Ch. 1 - The Keep on the Borderlands

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Apr 14, 2024 12:44 am
Sir Baldwin, Corporal of the Watch
"Sir Norris, is it?" Sir Baldwin asks when it is Sir Norris’s turn to be recorded by the scribe. "Now that I think about it, your Lord Father did send word ahead of his youngest, most prodigal son, saying things about ‘making a man out of a boy,’ and that we were to ‘hide all our wives and widows.’" Sir Baldwin’s former respect at meeting a chivalric knight is replaced by an impish grin, and Sir Norris can tell that the Corporal is trying to get under his skin. "His words, not mine. Hope it all works out for you."
The night’s business proves to be slow, but Darlene and Farem eventually earn their soup and bread. They don’t have to work for rooms if Eltrezar offers them the beds he bought from the innkeeper. Even though it was conditional, Bregund still thanks them for the help and hopes to see them again.

Bregund is happy to oblige Ezra and Delfarious. As the sit down, the patrons talk about common things: prices in the market, when the next trade caravan is coming through, how dangerous the roads have been getting. "The King should send some knights out there to take care of things," one says to another. "Gods know this country’s got enough of ‘em. That king would knight my cow if I took him to court!"

The other rolls his eyes. "Then why don't you, and let me eat my stew in peace?"

The woman with the sword looks up at this, clearly as interested in this gossip as Ezra is. If Delfarious is listening, he overhears the same.
The innkeeper thinks for a moment before replying to Eltrezar. "There are lots of merchants and traders here who would be willing to sell their maps. I imagine those of the successful merchants must be fairly accurate. Otherwise, the Corporal or the Bailiff might have one to borrow."

"We haven't had a cartographer in residence here, not while I've been around at least. That's a niche in the market waiting to be filled, I'd say."
Apr 14, 2024 1:35 pm
After Darlene was done speaking with Bregund, Father Petronius approached the man. "May I offer your wine cellar the blessings of Dionysus in exchange for a warm meal."
Apr 14, 2024 3:40 pm
"Hurtful accusations, unfounded and untrue!" Sir Norris had said to the Corporal when the man loosed a pack of damned lies upon the cracked stone floor between the two stalwart fighters. "My Lord Father wouldn't know how to tame a wilderness like yon beyond the gates if his life depended on it! So, good Corporal Baldwin, I shall show him!"

Right after I settle in, arrange an expense ledger and see what that barwench, there, with the freckles, is doing tonight after the tavern closes...
Norris will be in the background, but with 2gp to his name, while offscreen he'll be looking for different women to bunk up with, will try to open an expense account based on his name, and will generally run the tab wherever he can.
Apr 14, 2024 3:58 pm
Dancing a coin along his knuckles until his food and wine arrives, Delfarious eats and drinks heartily as he listens to the local gossip, juices running down his several chins.

"We are newly arrived," he chimes in at one point, licking his fingers, "and intentioned towards exploring this land and all its depths!"

Signaling the woman with the sword to come closer and join the conversation with an inviting look (many blades will be needed, Delfarious thinks, as many will fall!), the illusionist goes on. "What news is there about the dangers that lurk in these woods and dales, these mountains and hills? Are there unplundered ancient ruins? What can you tell us? I've heard tell there are beast-men prowling from some lair. Is this true?"

"Delfarious the Prestidigitator," the rotund man says by way of introduction if the woman comes over.
If this is Morgan, hopefully Norris doesn't take note of her. ;)
Apr 15, 2024 9:54 pm
"Perhaps you will," Sir Baldwin says, pleased to have gotten a rise out of Sir Norris. Before the knight can say anymore, the corporal is gone.
"By all means, and I thank you for the service," Bregund says to Father Petronius. "I'll show you the cellar."

He opens a hatch behind the bar and takes Father Petronius down a short flight of steps to the cool stone cellar. Along one wall are kegs of ale and wine, and along another is a small kitchen where Darlene and Farem are washing dishes in a basin. in the corner are three servants, two of whom are dicing while the third reads a book. The gamers look up at the newcomers only long enough to register their presence before getting back to their dice, while the reader offers a friendly smile and a nod.
"You’ll have to get in line, then," the commoners say to Delfarious, only slightly mocking. "You're not the first adventurers to come in saying just that."

The woman is a bit put-off by Delfarious’s less-than-stellar table manners, but she comes over anyway. He notes her radiant honey-colored hair and her sea-green eyes that betray more and more excitement as he talks of ruins and beast-men.

Morgan Ironwolf
"Morgan Ironwolf," she replies in turn. "The talk of beast-men is true; I've seen them with my own eyes. It's not just the bandits making the roads dangerous. He won't admit it, but word is that the Castellan is desperate over the situation. And when there are beast-men, there's a lair with treasure."

