ToDream says:
Atlanta herself is a newbie, and the former child of conspiracy nut-balls one step short of being cultists, so is unlikely to really know any of you. Maybe we did the tutorial together, but unless one of your characters is in law enforcement of family services, we would not have meet IRL.
Oh wow… I almost went with a real life player in a weird situation. Not exactly this, but similar enough that I’m glad I scrapped it.
Instead I’m going with:
Grace O’Bass is, in real life, The Grace of Bass. It’s her stage name which she legally changed to become her real name. Then
The Three Graces broke up and years went by and her solo act, The Amazing Grace, didn’t work out. She turned to gaming and liked the char-gen feature that uses a web cam to play a version of yourself. This Grace O’Bass would be the best bassist in Elderscrollsville!
Grace is new to gaming.