Character and World Creation

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Aug 21, 2024 10:14 am
Delirium says:
You’re leveraging dirt you have on someone to get their help dismantling a supernatural scheme that targets innocent mortals. You owe them a Debt.
What kind of dirt could she possibly have on Jacob? She's not adverse to applying a little bit of leverage to get him to help her.
vagueGM says:
'Dirt' is a loaded term. We have run into this problem before with the book assuming (or implying) a more antagonistic view than we want. It can be any sort of 'leverage', you can think of it as anything that could trigger the Persuade Move.
Well, it's easy to find a lot of shades of grey in Jacob's schemes, so I'm open to anything here, actually. Of course, the most sensitive stuff for Jacob is anything that has to do with his liberty, so Emma could have found out about about the magical raven he's holding prisoner, and leverage that knowledge to blackmail him (althouhg I'm not sure if you want that level of confrontation, as vagueGM points out).

Other possibilities include that she knows some dirty trick that Jacob used in one of his schemes, and she used that leverage. But wait, now that I think about it, do we really need to define it? The Debt is the other way: Emma owes one to Jacob because he helps/helped her dismantling a supernatural scheme. Does it matter why Jacob got involded in the first place?

@Delirium, any thoughts about which supernatural scheme is that, and whether it's still active and we are still fighting against it?
Last edited August 21, 2024 10:15 am
Aug 21, 2024 10:18 am
vagueGM says:
Maybe we want to redirect some of the Starting Debts we put on Rhiannon to Emma? Or we can shift around some of those early ones that we have not seen in play to adjust for the lost character. [Debt Ledger].
Hmmm, mine is difficult to redirect:
You partner with someone on your schemes, both of you profiting in equal measure.

Rhiannon was protecting my business (and myself!), and I was getting weapons and stuff for her. Not sure is Emma's concept fits in here. She could be one of my providers of information, but I don't think I would be able to provide anything valuable back, as she's probably not interested in magical books and artifacts.
Last edited August 21, 2024 10:19 am
Aug 21, 2024 10:33 am
gnomius says:
... But wait, now I think about it, do we really need to define it? The Debt is the other way: Emma owes one to Jacob because he helps/helped her ...
Which is what I mean by 'anything that could be used in a Persuade'. Enough to get him to help but she owes because it scored a 7-9.
gnomius says:
... Emma could have found out about about the magical raven he's holding prisoner ...
It is up to you guys, but, since Emma seems to be a fairly new member of Mortalis, and is still learning about the world, a secret of such magnitude may be unreasonable for her to know, focused as she is on vampires.
gnomius says:
... Hmmm, mine is difficult to redirect: ...
I think that many of them will be hard to redirect. The game does not really cater for losing PCs a few scenes in.

We may just have to suck it up and lose the ones on Rhiannon. In the fiction she has abandoned us and left us hanging, it may be possible to try going to other members of The Society of the Morrigan with her Debts. but that is a stretch.

If any of them work for Emma, or if any of the Debts we have on any of the existing PCs make more sense for Emma then this is the time to redefine them.

Else we can make up a few that do fit, just to get her started.
It is also fine if she does not know some of the existing PCs, we can quickly come up with reasons to introduce her.
Since she is a new character, it could make a lot of sense for her Debts to be on NPCs and we focus the next stage of our game on introducing her to the three PCs. This is particularly apropos for The Aware Playbook. I can see that working and being easier than trying to get the PC-PC Debts working.

What do we think?
Aug 21, 2024 1:12 pm
vagueGM says:
Do you want your home to be an hours travel away from everyone else? This can make your relationship complications more complicated, especially since you have a husband who wants you back before midnight, and that means you need to leave any nighttime engagements around 11.
Oh, that wasn't my intention. I was looking for an affordable neighborhood for the struggling working-class couple. I don't know London all that well, but if there is a closer alternative I'll be happy to make the change.
Delirium says:

