The Necessity of Travel

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Jun 28, 2024 2:31 pm
"It's still early out," Brother Irwin says. He shrugs at Johnsan's suggestion. "Do you have something we could use for making that trail?"
Falconloft says:
...and a thick forest that borders it on both sides.
Let me know if I'm picturing this right. From where we're standing in the meadow, there's forest forming two "walls" around a corridor of tall grass. At the end of the corridor is the distant shape of a mountain.
Jun 28, 2024 6:47 pm
She begins to look for the same water, game, and food supplies for the village.
Jul 2, 2024 8:04 pm
testlum says:
Let me know if I'm picturing this right. From where we're standing in the meadow, there's forest forming two "walls" around a corridor of tall grass. At the end of the corridor is the distant shape of a mountain.
That's pretty accurate. Probably not exactly straight lines on any of that, but that's the general idea.
Jul 2, 2024 8:09 pm
@GameMaster - Johnsan can search around - with Tatianna helping him, so you can roll twice - I think a Forage roll would be best here. You'll find what you're looking for - or the lack of it either way, but there's a chance you run across something else as well.

Oxana, what kind of marker are you looking for? Do you want something to trail behind you as you go, or more of a landmark to keep an eye on?
Jul 2, 2024 8:22 pm
Land mark.
Jul 2, 2024 9:05 pm
Well let's see, there's always the portal itself. The edge of it glows a bit during the day, but would be really bright at night with no other lights around. There's also one pine tree that's taller than most of the others around it. But those will probably only work outside of the forest. Inside you'll have to rely on your ability to work out directions from the sun, probably.
Jul 3, 2024 12:56 am
She helps keep them on track. Mostly she keeps her eyes back on the portal where they came from.
Jul 3, 2024 3:06 am
Oxana points out the large tree at the forests edge. "I'll gather firewood and we can camp near there."

"We're close to the doorway but far enough back if it attracts visitors we won't be right on it." She looks at the others, "Meet before sundown?"
Jul 5, 2024 7:52 pm
Rolling for Johnsan.


Forage with help - (2d6+1, 2d6+1)

2d6+1 : (16) + 1 = 8

2d6+1 : (53) + 1 = 9

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jul 5, 2024 8:16 pm
Everyone sets out on their respective tasks. It's only a few minutes though, before you hear Johnsan yelling for you all to come back, quickly. From the sound of his voice, he's not hurt or in danger, but there is an urgency to it, so you all rush back together. Johnsan is running out from the woods, and beckons you to follow him, then heads back in. When you finally catch up to him, he's standing at the gates of a large fortified wooden wall. Inside, you can just see the tops of several buildings, but there's no one at the gate or visible on the wall.

The wall itself isn't in great condition, although it could be if it were taken care of again. Whatever is on the other side of the wall - if anything - is awfully quiet.
Jul 5, 2024 10:04 pm
"Oh look," Oxana says with a smirk, "a pre-made haunted village."

"How long you reckon it's been abandoned for?"
Ditch and embankment with a palisade on top and a fortified gate house?
Jul 7, 2024 12:24 pm
Quick aside, I found this interesting. So time might move differently on the other side of the portal if it's bright while night has fallen where our characters are.
"That's the second we have come across without a sign of the living," Brother Irwin says. But... this is on the other side of the doorway, possibly on the other side of the world from where they had come. Whatever had befelll the villagers in Agnon's Wood surely couldn't have spread so far.

He goes forward before courage fails, cups his hands around his mouth and calls out to anyone inside. "Hello? Is anybody here?"
Jul 8, 2024 12:36 am
She holds onto the handle of her sickle but, nothing pops out. She really doesn’t like this at all but, at the same time there hadn’t been a settlement here before. "Is it possible that they left long ago? Maybe before anyone was even around here? I really don’t like that we’ve been in two villages and both have been empty. If anyone shows up offers us food we should definitely decline."
Jul 8, 2024 6:26 pm
Emberskyes says:
Ditch and embankment with a palisade on top and a fortified gate house?
Let's say what you can see is basically... this. Just imagine more trees.
Jul 8, 2024 6:32 pm
No one answers Irwin's call, but the gate pushes open easily. You're immediately struck by the state of the buildings. Unlike Agnon's Wood, which seemed to be in pristine condition - simply without people - The abandonment of this village was obviously long, long ago, and not altogether peaceful. A few of the houses suffered from fire before rain collapsed the roofs, and here and there lay scattered old - no, ancient - swords and shields, as if they'd been lost in a pitched battle. Most of the structures though, seem sound, at least on the surface, although the true length of time this place has lay fallow is impossible to determine.
Jul 8, 2024 7:03 pm
Oxana takes Tatianna’s hand, "We’ll search the village this way and you look that way?" She says to the boys, "We can take stock of what we find and figure out how many building there are."

She picks up and ancient sword and looks it over for a moment before putting it back down. "Lets see if we can’t find a well and maybe an over grown vegetable garden."


Wits - forage - (2d6+1)

(33) + 1 = 7

Jul 8, 2024 7:21 pm
I would like a Forage roll (+Wits) from everyone who's searching the village, and please name one or two things you're looking for, like Oxana did. It's not quite the right setting for Forage, but I'm basically going to use the 'find the thing'/'find something expected'/'don't find the thing' split to build this village.
Jul 8, 2024 11:14 pm
I checked the moves page and the Scout move might work instead of Forage:
Jul 8, 2024 11:22 pm
The gate slides open easily under Brother Irwin's hand, catching him off-guard and making him stumble. Empty, he soon sees along with the others. Empty and ancient. Weapons strewn apart and damaged houses disturbed what might have been a tranquil scene.

"This must have happened long ago," Brother Irwin says, half in question and half willing it to be so. "Look at the rust. That takes a long time to grow, right, Oxana?"

After the experience in Agnon's Wood, the scribe sticks close to the others as they wander around this ruined place. It's signs of the previous owners that he looks out for the most - especially if they used the same script as that on the gate that brought them over.
Last edited July 8, 2024 11:23 pm


Forage or Scout (Wits) - (2d6+0)

(15) = 6

Jul 9, 2024 2:53 am
She heads off with Oxana, "Might check the grain store as well, as long as it is dry and no vermin got in then it will be good maybe not tasty but edible." She’d worked with old grain before she just didn’t have the small mill stone here that she did at home. Well she could use her mortal and pestle for the same purpose it would just take longer.

Now all she had to do was actually find something.


Wits - (2d6+1)

(44) + 1 = 9

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