Delfarious pays 20 g.p. and receives a high-quality Merchants' Guild map from
Thibault herself. (Map posted in the "Maps" thread; hopefully it shows up clearly for all.) Being a Guild map, it has been edited by countless merchants during their travels down the king's road and their hunts through the forests, so it's remarkably accurate.
Morgan still wants to keep the location of the ruins a secret while the party is inside the Keep, but she reveals that it's in the forest to the north.
Since everyone is sharing the map, please all of you feel free to refer to it at your leisure while planning the party's exploration. When we're all ready, please decide the party's course for the day and determine marching order.
Recall that each day of wilderness travel in OSE follows the same pattern: 1. Determine course 2. Losing direction check 3. Wandering monster check 4. Narration, encounter, etc. 5. End of day. Recall also that the party moves at the rate of its slowest member and must rest once every six days of travel or face a penalty from weariness.