... Starting a family doesn't look like the most important thing right now. ...
vagueGM says:
How does David feel about this? Does he want kids? Does her want them now or is he willing to wait for you to get over your time-consuming passion?
They aren't doing that well financially, so it doesn't really come up. If/when things improve, it will definitely become a point of contention.
Delirium says:
... recently taken a renewed interest in her. ...
vagueGM says:
Around the time of your marriage? Just wondering.
Does David know about this?
Shortly after their marriage, yes. She hasn't told David anything more than he's an old friend from high school.
vagueGM says:
My first thought about your 'befriended and purposefully hid its existence' option is Benji's 'boss', Elliot Parry [ref]. He seems like the type to take an interest in someone writing a book about his kind, and would try to steer you to write what he thinks would be flattering and helpful to his cause. Pity the Debt goes the direction it does, it may have been much more interesting if you owed Elliot than the other way round, could have added some tension with Benji who does not much like his overlord.
If we're going with the idea that all her debts are to NPCs, then Elliot Parry could be Emma's main source about the supernatural world, instead of Mark. In this case, she will owe Elliot a debt.
vagueGM says:
Elliot also seems like the sort to learn about and take you up on your offer to 'donate blood'. Did you follow through or was it a ruse to get the interview?
She'll follow through, if only to experience what it's like.
Last edited August 21, 2024 1:21 pm
Aug 21, 2024 1:53 pm
Delirium says:
... I don't know London all that well ...
We deliberately picked a city none of us know. We are making liberal use of google maps and guesswork. We are also choosing to ignore facts that don't fit our image of the world since this is not exactly our world.
Delirium says:
... I was looking for an affordable neighborhood for the struggling working-class couple. ...
You could have inherited a place that you can't really afford, or live in a tiny apartment with undesirable elements. Maybe you are in a swanky area, but no one really wants to live in The West-End with all the theaters or whatever.

A brief panning over the area in satellite view shows some closely packed housing and shops [map], but that turns out to be Chinatown, which might be awkward unless you are into that or David is Asian?

I also ran into many places like this: [map] where they are surrounded on all sides and possibly don't have windows except in the roof. There are all sorts of reasons to be able to get a place in an unexpected area.

Renting a room in a posh neighbourhood can also lead to interesting tension with snooty neighbors.

Just throwing out ideas. It has been helpful to have a pin on the map to draw from, but we can also leave your exact place vague for now.
Delirium says:
... If we're going with the idea that all her debts are to NPCs ...
It is up to you. It can make us focus on connecting your character to the others in play rather than trying to come up with tenuous connections now.
Delirium says:
... Elliot Parry could be Emma's main source ...
Benji (and possibly Jacob) are about to be summoned to Elliot's place for a meeting. Possibly you are there when that happens and Elliot gets fed up and tasks Benji with getting you out of his hair?
Delirium says:
... She'll follow through, if only to experience what it's like. ...
That will make Elliot happier about dealing with you in the future, but he can still task Benji as your point of contact. We can say that you would have owed Elliot even more Debts, but this paid one of them off. You can place more than one of your Starting Debts on the same character, and this bit of fiction does not change those numbers, just adds flavour to what else may have come about.
Delirium says:
... She'll follow through, if only to experience what it's like. ...
Note that this site does not tell us if you edit a post while we are busy looking at google maps to formulate an response to what you already wrote, so unless we happen to notice a new point added the new content is likely to be missed, see Don't Edit. Rather just add a new post with the new information so we don't miss it or have to carefully scrub though the post looking for differences.
Aug 21, 2024 2:40 pm
vagueGM says:
Maybe you are in a swanky area, but no one really wants to live in The West-End with all the theaters or whatever.
I'll go with them renting a small flat that they really can't afford to. I see Emma selfishly wanting to live 'close to the action', even if it means they'll have to cut back on other expenses.
vagueGM says:
It is up to you. It can make us focus on connecting your character to the others in play rather than trying to come up with tenuous connections now.
Alright. I'll form connections with the NPCs for now, and we can introduce my character in-play. Are there any you can suggest, or should I make some up?
vagueGM says:
That will make Elliot happier about dealing with you in the future, but he can still task Benji as your point of contact.
That sounds perfect to me.
Aug 21, 2024 3:28 pm
Delirium says:
... Emma selfishly wanting to live 'close to the action', even if it means they'll have to cut back on other expenses. ...
It is closer to David's work as well... or is that just an excuse. :)
Delirium says:
... I'll form connections with the NPCs for now ... Are there any you can suggest, or should I make some up? ...
Well, Elliot Parry seems to be established. If you are focused on vampires maybe oopsylon can suggest another vampire? Maybe someone who introduced you to Elliot, his 'fixer' or 'finder'?

Then again, maybe we want something outside of the vampire sphere? Maybe Mortalis? Do you want to suggest anyone? We can make any new NPCs you need, though this game can end up with an overabundance of NPCs if we are not careful and you already brought us three new ones. :)

You can also be connected to some of the PCs if you want. Maybe Mark, for instance, may well be someone you befriended and did not know he was a Wizard. If you go with that, you can work out the details between yourselves and maybe see the reveal onscreen? (For the record, Mark has an assistant, Jena. She is 24, so you could know him though her, but having Debts on her could be weird since she is part of his sheet, same way David is part of yours.)

