Unexpected state inspection at the hospital where I work sidelined me for a couple of days. So sorry for the delay, folks. New post will be going up later today.
@Celestine Give me a bit to find the with the answer to your question about the other factions in the City. That's definitely something Wheeler would've tracked. The surprise inspection kinda consumed all my free time for the last few days.
Between the holidays, going out of town, and family visiting, my schedule for the next few weeks is going to be very busy. Expect sporadic posts until at least January 6th or 7th.
New post going up tomorrow. Work has really slowed me down lately. I work 12 hour night shifts in a hospital and it's been a madhouse (quite literally) since early December. I'm fully behind keeping this game going and wanted to touch base with everyone and let you guys know where things stand. It might be a bit slow for just a bit longer but I'm all in for keeping it going if you're willing to stick with me!