Character and Ark Creation

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May 13, 2024 8:45 pm
I love the idea of the cruiseship. But let it be a derelict one, that still needs lots of improving.

While I like map 1 a bit better to explore as a bigger area, map 2 which seems like a city, works wonders with the ship idea.
Last edited May 13, 2024 8:46 pm
May 13, 2024 8:50 pm
I mean, if its too derelict it wouldn't serve as a decent ark. There needs to be some reason we picked it over hundreds or even thousands of other locations.

Fresh water and defensible seem like a great starting point.
May 13, 2024 10:01 pm
I favor cruise ship. I like multiple levels and lots of space. Second map is difficult to read so I like the first one. The Ark cruise ship doesn't have to be anywhere near any water either. Such things happen. Nearby city would be nice.
Last edited May 13, 2024 10:02 pm
May 13, 2024 10:23 pm
My next propositions for relationships:
- Kirin - was a long time rival for Salomon(probably only in his eyes), sometimes even crossing my hunting grounds(!), but there was a recent situation that forced us to work together in the zone... and - even so Salomon wouldn't like to admit it - it went quite well, and were beneficial for both sides. Salomon thinks about not regarding Kirin as enemy any more.

MaJunior -> if you agree for this, what do you think the event was?

- Chomp - "Chomp is hilarious! Everyone think Salom - me - is animalistic... MAN! If they would see what that guy is doing, when know one is watching!". Salomon suspects Chomp to do this "eating flesh stuff" - just for the show. It can't be true! Be serious! But because of that, Chomp is completely natural for Salomon, the only guy that Salomon don't care to stand with his back exposed. Somehow even a friend.

Hope you are ok with this Furmyr?

- Kirk - "Salomon gives Kirk bullets, Kirks gives Salomon spears. Good deal. On time. Dependable, despite what some say about him. Me - Lionman - likes this Fishman. If only he wouldn't talk so much..."

Ok, AceRancheros?

- Blister - "Weak. Soft. No one has ever caught prey by telling stories! The children have to know the way of blade first! Time for way of a pen is long gone!"

It's QUITE different what I think about power of stories as player... But it's how Salomon see this and... I thought it would be interesting to have Salomon proved wrong someday... Besides I as player I don't think 4 hands and pyrocinesis will be anyhow weak in this game. But I like to see Salomon as overconfident sometimes. So... we have a little conflict between our PCs... mainly in the "views of the world" department, but I think it will be interesting.

Hope you are ok with this ClaCle?

- I think I will take Jack as buddy.
Last edited May 13, 2024 10:25 pm
May 13, 2024 10:34 pm
I like the cruise ship idea. I can go with either map:)

Cruise ship have many rooms probably... some of them, could be not investigated even to this day... :) Besides probably it is a good fit for our Amphibian friend.
May 14, 2024 9:15 am
A cruise ship would work well. I agree that the first map is easier to read. But second map fits a cruise ship better.

Pedrop: That connection works fine for me.

For my last two relationships, if no one objects:

Blister talks to much. Most of her knowledge is useless.

Kirin is disliked by Vinnie (my dog). And therefore, by me as well.
May 14, 2024 4:57 pm
Furmyr says:

Blister talks to much. Most of her knowledge is useless.

Love it :)
May 14, 2024 5:24 pm
Pedrop -- I like it.
How about something along these lines:

Kirin was returning to the Ark, passing through Salomon's hunting ground (because Kirin doesn't actually care that it supposedly is "claimed" by anyone) and ran across Salomon fighting some beast that had wandered in.

The fight wasn't going well, and Salomon was losing ground. Kirin took a shot, then another... he got the beasts's attention, and the beast from the zone charged Kirin.

Kirin's next shots were the duds Milix had sold him. Fortunately, Salomon was able to follow and finish the beast before it killed Kirin, the injury and distraction from Kirin providing the opening Salomon needed to win.

So now Kirin and Salomon have a sort of mutual respect, even if they aren't close.

(It also covers why Kirin hates Milix.)

