Character and Ark Creation

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May 9, 2024 12:50 pm
As you do the above, I shall set up a few questions for you to think about in order to flesh out your ark.
May 9, 2024 1:26 pm
Jack is an active member of the Arc. She often goes out looking for more gizmos to fix up. She is a master jury-rigger. She is 5'4" lean and rather agile. She is a bright one and fairly well experienced. Commonly found chew on something. That is just her habit.

She is excited about discovering new technology. She likes games and especially chess which she rather good at. She not to picky about what she eats and tends not to eat much. She likes music but doesn't own any saved music or a player. Don't ask her to sing as she really doesn't have a voice for it. She doesn't mind drinking alcohol when she can find it. She likes dogs but every pet she has had either ran away or died. Her favorite color is red.

And of course, she believes in "World Peace". (Just joking.)
May 9, 2024 8:08 pm
Ok, I have submitted my re-creation of Salomon as Enforcer(still with old relationships, den and background, but will gradually edit it during this discussion). It looks like it will be really interesting, as it seam he came out as very physical, straight to the point/no BS character to me. Something new to RP for me, will see how it will go:)

Edit: oh - forgot to mention - I have left his gear from previous game, leaving him with Machete and Scrap Spear, some grub and water, but with no Bullets - as he spent all of them on those things:) Hope it will be ok? Sheet is public.
Last edited May 9, 2024 8:10 pm
May 9, 2024 8:54 pm
What I think about Salomon:
"Manbeast" is not only a name of his mutation... it's basically who he usually is. A sheer power of nature. Hunter... looking for pray. That have problem to see other living beings in other way. They either are the part of his pack, should move away from where he is going or... simply risk to be taken as some kind of challange to... overcome or even destroy. His man-beast mutation not only changed his appearances, it also "provided" him with this "lion-like" temperament... it takes quite short time before he is loosing his temper and patience...
Wow... this will be a real challange for me to RP, as I haven't played such character yet...
He almost don't tolerate at all any kind of superiority or any hierarchies in which he is not at the top. He is the King of this jungle, and he completely don't understands why others don't see it and not are fallowing him. The only person he seam to respect is the ark's Elder, but to be honest no one knows why. There had to some specific event that established this relation in the past, but neither Elder or Salomon never talked about it to anyone. He is one of those few People that goes to the zone. To hunt. And everyone that knows him better are rather happy that he has this "release of his instincts" that he can realize outside of the ark. But he never went too far from it. But during the recent years he started to feel the bigger and bigger urge to go further and further. But - even so many may think he is "just a simple animal" - Salomon is not stupid. He knows that he have to go to the outside "wild lands" with a Pack - if he wants to stay alive. So he was one of those first that volunteer when Elder had started to form teams to address some ark's issues with outside resources.

Because of his attitude and looks that make him more reassembling an animal, rather then human he have very few friends or companions that he live with having closer relations. But recently he found a group of mutants that somehow understands some of his anger and impatience, and are able to tame his behaviors in surprising ways. Could it be that he found his Pack... at least? And they will be able to go, and run all over the world!?

@GeneCortess you think Jack maybe is able to invent some interesting contraptions or "brain teasers" that can keep Salomon focus for a while? Or even providing him with some kind of relief from his constant hunt and civilize him - by playing with them? Maybe she took up the extremely difficult challenge of learning Salomon to play chess? Or invented some other way to provide him with brief moments of "peace of soul"? :)
May 9, 2024 8:59 pm
His big dream is: "To catch what I'm chasing... First finding out what it is... Could it be in Eden?" - is it ok?

I Hate: The Fixer Milix, who used to trade with live stock and keep all of them in too small cages.
I Need to Protect:: Nobody! Everyone have to learn how to take care about themselfs! I will just teach them... and... well... take care about them to live long enough to use this knowledge.

