widow at the southern end of the village, Editha, still plants her flowers around her cottage, though Tatianna knows for a fact she's walking nearly a mile each way to get new ones when those wither. On your way in you passed a new house being built - they're trying to replace one of the ones that fell last winter, and let Alden and Ravenel have their own place again. They were married last year but have been staying with her parents again since snow collapsed their roof. Several other families were moved in to the old monastery when the head priest left, so Brother Irwin has to stay at the inn along with Jorgen. There's no one else using those rooms. The woman you brought back with you is put in the room next to you, but you can tell from the looks you get that no one really wanted you to bring an extra mouth to feed back with you.

After what is almost a full night's sleep, you're awoken by a large crash and shouts of dismay. The bell in the village square begins ringing not even a minute later. Rousing yourselves, you arrive outside to see the frame of the new house collapsed. Ravenel is beside herself. "Alden was working on the flooring for the bedroom! Someone get him out of there!"

Your new companion is roused too, but waits at the door of the inn, not exactly sure where she is or what she should do.
Apr 30, 2024 3:27 pm
She had assured Oxana, "Hey, you are my best friend. I would do anything for you." She tried not to blush and, once again, she wished she could say more. But, she was a coward there, leaving it at that.

Afterward, she had protested taking the bed and assured Oxana she could sleep on the floor. Whether she was entirely capable in that task is unclear. Either way waking up to the bell had her rushing outside. If someone was hurt she had to help them.

She rushes out and begins trying to assist.


Defy Danger - (2d6+1)

(24) + 1 = 7

Apr 30, 2024 4:30 pm
Tatianna joins the group of villagers trying to clear the rubble. Throwing wood off of the pile is probably a good idea, but you need to do it in the right order. Tatianna isn't experienced at clearing rubble, though, so it's not surprising that one of the pieces she moves causes a few more to slip. She's either going to get hurt, or make it harder for someone else to finish clearing the mess.
Apr 30, 2024 5:19 pm negotiations and discussions about the sleeping arrangements that last well into the wee hours of the morning. Both young women are overwhelmed by the effects of exhaustion and drift off to sleep in the room's lone bed.

Oxana tosses and turns nervously for what feels like hours, her heart racing with fear and excitement until she at last falls into a deep slumber next to her friend. She immediately begins to dream about gathering firewood and fresh herbs with Tatianna on the cliffs to the south overlooking the ruined fortress in the sea when the town bell begins to ring.

Oxana grumbles and tosses annoyed in her dreams by the unwelcome bell and it isn't until Tatianna gives her a shove that Oxana finally returns to the land of the living. "Huh? What?" The continued ringing finally brings Oxana to senses.

"Oh hells." She curses chasing Tatianna out of her house and racing across the town to the wreckage of Ravenel and Alden's home.

She looks quickly at the wreck to see if it's safe to go in and maybe what could have caused this to happen.


Wits / Discern Reality - (2d6+1)

(33) + 1 = 7

May 1, 2024 12:56 pm
On his return to the settlement, mixed feelings well up inside Brother Irwin. He'd told himself that he would not come back here, yet it has taken no more than a couple of days before his promise to himself was broken. Immenost means safety and familiarity, the old scenery filling him with a sense of relief in stark contrast to the disquiet they found in Agnon's Wood.

The villagers who'd stayed greet them with little enthusiasm. Clearly they had not expected such a quick return. He leaves it to Johnsan to explain to the elders what dark tidings happened to their neighbors. It is a memory he has little wish to revisit, and less confidence in his ability to recount. The night in the abandoned inn he spends tormented by nightmares. In the moments Brother Irwin stirs awake and shaken, Jorgen, faced against the wall, has nothing to say.

More ill news comes with the morning. With the rest of those who'd been roused by the clanging bell, Brother Irwin staggers half-awake to the collapsed house. "Wait," he calls out when Tatianna begins to wrestle the rubble aside, afraid that careless movement would only bring down what's still standing from the house's frame. He stands helpless for a moment, then unable to think of anything better, joins the dark-haired woman's efforts contrary to his own advice.
I'm interpreting clearing rubble as Defy Danger with Iron. @Ysolde you can reroll with Brother Irwin using the Help move!
Last edited May 1, 2024 4:02 pm
May 1, 2024 4:00 pm
She'd slept in more clothes than normal and now the work was hot and sweaty. She was sure she smelled like a dirty sheep and her sweat was dripping along her hands making the wood slippery. If not for help from the Brother Irwin, she would have surely dropped one piece and made the job more difficult for others. "Thank you Brother. I may not share your faith but, your heart is clearly in the right place."

"Can anyone hear us? We're trying to get you out."
Last edited May 1, 2024 4:05 pm


Defy Danger with Help + Iron - (2d6+2)

(36) + 2 = 11

May 1, 2024 5:54 pm
Johnsan was relaying the horrors of their previous adventure to the city elders when the roof collapsed, causing a lot of noise and commotion outside of the meeting hall. "We can finish this once the emergency is settled," Johnsan calls over his shoulder as he runs over to try to look for survivors.


Defy Danger - wits - (2d6+1)

(44) + 1 = 9

May 1, 2024 7:38 pm
Oxana works shoulder to shoulder with Tatianna and Brother Irwin clearing rubble from the collapsed house. While she is strong the work is hard and tiring and she's lived in these clothes for three days now.

Sweat pools in the small of her back and rolls down across her chest and stomach as she continues to world.

