Session Zero

Apr 26, 2024 6:04 pm
Let's build out how we want to play together!
May 20, 2024 8:04 pm
I am good to play whatever, I have some interest in ranger or Rouge for this but open to fill gaps
May 20, 2024 8:49 pm
I am a druid or fighter. Whatever fits better 😁
May 20, 2024 8:52 pm
I am thinking of a wizard. :)

How do we want to do this? Free Feat? Magic Item(s) ? Flanking Rules? 😁

Edit: Love the Stars and Wishes. Thanks!
Last edited May 20, 2024 8:54 pm
May 20, 2024 10:09 pm
Glad to hear you like the stars and wishes! It sounds like you guys are already covering different bases so that's great. Even if you overlap or pick the same ones, I think you guys can be creative enough with your Lego builds to get around any problems that could arise.

Still learning, but here are my thoughts about your questions:

Free Feat - We are making Level 5 characters so if you are asking if you can have a starting feat in addition to the feat you can take from passing Level 4, I think it may make you all a little OP. If you think it makes it more fun though, I can put it up to a vote if everyone wants that option.

Magic Items - I'm going to say no for that one since you may be getting quite a few items in the adventure if you keep a sharp eye out and you can build something if you need an extra tool. If you really want it though and can argue for it, we can negotiate. :)

Flanking - I am not planning to use maps for this one-shot, but if you want to describe in a battle how you flank an enemy and it makes sense, I will allow it. Example: A goblin attempts to hit me, the wizard, but misses and our rogue sneaks behind and wants to flank attack.
May 20, 2024 10:23 pm
Just to review, we are building Level 5 characters with character creation content from Player's Handbook, Tasha's, and Xanathar's. You may use whatever template you like, but the standard Dungeons & Dragons 5th character template or Level Up Advanced 5e template may be useful to remind you if you have inspiration available.
May 20, 2024 10:58 pm
Do you have any qualms going with a flying race?
May 20, 2024 11:53 pm
I'm open to playing pretty much whatever, I'm thinking my best way to be most different from all other choices is Bard, Cleric, Monk or Paladin but if someone else wants to claim any of those go right ahead I do my best creative work limiting my workspace.
May 21, 2024 12:37 am
quilltid says:
Just to review, we are building Level 5 characters with character creation content from Player's Handbook, Tasha's, and Xanathar's. You may use whatever template you like, but the standard Dungeons & Dragons 5th character template or Level Up Advanced 5e template may be useful to remind you if you have inspiration available.
Took me a bit but figured out we can choose from the standard Races from the PHB (Dragonborn, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Halfling, Human and Tiefling) and the oodles of class options available from the other two sources.

Regarding class selection, I'm not super fussed and as I'm last to post will just fill in the blank once everyone else makes their final choice. With all the class options available and starting at level 5 it should be pretty interesting.
May 21, 2024 1:07 am
Ok so here is going to be my selection

Tiefling Soul Knife Rouge.
May 21, 2024 1:36 am
Sorry, had to do a bit of research. If you want to play a flying race, I'm OK with that since you guys have the ability to take flying spells as well. You guys can also multiclass if you like.
May 21, 2024 4:46 am
For stats, your choice to roll or go with standard array. If you would like to roll, please do so here in Session Zero. If you don’t like the results of your rolls here, you may opt to choose standard array instead. Please let me know if you have any questions about rolling for stats.
May 21, 2024 4:52 am
Roll straight or roll then assign? I am assuming roll then assign but just being sure

Edit: it looks like it is in sword coast adventuring guide but could I go winged tiefling?
Last edited May 21, 2024 4:53 am
May 21, 2024 6:26 am
quilltid says:
For stats, your choice to roll or go with standard array. If you would like to roll, please do so here in Session Zero. If you don’t like the results of your rolls here, you may opt to choose standard array instead. Please let me know if you have any questions about rolling for stats.
Just to confirm about rolling, it's 4d6, dropping the lowest?
May 21, 2024 7:43 am
Okay. Thanks. :)

