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May 24, 2024 10:14 pm
Sarah's eyes go wide at Timothy's tale. However, instead of being frightened as she ought, she is rather excited that they have indeed stumbled upon an adventure!

"So you have also seen a person who appears and vanishes? And that scarab, I wonder if it's related to this key or we can still use it to read the hieroglyphs along here?"

She shows the key to Timothy to see if it is related to his stone scarab at all.

"Careful touching it. Somehow I pricked myself when I was holding it earlier."
Added roll in case...


Puzzling - (2d6)

(21) = 3

May 25, 2024 12:08 am
Guys when you roll for something, make sure it's clear what we are rolling for. I'm not sure what Sarah's roll was for, but she didn't do anything risky or exciting so no roll was needed.

Also, does anyone want to investigate the platform in the center of the circle of bodies?
May 25, 2024 1:15 am
GameMaster says:
Timothy- I am not positive what you are rolling for, but my best guess is for you and Sarah to have a small chat that isn't overheard or interrupted by the others.
Exactly! :D
May 26, 2024 12:40 am
Reem, who up this point has been quietly lurking and taking in the perilous mechanisms and ominous hieroglyphics which her companions have been reacting so strangely to advances on the platform. She draws out a level with a floating bubble to assess the angle of it with respect to the ground. She lies down on the floor and checks it to see if any cleverly hidden plates might be triggered by approaching it, using a small dusting broom to expose any cracks or inscrpyptions on the floor. Once she assesses it safe she advances and carefully examines it for any interesting challenges.

(bolstered by her success at scrounging earlier)
Last edited May 26, 2024 1:20 am


Trapfinding (Do Anything) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

May 26, 2024 3:01 pm
Reem- when you say you were bolstered by your earlier success, are you using a skill you got then? Your character sheet didn't have any skills listed, and I can't remember if you took any yet.

Assuming you only get the one dice, a 2 is not going to succeed here, so you do gain an XP.

As Reem investigates the platform in the center of the room, it is clear that is a door of some type to allow you to progress deeper into the crypt, but how it opens remains a mystery. The top surface is perfectly level, almost impossible after all these years in the shifting sands. As a door, there must be a seam somewhere, but everything is so precisely but that you can't find Even the smallest gaps. It seems the only way through this door is by opening it the way it was intended to be opened, and not through external means.

On the surface, you find an inscription, unreadable, and a two small indented sections in the center, one for a key like object and one that looks like a small cup with a tiny drainage hole in the middle.

Reem, as you investigate everything, you feel a sense of force wash over you, as if someone is applying pressure to your mind. I need you to roll a Do Anything Lv I (DC 2) for me to see if you can do anything to resist.

Also, as Reem is investigating, they notice some dust knocking loose from the ceiling as another tremor rocks the Earth, slightly stronger than before. A second tremor comes, knocking several small rocks loose from the walls.


Cave in- 2/3
May 26, 2024 7:12 pm
"The key draws blood you say? Hmm, I'm guessing there must be some use to drawing blood in here." Timothy took the key from Sarah, examining it. He then started looking around for a way to progress. The only thing that stood out was the hieroglyph-covered platform at the centre of the room.

He then turned to Sarah. "Hey, maybe my little buddy here will help me read those hieroglyphs again." He said tapping the pocker where he put back his stone scarab. "It's worth a shot, looked like this room is about to fall on our heads... Besides, look, Reem is already examining it, maybe she found something..." He nudged his head to one side to indicate Sarah to follow him to the platform, taking both the stone scarab and the key in hand.

"Hey Reem, did you found out anything interesting?"
May 26, 2024 8:24 pm
Sarah follows along and takes out her book of hieroglyphics to help with translation as well.

While she waits for Reem to answer, she looks around to see exits and places to shelter if the tremors get worse. Hopefully the former soldiers Tomas and Dmitry are ready for any unexpected encounters as well.
May 27, 2024 5:31 pm
Reem shakes off the mental compulsion, unsure what fell instinct had taken hold in her.
Spend on of my XP to gain the skill Psychologically Resiliant (2)
"More hieroglyphics. Impossible construction, impossibly smooth, flat, clear. A keyhole and a sacrificial cup waiting to be filled." She reels back from the platform in mild horror. "Something below…something hungers. It calls out to find a gap in our will and take us as it’s thrall. Beware!"
Last edited May 27, 2024 9:07 pm


mind resistance (do anything) - (1d6)

(5) = 5

May 28, 2024 7:20 pm
The Investor speaks up, "Very good, Reem! It seems your assessment of the construction is very accurate! Although, let's ignore the part about the hungering spirits, since that's all just for the cameras." He gives a small wink to Timothy.