Scanning my list (which I really should organise and post somewhere), from Mortalis we have:

• Kenedi, a police officer (desk sergeant) who knows a little about the supernatural world and has had peaceful dealings with vampires and people who voluntarily let themselves be fed upon. If you don't connect to her you will quickly do so in play. You can also know her but not have Debts.

• Bev is another interesting option... for reasons I can't go into. She is interested in vampires and let Benji be the first to feed on her just last night. She is a nurse practitioner who may have come to you for answers. I don't think she fits the wording of your Starting Debts, though, but you could have asked her questions about late-night Accident and Emergency (A&E) room visits with strange neck-wounds and found in the end that she was pumping you for information more than you were getting from her (by that time it was a mutual exchange of information, but your Debt is because you started it, and talking about this stuff can get her fired)?

We can use the Starting Debts list as suggestions and make up our own. But maybe you are leveraging dirt on Elliot and keep the 'asking question' one for someone else? This would mean you milked Elliot for information and then turned around and 'blackmailed' him with the facts you learned after he fed on you? Depends on how antagonistic you want that relationship to go.

If you want something more exotic I have some ideas, but am not sure how to introduce them at this time. Do you want a 'museum contact' to help you with your research?

(You can go to the game's forum root and use the Search box to search for those NPCs. For instance: Kenedi or the less conveniently distinctly named Bev which will yield nothing since it can not seach for text that short.): )
Aug 21, 2024 4:31 pm
Delirium says:
... A Taser (stun-harm hand) ...
I have just looked into it (to see if you may have met Kenedi while undergoing training) and it turns out that tasers are illegal in the UK (and London), only the police are allowed to carry them and only after they have undergone extensive training and evaluation. [ref]

A switchbalde is also illegal, but you can flavour that as a knife of some sort, or upgrade it to a Leatherman or multi-tool and treat it as part of your Kit?

Speaking of Your Kit. Do you carry a significant handbag with all sorts of stuff in it? This is a bit small to be your whole Kit, but I would allow you to Go to you Kit with what could reasonably be in your bag when you don't have access to your car (or wherever you keep you full Kit). Do bear in mind that carrying too much suspicious stuff in your handbag can get you 'looked at by the police'.
Aug 21, 2024 5:01 pm
I wouldn't want to create any new NPCs either (too many and we will lose the plot), and Kenedi and Bev both look like interesting options.

Can we say Kenedi helped Emma protect innocent mortals from some supernatural plot? Maybe something demonic, to mix things up?

And if Bev is coming to Emma for answers, it makes sense she owes her a debt? It's not quite the right wording for 'Someone befriended you long before you discovered the supernatural...and purposefully hid its existence from you when it mattered.' , but maybe we can assume Bev was willing to share what she knows about the supernatural world only once someone else told Emma about it?
vagueGM says:
I have just looked into it (to see if you may have met Kenedi while undergoing training) and it turns out that tasers are illegal in the UK (and London), only the police are allowed to carry them and only after they have undergone extensive training and evaluation. [ref]
Will do with a Leatherman/Swiss Army Knife.
Her kit would consist of her purse, with more goodies in the trunk of her car.
Last edited August 21, 2024 5:01 pm
Aug 22, 2024 2:10 pm
Delirium says:
... I wouldn't want to create any new NPCs either (too many and we will lose the plot) ...
It is going to happen anyway, this game does suffer from it, the new book even gives advice on dealing with it (basically kill of a whole bunch or move to new city:). If you wanted an extra one it is no big deal.
Delirium says:
... Can we say Kenedi helped Emma protect innocent mortals from some supernatural plot? ...
Sure. Tell us about it. Particularly: Did Kenedi suit up and join the fray, or did she enlist some police help (possibly diverting a SCO19 (think SWAT) training exercise to the location)? Or was it a community effort or legal proceedings or something subtle?
Delirium says:
... Maybe something demonic, to mix things up? ...
Can do. If you want to 'mix things up', but might it not be tighter if your character assumed it was vampires, since that is what she knows? Kenedi is in the same boat and will make the same assumption. What was happening might not completely fit how you think vampires do things... because it was not vampires, but you don't know that? Just a thought.