For a wizard the most important question of all: how much money do we get for our characters?
As spells are my most important class feature, and spells equals money, please be generous. ;D
quilltid says:
Free Feat - We are making Level 5 characters so if you are asking if you can have a starting feat in addition to the feat you can take from passing Level 4, I think it may make you all a little OP. If you think it makes it more fun though, I can put it up to a vote if everyone wants that option.
Please let us vote. I really enjoy this free feat, as I have played 5e so often that a little change and a path away from the strict class-abilities to a more self-determined character build is very welcome. :)
quilltid says:
Flanking - I am not planning to use maps for this one-shot
Well maps are always gold, but if you want to do it Theater of the Mind-style that's also good. But I've to warn you: I will have to ask most of the time before casting an area of effect spell (fireball!!! grease, web, ...) if there is no map, as I don't know how fare anybody is, or where my allies are positioned exactly. DnD is game designed for mini-maps in my mind. (Therefore all the excact distance information in the texts, especially the spells)
If you want to describe in a battle how you flank an enemy and it makes sense, I will allow it. Example: A goblin attempts to hit me, the wizard, but misses and our rogue sneaks behind and wants to flank attack.
Well in this case the rogue would have had Adv in any case, as he is a hidden attacker. ;)
I personally love the flanking-rules as they provide a faster combat through fewer misses. In this case, as a wizard, I am okay playing without them, just wanted to check.


Atm I am tinking of an human/custom lineage order of the scribe wizard with the classic sage background. :)
So history, arcana & investigation is taken care of. Please provide meatshield(s) and skill-monkey(s). *g*
May 21, 2024 8:56 am
soises says:
Okay. Thanks. :)

For a wizard the most important question of all: how much money do we get for our characters?
As spells are my most important class feature, and spells equals money, please be generous. ;D
Excellent question! Max starting gold X 5 for fifth Level?
May 21, 2024 10:53 am
I think I've decided on Paladin, Gnomish Paladin to be specific not sure what exactly I have in mind for characterization yet but I'll get there when I get there.
As always if someone wants to play a Paladin feel free to boot me from the role, I don't mind coming up with something else.
May 21, 2024 12:30 pm


Abilities - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)

4d6H3 : (1361) = 10

4d6H3 : (5115) = 11

4d6H3 : (3414) = 11

4d6H3 : (4465) = 15

4d6H3 : (5622) = 13

4d6H3 : (2511) = 8

May 21, 2024 1:03 pm



(5541) = 14


(2164) = 12


(4666) = 18


(1423) = 9


(1652) = 13


(2411) = 7

May 21, 2024 1:54 pm
Yes to roll then assign, 4d6 dropping the lowest for stats. If you don't like your rolls, feel free to opt for standard array instead.

Since Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide is a supplement to PHB, you can go with winged tiefling if you like.

OK, I will take making maps for our one-shot into consideration.

From what I understood from the rules, there has to be at least 2 players on opposite sides of an enemy within 5 feet doing melee attacks for flanking to work. If this is incorrect, please let me know!

Starting gold can be as listed in the Dungeon Master's Guide, 500 gold plus I'll allow max on the 1d10 × 25 gold: 750 gold

All right, let's put adding free feat up to vote!

Play with a free feat?

Vote to view results.
Vote to view results.
May 21, 2024 1:56 pm
Stats Roll!

....guess it's Standard Array time! :P
Last edited May 21, 2024 1:57 pm


Rolling for Glory! - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)

4d6H3 : (5223) = 10

4d6H3 : (6141) = 11

4d6H3 : (5421) = 11

4d6H3 : (6251) = 13

4d6H3 : (5262) = 13

4d6H3 : (2222) = 6

May 21, 2024 3:33 pm
Stat roll for my Druid



(3236) = 12


(5514) = 14


(4511) = 10


(3544) = 13


(3342) = 10


(3463) = 13

May 21, 2024 4:51 pm
They see me rollin'...

Edit: point buy it is
Last edited May 21, 2024 4:52 pm


Stats - (4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3, 4d6H3)

4d6H3 : (2313) = 8

4d6H3 : (1163) = 10

4d6H3 : (3114) = 8

4d6H3 : (5524) = 14

4d6H3 : (5624) = 15

4d6H3 : (1225) = 9

May 21, 2024 4:55 pm
@KoldikSteelskin Don't forget to update starting gold to 750 and to equip your starting equipment.