"Alden?" She shouts, "Alden can you hear us?"


Defy Danger - Wits - (2d6)

(21) = 3

May 1, 2024 9:03 pm
Jorgen goes over to the stranger and stands by her at the doorway.

Since returning he has struggled with his conscience. Part of him wants to go out into the wilds again, and try to make a name for himself. Of course, also to bring aide back to his village. But the experience has left him very unsettled, and now there is this strange woman. Who will look after them, for they will find it hard in this village as a stranger. Harder still with the lack of food.

As the others rush around the fallen house, trying to rescue anyone inside, he spends his time thinking about his choices; leave again with others to search for aide, or stay and help this stranger find a place in the village.

Listening to the shouts of the others as they dig, and call for help, he comes to his decision. He will stay and help her. Protect her if the need arises. This is his task.

"Do not worry, they will search for Alden," he says to the strange woman. "Just as...just as you have no need to worry if you stay here. I will be staying here to help you."
May 2, 2024 3:34 am
Really, there should just be one Defy Danger, and the rest should be Help or Hinder. So with that in mind, Tatianna would get to roll twice and take the better result. Since she's already rolled twice, that's all we need.
The whole rescue attempt becomes a mad scramble as you try to get to Alden before he's crushed by the house. Fortunately, though some of the debris starts to slide, it slides away from where Alden is, partially uncovering him. After that, you're able to make quick work of the rest of the pile, and soon have him pulled free. He's unconscious, but breathing.

Oxana takes a moment to examine the remains of the house. It doesn't take her long to discover why the thing fell down. The wood that was used, probably out of desperation, is old and dry, and would never hold the weight of a roof like young, strong timber would. It's just another sign that things are going badly for the village.

Do you feel as if there's more you can or should accomplish here, or does it seem like it's a better idea for everyone if you head out again?
May 2, 2024 1:47 pm
"I think it's best if we head out. Things will only get worse here if we stay."
May 2, 2024 2:38 pm
Oxana nods wiping sweat from her brow, "I would tend to agree."

She lets out a long breath and looks at the others, "We should visit the springs and washup before we get back on the road, I'm feeling particularly foul and it will give us a chance to think about or next steps."
May 2, 2024 2:39 pm
She makes sure the man is okay, thankfully it seems none of her poultices or herbal remedies are necessary. She does hand Editha a bit of willow bark saying, "Put this in a tea is his head starts to hurt. Other than that, keep an eye on his head, if it begins to swell get it in some cold water and make another cup of tea with this. Wish I had more to give you but, the closest willows are dead or dying."

Once the others are gathered she says, "Okay, we need to head out again. This time we should try and make a plan. I am thinking east and then south where another town might be. We haven't been to it but, if it's empty too I think we trek back north a few miles before we make camp."
Tatianna gets a +1 on any role to do with being a healer.
Last edited May 2, 2024 2:40 pm


Plan Ahead (wits) - (2d6+1)

(61) + 1 = 8

May 2, 2024 8:06 pm
Oxana nods, "That sounds good to me but I smell like a feral hog after three days and nights in the same clothes."
May 2, 2024 11:52 pm
Brother Irwin shakes his head. "I made use of the inn's tub last night. If you're all visiting the spring, I will meet you again at the same place we left last time." Truth be told, he wants to be on his own for a while, try to make sure of the horrors of yesterday.
May 3, 2024 7:57 pm
Absently, "Not so bad, your hair still has the scent of iron and charcoal it usually has. I have some lavender infused soap left though if you want to use that?"

She suddenly realizes that she’s basically stated that she knows exactly what her friend’s hair smells like. She tries to shove the blush down and pretend that everything is normal. "I will do the same. I’m surprised I didn’t keep you awake smelling as bad as I do."
May 4, 2024 3:41 am
"Does it?" Oxana says making a face. She grabs her hair and sniffs. After years of working around her far's forge her nose and lungs had become so clogged with soot and ash and she could hardly smell at all most days.

She sniffed her hair again then lent in and inhaled next to Tatianna's neck just below her ear. "You smell so good, thats the smell I was dreaming about last night."

Oxana flushes backing up, "I'm sorry I smell like soot and iron, it's not terribly lady like is it?"

"We'll meet you at the hill top in a bit Brother Irwin." She says to his rapidly retreating back. "Come on lets gather our things and not keep the lads waiting too long."

A short while later they're on the trail to the hot-springs lye soap in a bag and fresh linens in their packs.

"I'm really worried." Oxana confesses as they head along the path, "That not Johnsan got next to all of us and," she trails off, "imagine what could have happened had we not moved on when we did."
May 6, 2024 5:31 pm
Don't want to interrupt RP, so will give this today to continue, if there's not been any posts, I'll assume that what needed to be said was said and we can move on.
As Brother Irwin waits at the hill...
Falconloft sent a note to testlum
May 7, 2024 1:19 am
Tatianna shrugged, "You’re a smith. I think it suits you. Not that anyone was really buying much at all these days. There were families in town who had a ledger pretty long with her that she probably wouldn’t ever get back.

Before they head to clean up she shrugs, "I don’t know, people have accused my grandmother and I of being witches but, I don’t know anything about that sort of magic. We’re going to have to be more careful about checking what we see is real maybe?"

Later, clean and in a new outfit she waited for her friend to finish.
Last edited May 7, 2024 1:19 am
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