When you learn about 'demons', possible after meeting Jacob, you can put two and two together and sum them to 'demon'. :)
Delirium says:
... And if Bev is coming to Emma for answers, it makes sense she owes her a debt? ...
Pronouns can get confusing (even before they made them more confusing:). It can make for clumsy sentences, but I try to avoid pronouns where they might be misconstrued. 'she owes her a debt' could be read either way, and both could 'make sense'. Which way are you seeing this? :)
Delirium says:
... It's not quite the right wording ...
Yeah, let's focus on the lower levels. You get two Debts that you owe, and one that is owed to you. Other than that, we can make up the reasons for those Debts so they fit. We can use the words on the sheet as guides to the sort of things they should be based on, but don't hobble your character idea by trying to fit the exact wording into what they did.

It looks like we have Elliot, Kenedi, and Bev. Which one do you want to owe you (or which one do you not want to owe:)? I don't think the other two make much difference, but whether you owe Elliot or he owes you will change things. Maybe focus on that one and tell us why and how.
Delirium says:
... maybe we can assume Bev was willing to share what she knows about the supernatural world only once someone else told Emma about it? ...
Makes total sense. A fellow believer is not likely to report her for being crazy. Bev has seen things, but your investigations may have brought her more answers than she ultimately gave you.
Aug 22, 2024 2:51 pm
vagueGM says:
It looks like we have Elliot, Kenedi, and Bev. Which one do you want to owe you (or which one do you not want to owe:)? I don't think the other two make much difference, but whether you owe Elliot or he owes you will change things. Maybe focus on that one and tell us why and how.
OK. Summarizing; Emma owes a debt to Elliot and Kenedi. She is owed a debt by Bev.

Emma owes Elliot a debt because of the whole 'interview with a vampire' thing going on. She allowed him to feed on her not because she promised to on the ad she published online, but because she wanted to experience it for herself.

Emma owes Kenedi a debt because Kenedi fabricated some evidence so they could get an arrest warrant for a Vampire preying on children. The Vampire went underground once the warrant was issued.

Bev owes Emma a debt because she withheld information from Emma when she came asking about 'the children suffering from unexplained cases of anemia' (Bev was helping treat them at the time)
Aug 22, 2024 3:21 pm
Delirium says:
... OK. Summarizing; Emma owes a debt to Elliot and Kenedi. She is owed a debt by Bev. ...
Gotcha. Create a post in the Debt Ledger to keep a record of your Debts. See the Instructions spoiler and feel free to ask about it here if you have any questions.

I have added them to the top list as well.
Delirium says:
... Kenedi fabricated some evidence ...
Let's maybe leave the exact details a bit less defined than that. It is a strong element to have her 'fabricating evidence', but I also see that is is likely to be a thing that is needed in 'strange cases'.

I would actually like to see her pushed to the point of doing that, so maybe that would have been a better outcome than you got, and that is why the perpetrators 'went underground' instead of being arrested or exterminate? It was still a win, but not as decisive as it could have been? Maybe next time Kenedi's morals may be more flexible?
Delirium says:
... because she wanted to experience it for herself. ...
When did that happen? Recently? Very recently? Just now as we open?

Are you ready to start a scene with Elliot? Benji will be with you shortly.

@oopsylon: What is Elliot's place like? I believe you said something about him being into real estate? Presumably our meeting would be in his penthouse [ref]? Any salient details we should include as we set the scene?
Aug 22, 2024 4:24 pm
vagueGM says:
Let's maybe leave the exact details a bit less defined than that. It is a strong element to have her 'fabricating evidence', but I also see that is is likely to be a thing that is needed in 'strange cases'.
Lets keep it ambiguous then. Emma doesn't know what Kenedi did, exactly, only that it resulted with said Vampire disappearing.

I'm ready to start the scene with Elliot. The offering of blood happened when they first met, weeks ago. Fairly recently, but enough time has passed for any harm to have healed. While we are on the subject - what does Emma know about Vampires? Do they go up in flames the second they are exposed to sunlight, or can they walk during daylight, like Bram Stoker's Dracula? Can they turn into bats? Are they unnaturally pale? Do they sparkle? So many questions... Maybe I will leave some of then for in-play ;)
Aug 22, 2024 4:46 pm
Delirium says:
... The offering of blood happened when they first met, weeks ago. ...
OK. And that was also your first real encounter with vampires? Maybe the Kenedi thing happened before that, while you were still ignorant of if this was real, but you did not 'meet' those 'vampires'? Same with meeting Bev even earlier than that?