If it helps with roleplaying, you can assume that the townspeople enticed you to come with a gold advance and you came with standard equipment you plan to trade in with the gold when you get to the town. Before you guys reach town, you will be stopping at the inn the influential townspeople have asked you to meet at.
May 21, 2024 6:52 pm
quilltid says:

OK, I will take making maps for our one-shot into consideration.
Thanks a lot! :D
From what I understood from the rules, there has to be at least 2 players on opposite sides of an enemy within 5 feet doing melee attacks for flanking to work. If this is incorrect, please let me know!
Completely correct. :)
All right, let's put adding free feat up to vote!
Always love a good democracy. I casted my vote already. :D
May 21, 2024 6:59 pm
I am so torn on my stats...on one hand. I could have an easy 20 Dex at level 5. On the other, I have two under 10
May 21, 2024 7:04 pm
How will the building legos skill be implemented? What is the attribute to build a flight of stairs? A catapult? A raft? If someone posses the prof. in smith tools, mason tools, carpenting tools, ... does that help in any way? Could you give us an example, please?
May 21, 2024 7:11 pm
valdattaMadun says:
I am so torn on my stats...on one hand. I could have an easy 20 Dex at level 5. On the other, I have two under 10
Do you want specialization or versatility? ;)
May 21, 2024 9:37 pm
probably versatility, skill monkey type build (psionic Knack)
May 22, 2024 1:17 am
I know we're missing one vote, but it seems like majority is good with free feat so go ahead and add that to your character builds!
soises says:
quilltid says:
From what I understood from the rules, there has to be at least 2 players on opposite sides of an enemy within 5 feet doing melee attacks for flanking to work. If this is incorrect, please let me know!
Completely correct. :)
Flanking rules can be a part of the game. I will keep that in mind for the fights and if maps are included to help you with that.
soises says:
How will the building legos skill be implemented? What is the attribute to build a flight of stairs? A catapult? A raft? If someone posses the prof. in smith tools, mason tools, carpenting tools, ... does that help in any way? Could you give us an example, please?
Yes, good question! You can add one inspiration to your character sheet if you like to remind you that you have a build left. You will get an additional build available with each scene, which will be a new thread to help keep track. Total of six scenes expected if that helps you to plan.

I was thinking that you guys explain what you would like to build and I would let you know what 1d20 roll would be needed for success based on the situation, what you are building, and if you can source your bricks (like it might be difficult to make a catapult if you are in a field with just a tent at your disposal). You can certainly explain in what you are building that you have the tools or proficiency in it, which may lower the number needed to roll a success.

Rolling below the number needed for success would be a failure and you may not get the results you were aiming for. Meeting the number would be a partial success so you get what you wanted, but a complication may pop up. Rolling above the number will be a success and you can describe to the group what successful result occurs!

Please let me know if you think there is a better way to implement this or what would make the builds more fun for you guys.

Example: I would like to build a rickshaw to cart an NPC. DM sets success roll to be 10 and up. I roll a 1d20. Roll 1-9 would result in a failure, which could be something like I end up only having enough bricks to build a unicycle instead. Roll 10 would be a partial success, which could be something like you make your rickshaw but the enemies are inspired to make their own builds and improve their bows to crossbows to chase you. Roll 11-20 would be a success and the DM lets me describe the amazing success I decide on, which is to cart the NPC away and run over one enemy for some damage.
May 22, 2024 2:35 am
What do we have so far?

- Druid -- Adrasthea
- Paladin -- KoldikSteelskin
- Wizard -- soises
- Ranger / Rogue? -- valdattaMadun

I'm undecided but will come up with something very soon. Maybe a Warlock/Sorcerer or maybe Bard or Fighter???
May 22, 2024 2:45 am
My Plaidain is leaning very very heavily on the fighter side, FYI, if that helps decision making but don't let that pull you away from fighter if it's where you're leaning.

750 Gold is enough for Plate, do you have a problem with me having bought that out of game?

If so I'll drop the Chain Mail, and take plate additionally can it be assumed I have already summoned stead?,1000_QL80_.jpg
Last edited May 22, 2024 2:48 am
May 22, 2024 2:52 am
Yeah going rouge, though still a little bit of fiddling with the build. Probably rouge with Int secondary skill set. Ranged attacker
May 22, 2024 10:28 pm
@KoldikSteelskin Sure, if you'd like to use your gold advance for non-magicked plate armour, that is fine. If you'd like to enter the scene next week on your summoned steed, that is fine too. Quick question, do you want to try riding your steed into the inn or wait to summon it again when you go outside?
May 23, 2024 9:26 am
Going to build a Warlock. Figure Druid + Paladin should get us by with healing??