The Investor draws closer to the center of the room to appraise the structure again.

"It looks like this key..." he holds up his key from earlier... "fits here..." he puts the key into the slot on the stone centerpiece... "but what is supposed to go here?..." he gestures to the sacrificial well.
May 28, 2024 8:53 pm
If it is sacrificial cup as Reem says, then only one thing goes into cups. Liquids. I do not think ancient tombs are wanting vodka sacrifices, so Dmitry thinks blood.

Dmitry walked closer to inspect the cup. I have spilled much blood for my country. What is a little more spilt for glorious treasure? he grinned at the investigator and produced a pen knife. Unless you would like to do the honors?
May 29, 2024 1:43 pm
Reem looks at Dmitry as if he’s grown a second head.

"Honored soldier, you did hear the rest of what I said, yes? A keyhole. A dark presence. Perhaps before we offer blood to the ancient kings we should be sure we can operate the lock."
Last edited May 29, 2024 1:44 pm
May 29, 2024 3:08 pm
As more tremors shake the place, Timothy pipes in. "It's either give blood or get squashed like a pancake. We don't have much time, either he does it or I do it."
May 29, 2024 3:47 pm
Reem sighs, grabs Dimitry’s wrist and slices the outside of her right arm with his held blade then lowers the wound over the cup. "This is madness, and I am among the mad. But at least I take the threat seriously, which is more than I can say for arrogant fools." She doesn’t throw her glance at the investor, but it takes an effort.
Last edited May 29, 2024 3:48 pm
May 29, 2024 4:43 pm
Sarah looks around nervously as the others argue. Once she sees the blood, she steps forward with a linen handkerchief for the wounded to use as a bandage.
May 29, 2024 6:21 pm
Reem, you're cursed now!!!
May 29, 2024 6:26 pm
I love the action! The Investor looks on, not terribly perturbed by the sight of blood (especially given how he murdered that man at the begining to get his key). However, he looks at Reem and says,"I thank you for your donation. I was unaware that such a sacrifice was going to be necessary here, but I am grateful that you take this excursion so seriously as to offer yourself for our benefit."

With a small nod, he walks forth and places his key into the lock, where it clicks just as the lock on the front stone did. The stone slabs slide open, revealing a long staircase that leads deep into the Earth.

Also, just as a note, there was no specific offering that had to be put in the cup; I just wanted to see what y'all would offer. However, now that blood has been freely given, Reem will actually be tied to the Mummy.
May 29, 2024 6:30 pm
As the stone opens, you feel a tremor stronger than any before, and the stones in the cieling start to crash down around you. The tunnel is collapsing!

"Everybody in!" yells The Investor as he runs through the newly opened entryway. (Those who are already suspicious of him may notice that he runs in first to save himself, rather than letting nay of you go first). His body gaurds follow closely behind him, leaving you all to run through as quickly as possible.

Once inside, you see that The Investor is waiting for you all in a small chamber near the top of the stairs. It seems the chamber serves as a connection point between two stairwells, one on your side, and one on the other side that leads off into a different direction. As the Earth continues to tremble, you hope you are safe deeper under the ground.
May 29, 2024 6:36 pm
Deep inside the heart of the tomb, Ibathnakht slumbers. He has slept for millenia, undisturbed by the shifting sands and the passage of time. A small trail of blood makes it way through the inner channels of the tomb, slowly seeping down into the central chamber. A few drops manage to fall from the ceiling, landing on the sarcophagus of the Pharaoh, where the are absorbed (much as the blood on the gold Scarab was). In the darkness, the Mummy's eyes flare open, and he lets out an unearthly scream that echoes through the tomb.

On the upper level of the tomb, you all here a supernatural scream that fills your head with blinding agony, parayzing everyone. The stones in the ceiling shake and loosen, and in an instant, a pile of stone crashes around you, both cutting off your way back to the surface and separating you from The Investor and his three body guards. When the smoke clears and the screaming stops, you can only see blackness around you. You have entered the tomb and woken Ibathnakht...
May 29, 2024 8:24 pm
"What the hell was that noise?! Hey, does anybody got a light? I wanted to bring some but got... hum... distracted at the quartermaster's office..."
May 29, 2024 9:52 pm
Ancient supersti— Dmitry was cut off as Reem cut her own arm open. He did not finish the sentence as the eerie scream cut through the air.

Fumbling about in his coat he pulled out one of the bottles of vodka. He took a swig before pouring more into a tin mess cup. Next he added a makeshift wick cut from the hem of his shirt, which he finally lit with a match.
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