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May 13, 2024 12:38 pm
The stuff I collected was on the result of the previous scrounging roll.
May 14, 2024 2:35 am
Cool, great work everyone! Tomorrow we can breach the tomb, and I'll try to come up with some cool stuff for it!
May 15, 2024 12:00 pm
Okay, everyone had a bit of time to get ready before you all assembled in the mess tent for a brief but filling breakfast. After, the travel to the dig site was short and uneventful, and everyone seemed a mix of nervous and excited to get started.

The dig site itself was a patch of sand that looked like the surrounding area, with no structure or marking to designated it as a place of interest. In the distance, you could see the pyramids rising on the horizon. However, The Investor suggests that only fools dig there, since that land has already been plundered to the last corpse. Only a true entrepreneur digs in the raw sand.

A team of local diggers is hard at work digging in the growing trench, which now is so far down that you are scared to fall in. Other workers cart barrels of sand away from the site to be dumped nearby, while still others are adding to the ever growing stairs necessary to reach the bottom. All of this work is done by hand with no machines, The Investor informs you, so that no noise is produced that might alert others of this endeavor.
May 15, 2024 12:06 pm
While you all are taking in the dig site, a small tremor rocks the ground, causing a slight panic among the newcomers. However, The Investor and the working men pay it no mind, and you are informed that these small bumps happen pretty often in the desert and are generally harmless. After a moment, The Investor leads you to the bottom of the dig site, where you notice a small stone slab being carefully excavated. As the men work, you see the slab is connected to stone walls that lead straight underground, buried into the sand.

"This, gentlemen and ladies, is why we are here. Who would like the first look?"

At this point, each player is welcome to examine and interact with the stone door. I'm sure it has lots of cool markings, and there is definitely a place in the middle where some sort of key mechanism may fit. Also the DC of this section is raised from 3 to 4, since this is a more serious but not dangerous situation.
May 15, 2024 1:27 pm
Timothy looked around, trying to see if he could find the face of the mysterious man he met in the quartermaster's office among the workers, but of course, the man was nowhere to be found. Then, when the investor offered the group the first opportunity to examine the unearthed crypt, Timothy jumped at the offer.

"Don't mind if I do. This will make for a great picture for the article." He said holding up his camera for emphasis.

He then went down into the hole, taking a picture of the opened sealed crypt, his first picture of the article. While changing the flash bulb for his camera, his eyes felt attracted to the hieroglyphs carved onto the stone... where he noticed a very familiar-looking scarab...
Last edited May 15, 2024 9:12 pm


Do Anything 1 - (1d6)

(5) = 5

May 15, 2024 2:14 pm
Tim- (FYI, the tomb isn't opened, it's still sealed with the stone slab on top.)

As you take the picture of the tomb lid, you notice the scarab symbol that matches the one you received from that mysterious man. On your person, the scarab you have starts to heat up, getting warmer until it is slightly uncomfortable, and not stopping until it feels like it is burning a hole in your pocket. Before you can react, your vision blurs, and suddenly, the symbols on the stone tomb door fuzz and morph until you can read them if you squirt hard enough.

What do they say? Also, do you read it to the group? Do you write it down? Or do you keep it a secret?

After a moment, the world wobbles again and returns to normal, the hieroglyphs back to their previous unreadable state. As you step back, camera in hand, you notice people looking at you. Do you tell them what happened, or give an excuse?

(Also I bet that picture you took is going to turn out pretty dope!)
May 15, 2024 9:25 pm
Changed my previous post to reflect the closed state of the crypt.
Timothy felt a bit dizzy and unwell, what with the increasing warmth of the scarab he carries, and his vision blurring to momentarily allow him to read the hieroglyphs... "Beware all those who enter, the wrath of Ibathnakht!"

Falling to one knee, Timothy wiped the beads of sweat from this forehead before taking a gulp from one of his waterskins. "Is it me, or is it getting really hot all of a sudden?"

He then stood up again, to step out of the hole so that the workers can continue their work unimpeded.
May 15, 2024 10:02 pm
Sarah hands her parasol to Timothy after his statement. "Maybe you'd better relax in some shade for a minute Mr. Garrick."

She then straightens her hat and decides to look a bit closer at the slab and mechanism to see how it works. She is pretty sure the Investor has the key, but it couldn't hurt to see how these things worked before they headed through.
Not sure which would be appropriate, added both rolls to choose from.


Mechanisms (Do Anything Lv 1) - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Mechanisms (Puzzling Lv 2) - (2d6)

(34) = 7

May 16, 2024 12:26 am
Honestly either would have been a fine roll, puzzling would have fit nicely. But since you got a 6 on your Do Anything roll, let's use that one and call it a success and give you a new Lv II skill. Maybe something like Ancient Technology Lv II or Trap Doors Lv II? Whatever you like, really.