Besides: every time I read this rule book and do character creation, I can see how those mechanics could be narrative and tactical interesting at the same time - so getting excited even more to play this game. I hope this time our game will last for long:)
Last edited May 9, 2024 9:06 pm
May 9, 2024 9:30 pm
Pedrop. Jack doesn't have a problem with Salomon animalistic'ness. She well understands the need to be sorta like that to be in the zone. She has been there many times. He easily keeps her interests when talking about the zone. She lets him be intrigue and caught interest in games. It seems to give him for reason and calmness. Being with Jack makes him realize that Jack isn't a competitor. Just someone he can trust to be on his side.
May 10, 2024 7:53 am
Ok, GeneCortess. So I will write down this for our relationship(seen through Salomon eyes):
Jack is not a competitor, she is chasing a different prey. Rather an island of... brief peace. Dependable in the Zone.
Last edited May 10, 2024 7:55 am
May 10, 2024 9:35 am
Other info you know about Jack.

Jack believes there is an Eden filled with marvelous technology.

There is a long running feud between Jack and stalker Kara. Jack says she left her for dead in the zone. If it wasn't for her own skills she would never have gotten back. Kara says she looked, and Jack had wandered off like she shouldn't have. Known fact that both were eyeball Martin who now will not give either of them the time of day.

Cleaned up the character sheet for Mutant Jack too some. :)
Last edited May 10, 2024 9:59 am
May 10, 2024 10:50 am
(Still having trouble to find art. Might just pass on the arms in the art)

Blister is an educational entertainer at the arc. Lifting the heavy moods with her dances about old world society. You can talk about the old world or you can tell stories about it.

Take an old trash can, light a fire in it. And between some pyrokenesis and 4 arms filled with props for special effects, she can make old world phenomena like "insurance companies" thrilling, exciting and fun to learn about.

Always searching for old world lore to use in new stories. Some love her way of story telling, other chroniclers think it's childish or not serious enough. Still, Blister is very organized in her lore-keeping. Maybe a bit less so in everything else in her chaotic daily life.

Her dream is to repopulate the arc. Have a society with a future and with children again. And she'll be the coolest teacher ever.
Last edited May 10, 2024 10:51 am
May 10, 2024 8:49 pm
Chomp as mentioned is a weirdo. More at home with the hounds than other people.

He feels stifled in the arc, and enjoys leaving to be free with his dog Vinnie.

He has beef with the enforcer Jonats. Jonat kicked Chomp's last dog to death.

I'm thinking Solomon is the only other person he likes the conpany of.
May 11, 2024 6:10 pm
Mutant Jack likes Blister's stories and adds a few herself. Jack always invites Blister when Jack does zone raids. Jack believed it gives Blister more view of the world and fuel for stories.

Mutant Jack often asks Chomp for advice to help her deal with her pets. She has always regarded his opinion to be good. Jack not thrilled with what enforcer Jonats did either.
May 12, 2024 12:58 am
Thanks for the back-and-forth ideas! Any thoughts from AceRancheros and MaJunior, before I network everyone together? I'll be listing the NPCs on your sheets as well, so that we can have a skeletal relationship map to visualise. (Your PCs will know more people than this, but it's a start for my hooks).
May 12, 2024 9:43 am
My relationships so far.

Chomp seems... weird and uncivilized. Eating bodies and all that. Sure very good use of resources, but just gross. Is this the sort of person one would want in a new society?

Quite similar to Chomp really. Handle with care, and be careful to trust. We need people like Salomon now. But how will they be later?

Mutant Jack
Blister likes Jack. Jack seems smart, creative and to understand and appreciate things. Using old world tech in all those inventions makes these things come alive again.

NPC Boss Marlotte
Blister sees her as the same type of Salomon. People we need now, but could endanger a new society.

NPC Boss Johammer
He seems to have the people's best interest up first. That are the types of leaders we need if we are going to rebuild.
May 12, 2024 10:28 am
Kirk, the amphibious fixer, is a hustler through and through. He'll flip and sell anything he can get his hands on. Like I said before, he's the ark equivalent of used car salesman. He'll get you what you need, but you're not ever sure he's not being shady. With that being said, Kirk always feels down on his luck. Like for every step forward he gets, he takes 2 steps back. Usually because he's willing to risk a lot on the next 'get rich quick scheme'. His dream is to become a big time boss with his own gang, but no one ever really takes him seriously.

NPC interactions:

Absolutely despises Boss Johanmmed, who cut Kirk out of a major deal and then had his goons rough Kirk up.

