[Gameplay] 7. The Search for the Forgotten Pharoah

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Mar 3, 2025 9:45 am
Tabat smiles at the thought. Not so much the race itself, but ingratiating themselves further to Muminofrah, they could surely ask for the access they need. "I will drive our chariot," Tabat says, "I have some small amount of experience with such things, though I would hardly call myself an expert. Though I must ask, may I provide my own camel? I trust Andromeda far beyond any other."
Last edited March 3, 2025 9:46 am
Mar 3, 2025 6:22 pm
"I don't think that driving is for me," Iseret says, shifting from one foot to the other. "Can I just ride?"
Mar 3, 2025 6:57 pm
"Excellent!" she explains, clapping her hands. "The chariots will only fit two, but I can land you a second chariot and camel to race alongside Tabat and his Andromeda."

She shoots a few orders to get her servants who rush of to prepare another chariot.

She doesn't hear or accept any pleas for two of you to sit the race out. Who teams up? Driving will be either Handle Animal or Profession (Driver). Jaware doesn't have either but has an INT bonus of +3.
Mar 3, 2025 7:03 pm
Khadi is about to slap Tabat on the back and wish Tabat luck when the mention of a second carriage comes up. Was that really necessarily. She sighs.

[b]'I suppose all of us can give it okay.. twice the chance of winning right. Though.. when you say no rules .. how likely is Tabat going to need someone to heal his wounds in his carriage? Were they going to have to be defending themselves?
Khadi has +5 to cha if allow to roll handle animal untrained, and +3 wis for profession driver. However depending on what 'no rules' mean, she may need to focus on healing.
Mar 3, 2025 7:25 pm
"First one to cross the finish wins. Other than that, anything goes!" She cackles with glee.
Mar 4, 2025 5:25 pm
Iseret looks slightly concerned. No rules? That could be trouble, but it also gives us an advantage. "I'll ride with whomever you feel needs me the most," she says.
Mar 5, 2025 7:48 am
Tabat nods. "If it must be, let us give you a proper show." He turns to the others, "Iseret, care to ride with me? Khadi, if two of must drive these blasted things, I feel you are best suited to drive the other one. Jaware's bow can keep trouble off your back, I hope...and we'll watch out for each other as much as we can. I'd best go get Andromeda ready."
Mar 5, 2025 7:56 am
Khadi pulls a face., clearly not want to drive. She'd much rather stand on the back of Tabat's carriage, shield from whatever shenanigans the other racers might pull.

'Fine, but there may be a point you have to elave me and Jaware behind.' She sighs, before lookng to the archer. 'Shoot them before they shoot me?' She tries to joke.
Mar 6, 2025 2:26 am
"That's what I do best. Except perhaps the 'before' part. "

Your host is busy petting Tabat's arm but laughs appreciatively at the obvious comradery.

After about an hour, the course is ready, and the cards have been secured to the camels. Andromeda likely doesn't appreciate that much, but all of the camels seem down right grumpy.

The following is a fair bit of back and forth, with 13 stages to the race. For the purposes of PBP, let's condense it to groups of 3 checks, then a big finish.

Either the driver or the side person can make the check. Let's see how many successes you accumulate over the race.

1. Crowded Start
A score of brave (and some nervous) charioteers line up at the start line near the wharf where Muminofrah’s barge is moored. When everyone is ready, Muminofrah blows a kiss at her paramour and throws a thunderstone on the ground, signaling the start of the race.

You can either Jockey for Position (roll either Handle Animal or Profession(Driver) DC10), or you can Scream and Dash (Intimidate DC 15).

2. Excited Spectators
As you make your way down the street, the spectators that have gathered crowd the street, becoming obstacles for the nearly out of control chariots.

Make Way! (Intimidate DC 20) or Entertain the Crowd (Perform(any) DC 15).

3. Bridge a under Construction
While a holiday had been called that didn't mean all construction was magically finished. The course goes over a small bridge that is only partially safe to navigate, and certainly not at great speed.

Find an Alternate Route (Knowledge(Local) DC 15 or Jump the Gap (Handle Animal DC 25)
Mar 6, 2025 7:07 am
"Alright Andromeda, you know what to do. You're our secret ace in the race, I know you'll get us through!" He pats her flank and hops into the chariot with Iseret.

"You ready?" he asks her, then nods over at nearby Khadi.

Once the thunderstone strikes, Tabat shouts, "Go, Andromeda! Show them what you are made of!"
Any bonuses/benefits mechanically speaking for us having a celestial intelligent camel pulling us along? :D

I will try for the first Handle Animal check, should be an easy success for me. @WhtKnt I have a natural +5 on Intimidate and Perform, nothing for Kn: Local. What do you have for these? If better, please feel free to roll.


Tabat Menes: Handle Animal (Cha) - (1d20+9)

(10) + 9 = 19

Mar 6, 2025 7:30 am
Khadi is definitely one of the nervous ones. She's barely driven anything before. She should not have admitted to her previosu little experience.

'As ready as I will be.. but are you sure I can't have Andromeda and you get this guy?' She teases as she gets into position. If she feel off hopefully Jaware would catch her.

As the thunderstone goes of she snaps the reigns, trying to guide the camel.

Its going.. okay as they approach the crowds... well if they were being watched no reason not to put of a lottle show. Khepri we may not be the fastest but we can at least show off.' She prays, before touching the chariot making it light up.
I'm going to assume I can't guidance before the rolls.. but if I can Khadi is praying repeatedly to Khepri and giving herself +1s


Profession Driver - (D20+3)

(13) + 3 = 16

Perform - (D20+5)

(12) + 5 = 17

Mar 7, 2025 1:25 pm
Iseret holds on for dear life, guiding Tabat as they careen through the city. Though she has nothing with which to entertain the crowd, she waves to the people as they rush past.
Last edited March 7, 2025 1:27 pm


Know (local) - (1d20+11)

(19) + 11 = 30

Mar 7, 2025 8:33 pm
Tabat attempts to yell to the crowd of people before them to disperse them as Iseret finds another path for them to bypass the next obstacle.


Tabat Menes: Intimidate (Cha) - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

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