0b. Mount Glaurimm Erupts

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Hensonious Weavering


May 4, 2024 1:33 am
Hensonious raises a thick brow, stroking his beard.

"I have been known for my intellect, true enough. Though what assurances do I have that you actually know anythin? I could ace your test, an receive useless info. Do I have your word, under penalty of severe repercussions?"

He extends his hand out.

"Cause if so, you have a deal."
Hensonious Weavering

Popular Student


May 4, 2024 2:26 am
🕰️ 8:58pm
Popular Student
"I like that we both think we could kill the other, though I kust add I'm the one who's right, but here's my address if you need to come murder me in my sleep." he says pointing up to where you assume their must be living quarters. "Deal."

At just that moment the bell rings, and the professor starts walking around to hand out papers.

Hensonious Weavering


May 4, 2024 10:11 pm
Hensonious glances between the winking student and the oblivious instructor. He grabs the dwarf's chair and leans in close.

"What's the plan? I just stand here? I get this fella doesn't care, but surely it's not that easy!"
Hensonious Weavering
Last edited May 4, 2024 10:11 pm

Popular Student


May 5, 2024 9:45 am
🕰️ 9:20am
Popular Student
"Obviously you take a paper and write my name on it..." He's silent for a second, but just before you decide to ask what his name is he give you his name, "Oh, it's Hendrick, Hendrick Greybeard

You finnish up the test quite quickly, it's not even that difficult, and when you hand it in the professor doesn't even look up let alone look at the name on your sheet.
"I guess I owe you that Information... She went to the counting house, I mean she showed up with nothing, and even if it's just a journey back to... Wherever you need money, the thing is with thay place is when need money then you'll need twice as much to pay it off and if you aren't actively paying it off they hire people to track you down, I truly hope she can get out of it, but if anyone asks, I wanna see her in the house down the street."

Hensonious Weavering


May 5, 2024 1:15 pm
Hensonious claps Hendrick on the back.

"Take yer studies seriously next time. You'll not impress me or my sis failin something as simple as basic component configuration!"

He chuckles and winks, which sadly only comes off as a strangely long one eyed blink, to which he huffs in annoyed realization.

"Damn that circle! Should I be needin yer winking services, I'll know where te find ya Greybeard."

Not wanting to waste more time in the arcane kindergarten, he stumbles off to try and locate Belladona.
Hensonious Weavering

Belladona Weavering


May 6, 2024 2:15 am
🕰️ 10:12am
When you reach The Counting House the first thing you see is your sister, and she's sweeping.

There's so many better jobs your sister could get in the city, jobs that would pay better, you're sure if it but sweeping the inside of a massive marble hall, that wasn't one of them. She wasn't dressed too poorly, and didn't look hungry so that was a good sign but taking a job sweeping at a bank that didn't seem so good.

Belladona looks down when she sees you trying yo avoid your gaze as if you aren't there looking for her and if she just doesn't acknowledge you you won't Interact with her.
Belladona Weavering

Hensonious Weavering


May 6, 2024 10:50 am
Hensonious shuffles over to his sister and pulls her into a tight hug.

"Ye live! An what a blessin, ye seem all put together as well!"

He breaks the hug, but braces on her shoulder.

"Wish I could say the same. Damn thin tossed me to Elturel and missin some key components to boot!"

He rolls his eye. "Those self righteous idiots held me in a cell for darin to appear bleedin on their streets! Came as soon as I could, I swear. "

It was now that Hensonious truly registered that she was belittling her skillset with menial labor.

"A broom? Tell me ye were plannin te enchant it an fly off! What happened?"
Hensonious Weavering

Belladona Weavering


May 6, 2024 11:17 am
"I can't... She said slowly looking over at the counter, "when I showed up here I showed up, with nothing. Absolutely nothing. I made my way here seeing as I needed to buy something better than the practical rags I was wearing, an there was no way I was getting a Job while I was still in rags. Problem was I didn't have a way to pay them back, an see You can't just do nothing so they made me start working here. Thing is my debt is going up faster then I can pay it off."

She looks to you in silence for a moment, "I don't have time to even look for another job. I thought a running but I've seen first hand what they send after someone who does and I ain't able to survive that."
Belladona Weavering

Hensonious Weavering


May 6, 2024 12:31 pm
Hensonious glares towards the counter and huffs.

"I've heard about these criminals. They'll enslave ya to yer debt, an work ya worse as the number goes higher. I'll not be havin that for ye."