Kirk feels protective of Stalker Yassan. There's not to many people Kirk can rely on but Yassan is one of them for the valuable loot he is able to find.

For PC interactions:

Kirk could have done minor deals with anyone. Maybe Kirk is just that sad looking fish guy who found that part you needed that one time, and now he won't stop asking you what other business he can help you with.
May 12, 2024 2:36 pm
Mutant Jack has done business with Kirk and she keeps it behind closed doors. His repetition image works against her relationship with Boss Johanmmed but sometimes she is in need. Kirk well knows that the boss favors her is the reason. Jack likes him and has given him freebies before. She even let him smell her treasured perfume bottle one time which almost no one gets to do. Time she spends with him is mostly secreted away from prying eyes.

Jack accuses stalker Yassen leaving her in the zone to die. It is common knowledge that both hate each other. Kirk knows that Jack often travels in the zone.
Last edited May 12, 2024 2:44 pm
May 12, 2024 6:11 pm
Kirk is probably the closest thing Kirin has to a buddy in the arc, since he seems to be able to get bullets... and for Kirin, bullets are life.

Beyond Kirk, Kirin is largely indifferent about people in the arc... with the Fixer, Milix, being the exception. Milix bartered some rounds they knew wouldn't fire, and then pulled some "all sales are final" bull. It almost got Kirin killed, and he still holds a grudge.
May 13, 2024 9:59 am
Maybe Kirk helped Chomp get his new dog. And as such, Chomp think's he's not as bad as the other people in the arc.

Chomp probably thinks Jack's dreams of Eden is going to end in ruin
May 13, 2024 3:27 pm
Here's pretty much some of the PCs' key details in a glance.

Player Character Role Mutation PC Relationship
MaJunior Kirin Stalker Human Magnet Kirk
GeneCortess Jack Gearhead Puppeteer, Tracker Blister, Chomp, Kirk
Furmyr Chomp Dog Handler Corpse Eater Jack, Kirk, Salomon
AceRancheros Kirk Fixer Amphibian everyone
ClaCle Blister Chronicler Four-Armed, Pyrokinesis Chomp, Jack, Salomon
Pedrop Salomon Enforcer Manbeast Jack

I've taken note of all the relationship with NPCs, so they are going into GM notes. :D You'll be meeting some of them very soon.
May 13, 2024 3:43 pm
Last things, let's talk about your Ark and the Zone it's situated in. For Zone, I'd like you to look at the Resources thread and pick one of the two maps. (Or if you're not feeling either, I can come up with more). The map details are likely to be inaccurate of course, based on whatever the people of the Ark have cobbled together.

As for the Ark, imagine a settlement of about 200 population, with some factions and gangs, because loners are unlikely to survive. Remember there is one Elder, and apart from them nobody is above 30 years old. There will be some Bosses (some of you already have a connection with them).

I'd like you to think along these lines when choosing what your Ark was constructed from the post-apocalyptic ruins of. Here is a list of examples: airplane wreck, bridge, farm, gated community, junkyard, mall, oil rig, prison, scrap village, shelter, shipwreck, skyscraper, small island, subway station, trailer park, something else.

Once we do these, there's just one more point left, development (DEV) levels, for food supply, culture, technology and warfare. More on this later.

Part of the fun of MYZ is the creation process, so it's takes a while to set things up!
May 13, 2024 4:03 pm
I like the second map.

As for a place to call home... I think a cruise ship in port would be fantastic. The ship can have a water purifier/filtration system we've kept functioning as a source of drinkable water. (Cruise ships can produce over 700 tons of purified water per day. If you factor that a gallon of water weighs 8 pounds, that's over 175,000 gallons -- daily. More than enough for 200 people AND irrigation, etc.)

A ship may also be a source of power/electricity.

Then consider that you can move the catwalk to limit access to the ship itself, it makes it defensible and a fantastic place to keep our vault.

A cruise ship also has over 2,000 guest rooms. Even at one room per person, we would have plenty of living space left over -- plus kitchens, and all the other ammenities.

For projects we can expand onto the pier, and the parking lots around the pier.

I dunno, it seems ideal to me... but I'm open to suggestions?
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