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May 7, 2024 8:46 pm
Sure, yes, I am having question Dmitry raised his hand and grinned. Mummies and money are one thing I understand. But, what I do not understand is all of this, he waved his hand vaguely around the camp. It seems like much effort for little. Why else are we here?


Roll for Anything 1: Investigation - (1d6)

(5) = 5

May 8, 2024 2:31 am
"Very perceptive. This is a state of the art faculty ready to catalogue and preserve each and every artifact we may find. The library tent has more reference than most academic institutions combined, so I expect full reports about major findings, complete with transitions. Anything about mummies comes directly to me, regardless of the time of day. We do this fast and we do this right."

Despite these words, you still feel like The Investor might have an ulterior motive for the dig, potentially related to his strange fascination with mummies. Perhaps his private quarters might have more information?

Also you could spend an XP here to gain a new skill- maybe Layout Analysis Lv II or Detect Motive Lv II?
May 8, 2024 4:48 pm
Sarah's eyes grow big looking at all the cash in the envelope she is handed. She still wants to find discoveries for the Met, but it's certainly a different ballgame to have this much cash in one's hand versus rich parents giving an allowance. One could almost purchase a townhouse in New York City with this amount!

Sarah nods at Dmitry's question and timidly raises her hand after he is answered.

"Yes, I am quite concerned. What dangers should we be expecting? I understand traps, snakes, and the like are to be expected, but I don't think your guards with guns are here because of that..."

She looks between the two with some apprehension.
Will use 1 XP for Puzzling Lv 2
May 9, 2024 3:05 pm
"In all honesty, the biggest threat we have is more mundane than that. We are grave robbers, yes, but that does not make us immune to actual robbers. Thieves in the night may come and slit our throats and steal our purses out here in the desert, leaving the police in Cairo none the wiser. And as a man of considerable means, I present no insubstantial target. As such, I take security in the highest regard. Stories of snakes and traps are all but certainly an exaggeration, meant to fuel the fantasies of bored youth dreaming of adventure."

While The Investor seems convincing, you see a small smile cross the face of one of the security guards, as if that was only a token part of their real purpose.

"Anything else, or can we be off?"
May 9, 2024 9:37 pm
"This explains the big guns then." Timothy piped in. "I don't really have much to add, except perhaps how did this particular tomb was discovered? I mean, I do have an article to write here..."
May 10, 2024 2:08 am
Reem quietly makes the money disappear into her clothing without any sudden or obvious movements. She puts on a blank, naive smile to hide her deep sense of revulsion and suspicion with this man.

She puts her urchin instincts at work to try to decipher his secret intent.


Sense Motive (Do Anything 1) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

May 10, 2024 1:33 pm
"The exact origin of this site, and our route to finding it, shall remain a mystery. This is for my security as well as yours."

Reem- on a 2, you confirm that The Investor's motives seem obscured to you, but you can't exactly tell what they might be. You also get an XP.

"If that's everything, please retire to your tents for the night, and we will have a fresh start early tomorrow." With that, The Investor leaves the tent and heads back to his own private one.
May 10, 2024 1:37 pm
To speed things up a bit, Let's jump to tomorrow m orning, when you all are woken up just before sunrise by the sound of an assistant outside your tent sent to wake everyone. "We will depart for the dig site in 30 minutes," you hear as you slowly open your eyes.

To start this day, let us know what, if anything, you are doing to prepare yourself and your gear for your first encounter with the dig site. Maybe also tell us again what your role is and what gear you have. Feel free to roll for having specific gear if you think that would be cool, or for preparing your gear in a certain way if that is something you want. Once everyone is up and ready, we can head to the dig site!
May 10, 2024 5:42 pm
Timothy was checking his gear before heading out. With their host impressing on them on how much danger there was in this expedition, Timothy felt it was best to unpack his snubnose revolver, don its holster, and then make sure he had plenty of bullets on his person. then he prepared his photo camera and, considering they'd be underground, made sure to pack plenty of flash bulbs. Made sure he did not forget his hat with his press pass slid inside. Finally he looked at his notepad and what little he had scribbled so far...

"How am I supposed to write an article when nobody wants to talk... I'm going to have to get creative, maybe I can add a mummy's curse. People are afraid to talk because they're afraid of the mummy's curse... Yeah, this ought to sell paper!"

With the heat, Timothy felt he'd probably also need to carry a waterskin or two. Then thinking about the fact they'd be underground again, he felt a flashlight with good batteries might also be a good idea to have. With his small list of equipment needed, he went to see the quartermaster... perhaps he might also be able to get a quick interview before leaving...
Checked Wikipedia for fun, and apparently flashlights were invented around 1899, so no problem for the 1920s.


Do Anything to deal with the quartermaster - (1d6)

(3) = 3

May 10, 2024 6:08 pm
(In case anyone can't get enough of my games, I am starting a Monster of the Week campaign that I will run in a similar style:
May 10, 2024 6:11 pm
Timothy- go ahead and take a +1 since you were working on this earlier. That brings you to a success- do you want to play out the interview for us, or summarize the info you learned? I am giving you narrative control to make them say whatever you want. I will abide by any truths you create.
May 10, 2024 11:30 pm
There was no doubt about it, their employer had spared no expense in outfitting this camp. Dmitry’s service revolver had gotten him through countless tough times however and he felt no envy at the heavier armaments the camp guards carried. Instead, he scrounged through the mess tent looking for any foodstuffs he could shove into his pockets and, especially, vodka.

