The High Street

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May 19, 2024 2:25 am
Morik whistled in the night air, finally feeling quite content despite the rain and a year's worth of city life shenanigans. There's nothing quite like animal companionship to provide good cheer. He offered Jeffery another goodberry, and ruffled the newt's head lightly, smiling.

Even when the traveler approached them and Morik's instincts went on high alert, the smile stayed on his face. He kept quiet though. All the walking around the city has turned his head about. The others could answer the poor traveler.
May 19, 2024 6:26 am
The Market Square? Its that direction, down hill by the stream... there should be a stream anyway, they might have buried it. But the waterflow... Elowin stops herself as she is starting to babble. She actually knew something helpful about the city and she got carried away.
May 19, 2024 11:28 pm
"uh...Good! Downhill!" the merchant peers through the rain in the direction that Elowin is pointing. The boar, apparently named Muffin, huffs out a labored breath, which comes out as steam as the temperature is dropping. "You have my gratitude...ah, the gratitude of Ardavan the Trader, merchant of fine merchandise, purveyor of exotic decorations, dealer in the rarest of..." Muffin snorts again, and Ardavan cuts himself off. "Well, I thank you. Well met, and fare well! May we all find someplace dry soon!" At his urging, Muffin trots off in that direction, Ardavan waving back at you until you lose sight of him in the downpour.

May 20, 2024 4:23 am
Elysia’s eyes light up with each word he uses to describe his wares. With a knowing look in her eyes, she shares a look with Zin. "I do believe I know who’s stall I’d like to visit in the market on the morrow." Her sticky fingers twitch at the thought of all she can grab.
Last edited May 20, 2024 4:23 am
May 20, 2024 12:57 pm
Morik offered the boar a goodberry as well while Elowin spoke with the merchant. "There’s a good boar." He ruffled its head, marveling at the raw strength he felt from the way it moved its head. The neck strength and musculature must be solid indeed.

He’d missed out on everything the merchant said, so focused on the boar was he, so he had no idea what Elysia was talking about, but his spirit remained high.
May 20, 2024 3:13 pm
As the spring shower grows heavier, Eozindra and Elysia lead the party through the dark streets to the Lucky Copper Inn. With his short legs, Findal is the slowest member of the party, lifting his robes to keep the hem clear of muddy puddles even as his cloak is getting soaked. "I'm so glad that you could tell which way we're going - I can hardly see in all this rain. It's only now starting to look familiar! Yeees...yes, yes, I know where we are now! The Lucky Copper should be just ahead!" Moments after that, the shape of a stone tower looms out of the rain; two wooden wings have been constructed leading off from the base of the tower. One wing is extended with a large stable, and the other has shuttered windows, suggesting rooms for the inn's guests. Within the stable is a side entrance lit by a lantern, but Findal leads you around the guest wing to the base of the stone tower and the front door. A large orange disc hung from a horizontal pole above the door swings in the rising wind. Warm, welcoming light streams from the lantern by the door and firelight shines through a little stained glass panel in the door, making the colored glass glow gold and green. It'll be good to get out of the rain.
May 20, 2024 5:08 pm
I'm assuming its getting late
So we visit the Baron with the box tomorrow morning. It has been a trying day.
Elowin looks at her companions. We did really well all things considered.
May 20, 2024 7:24 pm
"I feel that we should get a room large enough for all of us, and post watch as we did on the caravan. Too much has happened, and I don't trust that Tykus' home wasn't being watched," Adran states matter-of-factly. His eyes adjust to the light, and he takes in what there is to see.
May 20, 2024 11:23 pm
"Where would your friend expect to find you in this inn?" Morik asked Findal. "Could we stay in a room, or do you need to be in the dining room for him to spot you?"
May 21, 2024 5:22 am
Still pondering on the puzzle of the "Nasty Thing" as labeled by Jeffery, Eozindra walks thoughtfully along the group to the tavern. She keeps a wary eye for anyone potentially tailing the group and considers the merchant as Elowin exchanges directions and a handful of extra details. She can’t help but smile when Elysia indicates an eagerness to visit a particular stall and whispers conspiratorially, "Let’s hope the weather is improved and I can lighten the mood of the shoppers." The unspoken "and you can lighten their pockets" part would be inferred automatically and the bard grins knowingly.
Life been shit lately; sorry. Is this perchance one of the inns that Sia/Zin would have connections or no? I imagine we wouldn’t have made arrangements with the most high-brow status locations for obvious reasons, but anywhere of middle ground and lower would be in the realm of possible. Determining if Zin can try and get rooms at a discount for everyone here. She’ll try anyway, just gauging how to approach the situation.
Last edited May 21, 2024 5:25 am


Perception (making sure WE aren’t being followed) - (1d20+4)

(17) + 4 = 21

May 21, 2024 7:30 pm
ishi checks in front of the group for ambushes and traps using Danger Sense.


perception wis - (1d20+6)

(13) + 6 = 19

danger sense des save - (1d20+3h1)

(16) + 3 = 19

May 22, 2024 7:48 am
"As long as the runner I hired at the gate did his job faithfully, there will already be rooms waiting for us." Findal laughs at his little joke, but then realizes how on edge everyone else is, and that his jest isn't landing like a joke at all. "That is...I sent ahead for rooms, like I always do: it's called a 'reservation?' I don't believe in leaving important things like lodging until the last minute. We just need to check in." But he looks thoughtful. "But Morik makes a good point; if Tykus isn't inside waiting for us, I'll have to ask if he came by earlier, and someone should wait to meet him if he hasn't."

There is nothing untoward about the Lucky Copper Inn, and no traps or hazards to set off Ishi's danger sense. Elysia and Eozindra have eaten here a couple of times - the cook here is pretty good. But as Eozindra scans the rainy streets behind her, she thinks she sees a flicker of movement where none should be...up on the rooftop of a building across the street. It may just have been a cat; whatever it was, it's gone now.

Findal Dinfizzle Findazzle opens the door and ushers everyone inside the Lucky Copper Inn.

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