0b. Mount Glaurimm Erupts

Apr 27, 2024 5:09 pm
Where do we find you on the Day the Volcano Erupts?

The Shake Up


Apr 27, 2024 11:58 pm
Hensonious and Belladona Weavering were out running an errand in the Arcanist Quarter the day Neverwinter was ravaged by the events following Mt. Glaurimm's eruption.

There was to be a meetup, and they awaited their contact towards the outskirts of the district. The deal was simple enough. Scrolls for coin, no questions asked.
[ +- ] Art if you want it.
The Shake Up
Last edited April 28, 2024 12:34 am

Belladona Weavering


Apr 28, 2024 12:50 am
Belladona Weavering
🕰️ 4:59pm
"What if it's a setup?" Belladona asked again, she seemed particularly paranoid today, but then again so had your father, maybe she was drawing off his energy after all he hadn't said who the deal was with not today no one person couldn't have to much Information Hensonious understood the scrolls that was his Job, he understood what they would do in theory when used, but he'd never seen spells like this before.



Apr 28, 2024 12:50 am
🕰️ 5:00pm
A Figure dropped from the rooftop her movements silent, she held a bag in one hand clearly not ready to release it even if she was given what she wanted. And in the other she held a orange tulip, Belladona nodded this was the contact, and she was as was often the case exactly on time, after all standing for to long in one place was likely to get the attention of the citizen militia.
Apr 28, 2024 1:06 am
Warin was 7 at the time. His fled from his home with his family. They lost much, but had each other.

Hensonious Weavering


Apr 28, 2024 1:30 am
"Calm yerself, there's a reason we go together."

Hensonious pulled the sack of scrolls close. There was always a risk of things going south when dealin under the table. The weave was in turmoil of late and most folk were beginning to pull away from the business the Weavering family had grown.

As more clients pulled out of long standing contracts, there was an ever increasing need to deal with a shadier side of the city. People a little more comfortable with risks in utilizing the arcane wares they dealt in.

"Look, I'd like ta be done with this whole side hustle too. But te money keeps us churning on. Now no more frettin over this."

Right on schedule the contact dropped to make the swap. He eyed the bag, a thick brow raised as he removed the scroll sack and tilted it towards her, spreading the enclosure to give a peak at the contents.

"All as asked."
Hensonious Weavering



Apr 28, 2024 11:13 am
🕰️ 5:02pm

"The Beckoning Death" She muttered, "and here I Was thinking it would be a gross approximation..." she lifted the bag, to Belladona to Inspect, she out her hand under the bag feeling the weight of it, this bag contained refined sapphire, and by the looks of it not a small amount. Belladona nodded, she had this uncanny sense of how much something weighed and could tell this was exactly what was asked for.

Taking the scrolls the contact turned to leave just as the first quake hit, it was a slight tremor in the ground nothing crazy but it was enough that Belladona jumped back, "do any of the scrolls do that?" she whispered. It was always a risk that the product would be used against you, but you came prepared for such things.

Hensonious Weavering


Apr 28, 2024 2:32 pm
Beckoning Death? Great. The gemstones might as well seep with blood to emphasize their deal's impact. As if to follow through on the impending atmosphere, the earth itself began to tremble.

Belladona whispered her worry to him, but a simple spell was not worth the payment they recieved. No, this was something else. Perhaps Mystra was showing Her displeasure after so many dirty deals?

Their family was blessed with a knack at manipulating magics. It was what made them popular up until recently, and it may have explained why despite the unease around the arcane, they still managed to produce functioning products.

"No request fer a tremor scroll, an I don't sense the workings of a spell here. This ain't our work. Best get movin, I 'ave a bad feelin."

Hensonious Weavering
Last edited April 28, 2024 3:34 pm

It's gonna blow!


Apr 28, 2024 4:15 pm
It's gonna blow!

As you turn to run the shaking continues... Getting stronger and stronger, Belladona turns back for a second, "The Contact, she's gone." Bella says, If you're contact used that much magic at once to get out if here that could only mean one of two things she was incredibly foolish or...

Smoke is rising from the top of Mount Glaurimm, that mountain was supposed to be Inactive, any dwarf who knew anything about the mountains in this region knew that all it did was heat the River and a small Forge that had been built near the base. But that was smoke, and that mountain was close to the city too close.

