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Jun 8, 2024 12:20 pm
Sarah, Timothy, Thomas, Dmitry - you both manage to lift the rubble off of a crushed Sommers. Timothy and Thomas, you get a new skill because you rolled a 6, and Sarah, you can spend an XP to get a new skill. These skills can be strength related (Lifting Heavy Things Lv II, Big Arms Lv II, etc.) or friendship related (Saving a Friend Lv II, Rescue Attempt Lv II, etc.)
Jun 8, 2024 12:31 pm
Reem- It's a little weird that you did not go to help unbury the man who was trapped in the rocks, and the others start to notice. On a fail, you get a vision of the Mummy, starting to stir in his sarcophagus, and you hear the words "Come to me..." echo in your mind. Immediately after that, you snap out of your trance and return to your usual self.
Jun 8, 2024 11:04 pm
Dmitry seemed interested in something heavy lifting related, so I'll go with Save a Friend lvl 2 for a more broad selection of skills in the party.
As he helped Henry out of the rubbles, Timothy exclaimed "Hey, that's one of the investor's body guards! Oh shit, you think our investor and his other goons got flattened by that cave in? What a horrible way to go..." Then realizing he sort of insulted Henry, Timothy tried to redeem himself... "Oh... hey, you okay there buddy? Do you need some water?"
Last edited June 8, 2024 11:04 pm
Jun 9, 2024 6:09 am
Reem hands the envelope she swiped from the Investor to Dimitry. "Our patron intended to kill us before we left this place and keep the money he shared so freely. This man isn’t a colleague, he’s our executioner.". She looks Timothy Garrick in the eye. "What do you think. American. An eye for an eye, his life for ours? Would you tell the tale of his death at our hands as self defense? Should we put the knife in your hand so that you would be as complicit as the rest of us, should we choose our lives instead of his."


Sow Mistrust of Sommers (Well connected 2) - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Jun 9, 2024 4:57 pm
Timothy grabs the letter and starts reading it. "Reem, where did you find this?" Timothy then reads the letter aloud for everyone to hear, the details about the off-site partner, the intent to silence everyone. "As far as I know that could also include his bodyguards..."
Jun 9, 2024 5:07 pm
After near death experience man doesn’t need water, he needs vodka Dmitry said, offering Sommers a swig from one of the pilfered bottles.

So…he wants to kill us eh? he said after pondering the letter. Well, this is no great thing. Now that we know, we simply kill him first and take all the treasure for ourselves.
Jun 9, 2024 7:36 pm
Sarah *flumpfs* onto one of the moved boulders after Sommers is freed, shocked at the contents of the letter Reem hands to Timothy that he reads aloud to all.

"But what even is the treasure? It didn't seem to be mummies at least and he didn't bring any special equipment to take what he came for."
Will take Saving A Friend Lv II
Jun 9, 2024 7:43 pm
"Right now, the treasure is to get out of here alive. We need everyone for that. Whatever score we feel like we have to settle, it will have to wait until we escape this place." Timothy then handed Reem the letter back.
Jun 9, 2024 8:01 pm
Sommers grunts as he pulls himself to his feet. "First I've heard about a plan to kill you lot. We get told in advance about any necessary cleanup." He takes a deep swig from the proffered bottle of vodka, clearly oblivious to the expressions of everyone in the room, before handing it back to Dmitry with a nod.
Jun 11, 2024 4:13 pm
Sarah stands up and moves a little closer to the others and the "exit" Reem pointed out.

"Did the Investor at least tell you the plan to get out of here then?"
Jun 11, 2024 4:17 pm
"Reckon that was supposed to be your job," he replies, looking around. "But it seems we don't have much in the way of options."
Jun 11, 2024 8:19 pm
Reem has been fidgeting during this whole exchange, pacing back and forth across the hallway, fingers clenching and unclenching in her effort to maintain patience when the call to descend is so loud in her mind. Her left hand scratches at her arm, drawing a thin line of blood that exudes a coppery odor at once soothing and distracting.
Jun 11, 2024 9:37 pm
Sorry guys, I've been out for a minute, but it looks like things moved along quite nicely without me!
Jun 11, 2024 9:38 pm
I'll let you keep playing out this scene (it's super cool), and just let me know when y'all are ready to move on!
Jun 11, 2024 10:37 pm
"Okay, looks like I was wrong, but still, that doesn't change the fact that our benefactor is most likely dead, pretty much rendering any instructions he may have given our friend here irrelevant, and that we're still stuck here underground and need to work together if we want to find our way out alive."

Timothy started making his way down the tunnel, waiting to see if the rest of the group would follow him.

"Any grudges we may have can be settled once we're out of here."
Jun 11, 2024 11:54 pm
"My goodness, yes, let's get away from this mess."

Sarah hands over a veil for Sommers to use as a bandage or sling and then a linen handkerchief to Reem for the blood she sees on her arm.

"Are you sure this is the best way out?"

She points towards the tunnel Timothy has already moved down.
Jun 12, 2024 12:22 pm
"It seems best and, for the moment, only are the same thing." Tomas moves towards Timothy to see where this tunnel goes.
Jun 12, 2024 12:50 pm
Sommers takes the veil from Sarah with a grunt that could charitably be construed as a thank-you. With one a final look back at the rockfall, he ties the veil around his forearm and follows the others down the tunnel.
Jun 12, 2024 1:29 pm
Reem peers down the tunnel. "Yes, yes, Lady Bishop. I have seen maps before of similar places. This seems likely."

As soon as the majority of the group seems ready to follow, Reem steps to the front and begins to lead them into greater danger.
Jun 12, 2024 4:09 pm
"The best, I don't know Miss Sarah, but it's the only way out. We can't exactly start clearing boulders when we have no idea of the extent of the cave-in. We could be working literally for days and worse, we could trigger and even bigger cave in... Our best bet is this passage." As he notices Reem takes the lead, Timothy catches up to her. "Hey, slow down Reem, we don't know if there are any traps in here."
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