He pats Belladona on the shoulder and makes his way over to the counter.
Hensonious Weavering
May 6, 2024 12:54 pm
"Hello and welcome sir, how can I help you today? Looking to set up a strongbox? Or looking for one of our other services?

Hensonious Weavering


May 6, 2024 12:58 pm
Hensonious balls his fist but in a moment of temporary clarity, releases the tension. With a deep breath, he addresses the bastard.

"Lookin te clear a debt. How much does the lass sweepin floors owe?"
Hensonious Weavering
May 6, 2024 1:11 pm
The man turns to you clearly trying to keep from laughing.

"Let's see shall we?"

He pulls a tiny book out out of a locked drawer flips through the book until he reaches a page, on the page is an Incredible likeness of your sister which alone you Imagine would have cost them a few hundred gold pieces.

"She's a week behind on payments right now, which means that she's gotta pay back double those payments, she borrowed five hundred gold which has gained eighty gold of interest so the hundred gold she was supposed to pay back plus the interest plus the non-payment tax and the service charge comes to...

A Hundred Platinum

Hensonious Weavering


May 6, 2024 2:18 pm
Hensonious scowls, what the hells was this ludicrous number!?! A king's ransom would barely make a dent in that amount! Well clarities be damned! This city wanted a slave, and it would need to fight to claim it!

"Yer dreamin pal. Nobody is payin that off, not even the Grand Dukes!"

He storms off over to Belladona and shakes the poor dwarf.

"Sweepin floors?! You'll not live long enough fer that to start paying off that nunber!"

He leans in close during the violent shakes.
"Ye cannot stay here, we need te get ya back home. This place only wants another slave!"
Hensonious Weavering

Belladona Weavering


May 6, 2024 3:00 pm
Belladona Weavering

"They'll find me." she whispers in response, "I don't see what choice I got, maybe you can make a dent in it with the Mithral give me time to find a real Job so I can keep up on their payments, I don't think I can run though not unless you know a way to keep me safe."

Hensonious Weavering


May 6, 2024 7:34 pm
"A dent?! One Hundred Platinum!?! We can run. Their magic is unreliable, and we both know that! We'll lay low, start over. Nobody is gonna go near Neverwinter after what just happened. Finish yer shift and get ready. I have a plan, but we gotta go far and fast, nobody is enslaving the Weaverings!"

Hensonious shoves Belladona back.

"Ye had best get used to deep cleanin the place, it will be yer new home at this rate!"
I feel so long as this works, we should call it soon. This seems a good setup.
Hensonious Weavering
Last edited May 7, 2024 1:02 am

Belladona Weavering


May 6, 2024 8:55 pm
Belladona Weavering
🕰️ 10:15
https://img.freepik.com/premium-photo/undead-shooter-black-cloak-noon-duel-skeleton-dark-atmosphere-bounty-hunter-frontier-gunslinger-high-definition-art-generative-artificial-intelligence_661108-4396.jpg"If your really think we can escape That Then I'm good to go with you but I don't want you to think you have to save me, I will be able to pay it off eventually if I can get a real Job.

She looks to you and back at the, skeletal creature, "We don't need to both be killed by that thing is all I'm saying.
I agree this is probably about as good a place as any to call the scene, you can respond your sister and then if necessary I'll add one final post.

Hensonious Weavering


May 7, 2024 1:11 am
Hensonious looks the bony bastard up and down. Yeah, he didn't have the firepower to take on a walking corpse that likely could track them with pinpoint accuracy. He sighs, rubbing his temple.

"Okay fine! New plan. I'm gonna help ye get this paid off. Surely with the lack of arcane skills I've seen so far in this city, there will be a demand fer actually competent arcanists. I'll get the material coined out to keep yer payments current so we can actually get setup.

Once we settle this. We get back te whatever is left of home, sound good?"

Hensonious Weavering
Last edited May 7, 2024 1:12 am

Time Goes By


May 7, 2024 1:45 pm
"You should go live your life, this is my mess to clean up after." She says without much conviction.

The years that follow are hard years for both of you, it almost makes you feel sympathy for the people who don't have as much as you did back In Neverwinter. Surviving on only the bear essentials.
Oftentimes you wonder what has become of Neverwinter of the Arcanist's district of your father, but there is little news from the Jewel of the north, it seems people only do things that pay well In Balder's Gate and Bringing news from a far away place doesn't pay well enough.
Time Goes By

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