Last edited May 14, 2024 5:25 pm
May 14, 2024 11:58 pm
- Kirk - "Salomon gives Kirk bullets, Kirks gives Salomon spears. Good deal. On time. Dependable, despite what some say about him. Me - Lionman - likes this Fishman. If only he wouldn't talk so much..."

Ok, AceRancheros?

Works for me!
May 15, 2024 12:06 am
I really like the idea of a cruise ship and I like the idea of it being more derelict as well. Maybe its beached somewhere that is rigged with dirty and finicky electricity running through it. It wouldn't produce water since its not out to sea, but I like a more survivalist vibe.

Also, I'm more in favor of map 1.
May 15, 2024 12:24 am
I just feel like if we aren't using a ship for benefits unique to the ship (i.e., water) there are plenty of other options.

A mall. A hospital. A shipping container yard (probably with a crane or heavy forklift, so containers can be used for both walls and living space). A stadium. A hotel.

I dunno, I get the survivalist thing, but what I don't get is why a community would set up shop somewhere they can't get water. That's the single most important thing for survival. I can't imagine our Elder, who is supposedly the last source of old world knowledge outside of our vault, looked at a spot with no essentials and said, "yep, here's good."
May 15, 2024 5:46 am
I agree that some basic provisions should be on any ark. Water for example. For any ark would indeed have been picked for a reason. A certain benefit. It can produce water or is nearby water. A docked ship for example woild also be easy to protect, but hard to do agriculture.

I also agree that any ark should have unique aspects we can use. I would like any ark as "there is work to do" to make things work. For a ship there might be a far future goal to make it sail again but it's not seaworthy yet.
May 15, 2024 9:14 am
It is certain that any ark will be a derelict to some extent. This is a post-apoc world, you hardly know if there are still other humans, and/or if they are regular humans or mutants. It is generally the case that the world is a wasteland, so any habitation will be a half-destroyed one, or cobbled together to make into a defensible residence.

The DEV levels I allude to refer to the constant need to make sure you have supply, whether food and water, or medicine, or other survival things.

So a cruise ship is great! We'll come up with an explanation for why it's been beached, whether in Map A or B, half of it partially submerged already, so you'd have to constantly try to keep it viable and not have it sink completely.

It is for certain water supply is the primary determinant of where an ark ought to be. Note both maps have water features, and the rulebook recommends the ark be close enough to a water body.
May 15, 2024 7:21 pm
BedzoneII says:
half of it partially submerged already
This is awesome. Like the lowerdecks are completely flooded, but might still hold secrets. (Maybe that is where Kirk gets merchandise?)

It could be so because the water level in the harbor/laker/river got low. The boat dropped a bit and the bottom of the boat hit the river floor. So it won't sink (quickly) anymore.
May 15, 2024 8:01 pm
Love to see the NEW ARC and the local zone. Is ready to explore.
May 16, 2024 12:48 pm
I'm counting 2 votes each so far, so let's do a quick poll to conclude. Not to worry about readability, I'll work an outline version. Besides at the start some parts of it will be greyed out.

Which map? Public

Map 1
Map 2
May 16, 2024 6:55 pm
I wanted to vote for map 3. ;)
May 16, 2024 7:47 pm
If we are talking about the maps, the choince for me is not so easy. The map number 2(lot of water) looks much more interesting, but I’m a little worried that unless we will be using some rules for sailing or water vessel: crossing the water will be unnecessary, but constant burden. And we will have to stop our exploration "every few steps", because "there is another body of water that we have to cross somehow". But I think there was an expansion for this system for just that - adventuring on waters? Will we be using it?

Of course I will go with whatever group will choose gladly, but asked about opinion - I just expressed it:)
May 17, 2024 8:23 am
We'll use some of it if we need to! I don't foresee this game being about tedious overcoming of repetitive obstacles though. It's a single-roll system, unless the challenge for the scene changes, then a different roll would be required.

So go ahead and vote Pedrop!
May 17, 2024 9:59 am
Done Game Master! :)
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