Out of Character

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Jul 4, 2024 12:35 pm
@Basil in the battle information, you'll notice I have durations for those abilities you activated. Just want you to see why they have the numbers they do. Just before everyone went in, you used stary form. You have 10 rounds of that left. Then you casted haste. SF 9/10, Haste 10/10. The party then went in, which was at least 1 round of walking, so SF 8/10 and Haste 9/10. Something is going to happen soon, and that event will take at least 1 round to happen, so the durations will be SF 7/10 and Haste 8/10 when things get serious. If they had durations of 10 minutes or longer, there would not really be a point tracking it.
Jul 6, 2024 7:55 am
@Ironmonger42 let me know if I can reach G30 (or H30 if it is possible to land there) with a movement of 40
And is that place above current platform?


P.S. logically I want to stop flying but still be able to see everyone but keep more than 30 feet distance to enemy
Jul 6, 2024 2:08 pm
Yeah, that would only be 35 feet to get there if you didn't have to use stairs since you are flying.
That place is actually lower than the current platform. Here is a little visual aid:
[ +- ] Heights
In an attempt to be clear, as it can be harder to do this over text than in person, here is what the heights mean:
the area with the 50 has 50 feet between it and the ceiling. It is the lowest point, and the water goes right up to it. If you fell in the water and didn't want to risk climbing over a wall to get back up (disadvantage due to being wet and slippery unless you have a climbing speed), you would have to go to such a place to climb out.
the area with a 40 is where you all started. 40 means 40 feet between floor and ceiling.
You are all in the area with a 30, 30 feet between floor and ceiling, with pillars going from floor to ceiling.

TLDR: Yes, you can make the movement. No, it is lower, not higher up. If you want to be higher up than everyone else but near the ground, you will need to go north near the throne, not south near the door. I'm assuming if you are going to dash (since your fly speed is 20 and you want to go 35ish feet), you are probably averting your gaze.
Jul 7, 2024 7:51 am
Thanks. Were wrongly reading map (stairs down instead of up). Change plans going to land I23 instead
Jul 8, 2024 11:11 am
Is location of Hythonia correct on the map? She were 15 feet east just a moment ago
Jul 8, 2024 1:07 pm
I think it was a legendary action movement done a few pots up.

But that posts says kelnes was taken with her but wasn't so dunno maybe something else
Jul 8, 2024 1:11 pm
the movement was correct. She has a legendary action that lets her move up to her speed without opportunity attacks.

I did forgoet to move Kelnes, though. He is still grappled. I'll fix that
Jul 8, 2024 1:56 pm
I see, thanks,
Another question - same as @basil asked: can you mechanically explain the grapple by statues?
Is it a a magical grapple and I can cast dispel magic to release everyone from grapple?
Are we each grappled by an object instead? If that's an object it could be attacked and destroyed by attack action, correct?

Is it neither object, nor creature not magic and our only change to end grapple effect is to roll Athletics/Acrobatics (by the way, probably acrobatics would work here?)
Jul 8, 2024 2:43 pm
The lair action does not get into much specifics. It just says that she briefly animates the statues to reach out and grab people. +11 to hit, 3d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit, and if the creature is medium or smaller it is grappled (escape DC 15). it does not give an AC or hit points to any of the statues, leading me to believe either it is up to the DM or they did not intend for you to break the statues. It is not a spell, and no dispel magic use was mentioned, so that does not appear to be an option.

According to the DMG, stone has an AC of 17, and a resilient medium object has 18 (4d8) hit points. the lair action mentions that these statues were people petrified by her gaze, so it is reasonable to assume they would be under the petrified condition.
[ +- ] Petrified Condition
If you guys think that, despite lacking the text in the lair action, it would be reasonable to break the statues that were once people and might still be savable, I'll say that they have AC 17, 18 HP, and are under the effects of the petrified condition above.
Jul 8, 2024 2:44 pm
Also, we went through this last round. Just to be safe, I'm not going to resolve Kadmos's turn until we know what Chironides is doing and if he is going first or not, since he did post first but is adjusting his turn. Hythonia has used up all her legendary actions, but just being safe.
Jul 8, 2024 3:30 pm
@Basil should you get the Crusader's mantle damage?
Jul 8, 2024 3:38 pm
He should if he lets Kadmos go first and get closer.
Jul 8, 2024 4:51 pm
Chironides missed with the attacks, so he can but no need to add.
Jul 8, 2024 7:09 pm
what terrible smite rolls

also, I think I am restrained now
Last edited July 8, 2024 7:09 pm
Jul 8, 2024 7:27 pm
the save against the gaze is a Constitution save, so your 17 should be a 15. that's still high enough to just be restrained, not immediately turned to stone, but yeah you are restrained unless somehow someone can give you a +3 or more to your save.

Also, if you are restrained, you can reckless to give advantage, but restrained makes you have disadvantage, so the first attack will hit but the 2nd one would have been a normal hit and thus used the 7, not the 18, so it would have been an 18 and miss.
Jul 8, 2024 8:08 pm
why was my brain so focused on it being a wisdom save haha

Well thank you @Basil for that Flash of Genius.

So that is 55 damage, 26 piercing and 29 radiant on two hits and I am now resistant to a lot of stuff
Jul 8, 2024 8:11 pm
also assuming the aura for Crusader's Mantle isn't in me or did he lose concentration for it?
Jul 8, 2024 8:56 pm
Kadmos was thrown in the water so no i don't believe so
Jul 8, 2024 9:19 pm
based on her movement there AoO are available correct?
Jul 8, 2024 9:19 pm
Just confirming, is Annex good to run his character, or is he still occupied? He is the last one before the ranger goes and then the lair action, so I need to know if I need to pilot Omeros or if he will be good to run him
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