Sep 24, 2024 11:55 pm
Max Hagar was born in the hills of southern Ohio to meager means. His father was an MP in the Army and after 10 years of service got out and moved his family to Columbus to provide a better life and education for his family. This where Max encountered Elder Tales. All the kids were playing it. He followed in his father's footsteps and joined the Army to be an MP right out of High School. The structure of the Army was to much for him and he left after his 4 year tour. He always loved going back to family home in the hills to visit his Grandparents. This is where he heads after his exit from the Army. He loves the freedom of off grid living. Luckily with the invent and advancement of wifi he is able to keep in touch with his parents still in Columbus. He hears about the reboot of Elder Tales and decides to jump on and create a new character and models him after his wolf/husky mix Brophy. The next thing he knows he is Brophy a full slider Wolf Fang Swashbuckler.