What do you think of Pact of the Chain? They have fancy intellegent familiars, sprite, psuedodragon, etc. Do you want to be bothered with dealing with this? Flying and invisible?
May 23, 2024 12:44 pm
quilltid says:
@KoldikSteelskin Sure, if you'd like to use your gold advance for non-magicked plate armour, that is fine. If you'd like to enter the scene next week on your summoned steed, that is fine too. Quick question, do you want to try riding your steed into the inn or wait to summon it again when you go outside?
I'd Imagine I would stable the Steed, leave it somewhere outside, basically I want to avoid needing to prepare/cast the spell, for as long as I can.
May 23, 2024 1:37 pm
Dhakhan says:
What do you think of Pact of the Chain? They have fancy intellegent familiars, sprite, psuedodragon, etc. Do you want to be bothered with dealing with this? Flying and invisible?
Since we're already allowing flying and summoned steeds, it's fine to take pact of the chain for the warlock. For now, what are you hoping your familiar/pet will be doing in game?
KoldikSteelskin says:
I'd Imagine I would stable the Steed, leave it somewhere outside, basically I want to avoid needing to prepare/cast the spell, for as long as I can.
Sounds good!
May 23, 2024 1:39 pm
Before we start next week, the recruitment thread noted some people may be interested in following along. How do you feel if this game is public?

Let's make this game public!

Vote to view results.
Vote to view results.
May 24, 2024 1:53 am
quilltid says:
Dhakhan says:
What do you think of Pact of the Chain? They have fancy intellegent familiars, sprite, psuedodragon, etc. Do you want to be bothered with dealing with this? Flying and invisible?
Since we're already allowing flying and summoned steeds, it's fine to take pact of the chain for the warlock. For now, what are you hoping your familiar/pet will be doing in game?
Nothing crazy, I guess. Just thinking about small invisible intellegent scouts, or even ones that that the Warlock could see through. Haven't settled on eldritch invocations.
May 24, 2024 4:12 am
Certainly, take your time!

And it looks like we are moving this game public as well.

Food for thought until we start, how do your characters know each other? Have you met before or did you bond on the journey to the Inn? Did you become friends, rivals, somebody owes someone else money now?
May 24, 2024 5:19 pm
I will admit, I changed my mind on race. Went with Halfling. Meet Merton, halfling Soulknife
[ +- ] Merton
May 24, 2024 9:34 pm
As for why the team got together.

I took sort of an edgelord background "Faceless" but I think he is more trying to get out of that life but keeps getting dragged back in. So maybe met on the road back, Merton is still nervous around people but wants to break his habits and be with more people.
Last edited May 24, 2024 9:36 pm
May 25, 2024 4:28 pm
I’ve gone with a Human Warlock (GOO). He used to be a smuggler in a past life.
[ +- ] Hindle
Hindle is more awkward than edgy but the pallor of his skin and the air of shadiness that clings to him puts most normal folk on their guard.

Perhaps Hindle originally knew Merton? Sticking to someone more physically capable with a similarly pragmatic outlook? (Making assumptions) Then the two joined up with the rest of the party to tackle a larger challenge before ending up where we are now?
Last edited May 25, 2024 4:32 pm
May 25, 2024 6:54 pm
Maybe Hindle's patron is the same reason Mertob has his psionic abilities? Merton was just more assassin minion wanting out, and Hindle was more spellcasting captain of the forces.

They got paired together, rest is history on their friendship
May 25, 2024 10:42 pm
valdattaMadun says:
They got paired together, rest is history on their friendship
And along came Derv...
Maybe he was looking for a killer when they met, or someone who could do something he couldn't like being sneaky. and wasn't afraid to get their hands dirty like the rest of the Devout were.

Perhaps he talked to Hindle, maybe the Devout knew about what was going on with Hindle's patron. Hoping he could hire one of the patrons Goons, he reached out to Hindle, and Hindle pointed him towards Merton
May 26, 2024 7:27 am
KoldikSteelskin says:
valdattaMadun says:
They got paired together, rest is history on their friendship
And along came Derv...
Maybe he was looking for a killer when they met, or someone who could do something he couldn't like being sneaky. and wasn't afraid to get their hands dirty like the rest of the Devout were.

Perhaps he talked to Hindle, maybe the Devout knew about what was going on with Hindle's patron. Hoping he could hire one of the patrons Goons, he reached out to Hindle, and Hindle pointed him towards Merton
We’re sounding a bit nefarious. What kind of Paladin are you planning on? 😜
May 26, 2024 12:32 pm
Leana is still young and although she has trained with her fellow druids quite a bit, she does not know much of the world. So she decided to go out and experience the rest of it. After a few strange encounters she met a sneezing dwarf whom she offered to help with his allergies. They decided to continue together for a bit, each with their own motivations and goals.
May 26, 2024 4:06 pm
Dhakhan says:
We’re sounding a bit nefarious. What kind of Paladin are you planning on? 😜
He's an oath of Conquest Paladin and quite frankly he doesn't care about converting people... Or what other people think about him at all, The Devout have enemies and he'll kill them.
[ +- ] Oath Tenets
Last edited May 26, 2024 4:09 pm
May 26, 2024 4:37 pm
Will this be an evil party?

