It's raining in London... again (OOC)

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Jun 30, 2024 9:12 am
Stalker05 says:
Does the hell hound understand our thoughts or emotions or does it function like a demonic version of an actual dog? Maybe we can do a bargain, offer it better food as debt in exchange for passing without harm?
I do not know. We can decide that together.

It is a 'summoned creature' —from hell, one presumes— and may therefore be bound to obey its summoner's commands. This presents both a problem and a potential solution: It can understand enough to receive commands, but also has commands.

I think there should be a way for you to get around it without needing to fight it, if you so choose. But that will take work. Part of your '... approach, better prepared' [ref] might be trying to find a way to do this, and we can let the dice decide if that is an option, based on the preparatory Moves you make.
Jun 30, 2024 9:14 am
Aside from Benji with his 6 you all managed to avoid 'running away in a panic' or 'impulsively attacking', but no one managed to keep their nerve completely (778). Does that mean you are all shooken and want to retreat and regroup? You can phrase it however you want, and a retreat gives you time to plan and prepare.
I was not hopeful you would, but no one found a way to come to Benji's aid. @oopsylon, how does Benji react? What does he do?

Benji has had a hard day, what with the bloodloss, and the injury and the concussion. (Remember you healed 1 Harm from Bev's treatment, so clear the Serious Harm and move the description down one level (and maybe rephrase it if needed).) You can bring these elements into your action if you want, or do something else.

Maybe wait till we have an answer to the above question about what everyone is doing, if they retreat you can flee with them. But if you don't pay the cost now, you will need to pay it later, triggering your Hunger seems apropos, no?
Jun 30, 2024 11:50 am
vagueGM says:
(Remember you healed 1 Harm from Bev's treatment, so clear the Serious Harm and move the description down one level (and maybe rephrase it if needed).)
Done! :)
vagueGM says:
Maybe wait till we have an answer to the above question about what everyone is doing, if they retreat you can flee with them. But if you don't pay the cost now, you will need to pay it later, triggering your Hunger seems apropos, no?
Sure! I’ll wait to see what the others do. If the others stay, Benji will bolt and if we all flee together, triggering his Hunger seems like a fair cost instead.
Jun 30, 2024 1:15 pm
Hmmmm, I'm thinking about trying to leverage my demonic heritage. Something like pretending I'm a powerful devil that the dog should obey, instead of his summoner.

@vagueGM, do you see this feasible? I think we can translate it into a "Persuade an NPC" move.
Jun 30, 2024 1:27 pm
gnomius says:
... I'm thinking about trying to leverage my demonic heritage. Something like pretending I'm a powerful devil ...
Hmmm... There is no mechanism for that, so you would need to handle it in RP (to justify a Mislead/Trick roll). The closest mechanic I can see would be for you to trigger 'I'm a Fucking Demon' (on your sheet) by letting it attack you and brushing off its effect, this would leave you very vulnerable if the either of Mislead or Persuade rolled badly. Given time you could prepare for such a move, allowing you to do those rolls in safety and only coming back down when you are fairly confident you can do it.

We do first need to deal with the cost for your 7 on Keep you Cool, though. What do you think it costs you? Does needing to draw on your demonic nature to withstand the fear of the dog count? That will come back to bite you hard later.
gnomius says:
... that the dog should obey, instead of his summoner. ... translate it into a "Persuade an NPC". ...
Might work. If we can get the fiction to a point where it makes sense.
Jun 30, 2024 3:03 pm
I sure can try to aid Benji.
Jun 30, 2024 3:03 pm
Stalker05 says:
I sure can try to aid Benji.
Jun 30, 2024 3:05 pm
Well vampires are predators right? Why not remind him who stalks and hunts the night. Who better to let his own beast be released from it's shackles of control?
Jun 30, 2024 3:09 pm
Stalker05 says:
... Why not remind him who stalks and hunts the night. ...
Could be. But this still only brings it up to a Partial Success, so it is less 'he who hunts' than 'hunters don't run away, (you coward!)'.

@oopsylon, would that work on Benji? Do you want to try it?

This also only really matters if we are not leaving anyway.
Jun 30, 2024 10:42 pm
Sure! I’m happy for Mark to try to Lend a Hand, if he wants to. If he wants to do that by ‘reminding him who stalks and hunts the night’, it seems like the obvious cost for the Partial Success for Benji would be that he needs to give himself over to his predatory instincts/true nature in order to muster up the courage to stay
Last edited Jun 30, 2024 10:43 pm
Jul 1, 2024 6:20 am
Damn, I forgot Mark had -1 in the night circle. Extremely sorry about the roll.
Jul 1, 2024 7:44 am
Stalker05 says:
Damn, I forgot Mark had -1 in the night circle. Extremely sorry about the roll.
Yep. A 6 makes things worse, amplifies the tension. :)

How does this happen? Does Mark's reminding Benji that he is a predator bring the Hunger to bear even stronger and more immediate?
Jul 1, 2024 7:46 am
Benji: If these words [ref] drive you to desperation, do you try to feed on your friends, or is the this last straw that makes you have to flee? If you flee you are desperate to feed, do you find and feed on the first person you come across or do you try to control yourself and seek out someone 'willing'?
Jul 1, 2024 11:12 am
Stalker05 says:
Damn, I forgot Mark had -1 in the night circle. Extremely sorry about the roll.
Hahaha all good! Thanks for trying!
Jul 1, 2024 11:43 am
vagueGM says:
Benji: If these words [ref] drive you to desperation, do you try to feed on your friends, or is the this last straw that makes you have to flee? If you flee you are desperate to feed, do you find and feed on the first person you come across or do you try to control yourself and seek out someone 'willing'?
This feels like it could be a Keep Your Cool to see if Benji can keep it together long enough to seek out one of his contacts or if he just attacks the first person he encounters?
Jul 1, 2024 11:53 am
oopsylon says:
... This feels like it could be a Keep Your Cool to see if Benji can keep it together long enough to seek out one of his contacts or if he just attacks the first person he encounters?
Do you want to put that option on the table? We can leave it up to the dice, or we can assume a middling success and not 'force' you to feed on some random innocent (which may be lethal as it is out of control, and may bring the authorities).

If you want to let the dice decide then we are bound their outcome and a 6- might limit you to the 'worse' options on the Eternal Hunger list, else we can roleplay it and see how it goes.
Jul 1, 2024 12:10 pm
I’m comfortable with that being a possibility (Benji is a vampire, after all) but maybe we roleplay it out and I can roll Keep Your Cool if it feels like the situation demands it?
Jul 1, 2024 12:13 pm
oopsylon says:
I’m comfortable with that being a possibility (Benji is a vampire, after all) but maybe we roleplay it out and I can roll Keep Your Cool if it feels like the situation demands it?
OK. Let's play it out I will set the up. Good to know that you are open to that as an option.
Jul 1, 2024 12:14 pm
With Benji scarpered [ref] do the rest of you call it a night too? Shall I move us out of here? If you want to you can still do any final actions in the subway tunnel if it does not trigger any followup. Or we can stay down here and keep this scene going.
Jul 2, 2024 11:30 am
@Ysolde Rhiannon is welcome to stay in the tunnel after the others leave, or we can move you out like the rest [ref]. Just let me know what you want.
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