It's raining in London... again (OOC)

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May 2, 2024 8:41 am
I've added the roll to my post :)
May 2, 2024 8:48 am
oopsylon says:
I've added the roll to my post :)
That is a 9, 1 away from a 10+.

If someone wants to Lend a Hand they could possibly bring that up to a 10. This would be their 'action this round' (though such mechanics don't exist in PbtA) and could expose them to danger if they were otherwise not involved in the fight.

We will resolve this once we have seen what the others are doing. Feel free to discuss your actions here.
May 2, 2024 2:30 pm
@Ysolde, the demons are in the alley [ref], as is Jacob's shop. They are out of sight of most cars passing, and you can slip into the alley and still attack them at range with your Holy bow.

Do you still want to charge in? [ref]
May 2, 2024 2:35 pm
vagueGM says:
oopsylon says:
I've added the roll to my post :)
That is a 9, 1 away from a 10+.

If someone wants to Lend a Hand they could possibly bring that up to a 10. This would be their 'action this round' (though such mechanics don't exist in PbtA) and could expose them to danger if they were otherwise not involved in the fight.

We will resolve this once we have seen what the others are doing. Feel free to discuss your actions here.
I tried... and failed miserably. :-/
May 2, 2024 2:41 pm
gnomius says:
... I tried... and failed miserably. :-/
That's your choice, you could have chosen to fail spectacularly! :)

@Stalker05: Only one person's Help can add to a roll, but many can roll to Help. So if Mark wants to try his luck at helping Benji, that is still an option open to you.
May 2, 2024 2:43 pm
vagueGM says:
@Ysolde, the demons are in the alley [ref], as is Jacob's shop. They are out of sight of most cars passing, and you can slip into the alley and still attack them at range with your Holy bow.

Do you still want to charge in? [ref]
She's worried Benji will get himself hurt so, in this case, she'll get in Melee to give the demons another target.
May 2, 2024 2:52 pm
Ysolde says:
... She's worried Benji will get himself hurt so, in this case, she'll get in Melee to give the demons another target.
Fair enough.

Only your Bow has +Holy, which we can assume is particularly effective against demons (+2 Harm or AP, whichever is better in any situation). Do you believe there also significance to Silver or Iron with demons? Do you think that is a common or a rare case?

I assume from the description that you are using your seax?
May 2, 2024 3:17 pm
vagueGM says:
Ysolde says:
... She's worried Benji will get himself hurt so, in this case, she'll get in Melee to give the demons another target.
Fair enough.

Only your Bow has +Holy, which we can assume is particularly effective against demons (+2 Harm or AP, whichever is better in any situation). Do you believe there also significance to Silver or Iron with demons? Do you think that is a common or a rare case?

I assume from the description that you are using your seax?
I think silver and cold-iron are common it's just figuring out which one it is. So some demons it is silver and some it is cold iron maybe flip a coin?
May 2, 2024 3:30 pm
Ysolde says:
... I think silver and cold-iron are common it's just figuring out which one it is. So some demons it is silver and some it is cold iron maybe flip a coin?
Makes sense since you, a demon hunter, picked them for your Arsenal.

I agree that some sort of randomisation is called for, though, since they are not exclusively anti-demons (as +Holy might be) and they should be less effective there, but also good against vampires or werewolves or fae and such. I am not sure how we will do that, maybe it is a coin-flip for each 'demon-type', and we learn what the types are as we play and you encounter them. The Move: Put a Name to a Face could influence this as well when it applies.

I think, maybe, +Silvered might bypass some protections (semi-AP and other 'unbinding' benefits) and +Cold Iron might provide 'protection' to the wielder? Your Cold Iron weapon is a flexible Chain, so you cold use as a 'magic circle' type barrier, and other such options, it is not all about the damage.

You can always commission, or find, new weapons (both through Advancement and through the story) to specialise or diversify more.
May 2, 2024 4:14 pm
I'll promise Jacob will get you some new toys to play with, if you can get him out of this mess alive. ;-P
May 2, 2024 6:25 pm
@Stalker05: We are learning, so it is not a problem, but remember, Do Not Edit and Do Not placeholder. Aside from guessing that that was what you were doing, I have no way of knowing that you made a change to the post since I read it and that there is information that I need to go back and read again, so such things will get ignored and missed.

Once you have put something out into the internet you have to assume people have read it immediately, so don't edit what they have read unless it is abundantly clear to everyone that you have done so and how and why.

Just add a new post with the results/outcomes of your roll. If it is purely mechanical OOC choices, or needs GM intervention before you can finish the action, you can add the new post in this OOC thread.
Stalker05 says:
(OOC in RP) ...Rolling to Mislead, distract, Trick. For this move, I am choosing You confuse them for sometime and you create an opportunity.
How? And to what end? What is Mark trying to do?

