[Gameplay] 7. The Search for the Forgotten Pharoah

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Feb 20, 2025 7:50 pm


Stable vs dc 18 - (D20)

(1) = 1

Feb 22, 2025 9:19 pm
Tabat quickly reaches down and touches Khadi, sending a wave of healing energy through her body while standing firm against the enemy nearby.
Lay on Hands (standard action)
If there's a way for him to do so, he'll position himself between Khadi and as many enemies as possible.
Last edited February 22, 2025 9:20 pm


Lay on Hands (Khadi) - (3d6)

(256) = 13

Feb 22, 2025 9:46 pm
The cleric groans she comes back into consciousness. There's an intense pain from a coupes places, and noise.. it takes her a couple of seconds to grasp what's going on. Fight, they were fighting. She wasn't dead. She staggers up to her feet clutching at her scarab. 'Khepri. Please..' She manages to breath out.

Thankfully the short prayer is enough with her intentions and the pulsing wave of healing starts up again.


Khadi: Channel - (4d6)

(6144) = 15

Feb 22, 2025 10:03 pm
The cultists groan as healing energy washes over the party members and skips over them. However, such is their zeal for their holy mission, they only redouble their efforts.

The two in Tabat step back and cast True Strike on themselves once more. The one on Jaware rushes back to Khadi...


E vs Khadi - (1d20+11, 2d4+8)

1d20+11 : (9) + 11 = 20

2d4+8 : (44) + 8 = 16

Feb 22, 2025 10:06 pm
Jaware uses the power of his bonded bow to recall a spell and immediately casts it at the more wounded one on Jaware, and at the one attacking Khadi. The one that Iseret just hit goes down with the spell, and the one attacking Khadi takes spell damage if not from the actual arrow.
[ +- ] 2 Scorching Ray


Bow, dmg, spell,Bow, dmg, spell - (1d20+10, 1d8+3, 4d6, 1d20+10, 1d8+3, 4d6)

1d20+10 : (18) + 10 = 28

1d8+3 : (2) + 3 = 5

4d6 : (4314) = 12

1d20+10 : (1) + 10 = 11

1d8+3 : (6) + 3 = 9

4d6 : (1444) = 13

Hero point for a reroll - (1d20+10)

(6) + 10 = 16

Feb 22, 2025 10:08 pm
Leader: unconscious
Cultist A: down
Cultist B (Tabat): AC 18, HP: 11/50
Cultist C down
Cultist D down
Cultist E (Khadi): AC 18, HP: 11/50

Conditions: Bless

A: Tabat, Iseret, Khadi
B: the three cultists
C: Jaware
D: leader
Feb 22, 2025 10:37 pm
A series of expletives escape Khadi's mouth as suddenly her tormentor is back, and keen on finishing the job. 'Khepri, you and I are going to start talking some different magics' She mutters as she staggers back, trying to hide by Tabat.

She debates running.. but this one would likely chase her down. This way he stayed near the guy with the pointy stick.

'Just.. just a little more.' She releases another healing wave.
For her own blessing she's taking +2 to ac and reflex.
Last edited February 22, 2025 10:44 pm


Channel - (4d6)

(3164) = 14

Feb 22, 2025 10:47 pm
Iseret, seeing an opportunity, steps behind the cultist focused on Tabat, strikes hard, taking Khadi's blessing to add a second attack.


Iseret vs. cultist - (1d20+10+2, 1d4+5+3d6)

1d20+10+2 : (1) + 12 = 13

1d4+5+3d6 : (2) + (662) + 5 = 21

Iseret vs. cultist - (1d20+10+2, 1d4+5+3d6)

1d20+10+2 : (6) + 12 = 18

1d4+5+3d6 : (1) + (424) + 5 = 16

Feb 22, 2025 10:54 pm
With Iseret's deadly attack, there remains only the one on Khadi.
Feb 23, 2025 7:10 am
The waves of healing energy having washed over him, Tabat redoubles his efforts against the remaining enemy. He steps forward, jabbing at the cultists with his spear, twirling it and trying to stick him again, and with the swiftness imbued upon him by Khadi's magic, he jabs the tip of the spear hard into the man's sternum.
5ft step, then full attack w/ bless. Using Khadi's blessing for an extra attack.
Last edited February 23, 2025 7:33 am


Tabat Menes: Spear of the Watchful Guardian - Atk/Dam - (1d20+14, 1d8+8)

1d20+14 : (3) + 14 = 17

1d8+8 : (2) + 8 = 10

Tabat Menes: Spear of the Watchful Guardian - Atk/Dam - (1d20+9, 1d8+8)

1d20+9 : (4) + 9 = 13

1d8+8 : (2) + 8 = 10

Tabat Menes: Spear of the Watchful Guardian - Atk/Dam - (1d20+14, 1d8+8)

1d20+14 : (17) + 14 = 31

1d8+8 : (7) + 8 = 15

Feb 23, 2025 7:27 pm
The last cultist falls to the ground, their at-one-point nearly certain victory turned into a blood bath. After a few short seconds the insects of the river island begin to chirp once more.