As he searched he began to softly recite
I’m drinking to a ruined home,
And to my life in hell,
To us together, yet alone,
And to you too, as well, —
To lies of lips, betraying love,
That ice-cold deathly stare,
The world, so merciless and rough,
And God, who wasn’t there.


Roll for Anything: Scrounging 1 - (1d6)

(2) = 2

May 11, 2024 2:07 am
Dmitry- you find lots of food and vodka to fill your pockets with. The vodka seems good (do you have a brand you prefer?), but the food is all perishable, meaning it will hold for a few hours but will spoil in the long term. However, if you eat it before you eat your rations, it should be okay.
May 11, 2024 8:16 am
Reem reaches out to her various local connections for trap beating equipment. Rope, pitons, lock picks, prybar, ball bearings, flour and a magnifying glass.


Scrounging (well connected) - (2d6)

(25) = 7

May 11, 2024 7:56 pm
Sarah tries to hurry back to her tent in a dignified manner, but does a poor job of it as she gets lost. She can hear the reporter talking to himself and the retired soldier singing as she passes by the tents. She catches a quick glimpse of their guide as she finally arrives at her tent.

First, she will make sure she is dressed impeccably, of course, including her hat with veil and an umbrella for the sun. Maybe it would be good for keeping any unfriendlies further away as well. She carefully takes out of the bottom of her steamer trunk a Remington Derringer with a pearl handle, something she "borrowed" from her youngest brother. She cleans and tucks it away inside her purse, making sure it is prepared so it cannot fire accidentally. A lady should never be unprepared for any social situation.

She then fills her pack with charcoal, sketchbook/journal, and archaeological tools to distribute to everyone for their expedition. She throws in an Egyptology book with some basic Egyptian history and hieroglyphic information for good measure. She finally carefully packs away some good coffee to enjoy while they explore.

After she feels everything is secure, she takes a quick look outside her tent before going back inside and sealing it up. She takes out the golden medallion her brother gave her for luck and rubs it, looking for any chance of extra luck from it for their first trip to the tombs.
Have a good holiday weekend everyone!
Last edited May 11, 2024 8:15 pm


Derringer Maintenance (Do Anything Lv 1) - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Gold Medallion Analysis (Puzzling Lv 2) - (2d6)

(15) = 6

May 11, 2024 9:19 pm
Reem- amazing! Our first Lv II skill roll! You had a big success, so go ahead and take whatever you need. You also get a special tool or weapon from an old friend who owed you one- go ahead and tell us what it is and why it's special.
May 11, 2024 9:36 pm
Sarah- you clean your gun as best you can, but with the sand blowing everywhere, you are only able to do a rudimentary job. It's a nice weapon, and it should fire, but your cleaning only covers the maintenance and nothing more.

Rubbing your coin, you feel lucky. There's no other way to describe it, just plain lucky. You can take a +1 on a future roll of your choice.
May 12, 2024 2:27 pm
Tomas, seeing the well stocked nature of the medical tent grabs a couple more bandages, some iodine, sulfa and the miracle drug of the ages, morphine. Once he's secured that in his pack, he'll head back to his tent. He's more interested in getting back in 'the trenches' as it were than socializing.
May 12, 2024 5:53 pm
Timothy made his way to the quartermaster's office where he met a middle-aged man with a sun-tanned complexion. Obviously a local.

"Darn, I completely forgot, I should have asked Reem to come with me to translate..."

Timothy then talked slowly to the man when telling him what he waned. "I need water... WA-TER" He said pantomiming drinking water from a waterskin.

"Water, yes of course sir. With this heat, I recommend taking two skins along with you." The man answered with perfect English, but with a slight middle-eastern accend.

"You speak English?" Timothy asked astonished.

"Yes, the master feels it is important if people can understand each other." Simply answered the quartermaster.

"Master? Oh, you mean our benefactor?" Timothy replied while thinking this was an odd way to refer to the man who was funding this whole expedition...

"If that's what you want to call him, sure." the middle-aged man replied as he handed Timothy his waterskins. "So, I take it that you are breaching the tomb today."


"Then I suggest you also take this, for your own good." The middle-aged man then handed Timothy a small stone.

Timothy took it and examined it. It seemed to be a small sculpture of a scarab. It looked ancient. "Hum, gee, thanks, but I'll also need some flash—" he said looking up back at the quartermaster, but the man had disappeared, leaving Timothy alone in the store, hung mid-sentence. "Is this some sort of joke?"

Almost as to answer Timothy's question, another man stepped from behind a pile of crates, to greet Timothy, an older man, also a local from his looks. The elderly man then addressed Timothy in a dialect of Arabic Timothy did not understood.

"I'm sorry, where is the man that was here before?" But Timothy's question only seemed to confused the elderly man who obviously did not spoke English.

"Hum, never mind..." Timothy sheepishly said as he pocketed the stone scarab and left the quartermaster's office making his way back to the group. "What was that all about?"
Last edited May 12, 2024 6:07 pm
May 13, 2024 12:03 pm
Thomas- do you want to roll for medical supplies? On a miss, you will be missing something important, and on a hit, you can have a pretty well stocked med kit. This would also give you the opportunity to get a medical skill if you roll a 6 or use an XP.
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