Drgwen says:
I also added Persephone's sheet to the game and removed Lillian's!
Accepted, without review. Most of the juicy stuff is in these threads.
Drgwen says:
... Oops! Yes, I see that in the guidelines. Will do!
No worries. Different games have different expectations, and some feel it bad manners to post more than once in a row (waiting for someone else to post before they can continue their interrupted thought):. I have found it better manners to make sure everyone can understand what is being said and not to worry about number of posts. The guidelines are there because not everyone thinks that way, so you can't be expected to know them, or to not forget them and fall into old habits later and need reminding. :)
Drgwen says:
... maybe the job that has brought me back to London is related to one of this issues? ...
More likely related to the overarchring Fae-Rain-issue.
But you don't know the reasons. Is this unusual or are you normally just told what to do without explanation?
Will your DP learn that you can operate better if you know more? Or are they too set in their manipulative ways?
Drgwen says:
... assign whatever motivation to my Master you like. Though I would imagine they are the kind of demon who is *really* good about seeming to be a good guy ...
Cool. Will do. We will talk about it in more detail as it comes up.
Drgwen says:
... How about University of London? ...
Until it comes up in the story we don't really need to define these sorts of details. If/when they become important we can learn the detail. Feel free to define as much as you want, though, if it helps the character development or you plan to call on those contacts, or whatever.
Drgwen says:
... Persephone was an art/comp sci double major. ...
Much more important than the school, after all. :)
Drgwen says:
... Persephone was a creative person, writing, ...
Possibly —though not necessarily— with overlapping writing classes with
Emma. Similar interests at least.
Drgwen says:
... I had leveraged everything -- my parents' retirement ...
Late parents? Or are they still around as a burden you need to get off your back, or support?
Drgwen says:
... When my "friend" Meredith ...
'Friend', you say? 'disappeared' you say? 'they manipulate their friends, allies, and enemies alike' you say? ... Hmm... GM scribbles notes... Pay no attention to the person behind the screen... :)
Drgwen says:
... I arrived last month ...
Coincidentally around the time the rain started? (A few weeks ago, end of last month.)
Drgwen says:
... Archibald Charlesworth ... senior agent working for my patron here in the city. ...
Do you actually report to him, or does he just like to throw his weight around with you?
Do other people find him 'intolerable' or is that just you seeing through his mask?
Drgwen says:
... He is a million years old ...
Hyperbole? Could
you 'live' forever, too?
Drgwen says:
... blow mad money shopping ...
Emma is a shopaholic, too. I wonder if she will be too proud to accept your treating her?
Drgwen says:
... A friend. A real friend. One over whom I don't have power and who doesn't have power over me. Just... a friend. ...
I hate to 'solve' these starting issues right off the bat, but I know someone who could be that... for a while. :)