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May 3, 2024 1:13 pm
Timothy- the auction/murder scene happened off camera, so you as a player know about it, while your character Timothy doesn't. The goal was to create a little tension between what you know and what you can act on.
May 3, 2024 1:15 pm
Reem- perfect! You're very well connected here. Go ahead and find any people you like to talk to.

Also I think I'll set the DCs for this opening section at a 3 (meets it, beats it). This stuff should be pretty easy, and I want a good degree of success right now.
May 3, 2024 5:11 pm
Sarah smiles as the two head off to do heaven knows what. She then turns to attending to the set up of her tent and airing out the many outfits she has brought along. She also takes time to organize the items she purchased that she thought might be useful during her shopping spree in Cairo. After everything is settled, she decides to spend the hottest parts of the day sketching the other members of the party in charcoal, taking advantage of when they are willing to pose.
@GameMaster Congratulations on the move! @Mhoram100 Nice roll!


Charcoal Sketching (Do Anything 1) - (1d6)

(1) = 1

May 3, 2024 7:47 pm
Dmitry pretended not to notice Sarah sketching portraits of some of the individuals in the group as he nonchalantly began an impromptu target practice session. After all, he thought to himself, flinging bottles and coins into the air before taking aim at them which of us here cuts the most dashing figure for a portrait? Me of course!

Aloud he yelled Is always good to be practicing before going into danger! See how excellently I shoot!


Shooting (Do Anything 1) - (1d6)

(6) = 6

May 3, 2024 9:25 pm
GameMaster says:
Timothy- the auction/murder scene happened off camera, so you as a player know about it, while your character Timothy doesn't. The goal was to create a little tension between what you know and what you can act on.
Sorry. That wasn't clear to me. I modified my last post to fit accordingly.
"Well, the article must be about the archeological dig itself, so a little bit of everyone working on the dig." Timothy looked around at the faces in the camp for inspiration as to which occupations might make for interesting interviews. "Hmm, maybe a few of the porters, some of the guards, the workers who are expected to dig and breach into the tomb... and who knows, maybe even the cook."
May 5, 2024 5:23 pm
Sarah- with the 1 on the charcoal drawing, it looks like your drawing is slow going and will take some time to complete. Feel free to roll again, next time you work on the drawing, to see how you progress. Also, on a failure, you gain an XP to spend on gaining a new skill whenever you want. You could spend it now, and maybe take the Careful Drawing II skill? Or you could save it for later use.
May 5, 2024 5:24 pm
Also thank you on the house! Yesterday was move in day, so hopefully the craziness dies down now.
May 5, 2024 5:28 pm
Dnitti- excellent shot! On a 6, go ahead and take a lv II skill based on what happened with your action.
May 5, 2024 5:29 pm
Timothy- do you want to confirm your first interview and make a roll?
May 5, 2024 5:48 pm
Also, what is Thomas up to?
May 6, 2024 2:29 pm
Tomas will wander around the camp looking for the medical tent to see what kind of gear are 'laying around'.


Scrounging (Do anything 1) - (d6)

(4) = 4

May 6, 2024 6:13 pm
Yep, I will confirm.


Do Anything for interview - (1d6)

(1) = 1

May 6, 2024 6:34 pm
Thomas- on a success, what gear do you get? Since you did not roll a 6, you don't get a new skill, but you still get the gear.
May 6, 2024 6:37 pm
Timothy- looks like the interview went poorly! You gain 1 XP, which you can spend now or later. For this one, I will say that Reem brought you one of the diggers, who only had a few moments on break to give you a quote or two and not the qhole interview you want. You are welcome to schedule another interview with them later if you would like. Using XP on this skill might look like Brief Chat Lv II or Single Quote Lv II.
May 6, 2024 6:38 pm
I'll post something to move us forward tomorrow or Wednesday, and I'll leave things open in the meantime for anyone who wants to do more stuff before the action starts.
May 6, 2024 7:47 pm
Reem apologizes profusely to Timothy that the interview subject was so recalcitrant. She offers to fetch him some fresh dates by way of restitution.
May 6, 2024 9:13 pm
I'll go for Brief Chat at 2. Could be useful for a diversion later if we need it... :D
May 7, 2024 1:48 am
At first, Sarah thinks she is making good progress on her charcoal drawing, but she is soon distracted by Dmitry's superb shooting skills. She was trying to draw one of the burly guards at the Investor's tent, but it soon morphed into a sketch of Dmitry and ended looking more like a figure she had seen at the circus.

Oh well, I'll put this away and try again another day.

She looks about the camp for something else to work on and she sees some of the detritus the workers have left from preparing their campsite. Random stones with hieroglyphics can be seen lying about in piles around the area. She decides to grab the tools she bought while passing through London and try her hand at archaeology. She starts by gently brushing away the dust and sand on the hieroglyphics.
I'll save the experience point for another opportunity.

Man, Sarah is really a goofball! I may use my experience point to try to gain a level for the archaeology then...
Last edited May 7, 2024 1:49 am


Archaeology Excavation (Do Anything 1) - (1d6)

(1) = 1

May 7, 2024 3:27 pm
Sarah- a 2nd experience point! Looks like you are not the best at archeology, but you'll be really good at something in the future! As you brush away the dirt on the hieroglyphs you found, you realize that you do not have all of the pieces necessary to see what it says, though you spend a great deal of time puzzling them together to try anyways. Spending an experience point here could get you something like Puzzling Lv II or Reconstruction Lv II if you want. Since this is an archeology-based game, don't let this discourage you from continuing to try archeology stuff!
May 7, 2024 5:35 pm
After a bit of time has passed, The Investor calls everyone together for a briefing. You all file into a big tent in the middle of the camp, where a projector has been set up to display slides on the canvas of the tent wall.

The Investor begins his pitch:

"Let's just get right down to it- what are we digging for? Mummies. Old, dead, preserved mummies. People think that the treasure of ancient Egypt is in its gold, its artifacts, its culture. That stuff is easy to take now, but mark my words, one day the Egyptian government will come down on grave robbers and scholars alike! The only sure investment is in human capital, and the only safe souvenier is human remains. They might not be worth much today, but in 50 years, every museum across the country will pay top dollar for even a brief examination. We get in, we take the bodies, we bring them back here on dry ice and get them in these cryo freezers for long term preservation. I pay you all now, and we all leave. In fifty years, I'm rich beyond my imagination, and you are all comfortably living your lives none the wiser. It's a win-win: you get paid today, and I take all the risk."

The Investor pulls out a series of envelopes from his suit, handing them to each person in the tent.

"This is half of your salary, with the second half being made available to you upon completion of the job. If this work takes more than a month, bonuses will be distributed regularly.

Any questions?"
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