And on a big success, you get an insight into how the door works and also into something else about it. I'll let you tell us a bit about the door, then I'll add an extra bit of info for you at the end.
May 16, 2024 1:07 am
Hot? It is desert here, not cold like the taiga, what do you expect? Dmitry chuckled to himself, fanning his sweating face with his broad-brimmed hat. But say, who is having the key? You should hand it to me so I can go in first. You know, in case of booby traps and things eh? he chuckled again.


Do Anything 1: Persuasion - (1d6)

(1) = 1

May 16, 2024 2:33 am
"All in good time, my dear man," says The Investor. "Let the others have a look at it first, and then you shall be the first to enter."

Another slight tremor knocks a bit of sand onto his suit coat, but he pays it no mind, his attention focused on the stone in front of him.

Also, don't forget your XP.
May 16, 2024 2:54 am
Timothy gladly accepts Sarah's umbrella as he gets out of the hole, then hands it back to her. As the others are occupied with the door, he quickly notes the words he read in his notebook before he forgets them.

"Gotta find a way to warn the others somehow, but I can't hardly tell them that a magical stone scarab given to me by a mysterious man nearly burnt a hole in my pocket and allowed me to read to temporarily read hieroglyphs, they'll sent me into the nuthouse!"

Playing it safe, he waited after the second tremor before testing the waters by addressing their benefactor.

"Say sir, ever heard of the name Ibathnakht?"
May 16, 2024 10:13 am
The Investor's face pales for a moment before he regains his composure quickly.

"As a matter of fact, I have. Why do you ask?"
May 16, 2024 3:29 pm
Sarah looks over the door and is surprised to find that the indentation where it looks like a key mechanism would fit is false! It may even be a trap if one used it. Upon further inspection of the slab, she notices a scarab symbol that looks different from the rest of the markings. While the Investor is distracted with speaking with Mr. Garrick, she decides to press on the scarab. To her surprise, it pushes down and reveals another indentation for a key mechanism!
She's finally learning something! Taking Ancient Technology Lv 2
May 16, 2024 5:16 pm
"Oh, just a word I've heard whispered around camp... I figured it must be whoever was buried in the tomb." Timothy offered as an explanation. Still, he made a mental note of their benefactor's reaction.
Last edited May 16, 2024 5:17 pm
May 16, 2024 6:36 pm
Sarah, that's amazing!

"So you've discovered the secret key mechanism hidden beneath the false trap one, have you? Very nice- you must be quite smart. As a reward, I will give you the honor of working the lock."

With that, The Investor reaches into the pocket of his jacket and removes an ancient looking gold object which looks as if it fits into the locking mechanism Sarah discovered. He steps back, and all eyes fall on Sarah as she steps forward to open the lock.

When the gold key makes contact with the lock, a rumbling deep inside the Earth is heard, and the ground tremors again, slightly stronger than earlier. The stone slab on top splits in two down the middle, with each half falling away to the ground, shattering and cracking. A hiss of air whooshes past the party, bringing with it the stale must of thousands of years. Along with the air comes the sounds of screams, shrill and booming out of the tomb.

The screams only last a moment before they die away, but The Investor seems rattled. With a small chuckle, he remarks, "It must just be trapped air escaping to equalize the pressure after all these years..."
May 16, 2024 6:41 pm
Timothy- The Investor drops the subject, but seems suspicious about you.

Sarah- as you go to remove your hand from the gold key, you feel a sharp sting that paralyzes your hand, the numbness traveling up your arm and down your spine with each second. Your vision blurs, like Timothy's did, until you black out. In this trance, you receive a vison- a warning. Please tell us what this looks like, and what you are being warned of. After a second, the vision is gone and your own vision returns. The numbness leaves you quickly, and your senses return to normal. However, when you look down at the key in your hand, you notice a drop of your blood on it. Before your eyes, they gold metal seems to absorb the blood, and you feel a slight itch on your finger as the small prick there also heals.

Do you tell the group about this, or do you also keep it a secret like Timothy did?
May 16, 2024 6:41 pm
Yes, said Dimitry, Air escaping through the devils own throat by the sounds of it. He gave another chuckle of false bravado, but the beads of sweat forming on his forehead were no longer entirely due to the heat.

Still, it makes you all glad to be having trusty Dmitry with you! Have no fear of ghosts and goblins.
May 16, 2024 6:43 pm
Also, its time to head into the tomb, so let's get ready for that! Everyone, please make a little post about how you are feeling and what your thoughts are going into this, and maybe what you are looking out for. You can also narrate how you enter the tomb. The Investor will enter last, followed by three of his body guards.
May 16, 2024 6:47 pm
"There's been a lot of rumblings lately. You sure this is safe? The tomb is not going to collapse on us or something?"

The warning was still fresh in Timothy's mind, and now the air escaping with the sound of anguished souls... He felt that something horrible was going to happen to anyone stepping inside that tomb.

"Dammit, I need to find a way to warn everyone without sounding crazy!"
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