Hensonious Weavering


Apr 29, 2024 1:21 am
[ +- ] There Goes The Neighborhood 🌋
Hensonious grabs Belladona by the sleeve and pulls her along.

"Ferget the damned contact Belladonna! The ground is pissed an we got tall buildins all around us. We gotta move!"

He wasn't sure where the quakes would strike the hardest, but one thing was obvious, they needed to get out of the district. Far too many buildings could collapse if the quakes continued, and by the looks of the smoke coming from Glaurimm, it was about to be much worse.
Hensonious Weavering
Last edited May 6, 2024 12:35 am



Apr 29, 2024 2:28 am
🕰️ 5:18pm
You race through the streets looking for a way out, any way out, but you're too far away from the Protectors Enclave to head that way leaving the city brings you closer to the danger not further away and the river which would likely protect you from the explosion is practically a war zone as people fight over boats pushing for a way across as the quakes get stronger and stronger.

Hensonious Weavering


Apr 30, 2024 1:42 am
"Weave smother these fools!" Hensonious fumed as he observed the chaos breaking out at the waterway.

People were in full on panic. Many dove into the water while others fought over the few boats available. Strong opportunists lashed out on women and children, their fright-filled resistance futile.

He needed a way out, but to go down the well tread routes would only lead to more of the same.

He glared at Belladonna, something about her worry agitated him. "Well don't jus stand there lookin helpless! We need a way out of the city, think!"

Belladona gave him a look that usually came before a tightly wound punch, but she shook her head and scrunched her temple in contemplation. "I-It's likely unstable, but there's a teleportation circle not too far from here. People won't be scramblin over magical means with the way things have been. Worth a shot, right?"

Hensonious grunted and stroked his beard, the magic could very well send them piece by piece to other locations, but at least the death would be rather quick compared to sudden burial. "Aye, worth a try. Better than gettin buried or mauled to death. Lead the way then!"

The duo rushed down emptying streets, favoring alleys as the ground tested their balance. After what felt like far too long, they arrived at an abandoned shop. "In here!" Belladonna shouted as she darted through the off tilt doorway.

The circle was in a backroom, partially obscured by items that had fallen off the nearby shelving. "Help me clear it, we can't wait, or burial is the least of our concerns!"

Hensonious gets to work pulling the various boxes and materials away, but darts a few glances at his sister. "How did you know about this thin anyway?"

Belladonna rolls her eyes as she finishes clearing the final loose papers that covered the arcane symbols. "Dated a guy. He showed it off to get laid. It's linked to Baldur's Gate, at least it was. Maybe we just die, now hush, I gotta focus."
Have fun. I said Baldur's Gate, but magic is fucked, so you can use it or toss it.
Hensonious Weavering
Apr 30, 2024 12:22 pm
🕰️ 5:34pm
Buildings we're falling down around you, as you ran, and that didn't stop as you cleared away the circle these were supposedly more stable magic they'd been taught how they we're supposed to work for years but as each of you stepped onto it there was still a feeling of fear, could this be your last day, and if you did die would death by magic be worse than death by...
The Volcano's top blew Lava flying everywhere, towards the city away from the city and then with one mighty roar the Arcanist District split in two. "Now!" Belladona yelled "Neverwinter to Balder's Gate." and she was gone.
It should've taken both of you, there was nothing left you do but try again, "Neverwinter to Balder's Gate!" you yelled at the sky as the circle itself was ripped in half, the Chasm widening.

You vanished, and we're thrown through a swirling abyss, reds greens purples was that a ship, flying through this mess? It didn't take long however before you were thrown out ofnthis space and appeared In...
A Town.
This wasn't connected to any network you knew about and you knew them all, The Harper's Teleportation network the Thayan Teleportation Network, and even a small network considered the Candlekeep Network, of which the locations, as well as the command word were.of upmost secrecy. But there was no books here either so it couldn't be that network either.

Then you saw it Balder's Gate in the distance, at least you thought it was Balder's Gate, smoke rose from the blackened towers around the city. It certainly wasn't waterdeep, or Luskan, and it looked big enough to be Balder's Gate.

