Chapter 2: Rotten Halls

Arcana check - (1d20)
(6) = 6
Lets see how you like fire!
Firebolt to hit - (1d20+8)
(6) + 8 = 14
Firebolt damage - (2d10)
(83) = 11
Getting flat against the wall for better cover and to hide himself from view the blue gem on his right hand begins to glow and charge full of energy. Getting in range he fires a burst of electric energy at one of the undead attacking Throgin. A second shot shoot burst out of the gem with not as much energy behind it.
BA Hide,
Action 2x Lightning Launcher attacks
Lightning Launcher (Sneak+Boost) Dex Based Attack (advantage) - Damage - (2d20H1+8)
(142) + 8 = 22
Lightning Launcher (Sneak+Boost) Dex Based Attack - - (4d6+4)
(3642) + 4 = 19
Stealth(adv) (advantage) - (2d20H1+12)
(1118) + 12 = 30
Lightning Launcher Dex Based Attack - Damage - (1d20+8)
(14) + 8 = 22
Lightning Launcher Dex Based Attack - - (1d6+4)
(4) + 4 = 8
He then starts taking swings at the undead in front of him.
Action: attack with maul. Reckless attack.
When you enter your rage, you can choose one weapon that you are holding and infuse it with one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, thunder, or lightning. While you wield the infused weapon during your rage, the weapon’s damage type changes to the chosen type, it deals an extra 1d6 damage of the chosen type when it hits, and it gains the thrown property, with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. If you throw the weapon, it reappears in your hand the instant after it hits or misses a target. The infused weapon’s benefits are suppressed while a creature other than you wields it.
While raging and holding the infused weapon, you can use a bonus action to change the infused weapon’s current damage type to another one from the damage type options above.
Edit: almost forgot strike of the giants. Additional 1d4 on first hit
Cloud Strike. The target takes an extra 1d4 thunder damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or you become invisible to it until the start of your next turn or until immediately after you make an attack roll or cast a spell.
The saving throw DC for these effects equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Constitution modifier.
You can use this feat a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Maul to hit (advantage) 1 - (2d20H1+8)
(21) + 8 = 10
Maul to hit (advantage) 2 - (2d20H1+8)
(92) + 8 = 17
Maul with EC damage 1 - (3d6+6)
(412) + 6 = 13
Maul with EC damage 2 - (3d6+6)
(243) + 6 = 15
Menacing attack 1 - (1d8)
(3) = 3
Menacing attack 2 - (1d8)
(3) = 3
Reroll 1 - (2d6)
(15) = 6
Reroll 2 - (1d6)
(6) = 6
Strike of giants - (1d4)
(1) = 1
Secret Roll
Also please double check my math: 10 to hit is too low, so only the second attack hits. It does (2 6+4+3) + 6 +2 and and 3 more of Menacing. And one more from Strike of giants which I disagree to reroll. That's 25 damage.
Wisdom save Menacing - (1d20+1)
(8) + 1 = 9
Wisdom save Cloud Strike - (1d20+1)
(6) + 1 = 7
Constitution save - (1d20+7)
(10) + 7 = 17
Round 1: Vatoris, Ixion , Enemy, Tinkara, Throgin, Zean
Round 2: Vatoris, Ixion , Enemy, ...
"In the name of Brightest of the all Lightnings... that is always hidden in the very center of the Greatest Storm... I COMMAND YOU... BOW before... and RUN from... the purest FORCE!" - what cause the item to flash with the blinding light for just a fraction of second, but seems to bestow some of the undead with a strange, "overexposed" state of their rotting flesh and body parts.
Still reading through and understanding my spells, but for now I don't see a good one to use as bonus action, so I think that would be it for this turn! :)
P.S. I figured that - as Zean was walking so far with Resistance constantly cast on him and its duration is 1 minute - it will last for next 5 rounds. Is it ok?
In battle | D crawl |
Reaction used 0 | Always ON: Resistance |
Holding shield 1 | Inspiration: 1 |
Resistance: turns left 5/6 |
Health: 57 / 57 | AC: 19 |
In battle | D crawl |
Reaction used 0 | Always ON: Resistance |
Holding shield 1 | Inspiration: 1 |
Resistance: turns left 9/10 |
Health: 57 / 57 | AC: 19 |
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
Wisdom save - (1d20+1, 1d20+1, 1d20+1, 1d20+1, 1d20+1, 1d20+1)
1d20+1 : (9) + 1 = 10
1d20+1 : (2) + 1 = 3
1d20+1 : (20) + 1 = 21
1d20+1 : (20) + 1 = 21
1d20+1 : (9) + 1 = 10
1d20+1 : (13) + 1 = 14
Those of you in close range see that now undead obey Zean's magic and turn to run
Round 1: Vatoris, Ixion , Enemy, Tinkara, Throgin, Zean
Round 2: Vatoris, Ixion , ...
@thorsman99 I'm sorry, but I decided to put a "surprised" status on your PC, so Tinkara does not have a chance to act yet
@annex your PC see that enemy "6"is turned and about to run away, I would allow you to move and attack any other (i.e. "2" hurt but Vatoris)

Regardless, I'll move and attack 2 instead.
The rest of them are obviously not impressed: three of them turn turn flee , but two in from of Throgin attack him. One is trying to swing his sword blindly, another keep attacking with both sword and trying to bite. Luckily bite miss , but Throgin fail to avoid each of the blades
Due to rage Throgin takes halved damage: 3 and 4 accordingly
@annex I allow you to move your PC 5 feet more to ba able to attack of opportunity 1. @Pedrop Zean can attack of opportunity anyone, but only with an unarmed strike. @valdattaMadun Throgin could attack of opportunity with the maul (but no advantage, because Reckless Attack advantage is only on your turn).
Regardless please let me know IF each of you attack and which target to each of you choose: 1, 5 or 6. Because if you hit a turned undead it is no more turned and could continue fighting
I will finish enemy 1, 5 and 6 turn after hear from all 3 players

Longsword multi attack - (1d20+4, 1d20+4)
1d20+4 : (10) + 4 = 14
1d20+4 : (20) + 4 = 24
Longsword attack advantade - (2d20h1+4)
(199) + 4 = 23
Bite attack advantage - (2d20h1+4)
(39) + 4 = 13
Slashing damage - (1d10+2)
(5) + 2 = 7
Throgin - (1d10+2)
(7) + 2 = 9
Edit: oh... I just read that you have written exactly that - that they will get back attacking us... apparently sometimes my understanding of rules is not so bad...;)
Cloud Strike. The target takes an extra 1d4 thunder damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or you become invisible to it until the start of your next turn or until immediately after you make an attack roll or cast a spell.
The saving throw DC for these effects equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Constitution modifier.
You can use this feat a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Maul + EC + rage to hit - (1d20+8)
(11) + 8 = 19
Maul + EC + rage damage - (3d6+6)
(632) + 6 = 17
Strike of Giants - (1d4)
(1) = 1
Reroll for 2: Great Weapon Fighting - (1d6)
(6) = 6