How long have you been trying to get an interview with a vampire? How long have you been what would be count as The Aware? Before you became properly aware you were a kook. :)
Delirium says:
... enough time has passed for any harm to have healed. ...
If a vampire is careful it seems it can be no more invasive than giving blood [ref]. Was Elliot careful? What was it like?
Delirium says:
... what does Emma know about Vampires? ...
You can make up a lot about what Emma 'knows'...
Delirium says:
... Do they ... ... ... ...
Most of what being a vampire is like is up to the vampire player. So ask oopsylon.

The Vamp Playbook creates a certain type of vampire, not all the vampires in this world need to have the same limitations or abilities. Same way that other people who are 'aware' of the supernatural (Bev and Kenedi, for instance) are not The Aware as per your Playbook (or any of the Mortalis Playbooks), the Playbooks are purely for Player characters. They do serve as a starting point for the others of their kind, especially for the monstrous ones.
Aug 22, 2024 5:19 pm
vagueGM says:
OK. And that was also your first real encounter with vampires? Maybe the Kenedi thing happened before that, while you were still ignorant of if this was real, but you did not 'meet' those 'vampires'? Same with meeting Bev even earlier than that?
Mmmm, considering I want Elliot to be the one who revealed the existence of the supernatural to her, I'll push back their first encounter a couple of months into the past. She's been investigating the case of the children since around that same time, and the resolution happened maybe a week or two ago? Hope it makes sense.
vagueGM says:
If a vampire is careful it seems it can be no more invasive than giving blood. Was Elliot careful? What was it like?
I'm thinking he made sure she enjoyed it - as much as it is possible, without harming her. Maybe taking a bit more than Benji did from Bev, just to give her a feel of how dangerous he could be.
vagueGM says:
Most of what being a vampire is like is up to the vampire player. So ask oopsylon.
better get ready, Benji! I'll keep most of these questions for in-play.
vagueGM says:
I'll go with them renting a small flat that they really can't afford to. I see Emma selfishly wanting to live 'close to the action', even if it means they'll have to cut back on other expenses.
I settled on Soho. I figure Emma takes a real fancy to lively atmosphere and bustling nightlife. Lets say smack in the middle of Bridle Ln, which would put her within walking distance to the rest of the PCs.
Aug 23, 2024 12:02 am
vagueGM says:
@oopsylon: What is Elliot's place like? I believe you said something about him being into real estate? Presumably our meeting would be in his penthouse [ref]? Any salient details we should include as we set the scene?
This is what’s been established so far:
The S3 Vampire Lord is a man named Elliot Parry who owns a number of hotels and other buildings in the area around the station Benji busks at. He’s been a vampire for only a few decades but his wealth has enabled him to amass a considerable amount of power and influence within the Night Faction during that time. He is outwardly calm, collected, and polite, maintaining a charismatic, professional façade, but underneath it all he is driven by cold-hearted ambition and greed. He resides in the penthouse of one of his hotels and usually deals with Benji in person, sending one of his underlings to fetch him whenever he wants something from him. He finds Benji very entertaining and seems to derive great amusement from toying with him, exercising his power over him to push him around as he pleases.
I was also imagining that he probably uses the fact that he lives in the penthouse of a hotel to supply himself with as much prey as he likes ( guests occasionally go missing or wake up with headaches and strange wounds, etc). Other than that, I don't have a lot of concrete ideas, so feel free to make stuff up :)
Aug 23, 2024 12:04 am
Delirium says:

better get ready, Benji! I'll keep most of these questions for in-play.
Looking forward to it! 😊
Aug 23, 2024 8:26 am
Delirium says:
... revealed the existence of the supernatural ... first encounter a couple of months ... resolution happened maybe a week or two ago? Hope it makes sense. ...
Perfect sense. It is up to you just how 'new' you are. You could have been in the world for months —as you indicate— or days or even years.

This seems like a good timeline. We don't need to nail down the exact details, we can address any specifics if we need to in play.
Delirium says:
... I settled on Soho. I figure Emma takes a real fancy to lively atmosphere and bustling nightlife. Lets say smack in the middle of Bridle Ln, which would put her within walking distance to the rest of the PCs. ...
Looks good. [map]
Aug 23, 2024 6:46 pm
Delirium says:
... I settled on Soho. I figure Emma takes a real fancy to lively atmosphere and bustling nightlife. Lets say smack in the middle of Bridle Ln, which would put her within walking distance to the rest of the PCs.
Actually, Bridle Lane does not look all that expensive: [street view]. It is in/near an expensive area, but there may be many reasons it is (barely) affordable for David and yourself. :)
Jan 23, 2025 2:12 pm
Good day all. Looking forward to join all the craziness I've been reading about. I am working on bringing an Oracle to the Party.
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