The 'opportunity' needs to arise from the fiction of your action, and the 'lengthy confusion' needs that action to feasibly confuse them. Show us in the fiction what you are trying to do, then add the roll to see how well that works out, then —in a new post— show us the results of the Move.
Nice imagery with the 'water of glass'. :)
May 2, 2024 7:33 pm
I am sorry for editing the post but this is what I do with most games here since it's not possible to predict the result of the dice roll. However, I will follow the rules here onwards with the next posts.

Mark is trying to cast a spell that creates illusions about raining glass. The creatures won't expect this happening or at least try to understand who is creating a spell and thus create a confusion. I guess, glass raining all over the place will make the group run for some cover unless they are are impervious to sharp objects. Again, the target here is not to cause damage but to cause a sudden change of normal occurence to confuse these creatures. They will soon realise that the glass shards are harmless but by that time I am guessing Benji, Jacob or Rhiannon can make a move. Maybe this confusion will cause the creatures to bring out something from their arsenal creating an opportunity. This is how I interpreted the move.
May 2, 2024 8:05 pm
Stalker05 says:
... since it's not possible to predict the result of the dice roll. ...
:) Yeah, that's why we deal with the fiction up to the point where it could fail, then roll the dice based on the fiction.

The fiction must always come first. :)
Stalker05 says:
... Mark is trying to cast a spell ...
'Casting spells' is done in three ways: though your Sanctum, where you can do almost anything; through your Channeling Move, which lets you cast the Spells you know, which is currently Stun, Shielding and Trinket; and via the Let It Out Move, which currently lets you deflect or redirect an oncoming blow before it strikes, perform a feat of telekinetic strength or precision, detect the presence and function of magical items or spells, or reshape the essence or nature of an exposed object or magical spell.

You are not in your Sanctum, so it can't be that, and this does not fit the Spells you currently know (and you did not Channel).

You may be able to use the effects of one of the Let It Out options to Mislead, though this does not seem like 'a feat of telekinesis' (though I am always open to being convinced) and the only other one that could apply would be 'reshape a spell', but that would come as a surprise since you don't know about any spells in effect right here and now.

In order to use a spell to Mislead, you first need to cast the spell via one of your three methods. Mislead does not cast spells.
Stalker05 says:
... glass raining all over the place will make the group run for some cover ...
Yeah, including your friends, who are squishier and more likely to think it 'a not normal occurrence' than demons from another dimension (Wild) who think everything here is strange. :)
Stalker05 says:
... Maybe this confusion will cause the creatures to bring out something from their arsenal creating an opportunity. ...
Possible, yeah.

If you are set on this course of action and can explain how you 'cast the spell', then we can confuse the demons, but the PCs will need to Keep Their Cool to avoid also being equally affected.

What say you?
May 3, 2024 3:18 pm
I am confused now. I thought, being a narrative game, I had a little bit of narrative control. But, it is my mistake in interpreting the move that I could interject a narrative element here based upon the roll and move. I guess that's not possible with this move. If I was aware you cannot use your move in such an open narrative manner, I would have used channel instead and cast a spell to stun those demons. So, can it be retconned then?

Maybe because I haven't read the entire book. But I once played Masks and there I was told to come up with any superpower; if I could explain the move with it, then it was acceptable. I have wrongly applied that concept here. Next time, I will stick to channelling, as I guess that's the main schtick of a Wizard.
May 3, 2024 3:55 pm
Stalker05 says:
... I am confused now. I thought, being a narrative game, I had a little bit of narrative control. ...
Yes, but bounded by the mechanics of the game's Moves. The above are the three ways you can cast spells (for now). You are welcome to inject non-mechanical 'spells' (cantrips?) into your narrative, but you can't just declare that significant things happen outside the mechanics.

Once you have cast a spell, you could use it to Mislead, or to Turn to Violence, or any other mechanic, but, same way the Hunter can't just declare that they kill a guy and use the shock of that action to Trick the other foes, you need to act within the mechanics.
Stalker05 says:
... could interject a narrative element here based upon the roll and move ...
Casting a spell that has significant effect on the world and the people is a lot more than just 'a narrative element' though. But we are learning how the system works, and 'other game' assumptions will creep in. :)

The Mislead Move requires you to first establish in the fiction what you are doing to try Mislead, Distract, or Trick your enemies. It does not, in and of itself, do any of those things, it merely says how well your fictional action turned out. It might allow you the opportunity to cast a spell, or casting a spell might allow you the opportunity to Mislead (or some other Move).
Stalker05 says:
... Masks and there I was told to come up with any superpower ...
That is a specific rule specific to specific Playbooks in Masks. :)
Stalker05 says:
... Maybe because I haven't read the entire book. ...
Understandable. Maybe try read the parts extracted to your sheet. The 'Notes on Your Sanctum', and 'Notes on Channeling' specifically will provide guidance.
Stalker05 says:
... I would have used channel instead and cast a spell to stun those demons. So, can it be retconned then? ...
Sure. We are learning the system, these things happen. Better to first establish in the fiction what is happening, and clarify in the OCC if a roll is called for before rolling. Once you roll you are bound by the outcome (by the rules, on a 6-, I have to make a GM Move).

