Packing up and heading out again, the Adventurers leave the ruined overpass behind and head due West in the direction of the afternoon sun. The conversation continues, broken only by sudden rustlings in the pockets of trees they occasionally pass through. So far, no surprise encounters...

>>>"I do not see a problem with room sharing. Such things are common with travellers where I am...was...from on Earth." Isbjorn announced with his booming voice.
"A Hostel was where I met the mother of my son." He looked a bit sheepishly at the others,
"Maybe we should keep it to separate rooms for men and women, yes?"

>>>"That'd keep the costs down for a bit..." BradL33 agreed, neither he nor Isbjorn particularly aware of the issues underlying the decision.
"Depending on where you stay and what quality of room we want, we could stay in a place that's 20 Gold a night per room. The bigger, nicer places go for 50 to 100 Gold a night. The people that can afford that are usually in a Guild that can afford it's own Guild Hall, though."

Guy GoodHeart
>>>"Raquel's got a good point there tho... What's the City like? Are we gonna be able to even stay there?" Guy butted in.
"I told you guys about talking to my mates in Liberty City and how it's gone to the dogs. Guilds are runnin' wild in the streets."

>>>"It's a risk we'll have to take. Staying out here in the wilderness isn't really an option." BradL33 countered.
"If it's bad then maybe we should just grab supplies and go back to Belle? Let's just see how it is before rushing to judgement. Anyway, there aren't but a couple of bigger Guilds in Mound City and don't have a majority of the playerbase by a long shot. Not like in Liberty or the bigger player towns. Mostly just RP-ers and Crafters out here..." He sure hoped he was right.
"With the way things are now, Calamity's right. SubClasses are gonna be really important and probably in high demand. There's not many SubClasses I can think of that aren't going to be super important now that we're all stuck here 24/7."
>>>The rolling grasslands and forest copses yields to a density of ruined buildings as the Zone changes. Clearly once the outskirts of the urban sprawl that Mound City now overlays, the signs of civilization are unmistakeable. The afternoon sun sinking in the sky casts shadows in the windows of the ruined buildings, some still recognizable as homes or businesses from a long gone age. An age achingly familiar to the Adventurers.

>>>"Hey! We're really close!
Mound City is just in the other side of this Zone!" BradL33 called out. His enthusiasm driving home how young he looked. He excitedly hurried his pace,
"I think I can see the Silverleaf Beam Tree from here!"
>>>Rising above the treeline in the distance, a large tree spread its enormous canopy towards the setting sun. Acting like a landmark, BradL33 guided the Party through the abandoned and overgrown streets towards the tree. The ruined buildings gave way to an open area of broken ground about 300 meters across with a few wide paths that led to high city walls.
>>>Across the broken terrain, groups of people stood watch. From their wild diversity of race and dress they could only be fellow Adventurers! Although indistinct, their calls to the Party across the gap carried a sense of some urgency.