"I happen to know a thing about ruins, too, but I fear I'm too thirsty to continue." Morgan nods up to the bar. "Unless you could help with that, Delfarious?"

In the midst of all this, Sir Norris gets a tab opened and finds the aforementioned freckled barmaid free for the rest of the night and very interested in seeing where the handsome knight is retiring for the evening. Patrons of the tavern notice the pair leaving the place in good spirits.
Morgan has entered the building! The module provided such a perfect place to put her that I couldn't resist >:) .
Apr 16, 2024 12:12 am
Father Petronius took out his holy symbol, and waving it towards the barrels full of ale and spirits, he chants an incantation to Dionysus.

With cup raised high, in your sacred name,
We celebrate your gifts, your eternal flame.
O Dionysus, god of wine, joy, and renew,
In your honor, our spirits forever imbue.

Hail Dionysus, in your mysteries deep,
In the heart of the vine, your promises we keep.
May your dance of life within us forever sway,
In your boundless joy, we find our way.

He then proceeded to touch each barrel, nodding his head in solemn silence each time. When done with the final barrel, he turned to the innkeeper, a warm smile on his face.

"There you go my good friend. Your alcohol is sure to bring joy and merriment to all who partake in it. Now, for the matter of my meal, I'd like a bark tea with a stew, and some fruits for desert please."
Apr 16, 2024 5:55 am
"Welcome, Morgan Ironwolf," Delfarious says with a nod, carefully eying the woman's physique, her possessions, her demeanor... the weight of her purse.

When the blonde speaks of lairs and treasures and ruins, the illusionist puts a finger to his lips and leans in closer so that they may speak quietly. "Are you now?" he says when she declares her thirst, and quick as that the bald man is signaling for a flagon of wine or ale, whatever the lady prefers.

"I can help with a great many things with my talents," the man brags, "but can always use another sword and shield. So tell me about these ruins..."
Cost of that flagon was...?
Apr 16, 2024 10:26 am
Robin and Talyndra had both been travelling together for some time before joining up with the others for the trials of the road.
Robin the half-elf was roughly 5' 8", of lithe build, and a somewhat pale complexion with auburn hair and brown eyes. Meanwhile, Talyndra the elf stood at 6 foot even, bulkier build, and of fair complexion paired with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes that shone like an ocean.
They'd been conversing between one another during the duration of the travel as a few of the others were more taciturn.

Upon the moment of giving forth their names to the scribe, Talyndra gives hers truthfully. Robin, in the other hand, gave them the name of Sparrow.

Reaching the square where others were starting to split off, Talyndra bid everyone a good night and followed Eltrezar to the inn. She takes up one of the beds in the common room gratefully and falls asleep quite quickly
Robin, however, followed the others into the tavern. She slaps down a gold piece on the counter and orders a glass of wine, after it'd been blessed, and a bowl of stew.
She watches curiously as her travelmate had taken up conversation with a courageous woman.
"Hm? Beast-men?" she asks of Delfatious and Morgan. "What's this of beast-men? I've not heard anything of this. Something you've kept to yourself whilst we were on the road?"
Apr 16, 2024 12:41 pm
Surveying the tavern with an ale in hand and a keen eye Ezra decides that it isn't worth it at the moment to rist getting caught with his hand in an other's purse and joins Delfarious at the table.
Do you mind if I join your table, Delfarious?
He afterwards looks at Morgan and introduces himself The name's Ezra, pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Apr 16, 2024 2:13 pm
DragonDweller62 says:
The innkeeper thinks for a moment before replying to Eltrezar. "There are lots of merchants and traders here who would be willing to sell their maps. I imagine those of the successful merchants must be fairly accurate. Otherwise, the Corporal or the Bailiff might have one to borrow."

"We haven't had a cartographer in residence here, not while I've been around at least. That's a niche in the market waiting to be filled, I'd say."
Hrmph, Eltrezar clears his throat, "Your assistance is most appreciated. I will try the merchants."
Heading back outside, having put his money down for some rooms, Eltrezar begins retracing his steps to find a trader of sorts. Someone who does not just sell requisitioned goods, but who would have a vested interest in incoming and outgoing adventurers.
Apr 16, 2024 2:15 pm
Kraagor drinks.
One ale, one stew, and then we'll see about those small beers. Removing 1gp.
Apr 16, 2024 4:05 pm
While washing the dishes, Farem attemps to exchange a word or two with Darlene. "Have you heard about the surrounding area? I was given warning about an hermit north of here..."
Apr 16, 2024 5:01 pm
"I had not heard that," the half-elf replies, "The only thing I've heard is a veiled warning about the god of death. But this mention of a hermit intrigues me. Perhaps it is something that we should investigate further."
Last edited Apr 16, 2024 5:02 pm
Apr 16, 2024 8:35 pm
"You may sit!" Delfarious says emphatically to both Robin and Ezra, before adding, "But bound by a pact we will become!"