In this case the Stat difference does not result in a different outcome, so we can treat that as though you were rolling Channeling and got a 9.

Stun seems to fit what you described, and Stun can be directed to only target the enemies.

You can spend 1 of your 3 Hold and target one demon, or 2 Hold and target the whole group. They are not mere-mortals, so it won't last long, but it will buy your friends time.

Do you understand how Hold works? It is one of the most asked questions. Usually the answer is 'read the rest of the Move'. In the case of Channeling, it is you 'manna' points. You can Channel again before you are empty and keep building your 'mana pool', but remember the costs and risks, and that it evaporates at the 'end of the scene'.

on a 7-9 Channelling costs you something. Pick one of the three options. We can talk about what they mean before you pick if you want.
Stalker05 says:
... channelling, as I guess that's the main schtick of a Wizard. ...
Channelling and Let It Out are the two you can use for 'quick and dirty magic' in the field. Your Sanctum is a major part of being a Wizard and lets you do almost any magic you can think of, if you can meet the requirements.

Let It Out is very versatile, it describes its limits in very general terms. But it does comes with costs and downsides.
May 3, 2024 4:41 pm
Okay, so with Channeling, I will choose to mark a corruption for rolling 9 and I will spend 2 hold to stun the group.

Another thing I want to ask regarding learning spells. So, the options of casting a spell has: Tracking, Stun, Linking, Shielding, Veil, Teleport and Trinket. These are moderately broad categories but I can't seem to place my above description into any of these categories. So, does that mean, Wizards can't craft any spell other than these categories or is there any way to craft custom spells in the Sanctum?
May 3, 2024 5:04 pm
Stalker05 says:
... Okay, so with Channeling, I will choose to mark a corruption for rolling 9 and I will spend 2 hold to stun the group. ...
Cool. I will sum up the scene. When you respond, show us what your Channelling looks and feels like, and what using Stun is like for you. Don't feel bound by the previous description.
Stalker05 says:
... Tracking, Stun, Linking, Shielding, Veil, Teleport and Trinket. These are moderately broad categories but I can't seem to place my above description into any of these categories. ...
They are deliberately fairly broad, but also only do what it says on the tin.

What you described wanting to achieve seems to fit Stun very well. The rain turning to glass and all that is just flavour and could be how you Stun (this time). Or it could be a part of your Channelling, I don't know, you tell us.

If your previous description does not fit what you are actually trying to do in the end, then change the description if you have to. Maybe keep the old text struck-out so as to avoid confusing others who 'swear they read something about glass rain' and can not find it, some people find that sort of thing very uncomfortable.
Stalker05 says:
... does that mean, Wizards can't craft any spell other than these categories ...
Those are not really 'categories' they are the specific spells you currently know.
Stalker05 says:
... is there any way to craft custom spells in the Sanctum? ...
To quote from the book (and your sheet):
page 172 says:
...your sanctum is the home of your magical experiments and rituals, capable of enacting enormous changes or constructing new magical artifacts… if you have the time and resources to finish your work.

Given the kind of power you're capable of wielding as the Wizard, there are few limits to what you can accomplish in your sanctum.
You can definitely make or learn new spells in your Sanctum. The difficulty of the requirements will be tailored to the power of the spell. Spells that are on a par with the ones in the book will maybe take similar effort to gaining a level of Advancement (one Advance gives you 3 Spells, but that is a once off and this is 'unlimited'), more powerful spells will either have limitations imposed upon them (• It will only work for a short time, and may be unreliable) or will take a lot more effort and time.

If you don't abuse the system we can have a lot of fun with this Move (and the Workshop Move from the Veteran (or the Savvyhead from Apocalypse World)). But I also reserve the right to revisit the limitations or costs if we find that something is overpowered and is making the game less fun.
May 4, 2024 7:30 am
Does Mark’s stun spell mean that Benji can pull out his sword without being clawed by the demon?
May 4, 2024 8:26 am
oopsylon says:
Does Mark’s stun spell mean that Benji can pull out his sword without being clawed by the demon?
Yes, this perfect use of Stun did many things. It prevented two demons from getting to make a pick on the Turn to Violence options (actually they did pick to put Benji in a bad spot (choice of taking harm or losing his stuff), and to inflict harm on Rhiannon, but it prevented them from enacting those consequences), and it gave you all an opportunity to do something with relative impunity.

Benji does not know for sure that he is not still about to get whacked, but he can see that the demon looks stunned, or something, for some unknown reason.

Pulling the sword out should be easy, but may startle the demon awake again. Having seen what happened to Rhiannon's demons, and with her 'advice' (like 'be more deadly' is advice:) Benji might also think about pushing the sword further in, see if he can't take it out the other side and finish the job.

Withdrawing your sword does not require a roll (though, depending on what happens, you may choose to roll Keep Your Cool (+spirit) to avoid awakening it), trying to finish the demon still requires Turn to Violence to see how well it goes, but the demon probably won't get to respond at all on a good roll.
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