Belladona wasn't around but ahead of you was Balder's Gate you could still hope she'd made it there.
Captain Vorizanos

Halt! A large armoured minotaur on horseback yelled from behind you flashing a few quick hand signals yo his companions, "What do you think you're doing out here past curfew, don't you know there are still demons prowling about.?"
Perhaps it was an effect of the magic but you heard his thoughts as well.
'I may die to these demons and this aragont fool is just prouncing around in the middle of the night, I have a son, and so help me I won't die for this fool before my son grows up.

Hensonious Weavering


Apr 30, 2024 3:31 pm
Hensonious clutches his head as the world swirls into focus. Half his vision was dark. The warm flood of pain a clear sign that something had indeed gone wrong, and now some cockamimie bull rambles about bedtime?!

"To the hells with your curfew! Neverwinter laments in it's death throes and you bemoan over a silly curfew?!"

He looks up at the rider, still trying to avert his impending headache as the blood seeps from the missing organ.

"Might die? Get yer spine straightened! Where the blazes did that circle take me?"

He tries to stand, but the feeling only comes to his right leg. He cannot find the strength to command the other.

"Just ma luck. Dodge certain death, right into uncertain death with impairment!"

He glares out his solo eye towards the minotaur. "Well? Out with it. Or is this the part where you stick me with the pointed end?"
Hensonious Weavering
Last edited April 30, 2024 7:22 pm

Captain Vorizanos


Apr 30, 2024 4:12 pm
🕰️ 9:58pm
Guilty, Punishment Imprisonment.

The Minotaur signs, in whatever hand signals he's using but you understand him for some reason maybe it's the same way you heard his thoughts maybe not.

By The Order of High Rider Mino you are guilty of Treason, putting everyone in Elturel in unnecessary danger."

The sun, you notice for the first time hangs higher in the sky, not only is it higher in fact but it's red, you glance at the clock, according to the clock sun shouldn't even be in the sky anymore it almost 10pm.
Captain Vorizanos

Hensonious Weavering


Apr 30, 2024 4:53 pm
Hensonious finds time in his busy pain schedule to roll his eye.

"Lovely, you 'riders really like to declare things don't ye? Well, treasonous as I am, what say you either dispatch me quickly or help me to my woeful punishment?"
Hensonious Weavering

Hoof Yersala


Apr 30, 2024 5:15 pm
🕰️ 9:59pm
The riders surround Henson and march him towards what seems to be a Stable? One of them tosses an axe at an Imp as they pass, "That's seven more points for me." The youngest of the riders say but another wearing the most armor snaps back at him. "Nobody's Counting at least not those of us who've experienced actual loss in the battle!"
Hoof Yersala

Hensonious Weavering


Apr 30, 2024 7:10 pm
Hensonious groans as the blood loss takes it's toll on his anger fueled delirium.

"A stable? Am I to shovel droppings for my crime of bloodying your precious streets!? You'll need te get me a long handle with what good ma leg is to me now. Or maybe I'll save you the trouble and just bleed out. How many points is that?"

He swings his heavy head to the young soldier.
"Surely ten right?"
Hensonious Weavering
Last edited April 30, 2024 7:14 pm

Captain Vorizanos


Apr 30, 2024 7:38 pm
🕰️ 10:07pm
Captain Vorizanos

Captain Vorizanos laughs as he dismounts, it's not clear whether he's laughing at your joke or not until he speaks.

Right... Like we'd let you take care of our horses, for all we know you're possessed.

He point at one of the paddocks which has a large padlock on it and three people huddle in the corner,

No this is your prison, and you're not worth any points on this young ones system, you ain't a demon yourself after all so it doesn't help clean up the mess.

Hensonious Weavering


May 1, 2024 12:07 am
"Only thin possessed here is you with yer poor judgement! Lockin up a dwarf fer needin MEDICAL ATTENTION. Go on then O mighty 'rider, scatter your senses while you at it! They've done you little good at this rate!"

Hensonious laughs at the ridiculous circumstances and turns his remaining eye to the younger rider.

"They said yer lot were righteous. Is this what earns ye that glory?"
Hensonious Weavering
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