His finger goes into the air to reinforce his point. "An expeditionary troupe, an adventuring company! We must keep what we know of these wild lands between us, lest loose mouths result in the treasures we seek being plundered by our wretched rivals!"

Sitting back, the big man looks around — at Morgan, at Robin, at Ezra, at frankly any other PC present. It takes him a moment, but he goes on. "So says Delfarious! What say you all? Are we all for it?!"
Apr 16, 2024 8:53 pm
"Oh most assuredly, I am willing!" Robin replies with a grin. "Plenty of opportunity in lands such as this. Making some coin along the way is ALWAYS nice."

"Ah! I forget if I've even said my name proper in the time we traveled here. Talyndra has done much of the talking to the group.
I'm Robin - Robin Quinn!
Apr 18, 2024 8:23 am
A smile spreads across Ezra's face at Delfarious's declaration.
Aye, let it be so. My lips are sealed. A toast to our new pact, then?
He looks around the table raising his ale.
Apr 18, 2024 9:38 am
WhtKnt says:
"I had not heard that," the half-elf replies, "The only thing I've heard is a veiled warning about the god of death. But this mention of a hermit intrigues me. Perhaps it is something that we should investigate further."
"The god of death?" answers Farem, stopping his cleaning for a second, puzzled. "Is he active here?"
Apr 18, 2024 12:34 pm
Darlene continues washing, but shrugs. "I don't know. The old man said, 'Beware the god of death,' made a sign of protection, and faded into the crowd."
Apr 19, 2024 6:39 am
Apologies for the late post. It's been one of those weeks. . . .
"I thank you again," Bregund says to Father Petronius. "Gods know the haggard folks comin' in from the wilderness beyond need nothing more than warm drink and warmer merriment. Go ahead upstairs, and I'll see down here about your meal." Bregund then turns to the small kitchen, and in no time is Father Petronius enjoying his meal in the common room.

"The god of death is certainly busy out there," Bregund remarks when he hears what Darlene and Farem are talking about. "If you're planning on setting out soon, all I can say is be careful. I'd hate for something awful to happen to such kind folks."
Morgan prefers ale, which is 2 e.p. as opposed to the 1 e.p. pint.
Morgan Ironwolf
Morgan is amused when Delfarious signals her for discretion, but she does as he asks and lowers her voice. "Worry not, Master Prestidigitator. The only secret I've let slip is the one everyone knows. I know how to be discreet." She takes a long quaff of her new ale and thanks Delfarious heartily.

When Robin and Ezra chime in, Morgan is pleased to meet them both and adds, "I stand corrected—not everyone knows about the beast-men. Doubtless you'll see enough of them while you're here to wish you hadn't. Terrorizing the fighters of the Keep and whatnot, making the lands impossible to settle. Most people want not to talk about such dour things, but it's all on their faces."

She listens to Delfarious's proclamation with a humorous expression that is almost-imperceptibly underscored by wonder. "If you mean to invite me along for this merry expedition, just know that I don't work for free. Not that I think you people are grifters or cutpurses; I just want to make it clear from the start that I expect a professional cut of things.

"And—since discretion is always important, I won't say much here—I might be able to take you to those ancient ruins. Cut my losses there once already, but I wouldn't be alone this time. The place is a trove, especially with all the merchants and collectors right here in the Keep. That dusty old stuff has to be worth a fortune to the right buyer."

Since he's looking for a more specialized brand of merchant, Eltrezar's investigation takes him past the more common shops and to the Keep's guild house. This is a two-story building with a peaked roof and splendid marble statuettes flanking the entrance—twin griffons, one with a jeweled scepter under its paws and the other with a jeweled shield under its beak. Already, Eltrezar can hear raucous laughter spilling out of the brightly-lit windows.

Eltrezar enters into a small waiting room; adjacent but railed-off is an office full of desks, chests, and boxes of files. No one seems to be here except a lone clerk. "May I help you, Master? The merchants are at supper, but I can take you to them if you have only a query."
Apr 19, 2024 3:04 pm
"Brilliant!" Delfarious says to Morgan and the others, smiling devilishly as he wiggles his thick fingers at the thought of treasure. "We shall visit those ruins and empty them, to a coin! And if we spy beast men, along the way, you stalwart sword and bow-wielders will surely cut them down. Then we could retrace their steps and find their lair!"

On the uncouth subject of payments the bald man is less enthused, and he looks briefly to Ezra and Robin before he responds to Morgan. "Well, those of us who traveled far to get here, together, have agreed already upon equal shares in any of these adventuresome endeavors — as equal as we can make them. Is this what you expect, Lady Ironwolf, or are you speaking of a wage?" His eyes narrow. "Understand that one obviates the other."
Ale purchased.
Last edited Apr 19, 2024 3:05 pm
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