In my mind a LEGO adventure should be lighthearted and fun. Instead it seems to me, that this will be a party of tyrants and murderers. Not something I am looking forward to. :-/
May 26, 2024 5:18 pm
I don't think something in Lego can really go overly dark, I Imagine whatever it is that Derv really hates is something that keeps rebuilding itself making it Impossible for him to actually destroy, and whatever it is is definitely evil, but he won't stop at simply telling someone to be a better person to make the world a better place.

In short I don't think any of the three of us have an "Everything is Awesome" outlook on the world but I don't get the Impression that we're bad guys either,
Now I can and will completely remake my character if it makes you uncomfortable I don't want to be the barrier to anyone from enjoying this game.

For context: I decided to lean into what I feel a lego adventure is which is Chaos complete and utter chaos, and probably due to Batman and Lego's I injected a but of Anti-Hero in my character.
May 26, 2024 5:31 pm
I was thinking more a Guardians of the Galaxy feel. Have the edgy backstory but play it not so serious
May 26, 2024 5:58 pm
My personal take on this is "neutral" characters should be "good" at heart. Even if it is reluctant at first, they don't want to be evil. But they have trouble being good.
May 26, 2024 8:31 pm
This is a good time to introduce the lines and veils before we start Scene 1. I have some links you can use to figure out what are your "veils" like it’s ok to happen off-stage and "lines" as in "I do not want even a mention of it in game" such as spiders. You can say what are your lines and veils and I will assume what is not stated will be fine to discuss without limits.

You may post here or DM me if you feel more comfortable. You can also DM me or post anytime if a subject not talked about before is making you feel uncomfortable and I will adjust or let players know what needs to stop/change.


Editable form:
May 26, 2024 9:04 pm
I am weary of consent checklists.
I'm good with anything else.
May 26, 2024 9:05 pm
I am still planning to keep to the PG to PG-13 themes and humor.

I will work on a background that honors your traits and stories, but still keeps the story fun and light-hearted. You can still be Batman or the Question in the Justice League working for the side of good in your own inimitable way.

Would any of you be against the idea that the Heroes Association Guild (HAG for short) has either hired or sent you to help these townspeople?
May 26, 2024 9:08 pm
Adrasthea says:
I am weary of consent checklists.
I'm good with anything else.
Sure, I don’t need a copy of a checklist. This was just a way to bring up ideas or themes for anything you have lines or veils for. If it’s ok, I’m going to assume no limits for you right now, but if there are, you can always post here or DM me what those subjects are.
May 26, 2024 9:11 pm
Very kind of you. Thx
May 26, 2024 9:12 pm
valdattaMadun says:
I was thinking more a Guardians of the Galaxy feel. Have the edgy backstory but play it not so serious
That's a much better, comparison! Drax is a rather close comparison to Derv actually...
And they just so happen to have very similar names. coincidence?
May 26, 2024 11:53 pm
Haha! Yes, GoG sounds more the way of it. 🙂

Thanks for the consideration. I should be good with anything that comes up. I mean, it is Lego. 😜
May 26, 2024 11:53 pm
Haha! Yes, GoG sounds more the way of it. 🙂

Thanks for the consideration. I should be good with anything that comes up. I mean, it is Lego. 😜
May 26, 2024 11:53 pm
Haha! Yes, GoG sounds more the way of it. 🙂

Thanks for the consideration. I should be good with anything that comes up. I mean, it is Lego. 😜
May 27, 2024 6:28 am
Okay, that sounds great.😊
Got a different impression. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Looking forward to play with you all.
May 27, 2024 11:00 am
soises says:
Okay, that sounds great.😊
Got a different impression. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Looking forward to play with you all.
Bahaha! So was I! Maybe it’s all the frowny Lego heads. 😆 My prompt was "pensive", but it looks more like malevolent… or at least exceedingly grumpy! 🤣
May 27, 2024 2:06 pm
All right, let's get this "Guardians of the Lego Valley" started! I will be setting up Scene 1 today, but feel free to leave more character info or lines and veils info here.

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