>>>A vast majority of the rolls you make with be a simple
two-dice plus/minus modifiers roll vs. a Difficulty Number set by the GM. The dice rolled are determined by a combination of
Attribute+Attribute and which attributes are chosen depends on the action taken.
>>>The dice involved are d6, d8, d10 & d12. The type of die rolled correspond to the ones chosen for a particular Attribute chosen during character creation.
Attack Rolls:
>>>One of the more common types of rolls made, an
Attack Roll helps determine the outcome of a particular round of Combat. Different weapons and different attack styles require different combinations of dice. A Sword may call for [Dex]+[Might], a Bow may call for [Dex]+[Dex], an attack spell like Flare Arrow may call for [INS]+[Will]. When you make an Attack Roll (also called a Magic Attack Roll for Spells) you roll one die of each Attribute called for. Add or subtract modifiers from the total after the two dice are rolled.
'Stumpy' makes an Attack Roll against a Gnoll. He is armed with a sword and it calls for [Dex]+[Might]. Looking at his character sheet, 'Stumpy' has a d8 in Dex and a d10 in Might. The Attack Roll for him is d8+d10. He also has a bonus from a buff that his teammate cast on him that gives him a +2 to his Attack Roll.
>>>Putting the formula ( d8+d10+2 ) into the die roller, he gets a 4 & a 6. The Die Roller calculates the total as 12 (4+6+2).
>>>The resulting number is matched against a target's
Defense or
Magic Defense Score to see if it hit. Exceeding the Defense Score results in a damaging hit; a tie or lower results in no damage to the target.
Damage Roll:
>>> Somewhat misleading as there is no additional roll involved, this determines damage the target takes depending on one of the dice rolled during the Attack Roll + modifiers.
>>>Two terms that apply to Damage Rolls are
[HR] and
[LR]. [HR] refers to the 'High Roll'; the higher of the two numbers rolled during the Attack Roll.
]LR] refers to the lower of the two numbers rolled during the Attack Roll. [HR] is used most often to calculate damage in a regular attack; [LR] is often used when some damage of an attack is sacrificed for an additional effect (as called for by some Class Abilities.)
>>> Continuing with Stumpy's attack, his roll of 12 was higher than the Gnoll's Defense of 10. A hit! To determine how much damage Stumpy inflicted he looks at the description of his Sword. It does [HR]+8.
Stumpy's [HR] from the roll was 6; he did 14 damage!
>>>As a follow-up, his teammate, Miranda, cast Flare Arrow and rolled a 2 & a 10 on her Magic Attack Roll. Succeeding as well, she consults the description of Flare Arrow and it does [HR]+15 🔥 damage. The damage she caused would be 25 fire-type damage! ([HR]10+15)
>>>A Critical occurs when both dice rolled show the same numbers. E.g: a pair of 6s, 7s or 8s on a roll using a d8 & a d10; 8 being the maximum possible on the d8, pairs of 9s, 10s, 11s & 12s are possible if you roll dice that size.. Rolling a Critical gives the player the option of choosing an
opportunity from the following list:
>>>Other options may be suggested by the player & negotiated with the GM.
Fumble results when both die in a roll come up 1s. Fumbles may not be rerolled or altered. Whatever attempt was made by the roll fails; in Combat an opponent may choose an option from the same chart the player chooses from when resulting a Critical.
>>>Additionally, the player rolling the Fumble gains one
Fabula Point. Failure often teaches us lesson we did not know we needed.
Die Size:
>>>Some Abilities give bonuses based on 'Die Size'. This refers to the highest possible number that can be rolled on the indicated Attribute die. A d6 has a 'die size' of 6, a d10 has a 'due size' of 10, etc.