Stalker05 says:
... I am confused now. I thought, being a narrative game, I had a little bit of narrative control. ...
Yes, but bounded by the mechanics of the game's Moves. The above are the three ways you can cast spells (for now). You are welcome to inject non-mechanical 'spells' (cantrips?) into your narrative, but you can't just declare that significant things happen outside the mechanics.
Once you have cast a spell, you could use it to Mislead, or to Turn to Violence, or any other mechanic, but, same way the Hunter can't just declare that they kill a guy and use the shock of that action to Trick the other foes, you need to act within the mechanics.
Stalker05 says:
... could interject a narrative element here based upon the roll and move ...
Casting a spell that has significant effect on the world and the people is a lot more than just 'a narrative element' though. But we are learning how the system works, and 'other game' assumptions will creep in. :)
The Mislead Move requires you to
first establish in the fiction what you are doing to try Mislead, Distract, or Trick your enemies. It does not, in and of itself, do any of those things, it merely says how well your fictional action turned out. It might allow you the opportunity to cast a spell, or casting a spell might allow you the opportunity to Mislead (or some other Move).
Stalker05 says:
... Masks and there I was told to come up with any superpower ...
That is a specific rule specific to specific Playbooks in Masks. :)
Stalker05 says:
... Maybe because I haven't read the entire book. ...
Understandable. Maybe try read the parts extracted to your sheet. The 'Notes on Your Sanctum', and 'Notes on Channeling' specifically will provide guidance.
Stalker05 says:
... I would have used channel instead and cast a spell to stun those demons. So, can it be retconned then? ...
Sure. We are learning the system, these things happen. Better to first establish in the fiction what is happening, and clarify in the OCC if a roll is called for before rolling. Once you roll you are bound by the outcome (by the rules, on a 6-, I have to make a GM Move).
In this case the Stat difference does not result in a different outcome, so we can treat that as though you were rolling Channeling and got a 9.
Stun seems to fit what you described, and Stun can be directed to only target the enemies.
You can spend 1 of your 3 Hold and target one demon, or 2 Hold and target the whole group. They are not mere-mortals, so it won't last long, but it will buy your friends time.
Do you understand how Hold works? It is one of the most asked questions. Usually the answer is 'read the rest of the Move'. In the case of Channeling, it is you 'manna' points. You can Channel again before you are empty and keep building your 'mana pool', but remember the costs and risks, and that it evaporates at the 'end of the scene'.
on a 7-9 Channelling costs you something. Pick one of the three options. We can talk about what they mean before you pick if you want.
Stalker05 says:
... channelling, as I guess that's the main schtick of a Wizard. ...
Channelling and
Let It Out are the two you can use for 'quick and dirty magic' in the field. Your
Sanctum is a major part of being a Wizard and lets you do almost any magic you can think of, if you can meet the requirements.
Let It Out is very versatile, it describes its limits in very general terms. But it does comes with costs and downsides.