You search the island and find a few objects at their camp, which includes several low to the ground tents and a cook fire, besides their food, water and a fair bit of wine.

Loot, magic
potions of undetectable alignment (2)
potion of heroism (5)
scrolls of dream (2)
scrolls of magic missile (10)
scrolls of magic weapon (10)
scroll of fireball
scroll of teleport
wand of disguise self (38 charges)
heavy crossbow +1 (5)
cloak of resistance +2
cloak of resistance +1 (5)
ring of protection +1
sleeves of many garments

Loot, non-magical
mwk dagger
mwk falchion (5)
studded leather (5)
100 bolts
gold funerary mask (worth 50 gp)
gilt wooden funerary mask (5, worth 25 gp ea)
silver mirror (worth 1,000 gp)
393 gp
Feb 23, 2025 8:27 pm
As the last cultist fall Khadi collapse into a sitting position. '..thank you Tabat. All of you. I.. guess I was too reliant on always being able to hide behind you all...how are all your wounds?' She's in a lots of pain, but she needs to make sure they're okay as well.

She channels another burst of energy, and then as the others start to search, she looks to her own wounds as well
Using healer's hands on herself. I believe I can take 10 on the heal check, so she heals 24 to herself. If anyone else needs more healing let me know and they can get 24 as well.


Channel - (4d6)

(3424) = 13

Feb 23, 2025 10:31 pm
Iseret lets her guard down and collapses beside Khadi. "Thanks, Khadi. I'm starting to feel better."
After Khadi's ministrations, Iseret is at 52 hp out of 54.
Feb 24, 2025 4:57 am
After that last channel, Tabat is at full health. Not bad, all things considered.
After slaying the final cultist, Tabat immediately sets to checking on Iseret and Khadi. "Are you both alright? That...I didn't like that one bit. I must admit I was frightened we lost you, Khadi. Whoever these cultists are, they are stronger than I suspected, and I worry there are more. We should search for anything that might tell us more about their organization."
Feb 25, 2025 2:16 am
Everyone can take a Hero Point for that.
After examining the island, you have accumulated some more treasure, but are no further along. Whoever these cultists were, they were likely involved in the events in The Half Dead City, or after the same things you are: the identity add location of the Forgotten Pharoah. However, now that you've decimated their operation in Tephu, you're likely able to continue your research in the libraries. Even if send reinforcements, you'll have some time before those are in a position to interfere.

You are free to proceed with your visit to Muminofrah, after a good night's rest undoubtedly.
The next day you return, avoiding the guardians and carefully navigating the leather scroll bridges. You find the last information available in the Spiral Archives.

A curator's catalog reveals that the Scrolls of Inquiry were moved to another of the Inner Sanctum's libraries, a library known as the Dark Depository. Unfortunately, your pass from Muminofrah doesn't give you access to that collection, and Deka an-Keret has been reluctant to give you any access at all.
Feb 27, 2025 9:23 am
After a well-deserved night of rest, Tabat meets the others in the common room of the inn. "Well, shall we go see Muminofrah. If we go now, we may be able to begin our research today."
Feb 27, 2025 1:00 pm
'Yes... Though do you think she'll be annoyed if we aak her for even more access? Though she wasn't aure what ither choices they had.
Mar 2, 2025 3:23 am
"Only one way to find out," he says. "We will ask."
Are there any further sections of the library blocked to us at this time that we know of?
Mar 3, 2025 1:24 am
Yes, a library collection called the [i]Dark Depository was alluded to by the last records you find. Deka An-Keret did not grant access to this collection. [/i]

Even though you were going to go there, Muminofrah summons the Destined Delvers to her barge at dawn to join her for breakfast. She has had an idea and would be pleased if her favorite and his friends would participate. When you arrive at the Palace of Gentle Reeds, you see a number of ugly local camels being harnessed to chariots. Muminofrah, who for this event is dressed in tight lemon-colored silks, welcomes you on board and serves them a light repast of bastela, a meat pie made with squab in a savory sauce baked in a sweet pastry shell with almonds, cinnamon, and sugar.

As you eat, Muminofrah tells you that she is hosting a chariot race around Tephu to amuse the local populace, and she would like you all (especially Tabat, the object of her desire) to participate. Muminofrah has convinced Deka An-Keret to call a public holiday so that the city’s residents can enjoy the spectacle, and most businesses and government offices (including the Great Library) are closed for the day. The first chariot to race around the course she has set through the city and cross the finish line will win a prize, and perhaps even a special gift, Muminofrah confides, with a leer and a wink at Tabat. As for the rules of the race, Muminofrah explains that there are no rules, and begins to laugh hysterically, her whole body shaking and wobbling with laughter. It is clear that she expects the Destined Delvers to compete, and any hint of reluctance to do so brings a petulant frown to her face.
Mar 3, 2025 7:29 am
'Chariot races. My dad used to let me sit at the front of carts bring in materials, but he always held the reins. That's the extent of my experience unfortunately.'

But winning, they could ask for access to this Dark Depository.

'Well I'm down. Just I probably shouldn't drive. '
Last edited March 3, 2025 7:01 pm
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