>>>Raquel, Fren and Atalanta take the fight to the Goblins at the treeline while Calamity takes the high ground on a boulder near the stream and lets loose with her old-timey pistol.
>>>The feeling of fear and exhilaration mixed in terrifying ways. Attacking something with deadly intent wasn't something you'd done before (to anything bigger than an insect) but these
bodies you inhabited felt practiced in the art of combat. It felt like a hand slipping into a comfortable glove as they moved in ways you'd never have been able to in the 'real' world...

Arga pointed his staff at the assaulting Goblins frantically, as if trying to wave something off the end of the gnarled wooden weapon.
"C'mon... Magic's gotta work..." Panic was more than obvious in his voice. Everyone else had weapons and armor and apparently training; all he had was a stick and a cape unless magic was a real thing here.

"Try yelling....? I don't know..." BradL33 scuttled behind the boulder Calamity was standing atop.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Arga pointed the staff and yelled at the top of his lungs.

He facepalmed hard.
"No. Yell the name of a spell, maybe...?" BradL33 looked up at the Cat Pirate on top of the boulder as if to ask *
Is this guy really that dense?*

"Um...umm... think. What was the name on the hotbar?!?" the sorcerer rapped on his bushy haired skull til the name popped into his head.
"Oh! FLARE ARROW !!!"he yelled, staff pointing at the Goblin opposite the one struck by Raquel, Fren and Calamity. The Sorcerer's black mystic tattoos surge with orange light that traced down to the tip of his staff and then leaps forth into a beam of fiery light at the remaining Goblin Raider.
[ +- ] Flare Arrow
Spell Name | MP | Target | Duration | Aggro
Flare Arrow ⚡🔥 | 10 | Single | Instant | 2 |
>>>This rather direct Spell does [HR]+15 🔥 Damage to an enemy or opponent on a successful Magic Attack Roll.
Damage: HR + 15 + Arcane Mastery + Energy Mastery🔥
(7 + 15 + 8 + 10 = 40 ouch!)

Goblin Boss
>>>In response to the sudden defiance of what was once such easy prey, the bigger of the three Goblins raises their rusty double scimitars to the sky. Crossing them and then bringing them sharply down, a terrible screeching sound issues from the blades along with a curved spark of light that cuts across the clearing in an instant, growing wider the further from the Goblin it travelled.
Anyone with a Magic Defense 8 or below takes 20 HP of damage.
[ +- ] Ringing Slicer
Skill Name | Phase | Cost | Limit
Ringing Slicer ⚡ | Combat | 20MP | - |
>>>A [Medium Range] AoE attack that damages enemies within range with [Physical] type damage. A successful Magic Attack Roll does 20 HP of damage.

Goblin Raider
Struck first by Raquel's blade, then Fren's and finally taking Calamity's shot, the Goblin's Status Bar registers it's red HP meter plummetting until it disappears. The Raider bowls over backwards and explodes into a burst of rainbow-hued light as it hits the ground. In the aftermath of the incredible sight, a handful of glittering coins and a bottle rain to the ground around where the Goblin once was...

Goblin Raider
Following up on the Boss' move, the remaining Goblin Raider turns their rusty-bladed attention to Atalanta. Offering to pull attention away from BradL33 has it's consequences as the green menace lunges at the Monk with it's cruel looking blade... Atalanta's practiced body easily dances away from the Goblin's crude swipe with the blade as Arga's Flare Arrow strikes, sending the Raider's HP bar to less than 1/3 full.
Character | HP | DMG | MP | Spent | Aggro | Status
Arga | 50 | | 70 | -10 | 2 | none
Atalanta | 70 | -20 | 40 | -10 | 3 | none
Calamity | 80 | -20 | 50 | 0 | 1 | none
Fren | 50 | -20 | 70 | 0 | 1 | none
Raquel | 66 | -20 | 60 | 0 | 1 | none
BradL33 | ?? | | ?? | 0 | 0 | none |
Name | HP | DMG | MP | Status
Goblin Raider 1 | ?? | -34,-11,-15 | ?? | Dead
Goblin Raider 2 | ?? | -40 | ?? | none
Goblin Boss | ?? | | ?? | none |